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Home Defense (Guan Yu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

After her climax with Maya, Phyrra gently lowered the girl down so that she was kneeling, still resting her head on Tomoe and slipped her futanari cock free of her. Rubbing the girl's hair gently, Phyrra looked up at Tomoe, the demoness's formerly yellow eyes now the same vibrant green as Maya's. Phyrra put a finger to her lips and slow stood up and moved to sit next to Tomoe.

"How are you feeling?" She asked in a whispered tone to keep from waking Maya. "It was your first time to be pleasured by another, you're not... regretting it I hope?" She gently brushed her fingers along the miko's arm. Unlike both Tomoe and Maya, Phyrra seemed full of energy and her member was still erect, though she seemed to have forgotten about it as she gazed at Tomoe.
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

As her arm was brushed, Tomoe could hear Phyrra her about her feelings. "Oh, not at all. There's a time and place for everything. While I didn't think my first time would be in a place like this, there is no regret in my mind..." she replied, still holding onto Maya's head to prevent her from slipping down to the ground. It had been a truly strange first time, but the miko knew it had been her destiny, one way or the other.
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Tomoe HP = 48, PP = 32, EP = 51, Status = Fine
Maya HP = 54, PP = 47, EP = 87, Status = Pregnant
Phyrra HP = 46, PP = 68, EP = 50, Status = Fine

(Maya should gain a mutation and just reset corruption to 0.)

Phyrras energy having been restored by draining Maya, she felt much better, and knew that she could dismiss her conjured member on a whim if she so desired. The burning fire in her loins having been apparently sated thanks to Mayas efforts, Tomoes lust quickly faded as the minutes ticked by, though if she so desired, the miko felt certain that she could reawaken it with little effort, and possibly a bit of help from Phyrra. The two of them would have to wait an hour for Maya to awaken, however, so how they passed the time was up to them. The massive underground chamber they were in was featureless save for what they already knew about, and a collapsed tunnel that might have, at one point, sloped downwards.

When she awoke, Maya felt strange, and as she peeled herself off of the table, sticky with dried sweat and cum, she looked down to find her stomach no longer quite as flat as it had once been. Her clothes were right where they'd been left, having been discarded during the illusion. It seemed unlikely to all three members of the group that the women and creatures they sought were down here, unless there was some hidden passage they weren't seeing, and that only left the stairs leading back up as an option. The trap they had avoided might still be in place, but so long as they were careful, they could probably go back upstairs quietly, and without further incident.
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

After a while spent on holding up Maya against her stomach, Tomoe inched her way out from under the catgirl, somehow managing to not wake her. She lifted the girl on her arms and set her down on the table, it was at least better than the stone floor.

Once she had lowered Maya to her little resting spot, the young miko started gathering her clothes. She'd get everything back on properly, taking time wrapping up her chest inside the bandages once more and fastening her robe tightly inside the hakama to get it to cover her form once more. As her body was covered inside the robe once more, Tomoe would sit down to think about the event that just transpired. Unless Phyrra decided to strike up a conversation, the miko would wait in silence for Maya to return back to the awake world.

Once everyone in the crew was up and set to go, she'd suggest following the stairs back up. They'd need to avoid the trap along the way, but there still was a way up from the room they had previously been at.

(Since the opportunity to use exp came up, I'll use all my 12 points to up Tomoe's Body score to 50)
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Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Groaning a soft sleepy groan, Maya begins to stir. Slowly stretching and turning onto her side, she opens her eyes and suddenly looks lost and a little startled. Lifting herself a bit she quickly glances round the strange room, having briefly forgotten where she was. Laying eyes upon Tomoe and Phyrra however she calms down and remembers, as the startled expression leaves her face. "... oh, Tomoe, Phyrra." She says blinking after a short silence, smiling at her companions, but rather uncertain of what to say in a situation like this. Still getting her bearings to a degree, she then notices one of the reasons she felt strange. "Ahh! Eggs! Or babies!? Or, or... uh..." adopting the flustered expression once more, holding her lightly rounded stomach as she shifts to sit on the edge of the table. She looks to Phyrra for a second, then down, then back with a 'surely not...' look on her face. Reaching down bellow her belly and lifting it back to see the a little green cum of the tentacle on her fingers, gave a another possibility. She didn't know quite what to think about either thought. "Oh jeez. I got carried away again..." She says sheepishly and blushing a bit. "And in a creepy place like this too. Yeah, lets go back up stairs. I'm, ready to move now." Sliding off the table, she collects and slips on her dress again, though putting her panties into her pack for now. Continuing to step over beside and follow the others, holding her stomach and giving it the occasional pensive glance. As she dwells on her unexpected children, she also ponders and tries to identify a separate and even deeper feeling of strangeness inside.

