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Heart of Corruption - IC

Name: Sharon
HP: 34/34 Armor Class: 14 (18 with mithril shirt) Initiative Bonus: +6 CMD: 17
Active Effects: None Corruption: 0 Vulnerabilities: 0

Sharon's sword makes contact with the wolf man's arm, slicing skin and fur just enough to allow blood to flow. Once the wolfman falls unconscious, she pulls out her rope and begins tying it around its ankles and wrists. A shame really, I was hoping to fight a little more with this one...ah well, there will be opportunities. She glances up from her tying to check on her fellow party members, just in time to see Jen surround the dryad with three....mud beings..? She shrugs it off, she doesn't know Jen very well, but she knows her well enough that this type of thing was normal for Jen. She finishes tying up the wolfman and begins walking over to where Jen has the dryad trapped and stands next to Jen. "Nice work, Jen. Although I have to admit I do not recognize these creatures, it was a brilliant move on your part." She flashes a grateful smile in Jen's direction.
[damage = rolled a 2 on a d8]
The party was triumphant. One wolfman lay on the ground bleeding form Kres's wounds. Another now tied by Sharron and otherwise subdued. The third's tongue had lulled out at Arva's offer of a stick, his tail wagging furiously. He chased after the stick and grabbed it with his mouth, proudly bringing it back to Arva and dropping it at her feet. His ragging boner seemingly ignored by some more primal desire to fetch.

Last but certainly not least the Dryad had been subdued by the amazon. She wiggled and squirmed, only further coating her body in the mud. As the third entered her exposed snatch she made a pained moan laced with pleasure. "Y-OU have al-READY b... bested us," She panted, squirming further with the mud girls invading her. "M... my Wo-LVES have been sub... sub-DUED! What else do you WANT!" She gave Jen a pleading look.
Arva Yornheim Tag: Wolfo Mood: Thoughtful

Arva reached out, grinning and scratching the wolf behind its.. his ears.

"Hmnn.. Clearly, we're gonna need a bigger stick." She noted, wandering around, finding either a large branch, or a small tree to pull out and grin, hoisting it over her shoulders before wiggling her eyebrows to the wolf-mutant. She made a point of breaking off some living vegetation in sight of the Dryad too, just to establish dominance. "Haaaarraaaaaaaaaaaah! Drengr Style! Har har harrr!" She declared, tossing her 'stick' through the undergrowth. "Let's see if you're a good boy." She declared, whilest chugging the tree.

(19 str to pick a proper stick.
24 handle animal just because.)

HP: 42/42 Armor Class: 12 (18 with breastplate) Initiative Bonus: +2 CMD: BAB: +3
Active Effects: None Corruption: 0 Vulnerabilities: 0

"You have to apologize to Arva, explain why you attacked us, and tell us all you know about the corruption in the forest." she explained.

"Then you have to let my friend over there have her fun with your wolfs" she pointed towards Kress.

"And depending on your answers, I may have to spank you." she concluded, and waited for the Dryad's reply.
The doggo starts thumping his foot as Arva scratches his ear. Whining and trying to nuzzle her as he he does. She is able to find a decent enough tree which she can fashion into a proper 'stick' for her playmate. The Dryad take's notice of the plant destruction, but seems to be too distracted with the mudgirl now taking residence inside of her to even give proper protest to the destruction of her domain. The log is hurled though the air, landing only about 15 feet away from where Arva threw it. The wolfy runs to fetch the log. He is unable to lift it, despite trying several times. So instead he drags it by one end, letting it fall at Arva's feet. Squatting, and his tongue lulled out, he is ready for another round.

The Dryad seems to wince and struggles some more, before finally giving up. Her face drained of resistance as she started moving her hips to the rythem of the intrusive mudgirls thrusts. "My pets are yours to command for now. They will obey, but they must remain with me once you leave. I will also apologize to this, Arva, which ever of you she is. The corruption you speak of is but the glory of nature trying to call her children home. You're forms are perverse, they defy the laws which the goddess has laid out for us. My goal was to do as the goddess instructs and spread the fulfillment of nature to any uncorrupted entering my domain." She smiles warmly as she speaks about the goddess. Seemingly lost in her own thoughts already.
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HP: 42/42 Armor Class: 12 (18 with breastplate) Initiative Bonus: +2 CMD: BAB: +3
Active Effects: None Corruption: 0 Vulnerabilities: 0

"What are those laws? And where can we find that goddess?"

"Also, Arva is her."
she pointed towards Arva.

