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Hounds Of The Blade (old)

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Re: Hounds Of The Blade

apparently the author changed jobs and the new workplace is far away, requiring a lot more travelling time, so doesn't have as much time to progress on the game

i wished at times he would post a screenshot or a gif image of the new updates to give us sneaks of the new update and keep us excited about it coming, like the one with a girl char using gun
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Google-fu makes it sound like the updates are going to be even more few and far between. Oh well...not really surprising. I guess it'll come out when, and if, it does.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

yet another update on the blog, except this time googlefu only gives a bunch of gibberish so if someone could translate/summarize that would be appreciated.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

yet another update on the blog, except this time googlefu only gives a bunch of gibberish so if someone could translate/summarize that would be appreciated.

He's saying he's getting comments that the game doesn't work on Windows 8, so he's asking for more evidences supporting this to see if others on W8 are also experiencing the same issue.

The last line is saying this could turn out to be a big turning point in his game making (what that means is left for us to ponder).
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

He's saying he's getting comments that the game doesn't work on Windows 8, so he's asking for more evidences supporting this to see if others on W8 are also experiencing the same issue.

The last line is saying this could turn out to be a big turning point in his game making (what that means is left for us to ponder).

ah crap, thanks for the clarification. yet another reason to postpone upgrading to win8, gotta hope he posts again once he finds out for sure if it works on win8 or not, hopefully the turning point isnt dropping the project if it didnt work on win8. :(
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

an update to the windows 8 issue on the blog, once again translation pretty much needed.

from the bad google translation, i understood that win8 wouldnt like the folder structure and that it would require folder renaming for the game to work buut yeah, clarification pretty please :p


Re: Hounds Of The Blade

nothing to do with folder structure, author is suspecting that it's not the game itself that doesn't work (GM-Game Maker), but rather the tool used to playback sound and music that doesn't work (bGM-background playback tool for GM)

he's going to come up with some counter-measures to test this theory, so he's asking W8 players to help him test it afterward
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

bah, thanks again. google has lately gone from decently understandable to terribad when it comes to translating japanese. :(
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

bah, thanks again. google has lately gone from decently understandable to terribad when it comes to translating japanese. :(

Yea...google-fu is very bad but it's easy to understand why when the syntax is so different from English and also so many of the words have so very many different meanings. Hence why one of the most used forms of comedy in anime is word puns.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

im getting a 503 service unavailable error for the dl page now....any1 else?
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

503 means its overloaded if i remember right.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Hmm, even with coffee I can't make out what Google translate is saying about his new update. Something about new animation loop in side story.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

You need to be quite stoned to "understand" Google translate, but anyway the author said he bought a new costume from RuntimeDNA, and made a new character:

Lisa Nelson Tougo, a ranked officer and daughter of the Nelson and Tougo family, on a mission from special forces and landed on the planet.

She might appear in the main story, or she might not. However a short side story is made with loop animation and can be downloaded. It contains "G-sex", I am not up to date on the very latest Japanese hentai slangs, but I am going to assume it means "Guro-sex".
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Just checked the demo. Small animation loop with some text. Seems to be sex with alien and some egg laying.

Still wondering how he managed to make that 130MB big...
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Just checked the demo. Small animation loop with some text. Seems to be sex with alien and some egg laying.

Still wondering how he managed to make that 130MB big...

Which demo are you talking about? It still has not changed on his blog!
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Which demo are you talking about? It still has not changed on his blog!

sure scroll a bit down then u see a picture and that is the new post.
dont look at the first post...thats an old one^^
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

OK, when I leave the page in japanese I see it. This google language translation was messing up everything and confusing me - Thanks :D
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Does anyone have all of the translated files in one neat package? It would help a lot to be able to get all of the translated stuff in one easy download.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

So, he released a short animation... 136mb. lol
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

So, he released a short animation... 136mb. lol

Yeah, it isn't really worth the download in my opinion. His last loop was a lot better. You don't see any of the monster other than the face when it speaks and a very tiny bit of the penis and the new model isn't all that great looking. It might be worth a download, watch and then delete...but only just a might.
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