"That was incredible, by the way..." she says quietly as they walk.

((Spending 8 points on Demonologist Tallent.))
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Phyrra stayed quiet as well, dismissing her conjured member and redressing herself as she waited for the catgirl to wake. She would occasionally give Maya an affectionate touch, appearing very concerned for her.

Once she'd woken, Phyrra stood as well. "I'd like to continue the search for the villagers. Unless there's a secret passage here, going up seems like our last course of action."

As they walked, Phyrra would step over to Maya. "I don't know what kind of creature you're carrying, but when it comes time to deliver, I know a few spells to ease the ordeal, if you'd like. They're not demonic, so they won't taint you, but it's your choice." Phyrra had sometimes been called in by some of the more trusting villagers to serve as a type of midwife when childbirth was near and, though Maya's unborn child would undoubtedly be monstrous, she believed that all creatures deserved a chance at life. She herself was proof that a 'monster' could overcome their instincts.

((Okay, a bit of a news post from me: I'm going through a rather rough time emotionally right now. A lot of things are changing and I need some time to take a step back and take a good look at things in my life. I don't know how long this period will last for or how I'll be able to post during it. I've given Tass permission to NPC Phyrra if you two want to continue without me until I get things back to normal. I feel bad doing this, as I basically orchestrated our group, but sometimes real life is a bitch. Sorry about all of this.
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Tomoe HP = 60, PP = 38, EP = 57, Status = Fine
Maya HP = 54, PP = 47, EP = 87, Status = Pregnant
Phyrra HP = 46, PP = 68, EP = 50, Status = Fine

All three women were ready, and so, they headed back through the passage that had brought them down here, avoiding the trap once more, and headed back up the iron stairs. When they reached the top, the chandelier they had caused to light up was dark once more, and the rest of the room was much the same as before, save for one minor detail. As they reached the top of the stairs, they immediately spotted one of the creatures that they had fought in Argent Vale. The reptilian creature turned toward them as they reached the top of the stairs, Tomoe in the front, and a very clear expression of confusion appeared on its inhuman face as it stared at her. The moment lasted only for a couple of seconds before it glanced at the stairs next to them, the ones leading up, and then spun around and started running toward the door leading outside in a lope. It was only about thirty feet away from them as it started running, and easily another thirty at the very least from the door, but it was quite quick, and if they didn't do something, the monster would likely get away.
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Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

"Yeah, I supose that'd be nice." Maya says in reply to Phyrra's offered aid. "I'm ok for now. Let's go find those villagers." Coming to the top of that section of the stairs, her ears twitch and she blinks at the sight of the reptilian creature just as it apears startled at them. When it turns to run her brief surprise turns to a frown and she steps to the side to get a clear view of it. "Hey! Where do you think your going!?" She shouts out to it, quickly reaching out her hand as if to grab an invisible object, before suddenly yanking her hand back, a subtle telekinetic glow surounding her hand in her signiture green colour. The fleeing creature would find itself pulled back by an invisible force, Maya aiming to harshly fling it back halfway toward Tomoe.

(Spending 8 EP on telekinesis at X=5)
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Tomoe was somewhat puzzled by Phyrra's declaration. "Didn't we come here to get those villagers back? Of course we'll keep looking, I'm not one to give an oath and just forget about it after some random, if a little weird occurrence. Such a thing is not enough to break my resolve." the miko gave reassurances about her mind still being on the task before them. With her blade firmly gripped in her hands once more, she leads the fellow party members up the steps and back into the room upstairs, the place where they had entered this tower in the first place.

Maybe a bit surprisingly for both parties involved, the trio find one of the lizards waiting upstairs, thought it looks like it was not expecting them to be there. As the creature turned and fled towards the door, Tomoe sprung into action. She moved towards it as fast as possible, keeping her blade ready if the opportunity to slash at it came up. As per their previous battles, the young miko angled her approach so that she was not in the way in the likely event that her partners released their more offensive powers at it. Despite her emotions towards these thing burning quite bright, she let calmness guide her blade in the early goings of the battle. The thing would likely escape and join up with it's buddies if they didn't get it before it got to the door.

