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Hive Number One

Re: Hive Number One

"We'll hook you up with some asprin when we're back to the forums. Right now, though, I think the emergency supplies consist of liquor and cigarettes." She flashes fang as she grins again. "Ah, someone in the know. Course, usually nosy people get eaten, but I'll make an exception since I'm not exactly hiding anything. City-fied Gang-grel, if you must know, with a little too much Brujah and Lasombra rubbed off on me. I got the gifts, the attitude, and the sneak. Fair trade from my boys back in the day."
Re: Hive Number One

"Not entirely 'in the know'," Shrike replies just as casually, as everyone heads down a winding path. "I've been, propositioned twice, first time was a bru-hah, he was less than civil. Fast too, but a brawler, not a fighter. The second one was better, said he was an offshot of some poncy clan, called themselves Wareadors, and that fighting was an art form. Its true enough, but he fell into a trace watching me fight. Any good opponent would have an instant advantage over them, just because they were well trained. So I sent him away, and no-one else has bothered me since, so I guess they leave me alone now."
Re: Hive Number One

Grave followed Siphon, listening to the conversation between girls. He had encountered a few vampires before - he constantly sought battles to increase his power, and people like him draw attention to themselves. Thanks to that, Grave knew enough about vampires to consider them dangerous. The warrior sighed, then continued to walk, muttering quietly. "Goddamn bloodsuckers... They don't know how to stay down, if you ask me."
Re: Hive Number One

Siphon shot him a look that said, "careful lest you find yourself at the wrong end of one."

He then looked at him and added softly, "technically I could be considered one myself you know, I DO eat electrical energy and life forces for food."

At Shrike mentioning her headache he frowns, not liking the idea of having someone on their squad distracted by that. He fell back some, allowing his free hand to brush against her forehead just for a moment, attempting to draw some of the distraction from the headache into himself. If it worked, she'd feel as if the headache abated some, more manageable but not totally gone, he hadn't been connected long enough for that. If it didn't, well he'd have a couple questions to answer.

"Ah yes, I think I shall Copper. Though all bets are off if we come across a human working for them, then it's whoever gets to them first. Fair enough?"
Re: Hive Number One

Grave shrugged Siphon's remark off. Upon noticing that his new teammates were a bit occupied with themselves, he wandered into one of the side corridors. After a short while (filled with distant sounds of something getting maimed), he was back, dragging some trash. He dumped it into something that looked like a ventilation shaft and smiled.
Re: Hive Number One

Shrike's hand snaps up and grab Siphon's just after contact, and for a split second, another consciousness enters his head, withdrawing almost immediately. She let's go of his hand just as fast, and she looks almost ashamed as she turns to him. "Sorry, I'm not often surprised, it was reflex." She says. "Won't work either, the synapses are physically tired, I think that's what caused me to end up here."
Re: Hive Number One

There is a sound that could be a grunt of acknowledgement from him, though it's more an intake hiss than anything. "I see. Don't worry about it, I was in the wrong first, I should have mentioned to you what I was going to try to begin with. It's a shame really that it's tired synapses, otherwise I could at the least knock the edge off of the headache."

A bit to her surprise, he added privately to her through her thoughts, I'm curious too, I've never encountered another being who can communicate like this. Is it a permanent thing, or only at times for you?
Re: Hive Number One

Permanent, though I don't have much ability in it Shrike thinks back. I can usually only pick up surface thoughts, and even then only when they aren't actively trying to block me. Actual communication like this is a first for me. Her blade flickers once or twice during the exchange, she doesn't seem to notice.
Re: Hive Number One

Ah, I see. I rarely use this since no one else can, but it's useful to have in an emergency.

He turned to Grave, who had just returned. "Alright, next level down then we should come across the main core. Once there I'll see what I can gather out of it before we blow it sky high."
Re: Hive Number One

"Well, I'm not interested in any Childer. Besides, I'm a greedly little bitch that doesn't like to share," she replies with a bit of a grin. "And goddamn breathers," she says at Grave's remark, "need to not mutter under their breath." She tugs on her ear. She watches quietly as Siphon tries to help Shrike, growling a little as she watches the other woman's hand comes up, but relaxing enough to know reflex when she sees it. As Grave returns, she inclines her head, noting the kill. "Just do that about fifty-gazillion more times and you'll put the rest of us out of work."

