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In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

No, it's absoloutly true. Celebraties also belong to this special caste, where you get to do pretty much anything you want with no goddamned consequenses.
Re: In today's news...

as an American i can say that we have a lot of incredibly stupid people. that said our stupid people are also our loudest people.
Re: In today's news...

But here are some rather awesome and smart Americans <3
Re: In today's news...

I won't deny that some of my countrymen are incredibly stupid. Some of the things said are incredibly stupid. With that said, while I'm not myself very religious, I'd like to paraphrase Jesus...

"Let he/she who has never said anything incredibly stupid throw the first stone."

As for me, I didn't realize that I was pronouncing "verbatim" incorrectly (and badly so) until the ripe age of 23. And I've said more embarrassing things before, which I won't go into now. Suffice it to say that sometimes I get caught stating the extremely obvious, especially when fatigued.

I'm not making any attempt to defend the statements made over the past few days concerning rape and babies. It was a dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumbdumbdumbdumb thing to say, and the people trying to defend his statement need to STOP.

What I AM saying is that when you spend decades in the public eye it's hard to not slip up and say something retarded on occasion. When you say something intelligent it doesn't sell papers... only the truly moronic things you say will garner this level of attention.

And I'll also point out that the moment this guy put his foot in his mouth on camera, he suddenly discovered exactly how many friends he really had. Very, very few... probably including his family.

tl;dr? People are judgmental, and the instant the public judges you, you will lose your political friends.
Re: In today's news...

I won't deny that some of my countrymen are incredibly stupid. Some of the things said are incredibly stupid. With that said, while I'm not myself very religious, I'd like to paraphrase Jesus...

"Let he/she who has never said anything incredibly stupid throw the first stone."

As for me, I didn't realize that I was pronouncing "verbatim" incorrectly (and badly so) until the ripe age of 23. And I've said more embarrassing things before, which I won't go into now. Suffice it to say that sometimes I get caught stating the extremely obvious, especially when fatigued.

I'm not making any attempt to defend the statements made over the past few days concerning rape and babies. It was a dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumbdumbdumbdumb thing to say, and the people trying to defend his statement need to STOP.

What I AM saying is that when you spend decades in the public eye it's hard to not slip up and say something retarded on occasion. When you say something intelligent it doesn't sell papers... only the truly moronic things you say will garner this level of attention.

And I'll also point out that the moment this guy put his foot in his mouth on camera, he suddenly discovered exactly how many friends he really had. Very, very few... probably including his family.

tl;dr? People are judgmental, and the instant the public judges you, you will lose your political friends.

I don't think anyone's denying that there are smart people in the US, or that smart people sometimes do stupid things. But these people aren't even really admitting that what they said is stupid.
Re: In today's news...

I don't think anyone's denying that there are smart people in the US, or that smart people sometimes do stupid things. But these people aren't even really admitting that what they said is stupid.

I'm not exactly a fan, nor do I support either political party, but he fucked up and admitted to it, as far as I can tell.
Re: In today's news...

Assuming he's not just saying that because it's politically expedient...

I don't think casually blurting out that a woman's body can just decide not to be pregnant if it was raped is an "embarrassing moment." More like an epiphany about the kinds of things truly going on in that guy's head. He's not exactly a spry young thing still learning the ways of the world.

I sure as hell wouldn't take my chances if I was a Missouri voter.
Re: In today's news...

One of my problems with that "apology" is the fact that I draw very clear distinctions between opinion and fact. What he showed was an incredible display of ignorance and contrived knowledge. Sure he apologises, but when this is how he treats facts, that makes you wonder what would happen if he got into office. This wasn't a moment of "Oh, I'm sorry I offended you." This was a moment of "Oh shit, they called my bluff, now row!"

That being said, I personally find most of the public to be willfully ignorant, which is why people like him often get away with things, even things like this.
Re: In today's news...

The USADA stripped Lance Armstrong of his titles and issued a lifetime ban on his ever entering the sport again.

He's been hounded for years and he finally just told the USADA to fuck off and leave him alone. He's always passed his drug tests, but they kept insisting he was doping. So instead of fighting it all the way to the end, he told them to shove it and that he was tired of it all.

So, something Sad: Neil Armstrong passed Away today, August 25th

And something awesome:
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Re: In today's news...

Yeah, I'm scared for the coming election...
Re: In today's news...

Wow, it never even occured to me that society could percieve rape in any other way than I did, and it seems I am horrifically mistaken.
Re: In today's news...

Bad news.
Re: In today's news...

*rubs face with hands* I fucking fear for the future of my country. Maybe it's not too late to mail myself to Abu Dhabi.
Re: In today's news...

Wow... Just wow...

To me it's a mystery that there is currently a close call race between Obama and Romney. Granted Obama is, as my father reminds people "Still a politician." But while he is perhaps not the ideal leader for the US, it surprises me that such a large portion of Americans seem to consider him as en equal evil to Romney.
To quote certain others, let's see how much opinion I can have before putting on that flame suit...

Re: In today's news...

I like how they've failed at making it seem acceptable to burn religious texts by comparing it to urinating on the body of someone who just tried to kill you.
Re: In today's news...

What the fuck? I seriously want to like... sit down and cry or something. This is getting absolutely fucking ridiculous.
Re: In today's news...

What the fuck? I seriously want to like... sit down and cry or something. This is getting absolutely fucking ridiculous.

I've been ranting about that one for about a month now, I think. Did you read the one about how Romney's VP said that rape is just another form of conception yet? Toxic posted it above.
Re: In today's news...

I did... and really, between all these stories getting posted, it's just fucking scary.
Re: In today's news...

I'd comment that I don't want to live on this planet anymore, but it seems that NASA's budget is going the same way as the education system. But as we are seeing the fruits of the labor of the latter...
Re: In today's news...

I'm waiting for the law to say conception begins when the egg is produced. Sure technicaly this means that everyone is as old as their mother now but hey, at least it'll teach all those pesky heathens.