(Move towards the hunter and attack it if there is a opportunity.)
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Tomoe HP = 60, PP = 38, EP = 57, Status = Fine
Maya HP = 54, PP = 47, EP = 79/87, Status = Pregnant
Phyrra HP = 46, PP = 68, EP = 48/50, Status = Fine

Attack (Maya) : Hit.
Damage: 1 + 2 = 3 * 5 = 15 - 8 = 7 damage.

Attack (Tomoe) : Hit.
Damage: 9 + 1 + 35 - 8 = 37 damage.

Casting: Success.
Attack (Vines) : Hit.
The enemy has been grappled.

Grapple: Enemy wins.
The enemy has escaped the grapple.

Mayas telekinetic force grabbed the hunter and pulled the reptilian monstrosity right off of its feet, and threw it several feet back toward the group. The landing didn't seem to hurt it too much, as it jumped right back to its feet, but by the time it had, Tomoe was already practically on top of, her sword coming down with pinpoint precision as her discipline held perfectly in the face of her foe. Blood slid along her sword as it tore through the monsters flesh, but the beast didn't fall from the blow, instead recoiling away rather than letting it take off one of its arms. The second it dodged away, Phyrras incantation completed, and vines suddenly tore through the stone floor, wrapping around their enemies legs. The reptile snarled, and flexed its claws in two quick motions, shredding the vines holding it before it faced Tomoe squarely. It was injured, outnumbered, and far from any avenue of escape, but the monster refused to back down, its long arms out wide, its claws at the ready and a reptilian grin of long white teeth on its face.
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Seeing that she had been right with the release of powers, Tomoe raised her blade as the lizard-thing was suddenly jerked towards her by a psychic pull used by one of the two females behind her. With her gaze set on the reptile, it was hard to sa for sure who it had been. Kuchinawa descended upon the unbalanced creature, tearing an unfortunately non-lethal gash diagonally across the hunter's body. It pulled back from the impossibly sharp blade, briefly getting tangled by another spell but quickly tearing away the magically-controlled vines.

With that, Tomoe stood face-to-face with the lizardman, who had apparently given up on escaping despite the bleeding tear across it's chest. It assumed a fighting stance, holding out it's scaly, muscular arms and cracking a sharp-toothed smile at the miko. Tomoe replied with a stance of her own, flipping her sword to the side and holding it upwards with both hands. She faced down the creature in her own stance, preparing for an attack as they locked gazes. Her next attacks were likely to down the critter but it might get a shot at her still if there was weakness in her guard.

(Cut, slash, strike, murder, kill, tear apart, maim, hit the thing with a sharp object)
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Tomoe HP = 60, PP = 38, EP = 57, Status = Fine
Maya HP = 54, PP = 47, EP = 79/87, Status = Pregnant, Grappled
Phyrra HP = 46, PP = 68, EP = 48/50, Status = Fine, Grappled

(Moving along, as Squid may take a bit due to lack of internet, Maikos going to be spotty for a bit, and he can't win anyway.)

Attack (Tomoe) : Hit.
Damage: 3 + 1 + 35 - 8 = 31 damage. Death.

Gain 2 experience, whole party.

Perception: Tomoe wins.
Attack: Automatic Hit.
Attack: Automatic Hit.
Attack: Miss.
Phyrra and Maya have been grappled.

Tomoes and her reptilian foe squared off for a second, neither Phyrra nor Maya risking the use of any of their power lest they hit the miko in the process. The reptilian monsters grinned widened as she took up her high guard, and the creature braced itself with its arms out wide, the telltale sign of an oncoming charge. Her defense proved true, however, as her sword descended just as the thing lunged at her, its inhuman speed no match for her training, discipline and perfect timing. The curved sword cut it the monster in half diagonally, the blade turning inward slightly as it met the resistance of flesh and bone at the things left shoulder, and eventually coming out through its right side. It fell in two pieces, both twitching slightly in their death throes before before they lay still in a quickly spreading pool of black blood. Her face and kimono had received a small spray of the stuff, but Tomoe was sure that it would wash off. Eventually.

