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In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

It's just further indication that the government is all 'hurr internet bad, internet sexing up our children'. Sure, there has been stuff done to get push-up bra's, bikini's and other 'adult' clothing taken out of shops that has been aimed for children but for the most part all you really ever hear about is how the internet is bad for kids. I can see their point with paedophiles using social networking sites to target children but that is not mentioned. All it really says is stuff about child pornography, which existed before the internet and unless you hound down and slaughter any and all paedophiles and people who produce child pornography you'll not get rid of it, so what the government want to do is pretty much pointless.
Re: In today's news...

I see your european internet news and I bring you Amerikan internet news (kinda):

Re: In today's news...

'Twas feeling my thoughts on this would get poked at. ^^'

Agreed, you said it better. I can agree on the intent, but as said, it sounds like the same rhetoric as before given that past attempts to this or similar things haven't really done much.

Tangent about computer games; To sort-of quote Extra-Credits, who is on the ball, about how movies and books 'already got through that stage, it's up to the Developers who use violence/sex in a game, to stop acting like kids in it's implementation.'

Edit; Sighh.
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Re: In today's news...

Wow, that's a bit shit. Though that said I'm charged 50p a day (if I use the internet on my phone) though I can access Facebook, Youtube, basically anything I want without any limit of how long I can spend on there for the day. Though I haven't worked out how to take the 18+ restriction off it yet. I may have to go to a phone shop to get them to do it for me.
Re: In today's news...

How will that conversation go?
"Good afternoon, my good chap. What can I do for you?"
"I... Uhh... I need you to take the 18+ block off my phone."
"Whatever for?"
"I need to get tentacles violating women in their fannies."
Re: In today's news...

I want to say they probably wouldn't ask why, but I just know that I wouldn't ask. Seeing as how it's none of my business.
That's just me, though.
Re: In today's news...

I would hope that the telcom companies would be intelligent enough to make it an option to opt in online, otherwise they would be swamped with calls. (Assuming that this ever actually happens.)
Re: In today's news...

Note in the article how: "It follows the success of an operation by most British internet service providers (ISPs) to prevent people inadvertently viewing child porn websites. Ministers want companies to use similar technology to shut out adult pornography..."

First they took the child-porn, and I agreed to it. Then they took the rest of porn, and I was indifferent. Then they took away my right to a voice, and there were no-one that could protest.

Somehow, "told you so" comes to mind.
Re: In today's news...

"Censorship is telling a grown man he can't have a steak because a baby can't chew it"

I really, really hate people who go "SUMBODY THINK OF THE CHILDRUNS!" for their arguments, they can go jump off a cliff if they want to improve the world.
Re: In today's news...

I feel like we JUST had this conversation.
Re: In today's news...

I KNOW we just had that quote.
Re: In today's news...

As in, I said a response to that quote, and dark's response to me is at the top of this page?
Re: In today's news...

We did? I didn't pay attention. If we did, then my bad, I knew I got it from somewhere, but I wasn't sure where. That should teach me not to post before waking up properly. It's a good quote regardless.

Edit: Just for clarity, I've also participated in a discussion just like it on 3 other forums, so that explains me being a bit stupid about it. Ah well, I'll just not post before actually being awake next time.
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Re: In today's news...

Well now. Mmm. Reparations are tasty.
Re: In today's news...

This.... This is beyond ridiculous. Words fail me to express my feelings on this subject...
Re: In today's news...

This.... This is beyond ridiculous. Words fail me to express my feelings on this subject...

Unfortunately, I can't say 'huh, well that's unexpected', given that it's TEXAS the article is talking about.

That shit is stupid. Kids getting ticketed by police in Elementary School as young as six. Where are the teachers? Are they so powerless to enforce discipline there that this is what it's come to? And if that IS the case, why are they powerless? If it's because of the parents, WHAT IN THE FLYING FUCK ARE THE PARENTS DOING; if it's because of some legal reason, WHAT KIND OF STUPID BAT-SHIT FUCKTARDED DUMBASS MADE IT THAT DIFFICULT FOR TEACHERS TO BE ABLE TO DO ANYTHING? The police should NOT be having to get involved.
Re: In today's news...

Not that I really give a shit, but I'm a fucking Pisces now?
Re: In today's news...

Well that's interesting.

I already knew about this "thirteenth" starsign because of playing FFXII and doing some reasearch into their 13th zodiac; yeah, turns out it's legit. It should have always been this way, but because 13 is considered an unlucky number, they borked the system.

But interesting, this makes me a Leo.
Get in the car!
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Re: In today's news...

rofl rofl rofl. Still a Virgo. Sept. 17th ahahaha.

Better link, it apparently only applies to people born in 2009 or later XD
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