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Hive Number One



Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Hive Number One

Burrito, from his crouching position next to Tsuki, hears footsteps coming from the opposite direction of Siphon's group "oh crap" he says, his P90 at his shoulder as he looks down the sights, a smile on his face as he fires at the bots that come around a corner, his rounds ripping into their flesh or what appeared to be their flesh "Come on, come on, who wants to die next!" he yells, charging into the fray, his P90 attached to his belt as he charges and draws his blade, making very fluid-like motions as he dances through the crowd of bots, every bot he strikes falling over lifeless as his blade touches them, moving deeper and deeper into the hive "I've got enemies to handle from here. Someone go back and protect Tsuki. I have a hunch that needs following" he says over the radio, moving even deeper into the hive


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Hive Number One

Shrike hears the transmission from one of the others, and calls over. "Tell them I'm on it, could use a breather." She disengages from the fight and jogs away back the way they came. Once there she sits down and (not wanting to bother Tsuki, who seems quite busy) enters a meditative trance, stretching her awareness to a comfortable radius to search for enemies. finding none for the time being, she relaxes somewhat, but stays vigilant.


Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Hive Number One

Tap tap tap tap. Tsuki works away on the terminal, practically oblivious to what was happening around her. Even once Burrito had seemingly vanished, she only paused momentarily wondering what had happened, having completely missed the combat. She shrugged and got back to work. Tap tap tap.

((GM peeps will need to decide when/what she comes across [something]. I'm bad with making decisions with this kind of stuff))


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hive Number One

"Dammit, man, I'm throwing them out to clean up this mess!" Copper snarls at Siphon, though it's all in good natured humor. Once he, Shrike, and Grave have wandered into to the fray, the bots begin to fall rather quickly. She seems completely unphased by the oily blood that is now currently sprayed on the walls and soaking the bottom of her jeans and boots. Taking the momentary pause to clean off the two blades she'd been using, she nods to Shrike. "Take care of our girl, then," and saluting her with a knife before she goes. Grave might catch a brow arch at the cleaved bots, followed by a slight appreciative nod.

Tongue playing against the tip of a fang, she surveys the damage. "That can't be all they decided to guard the core with. Not that I'm complaining, but I think that was a record-time ass-kicking, even for us. And you," she turns on Siphon, "when did you start with the kung-fu?"


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Hive Number One

As Tsuki browsed the database, something showed up. The very genetic data of the Bots.


As Burrito runs through the building, a Bot jumps on him and begins to tear away at his right shoulder, ripping through the armor and his skin as the cyborg smiles, the bot stopping upon hitting something metal "Tough shit, Bot." he says, pushing the bot off and standing as the bot growls and leaps up to a standing position "You fail. This body of mine can't be destroyed so easily." he says, grabbing the remains of his sleeve and yanking it off, his skin along with it, his entire right arm made of servos and gears, cold steel and alloy "You've sealed your own doom with the revealing of this arm." he says, charging at the bot and grabbing it by the head, lifting it up and laughing as he crushes the being's head in his right hand "Don't ever dare to take me on in close quarters." he says, dropping the corpse of the bot then cracking his neck and running deeper into the hive


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hive Number One

He chuckles slightly, knowing she didn't really mind the flying bots. "Agreed, most likely this was a diversion of some kind. Let's just hope they didn't decide to move the bloody thing, if that is even possible."

He stops at her question of kung fu, it taking a moment to register what she means by it. "Um... I didn't? I just.... hit them, they go flying. No idea how I do it they just... fly."

To prove his point, he does it again to one, although with no bodies to run into, the bot goes sailing into a jut of the wall, impaling itself. "Oh, that HAD to hurt. Well... it would have if you could feel it."

He shrugs then mutter, "hmm, I wonder what a full backhand would do then?"


Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Hive Number One

Tsuki stops, staring at the screen. She connected up to the terminal, attempting to copy the data to her own harddrives. She looked around as she did so, noticing Shrike.

"Well, it appears as though I've found what makes the bots tick," Tsuki sends over the radio. "Genetic blueprints and all."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hive Number One

There is a brief pause before Siphon replies, "excellent, that should come in handy in the near future. We're closing in on the core room now also. See if you can get copies of that, if not then we can try to pull their drives. I'm pretty sure I can help reverse engineer a reader for it if need be, but it'd be a pain."


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Hive Number One

"Genetic blueprints huh? Guess that means we've been fighting adborgs this whole time, doesn't it?" Shrike replies with a smile. "So are we done here, or are you going deeper?"


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hive Number One

((Okay, long, but my turn to show off :p))

"Something tells me that you're going to play around and find out." She grins as he mutters. "Probably muscle memory if you don't realize you're doing it." She continues on, keeping an eye out for more nasty surprises along the way. "Now we just need to hurry and get set up while giving Tsuki enough time to get the information we need."

She's talking behind her as she goes, not really heeding the fact that the distance to the core room is shrinking. What does cause her head to snap back around, though, are heavy footsteps that are coming from the opposite direction. Standing in the doorway is a large, bald man wearing nothing but a pair of cammo pants and boots.

"Well, lookee here. Another big bad bot come to try and scare us away. Heh." She flips one of her knives in her hand and raises it up. "And what are you gonna do, Sparky? Scowl us to death?" She keeps advancing on it, though the bot remains perfectly still for the time being.

As soon as she's within ten feet, though, it speaks, its voice sounding pre-recorded. "You have entered a restricted zone without proper authorization. Prepare to be terminated."

