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Hey guys, it's the year 1999.

Re: Hey guys, it's the year 1999.

I miss recess =( Now all we have is lunch and a 6 minute 'Break Time' for snacks and stuff... which is of course not enough time to do anything at all -_-

Look at the bright sides of middle school, we get to sleep in until 9 PM and we get to walk to different classes instead of having to stay in one all day, plus we can walk to lunch instead of going there in line. We also get gym all year!
Re: Hey guys, it's the year 1999.

Chex Quest, yay! :cool:
Re: Hey guys, it's the year 1999.

I miss recess =( Now all we have is lunch and a 6 minute 'Break Time' for snacks and stuff... which is of course not enough time to do anything at all -_-

Aww, we get an hour one day a week to hang out and play.
Re: Hey guys, it's the year 1999.

I just have the worst luck with teachers... about the only one I like this year is my Science teacher. My English teacher is the worst; she thinks she's Jamaican just because she's black and can talk with a Jamaican accent... she couldn't even locate it on the map when telling us where it was...

Well, okay, my Latin class isn't TOO bad either... Those Greek/Roman gods are pretty messed up :p
Re: Hey guys, it's the year 1999.

You poor kids, having to go back to school. Course, I have to go to work *slumps* but at least the hours are flexible enough that they don't cut into my gaming schedule. Time to start looking for something a little more beneficial, though, than "paper or plastic."
Re: Hey guys, it's the year 1999.

Wow, old Copper is ooooold.

I'm spending a lot of time with my cousin too, oh! And i have my first boyfriend! We bonded over pokemon cards <3
Re: Hey guys, it's the year 1999.

My god, I remember that pokemon craze starting. Personally, I and my fellow gamers were a little more concerned with the release of the Mercadian Masques set from Magic, going to tourneys and buying boxes of the things to make sets and look for those damn foil rares.
Re: Hey guys, it's the year 1999.

I'm still to busy with AIT right now to even think of gaming, hell I don't even know who's winning in baseball right now. I think I'll just blame Canada.