"What is your name, dryad? I will let you off this time, but you will have to swear upon your tree that you will be our ally from now on. I don't wish to kill creatures of the forest, but if you don't agree, I will have no other option!" Jen warned her!
Arva Yornheim Tag: Wolfo, Jen Mood: Thoughtful

Arva stepped up to the log again and uffed when trying to lift it again.. well she could lift it, but not throw it. Perhaps she'd overdone it a tiny bit, listening to the dryad-interrogation with half an ear. Seemed she'd have to kick a godesses ass. Well, if her name wasn't Freya, she propably wasn't a proper goddess. "Alright, fine.. if Kress really wants to have fun with my wolf.." She added, happy to go along with Jen's mischief against Kress, nudging 'her' wolf softly after giving it another pat for the stick-rescuing. The strange half-wolf-half man state of the rather sexualized creatures was a bit odd to cope with compared to well.. normal wolves anyway.

"Welp, no harm done I guess, good job on snatching Tree-tits Jen." She acknowledged.
@Jen and @Arva
"The laws are simple. Nature is all. Animals and plants must rise above mankind, they must return to their natural form. All must worship our goddess alone. The Goddess resides deep in the jungle, she will find you when she wishes. The jungle bows to her, and she will already know of your goals." She gives her explanation. She nods in Arva's direction, intending to apologize once let down of if Arva comes over to her.

"The goddess has decreed I need no name. I am a humble dryad in her service. I will not harm you or your party, I swear it. I can not swear that I will be your ally unless you swear to serve my goddess. If we serve the same goddess we will be allies. If you truly love the forest, then you will love my goddess as well."

When Arva approached the Dryad bowed her head, "I am sorry for using my magic on you. I wished only that you would welcome the goddess into your heart as well."
Arva Yornheim Tag: Dryad, primarly Mood: Pious

Arva narrowed her eyes at the Dryads offer, stepping closer. "Jen, can you release her and give her a little healing zap?" Arva requested. For a brief moment it may actually look as if she considered the offer of this mistress.. To her, it was dishonorable to punch a bound up, injured prisoner, after all.

"There is only one god and that's the Allfather!"
She growled, rolling her hand into a fist after Jen had obliged, reaching out to punch the Dryad's face.. and twisting her wrist.

"Owwww. gnuuh.. haah.. cramp! owowow!" She complained, rubbing her wrist. "The fuck's your skin made out of, wood? Oh.. oh .. I get it.. my bad.. Yes, there's many gods, Thor, Loki, Freya, Bladur, Tyr, ... serves me right.. but in principle...

The only true gods in this world are gods of honor, their lifes clad in majestic steel.
Some corrupted mother-nature nonsense deep in the jungle just has no sex-appeal."

She insisted.

(nat 1 str for 5 total!)

HP: 42/42 Armor Class: 12 (18 with breastplate) Initiative Bonus: +2 CMD: BAB: +3
Active Effects: None Corruption: 0 Vulnerabilities: 0
(Jen indeed freed the dryad when Arva told her)

"Listen here, dryad. Your goddess is just tricking you - how can she know our goals, when we don't?"

"As for worshiping only her, it is as you said. Nature is all. Even those stupid-weird kingdoms with their metal knights came from mother nature. And nature keeps them alive."

"Nature needs their worship? You insult nature with all it's spirits just for thinking that. Nature is bigger than you, and your little tree. Nature made the seed that grew to be your tree, nature will also make the lighting that will fall on it and burn it down. However nature doesn't care, or need you. Or anyone else."

"Your goddess is a fake, bad liar. Tell me where she is, so we can go an punish her. Don't try to cover her any more, for her heresy is too great, for you to shoulder!"

[Diplomacy 23, trying to have her tell us where goddess is.]
The Dryad is let go, but she doesn't try to run. She stands still, not reacting to the punch at all. Once Arva had finished her ranting. "You're gods have no place in this Jungle. It belongs to our goddess an no one else. Someday you will bow to the glorious form of our goddess, that I am sure of."

She smiles at Jen and continues, "You are from the Jungle yes, the you of all should appreciate the raw beauty of nature. The corrupted forms of humans, making them embrace there animal instincts as all is meant to be. The wonderful growth that our goddess spreads! Tell me, do you hate the natural world so much?"

"There is nothing that happens in this Jungle that escapes the goddesses knowledge. You assume that your simple mortal minds can comprehend the very ways of nature incarnate? It sounds to me as though we agree on much, our goddess is much bigger then even the jungle, this is merely her dwelling. It is as you say, my tree was grown by our goddess, she does not need me, it is true, but does that not make it all the more wonderful that she has graced me?"