"Oh sh--Everybody down!" There's a mechanical thump and the bots chest splits open the same time a small rail gun extends from it and it opens fire. It's a good testament to the vampire's supernatural fortitude that some of the shells are actually bouncing off of her, though there are a lot of them and for every few that fall uselessly to the floor, more seem to be cutting into her. On the plus side, the bot is aiming up, so anyone 'duck and cover' will likely be missed by the higher bullets that either make it past her or go through. The bot keeps shooting until she finally collapses to her knees, blades falling from limp fingers as she sags into the wall. As the bot advances, one of her hands slides up for support, pushing her upright once more. She holds her other hand up after bringing it to her chest.

"Been a long time since I've seen my own blood." She actually coughs as she speaks. "Mistake. BIG mistake." Throwing her head back, she lets out a howl that seems to echo of its own power. Before the bot can take another step, Copper simply isn't there any more. There's a blur of black and the bot is suddenly being dragged backwards as though something were grabbing hold of its neck. It raises up and is suddenly slamned to the ground on its back. There's the sound of rending metal and the muzzle of the chest gun is bent backward. The bot then attempts to throw a punch and its fist collides with a hand that stops it dead. "Try again." The arm is then twisted upside down with enough force to snap it at the elbow. It does manage to swing up with its other hand, though the punch it lands on the side of her head doesn't even phase her. "Game over, you son of a bitch." Taking out another one of her blades, she pins the bot's free hand into the ground with it, following it up with a twisting snap of its neck and then a punch to the cranium, sending blood, chips, and wires everywhere. That done, she slips away from it, slumping in a sitting position beside it. Looking back to the others, they can see the red glow fading from her eyes before she looks down again, almost seeming as though she's trying to catch her breath.

"Fuck, I'm hungry."

((And, his use of guns aside, I figured on a slight visual aid in the 'taking the shots' part. Closest thing I could come up with.))


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hive Number One

Siphon doesn't say much during the battle, having made sure the others had gotten down first. He had taken a couple of shots to the chest, barely flinching even though he HAD to be in pain from it. The wounds took several moments, but they did in fact seal up much like before. After she had finished with her kill, he walked over by the body and tilted his head slightly. Before she could ask him what he was doing, he bent down and with a screech of metal, tore it's head off it's prone form. "I don't care what the hell you were, you can't possibly grow a new head."

He turned to Copper now, extending the head out to her and simply asked, "trophy?"

His eyes also sought her own out as if to add wordlessly, "if you need to, you know what to do." It likely would be clear what the look meant. What might be a bit more startling for her, was she heard those words as if he had spoken, yet he had clearly not spoken them out loud.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hive Number One

Copper looks up as Siphon approaches, wincing a little as he wrenches off the bot's head. As soon as he says "Trophy?" though, she actually makes grabby hands toward it. "I like trophies."

The two of them are definitely sharing a look, but whatever it is, for the time being, goes unanswered. She pushes herself to her feet, stumbling a little. Her shirt is wrecked and there are holes in her leather as well. "Forget the kung-fu," she mutters. "When did you go Jedi on us?"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hive Number One

"I thought you might like one."

He chuckles for a long moment, the sound almost grating to one's nerves and ears because of the raspy tone to it before he replies. "If that means what I THINK it does, I've always had that particular ability, I just usually don't use it. I only started again now because of Shrike."

Privately he adds to her, sorry for startling you there. Look though, you know what to do if you have to, don't worry about me.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hive Number One

Copper does wince at the sound of his laugh, though she seems to relax some afterward. "Something to thank her for then." Yeah, I know, but I'm fine for right now. Let's just not waste more time and I should be good. Unless one of you starts bleeding a lot.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hive Number One

Fair enough then. I'll try to keep the little piggies unstuck, if you know what I mean.

Seems not all of his humor is exactly funny, though to him it probably is.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Hive Number One

Grave was smart enough to duck when the railgun appeared. He was suprised by Copper's sudden transformation. Damn, I haven't seen a vampire like that before... Maybe it's a good idea not to anger her. Grave stood up and dusted himself off. "Are you sure that you can fight? I suspect that there are more guys like him around, especially near the core." He approached Copper and Siphon. "Got any idea how to deal with a group of those guys?"


Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Hive Number One

"Right... going deeper," Tsuki said, distracted once again. She was again working away at the computer, trying to work her way deeper into the system. She looked for anything important, especially core data.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Hive Number One

Shooting can be heard over the radio, as well as screams of pain and death "This is Burrito. I've found something interesting" can be heard as the shooting stops "I found something very nice. I have a nice prisoner." he says, a bot held in his right arm unconscious as he begins to walk back the way he came "Tsuki, did you find anything interesting? I'm about sick of this fighting. They die too quickly." he says, a smile on his face as he steps over a dead bot body and continues his talking "Soon as you plant the charges, I'll contact the chopper to come get us."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hive Number One

Siphon shakes his head. "Let us hope we do not have to, though if we do, I suppose I should try tanking them. Least I can feed off of them, whereas Copper probably shouldn't try oil."

He hits open his radio to Burrito and adds, "Tsuki said she thought she'd found genetic materials on the bots, and we ran into what I'll describe as the Terminator or the bots just now. It's dead though, and we're a few moments outside the core room itself. Interestingly, that was the first resistance we'd had to it along with about eighty bots or so."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hive Number One

"Oil and vampires don't mix," she mutters, pushing herself to her feet. It takes her a second to catch her balance, but after that, she seems fine. Reaching into her jacket, she pulls out a flask which has, of course, several holes in it. "Dammit," she mutters, stuffing it back into place. "Yeah, I can still fight, I just can't do that again for a while." She bends down and picks up the head as well as jerking her knife out of the floor. "Let's get this done. Black valkyrie needs food badly." She cuffs Siphon on the shoulder. "And damn right you're tanking the next one. I've gotten the last two encounters." She's well enough to be joking around, so that's a good sign.