Phyrra stepped forward and stared down at the dead creature expressionlessly, and then said; "Hopefully he was the only one on this floor. We should head up the stairs, the sooner we get those women free of these beings, the better."

(Unless anyone wants to do anything else while they're down here, I'm just gonna go upstairs. Feel free to put any quick actions, like searching or skinning, in your next post. Loot is first come first serve. )

The iron staircase was stained with blood that looked like it was decades old, dried and left to rot in the dark, dank place, but somehow remaining a mark that might never fade. The whole way up, all three women smelled a salty, coppery smell, unpleasant and unsettling, mixed with the foul stench of decay. Tomoe was once more in front, followed by Maya and then Phyrra who took up the rear of the party. The stairs let out into another chamber, similar to the one below but slightly narrower to account for the towers tapering. It looked like nothing else but a laboratory of some sort, dust covering devices of all types. Machines on unknown purpose, glass vials and beakers, tables and shelves covered in pestals and bottles and other assorted containers; all were present in abundance. There was a single small window on one side of the room, which was the only source of light save for a soft green glow that filtered into the room from up another set of winding iron steps. These had no blood upon them, and looked to be without even a hint of rust despite how long this tower seemed to have been abandoned.

Suddenly, a machine thrummed to life on the far wall, a low whir that gradually rose to a nearly deafening volume. Three more such machines started along the lab, one at a time, until a high, mechanical scream chorused through the room. Lights suddenly flickered on, not the familiar flickering of firelight, or the steady glow of magical lights, but a strange golden line lit up atop the ceiling. As the three extraordinary women examined their darkened surroundings, Maya and Phyrra stood almost obliviously, but Tomoe suddenly heard a very soft click from a few steps behind her. Not like a mechanical device going off, but more like the sound of a claw softly scraping against the stone floor of the tower. Whirling suddenly, Tomoe could see an indistinct blur moving directly toward her, and very narrowly avoided a hunter that tried to tackle her as she jumped out of its way. It hit the floor face first instead, skidding a few feet away along the smooth stone, but the long-armed monster quickly got back to its feet, its camouflage fading as it turned back towards her, ricktus grin spreading wide to show off its numerous sharp teeth. Phyrra emitted a muffled gasp, and a quick glance revealed at least two more hunters, one holding both her and Maya. She didn't have time to see more before claws came sailing through the air, directly at her face and forcing Tomoe to back away.
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)


When Tomoe's blade cut the hunter down Maya had expected nothing less, though the actuall grizzly extent of the severing slice was just a little more than she expected. She took a morbid moment to study the dark coloured inards of the creature as they slowly rolled out onto the floor, followed by regarding the sleek katana, watching it glint. It had to be the sharpest thing she'd ever seen. More than even her mothers two knives. The ones she wasn't allowed to touch. Nodding at Phyrra's words she doesn't waste any time in following up the stairs.

(Current floor)

Distracted by the strange machinery and lights, the first sign of the Hunters ambusher Maya notices is the hand closing round her mouth. Crying a quieted startled outburst into the hand, she continues to quickly thrash and strugle against her attacker, shunting the arm out for a moment and getting an indignant shout out. Grappled like this now, the lizard like creature she'd so easily turned to ash earlier in the day suddenly seemed a lot bigger. They were rather strong weren't they? Putting up as much of a fight as she could however, the hunter would find it's light weight prey harder to hold on to than her frame would suggest. In addition to energetic struggling it would find a strange subtle repulsion where ever it held her as well as being pummeled with minor telekinetic strikes where ever it held her. "Get - the hell - off of me!"

(Attempt to activate Psychic Shield at X=6 )
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

The face-off lasted for a few seconds, with neither girl behind her attempting an attack in case they happened to hit the miko. The two combatants move forward to strike eventually, having measured each other for weak spots. With the hunter's claw sailing towards her, Tomoe saw an opening and stepped to the side, evading the claw and bringing her blade to bear on the opposition. A diagonal slash to the shoulder severed the creature's upper body from the lower, the bone structure offering some resistance but ultimately losing to Kuchinawa's sharp edge as it cleaved right through. A minor splatter sprayed on her, but Tomoe didn't make any moves to wipe at the blood on her robe, only the ones on the side of her face. Taking a quick look over the dead creature, she was not sure if there was anything on it, but she did a quick investigation anyways. Once the search was through, the group headed upwards.