"I know you will love our goddess if you just meet her. She calls the entire jungle her home, she comes and goes as she pleases. If you insist on meeting with her then travel to The Warren, they will be able to arrange a meeting with her." [Roll me Knowledge Nature]
Arva Yornheim Tag: Dryad, primarly Mood: Pious

"Wherver there's war.. my gods will see me. The only bending I'll do it to take me a skull of my enemies to fashion a new drinking-goblet from!" She declared.

"Listen, tree-tits, you first assume that humans ain't part of nature. We got a lot of nature up north.. most of it's trying to freeze you to death or eat you, so we kick it's arse.
I got that same treatment for your goddess. So she sees and hears everything huh?"

She lifted her finger in a rude gesture. "See this! We kicked your servants ass and didn't even have to try! How about you submit to a REAL deity sometimes!" She taunted a few trees.
40c78604fef06adfb668affdb2fa46d8.jpg Kress Prihoka
47/47 Armor Class: 24 (Touch: 14, FF: 21, -2 vs Improvised Weapons.)
CMD: 23 (FCMD: 20) Dirty Trick CMD: 21 (FCMD 18)
Fort: 6 Ref: 4 Will: 0 (2 vs Enchantment)
Initative: 6 (3+3) AoO: 4
Corruption: M: 0, P: 1 Vulnerabilities: 0
Active Effects: None
She stops as she sees the dryad dragged down into the mud girls and heads back, dragging the badly injured wolf with her while ignoring the twinges of arousal creeping through her. "So, are we just leaving her and her pets alone now? She'll attack any others that come by to appease this goddess of hers. I don't want to spill blood needlessly, but the next travelers may not be as lucky to fend her off."
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HP: 42/42 Armor Class: 12 (18 with breastplate) Initiative Bonus: +2 CMD: BAB: +3
Active Effects: None Corruption: 0 Vulnerabilities: 0

"You are trying to explain, but you avoid the issue. Nature doesn't need worship. It doesn't even need respect."

"If one doesn't respect her, they are digging their own graves."

"And no, it doesn't make it wonderful. It is just nature. She didn't grace you more over an other dryad, who died. Nature just exists. She existed before me, you, or your mistress, and she will exist after us too."

"Also, nature is never corrupt. And I don't need to go to place to visit nature. Nature is all around us. You are part of nature too."

"You know what, I will have to spank you, after all. Maybe that will cleanse your mind."
Jen decided.

She would then pick up the dryad, sit on a rock, have the dryad sit on her legs, and begin to spank her.

"Is nature corrupt?"

*SPANK* she would hit the dryad's bottom, not caring if her hand got hurt, and then wait for the Dryad's reply, before the next question...

"Nature needs humans to worship her?"



After educating the dryad, Jenlynn bandaged her own hand up, and turned to Kress.

"I saw how you were looking at those wolfs...you can have your fun with them, if you want."

"There shouldn't be others than us, coming here. We have to find the ringleader and educate her - the poor dryad is probably mind controlled or something. I do hope the spanking helped her, but it needs to be repeated often for it to work for sure. If we pass from here again, I will give her an other hand."

"The Warren is home of the Beastmen. They have been hiding from Amazons for ages, and we are at war. Well, not really war, we just want to pet them and take care of them, but they are hard to tame." Jen shrugged.

"It is almost impossible to find, at least without aid from a Beastman. But I could ask the plants around us to tell me where they are..."
Arva Yornheim Tag: Jen, primarly Mood: Pious

"Hold it right there.." She raised a hand.

"Listen, Jen, I respect your magic and your skill in dealing with the rabble.. but that is rediculous. You can't talk to plants.. they don't even have mouths. Silly Jen. Let me handle this."
She cleared her throat and then put her hands to her lips and went..

began chirping at the trees.

....then, she tilted her head, listening to the response...

(I cast Commune with birds to ask them where to find the beastmens gathering place.)
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Name: Sharon
HP: 34/34 Armor Class: 14 (18 with mithril shirt) Initiative Bonus: +6 CMD: 17
Active Effects: None Corruption: 0 Vulnerabilities: 0