Following Siphon, she glances around. "Y'know, I don't know if it's more of you being creepy, but don't you think there'd be more, I dunno, guards on the way to the rich, creamy center? I can't help but think we're going to be walking into a whole mess of hurt."
Re: Hive Number One

"And that's where the fun begins." Grave smiled as he approached the rest of the group. "I wouldn't mind a little brawl. Besides, I believe that we'll be the ones that'll be doing the hurting." He glanced at Copper with a nasty smile. "On the other hand, I might be mistaken..."
Re: Hive Number One

"I've noticed that. Either it's less guarded than we thought, or they've piled most of their defenses around the center. Your right though, this is too easy right now."

He pauses to think of something then continues. "We shouldn't be that awful far from the core itself now, should only be a few dozen more meters that way. Yet still, no security."

He points in the right direction, a mixture of worry and amusement on his face.
Re: Hive Number One

Grave sighed. "They might have automatic defence systems. You should consider this idea." He looked in the direction Siphon was pointing. "Still, I believe that those systems would be active by now, unless you managed to completely avoid their sensors." Grave shrugged and began to walk. "I'd suggest we send the toughest tank first, with a good marksman behind him. That should help clear the way in case we encounter a nasty suprise."
Re: Hive Number One

He nodded slightly. "Tank status is likely a tossup between Copper and myself then, since neither of us is human and can regenerate."

He turns to her and adds with a smile, "draw straws or what here?"
Re: Hive Number One

Copper snaps her teeth at Grave. "You wanna test the bite, boy, go ahead." She smirks. "If the defenses are automatic, maybe Tsuki took them out when she hacked in," she suggests with a shrug. "And if you want, I can go. I make up in speed what you do in strength, especially if I go in on four legs instead of two. Could bypass it all together, but that won't help you lot." She waves a hand. "So, unless you want to pull rank..."
Re: Hive Number One

He shakes his head. "No your right, your more maneuverable than I am, and it frees me up to blow their heads off if they DO get a lucky bead on you. This is of course assuming we come across anything to begin with. Whenever your ready then, just be careful."
Re: Hive Number One

"Just remember, don't watch me, watch the walls. And floors. And ceiling panels..." She winks and takes off, her speed no greater than normal, actually, but the fact that she's running the hall instead of scouting it says wonders for her confidence in taking whatever they decide to throw at her.

"That's what we're looking for," comes from further down the hall. "Camera, up, eleven o'clock." She waves to it before it's blasted from the distance by Siphon. "And helloooo company!"

The sound of many footfalls pounding into the corridor ahead muffle any comment she was going to make, and anything after is cut off by the sound of gunfire and ricochetting bullets. "Go join the party!"

A body is hurled in the direction of the others, the bot sprawling on the floor, quickly striving to recover its weapon as another gets flung back as well. Those two are fair game for close range and anyone firing into melee, well, she is a tank, not to mention the fact that she's bobbing and weaving amid a cluster of the android style bots, the sound of shrieking metal and things thudding to the floor a good clue that she's keeping them busy at the moment.
Re: Hive Number One

Siphon took out the camera that Copper had pointed out, then grinned when he saw the crowd of bots. This was more like it!

Any that even might have had a remote chance of hitting her were sniped rather quickly, either by his own weapons or by the others. A couple bots decided to get a little too close from his side, and he barely even spared them a look. When they were close enough, he simply reached out with an open handed palm strike to the chest, and sent them flying back towards Copper's direction, making them bowl over their comrades in the process. "Air mail coming through!"

No sooner had the warning come through to her than the two bots he had struck went flying past her, becoming tangled up with their allies and taking down a group to the floor. After that, they became easy pickings for sniper rounds. She might have had time to see the second of the two strikes that sent bots flying, likely not the first though. He had an amused look on his face as he added, "hmm, they don't weigh much do they?"
Re: Hive Number One

Grave moved to the side to avoid getting in Siphon's way, then quickly began to run towards the group of bots. One of the enemies saw him and left the group, trying to engage in close combat. Before it could strike, Grave slashed at the bot's waist. The katana cut through the metal, cleaving the bot in half. Before the body hit the floor, Grave was already close to the group, moving down every bot that decided to attack him.
Re: Hive Number One

Shrike sticks to the edge of the fray, taking it easy and taking out the groups of two or three that notice her. She takes what looks like a classic fencing stance, dodging and a few times even deflecting shots from the incoming bots. Once they close to melee range she deftly takes them apart, taking off an arm, leg, or head with every strike. A group of a dozen comes after her, and three get picked off by someone else as her shimmering blade shortens a foot, and a matching one appears in her other hand. She runs full tilt into the group, jumping at the last second and taking two out as she lands in the middle of them. The last seven fall amid showers of sparks in only a couple seconds as her blades work off each side, spinning and twisting for the grooves in their outer shells. She stands as the second blade disappears and continues walking the perimeter.
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