With blade in hand, Tomoe leads the group into a new room filled with strange contraptions, the likes of which she hadn't seen before in her life. The society she lived in didn't have these kinds of inventions, being a more traditional lot when it came to technology. Among the investigations of her surroundings, the miko's keen ears caught a sudden alarming click of something going on the floor. Before the assailer could surprise attack her, Tomoe turned to face it, doing another evasion maneuver to dodge the tackle towards her direction. The attacker was not clear at first, but it revealed to be another one of those lizards as it got up from the cold stone floor, having been hiding among the machinery with some kind of camouflage. Two of it's companions had actually snuck up on Phyrra and Maya, holding the two other girls grappled while Tomoe was by herself against this solitary one."Oh my..." the young miko thought about the situation, evading another swipe at her to keep her farther back. Still, the situation did not scare her, and the shapely easterner hefted up her blade to begin another combat.

(Attack the lizard facing Tomoe. With all her might!)
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Tomoe HP = 60, PP = 38, EP = 57, Status = Grappled
Maya HP = 54, PP = 47, EP = 71/87, Status = Pregnant, Grappled, Submission Hold, Psychic Shield 6
Phyrra HP = 46, PP = 68, EP = 42/50, Status = Fine, Grappled, +44 Body

Attack (Tomoe) : Hit.
Damage: 9 + 5 + 36 - 8 = 42 damage.

Maya activates Psychic Shield for X = 6.
Grapple: Maya loses, and has been put into a submission hold.

Casting (Phyrra) : Success.
Phyrra has gained a total of +11 * 4 = +44 Body through Natures Might.
Grapple: Phyrra wins.

Attack: Hit.
Tomoe has been grappled.

Tomoes blade swung through the air cleanly, and she delivered a slash across the monsters midsection that almost gutted it. The monster managed to reverse its momentum at the last second, taking only a severe wound instead of a lethal one, and it surged forward again before she could realign her deadly blade. It tackled Tomoe to the stone floor, knocking the wind out of the busty miko, as its claws started tearing at her robes.

Unfortunately, even with the added power of her minds might, which swirled around her and pummeled against the hunters dense hide where its hands clenched around her mouth and belly, Maya couldn't resist the monsters grasp. It lifted her off the floor, its arm around her belly releasing her and moving up to grope her bust through her clothing, leaving her dangling only from the one hand that now encircled her neck from behind. It was hardly comfortable for her, and the tiny girls struggles didn't seem to be impeding the abominations advances in the slightest.

Phyrra, meanwhile, uttered a chant through the things hand, and the demoness suddenly reversed the grapple, untold might surging through her body. She was the one doing the holding now, as one of her arms wrapped around the things back, while her other slid along its crotch. Her eyes were cold and dark, dark red, and she didn't smile even slightly as she teased the creature until its member slithered out of a protective sleeve, rapidly hardening under the demons practiced touch. Her motions were not intimate or personal, as they had been earlier, when the three women had all been together, but the confused reptilian monster seemed as confused as they were by the womans sudden strange tactics. It wasn't exactly willing, but it wasn't particularly resistant either.
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

With another swing of her finely crafted blade, the young miko tore into the lizardman facing her, the feeling of cutting their scaly hides in two already coming familiar to the swordwoman within these encounters. Still, the creature managed to avoid getting completely gutted by darting backwards quickly to reduce the depth of the wound. Tomoe too could see it happening and attempted to return her strike as fast as possible. Despite her training and formidable speed, she couldn't match perfectly everytime with the supernatural creature as it retaliated immidiately, lunging at her and using it's weight to tackle the much lighter woman to the ground.

Quickly realizing the situation after getting plowed down, Tomoe was not happy with the actions of the lizardman on top of her, as she had an idea what it was aiming for with the attempts to tear her white robe. "No... Filthy beast..." she cursed, considering the possibility that Maya and Phyrra were facing similar situations. Despite the perverted attempt to reach the pristine, buxom form concealed under the robes, Tomoe was not fazed by the situation, her calm staying on still as she realized there still was a chance to attack. While she would have a hard time swing Kuchinawa, a stab was still a perfectly plausible option from this position. With that in mind, she attempted to drive the fine blade through the creature in an effort to get it off her.