Sharon nods. "That's a good idea, Jen. Do you happen to know a Beastman, perchance?" She looks at Kress, and her glance travels from Kress's face, down to the injured wolfman, and back up to her face. "No one will judge you if you want to have fun with the wolfman, Kress. She looks at Kress and smiles sweetly. I wish I could join you... She ignores the thoughts that run through her head about what fun Kress may have with the wolf...no, she can't get distracted from her goal. Sharon feels the thoughts make her pussy twitch with excitement. She is quickly jolted out of her thoughts when Arva began her...chirping at trees? "Arva, what are you doing?" She says exasperatedly, she had no other words she could manage to speak.
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"I almost feel bad for you, so ignorant of the jungle you call home. The goddess is nature incarnate, she is the embodiment of all nature, and you fail to see it." The Dryad smiled slipping closer to Jen. Filling the air with the strong smell of sage. "Just trust me, you will understand if you meet her. You will see her someday." She giggled taking a step back and leaning over a stone, presenting her round supple bottom for her punishment. She moaned as Jen spanked her, globes of mud trickling out her green slit. "No, Nature is perfect in it's corruption. The purity of it can not be denied!" Slap!~ She moaned again, the scent of sage only growing. "No! Civilized are filth unworthy of the goddess! All must be corrupted into there purest bestial forms!" The rest of her 'lessons' preceded similar to this. It was clear that the Dryad had no intention of backing down from her position. Her lesson done the Dryad sits on the stone. Waiting for the party to finish with her pets, but not speaking unless spoken to.

Several birds twitter in the trees near by. A fat raven, and two colorful song birds. The blue song bird chips happily, "Cheep, The goddess said we shouldn't tell travelers." the red adds, "Chrip, The goddess is master of these woods, none may~" The fat raven pecks both on the head, "SQUAK! It's always goddess, this, goddess that! Never ending! SQUAK! The beastmen gather nearer to the heart of the Jungle. They use a magic to keep unwelcome guests away." It pecks the two birds one more time before flapping it's wings, struggling to take flight.
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Arva Yornheim Tag: All Mood: Birdy

Arva nodded, to the birdly chirping, hushing Sharon with a finger, before answering:
"Hmnn.. The Beastmen gather at about near the jungles centre.. I think we shouldn't go there unprepared though.. they use some form of filthy trickery-magic and that's the one deity of true I can not get along with.. meaning whilest I can break through it, I'm not that good at it.. hrmnn..

Perhaps we should check out the ruin first, after Kress indulged her wolf-lovings."
She noted, with just a hint of jealousy... she also glanced over to the dryad, seeming annoyed at the dismissive preaching...
"I feel like I should punch her, anyone mind if I punch her?" She requested, brushing back her long, blonde hair behind her wolf-furcloak.
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HP: 42/42 Armor Class: 12 (18 with breastplate) Initiative Bonus: +2 CMD: BAB: +3
Active Effects: None Corruption: 0 Vulnerabilities: 0

"You can speak with animals too, Mistress? Great!" Jen cheered.

"I think I should be able to take us to the center of the forest..."

"I should ask the trees about that trickery...but better when we close to the area of the beastmen. The plants are less moving than the animals, after all..."

"Mistress, don't punch her...it seems she doesn't feel pain. Come, I will lead you to the center of the forest...I will remain hidden, Chirp will show you where to go!"

[When we go: Jen hides as she moves ~30ft ahead of the party, moving half speed with stealth (since the others move half speed in the forest we should be going at the same speed).
Survival: 27
Stealth: 33
Perception: 15]
40c78604fef06adfb668affdb2fa46d8.jpg Kress Prihoka
47/47 Armor Class: 24 (Touch: 14, FF: 21, -2 vs Improvised Weapons.)
CMD: 23 (FCMD: 20) Dirty Trick CMD: 21 (FCMD 18)
Fort: 6 Ref: 4 Will: 0 (2 vs Enchantment)
Initative: OoC (+3) AoO: 4
Corruption: M: 0, P: 1 Vulnerabilities: 0
Active Effects: None
The half-elf just stares at the other three women in the party, dumbfounded. "Are... Are you all serious? NO! I will not 'have my way' with the wolfman. I just brought him over here so the plant-woman or somebody could heal it or whatever before it bled out all over the forest. Seriously, what in the world is wrong with all of you?" She sighs, watching the others do their thing with talking to birds or communing with nature or whatever... At least it was valuable information and helped to point them in the right direction. However, she didn't like the idea of heading into beastman central in this jungle if normal wolves turned into... Those...
Well, at least she wasn't going to be eaten... Raped, certainly, but not eaten... She wasn't sure if it was all that much of an improvement, to be honest...
She says nothing about Jen's punishment of the dryad, although she finds it strange that the dryad certainly seems to be getting off on it... She certainly didn't enjoy her own "punishment"...
Wordlessly, Kress follows along with the rest as they set off into the jungle, taking a detour at the first opportunity so she could clean the wolf cum off of her face and chest before quietly trying to catch up with the group.

(Stealth, in case it'd be useful: 9+1=10)
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