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In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

A lot of you have probably seen this, but....
Protesters at UC davis university getting pepper sprayed whilst not being a threat.

Re: In today's news...

So... after watching CW-PIX news and laughing so much after watching and then reading this article. I started to wonder... Why the hell would you get a tattoo from your boyfriend after you cheated on him?!!!!

Well at least she doesn't have to worry about looking like shit...

Re: In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

I feel very out of touch. I had no idea Christopher Hitchens was diagnosed with cancer. I didn't find this out until just this morning, when I saw remembering him, that had reported he died yesterday.
Re: In today's news...

Has anyone been up on the SOPA hearings? You know, the thing that could change everything on the internet ever.
Re: In today's news...

First result in Google.
Re: In today's news...

First result in Google.


Crap. At least a hearing with people who actually know a damn thing about the internet might help.
Re: In today's news...


Crap. At least a hearing with people who actually know a damn thing about the internet might help.

It would, if the point was putting out a piece of well reasoned legislation. Look at the numbers on the votes in that committee, and you'll see a trend: They were always near 20-8. There are some nineteen-odd representatives on that committee who are just falling in lockstep with the chairman, and the chairman's apparently been bought and paid for. At this point, it's a twisted competition of hopes: that either the bill is amended to be ineffective and passed in that state, or that it passes through unmolested, as the original text of the bill is somewhat unsupportable.
Re: In today's news...

It would, if the point was putting out a piece of well reasoned legislation. Look at the numbers on the votes in that committee, and you'll see a trend: They were always near 20-8. There are some nineteen-odd representatives on that committee who are just falling in lockstep with the chairman, and the chairman's apparently been bought and paid for. At this point, it's a twisted competition of hopes: that either the bill is amended to be ineffective and passed in that state, or that it passes through unmolested, as the original text of the bill is somewhat unsupportable.

Yeah, I'm not feeling too hot about this.
Re: In today's news...

Congress is comprised mostly of out of touch old people, who wouldn't know a mouse from a monitor. Perhaps I'm exaggerating, but you get my point.

What they DO understand, however, is votes. Sure, I do believe that it is our job to inform them that this bill is a serious problem that shouldn't see the light of day ever again, but letting them know that their ruling on this bill will decide our votes couldn't hurt.
Re: In today's news...

What's that? I'm going to be going into the corona of the sun where it gets to be 2,000,000 degrees Fahrenheit/1,100,000 degrees Celsius?

Re: In today's news...

One of my state representatives isn't in the pocket of the entertainment industry. There's hope.
Re: In today's news...

I just read up a little about SOPA. Someone correct me if I am wrong, but from what it seems like if SOPA passes, advertising companies as well as online 3rd party transactions (Paypal) can be subject to felony? Online video stream can also have the potential of being banned and shit? Is that what it is getting at?

That will pretty much kill a large portion of the internet freedom if it passes...
Re: In today's news...

I hope to christ it doesn't pass. The internet is one of the best damned things in the world, they need to keep their damned hands off of it and fix everything else wrong with this country first, in my opinion.
Re: In today's news...

I'm worried now. Christmas just came early, but this doesn't really bode well for the people if there's going to be problems. Maybe his son will be a little more open-minded? It's been said he studied abroad.
Re: In today's news...

I have no words adequate enough to describe how I feel about this.

Stunned is too mild. Shocked is too timid. Dumbfounded isn't strong enough.

I'm hoping, REALLY hoping I'm reading into this all wrong, but as far as I can tell, this officially throws the Bill of Rights out the window.
Re: In today's news...

asdfghjkl;' I know what i said on facebook, but BLURG
Re: In today's news...

Took them long enough to make it official.

While you might not think it, the US government has been doing what it wants whenever it wants (when someone with $$$ tells it to) for a long time. The only change will be that they don't have to be quiet about it any more. While the 'War on Terror' has been the most recent justification of such, this has been going on forever.

And realistically, all you have to do is openly disagree with what they're doing and they can lock you up and throw away the key, or worse.

Truth be told, I don't blame the politicians, the wealthy or the influential. I do blame the mindless masses. Eat the shit you're fed long enough and your masters will find something worse to feed you. But the fault doesn't solely lie with them, unfortunately our society has been doomed to fail for quite some time. Simply put, humans aren't ready for the technology we have. Some 53 years ago the intergrated circuit (Micro-chip) was invented and hurtled our technological advancement forward at an unprecedented rate. In those 53 years our technology has advanced faster than it had in the past what? 200? 300 years?

How does this tie together you ask? You won't be asking when they stop bothering to pretend you actually have any privacy, by using the GPS tracking that comes standard with your car or cell-phone to track you, or monitor what you're saying, and just implant a chip on your forehead. And fuck, why not have a kill-switch for it to save them the effort of sending their cronies to track you down and 'detain' you.

I could go on forever, but I imagine you don't really want to hear this so I'm done.
Re: In today's news...

Regardless if we want SOPA to pass or not, we will find out tomorrow.

Safe. For now.

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