(Attack still despite being grappled?)
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Maya chokes out a guttural sound as she is hoisted easily off the ground, legs stretching for the floor before kicking and climbing the creatures legs, trying to find something to stand on. 'It's not enough! Need to be stronger...' she frets in her mind, getting increasingly unhappy about being overpowered so. She strains to up the ante of her psychic struggling, but the more determination she puts in the more her frantic efforts weaken the focus and control she allows over her power, ultimately making no improvement to her defence. Clinging onto the arm round her neck with one hand, and ineffectually punching at her captors face with the other, she fails to arive at any better conclusion on escaping the situation. "H-hey! That's not..." she protests half in growl half whimper, flailing her legs a bit more for good measure.

(Maintain power, continue tasty struggling.)
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

Tomoe HP = 60, PP = 38, EP = 57, Status = Fine
Maya HP = 54, PP = 47, EP = 65/87, Status = Pregnant, Grappled, Psychic Shield 6
Phyrra HP = 46, PP = 58/68, EP = 50, Status = Fine, Grappled, +44 Body

Grapple (Maya) : Maya wins.
Maya has been released from her submission hold.

Grapple (Tomoe) : Tomoe wins.
Damage: 8 + 3 + 36 - 8 = 39 damage. Killed.

Grapple (Phyrra) : Phyrra wins.
Pleasure: 1 + 3 + 24 - 22 = 6 pleasure.
Phyrra drains 3/2 + 8 + 6 = 16 EP.
Phyrra takes 10 pleasure herself.

Tomoe easily lifted the creature on top of her up using her powerful legs, and that little bit of space, and that short instant, was all that the miko required to drive her blade into the things chest. Kuchinawa drove into the things body, right where its heart should be, and with only a single shudder, the monster died atop her. She had little trouble in sliding the corpse off of both herself, and her blade, and getting her feet back under her.

Mayas flailing caused the being holding her to laugh, her flailing arm too short to even reach its face as it held her light frame at arms length. It laughed at her for a moment, the sound low and grating and highly unpleasant, particularly as she felt its entire body shake with the sound. Its tongue lolled out of its mouth, rows of wide, sharp teeth exposed as it brought her in closer for what might likely have been called a kiss, while its other hand went for her clothes, likely to tear them off of her body. That gave her the perfect opportunity to bash it right on the nose, and the psionically enhanced blow caused the thing to yelp in pain as its mouth was slammed shut, black blood spilling from its bitten tongue. She hadn't severed the thing, but it dropped her momentarily. Before she could run, however, the thing grabbed her again, this time by the shoulders.

Phyrra meanwhile, was utterly in control of the monster that had grabbed her. Her skilled fingers worked over its member, and it barely resisted her efforts as she stroked the vile thing. She was blushing slightly at the act she was performing, but as yet she wasn't suffering any ill effects, either upon her concentration or on her hold. In fact, her spirit was already fully restored by the energy she was draining from it, even though it wasn't yet even close to orgasming.
Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

"GET... OFF ME!" the struggling miko cried out, using her powerful feet to throw the attacker back and more importantly, those claws off from her robe. That was all the window she needed for a lethal strike, and the brilliant blade pierced through the creature's chest, where she assumed it's heart would be. Unfortunately, the dead critter slumped on top of her, no doubt painting more of Tomoe's form with it's blood. Working herself away from under the hunter's bleeding carcass, she yanked Kuchinawa off before taking a quick look at the situation. "Oh my...." she thought upon seeing Phyrra handle the situation in a terribly scandalous way. Judging the demoness to be more secure in her situation, the shapely miko sprinted forward to help Maya in her groping issue. Somehow, she'd find an angle from which to bring her sword to bear upon the lizardman grappling with the catgirl.

(Move towards the Maya/hunter pile and kill that reptilian son of a bitch!)
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Re: Tomoe, Maya and Phyrra (KakkaHousu, UnknownSquid and maikochan)

"Hah! Cat got your tongue!?" Maya laughs back at her foe, quickly moving to try and get away from the likely angered reptile but not making more than a step before she was yanked back by her shoulders. "-Erk!"

Still, she had more freedom than a moment ago, and wasn't going to waste the chance to attack now. Grabbing each arm at the elbow she shouts out defiantly at the beast as she draws in her energy, then surging it violently out from her gripping palms aims to burn it's arms off where she holds them. Noting how Tomoe was speeding over towards her, even if this failed to kill the creature, it should serve as an excellent distraction.

(Maintain Shield, Energy Blast X=6)