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RPG RPG Maker [Indivi] Lust Doll

Re: Lust Doll

So I found the hidden room in military base, and infected the laboratory with the parasite, but how do I get rid of it, i cant find anything anywere to even access these rooms, also it seems you missed a description in tha lab of that the door is blocked by meat or something, well what do I do now?
also is there a way of transforming from Futa to Female?

Think I answered you on tumbler, but no Futa to Female yet.

Thank you, but well It didnt seem like Mistyra cares about pussy, I tried, actually i think the whole game has a preference to dicks, although as hermaphrodite and most of the time futa (im speaking about pixies, cuz they still fondle balls as futa and fawn who kind of has a preference for the D) you wouldnt be dissapointed.

You kidding dude? If I had my way, game would be nothing but dicks everywhere. Dick buildings, dick NPCs, your character would be a giant dick sexing up other dicks while wearing little miniature dicks for clothing.

Ok i have some general contributions to the game:
Rename Mystic to Focus, when you on max lust you dont lose mystic you loose focus not magcal power, it sounds weird, also maybe integrate that some stats contribute to others, intellegence (also by training it) should also boost senses or "mystic" same that fight should minorly boost nimble or tolerance, since its only logical for them to have a use on each other.
Intelligence could help with fighting, since knowledge is power, a interconnection of stats is always interestig and logical.

Seems like it might be convoluted, but I'll consider it.

Maybe consider to make the random laboratory experiments more radical on you, more frequent effects maybe some temporary and some not, what I find quite enjoyable is that the random Hair colors look actually interesting and good, but i Wonder why the hairdresser cant have more Hair colors, (not all, maybe especially that doesnt look like natural hair colors, so you might consider not losing natural hair coloration. Also after freeing the lab infestation by either making meat succubus comply after going through her tolerance check or destroy threaten the red orb (latter will make impossible to have actual relationship to her) make the scientists show what medications ar eon offer and make your changes voluntary and while still random, focused on body part and choosable.

Yeah, I'll eventually implement more involved methods of changing hair colours. Meat succubus ideas, we'll see.

One last thing: i really wanna have a romantic relationship to fawn outside BDSM, and have the possibility to make her partial submissive in said relationship. maybe increase companion range with rinny, and think about having cassie move in your apartment for compensation and a sign of trust.

Without spoiling anything, well, probably shouldn't say anything then, other than "perhaps".

About the question of guns ingame, you may need tolerance and fight check to wield them but all weapons should not make static boosts like 1+ fight like the knives but dynamic damage in scaling to various stats, knives woul scale with fight and nimble, or brass knuckles (as an example) scale with tolerance and fight rather than nimble (but not exclusivly, so you can still lvl nimble aside fight and still consider them as weapons, just the scaling and effects vary per stat), and guns have a set damage stat but a varying accuracy and bonus damage dependant on nimble+Intellegence (mentioned above).

As mentioned, seems convoluted, but I'll consider it.

And at last, as for what kink i liek to see in future: ovulation, idk what to think of what your gonna do with children, monsters the flower one (I completly forgot her name) mayb implant seeds, which are set out in wilderness when concieved, pixies unbirthing maybe which only come out when you in that same area again or they will arouse you while walking, some about lovers childs i have no idea, be creative at this point (possible incest when guys interested).

ovulation, I've got planned :p
Re: Lust Doll

Ah ovulation? Alright. I didn't think I read the flavor text on the bathhouse's shower room wrong, but I couldn't be sure.
Re: Lust Doll

You kidding dude? If I had my way, game would be nothing but dicks everywhere. Dick buildings, dick NPCs, your character would be a giant dick sexing up other dicks while wearing little miniature dicks for clothing.

I find this amusing and disturbing in much the same way as Thing T. Thing.
Re: Lust Doll

One last thing: i really wanna have a romantic relationship to fawn outside BDSM, and have the possibility to make her partial submissive in said relationship.

I do think that I'd like to see more stuff with Fawn outside the Torture Rack, but I'd rather have different characters for different kinks rather than have the main character be so awesome that they can make other people change their sexual preferences, if you know what I mean? Like, maybe have a way for Fawn to hook you up as a dom at the club and get a different character as a sub, rather than change Fawn from a dom to a sub. That's just my personal preference, though.

I'm not really sure how to explain what I mean but I just don't like it when the main character of a story has too much of an influence on other characters in the story. The other characters should be treated as important too, not just clay for the character to shape how they want. Well, in this style of game at least. Just my two cents though, it's up to Indivi in the end.
Re: Lust Doll

I do think that I'd like to see more stuff with Fawn outside the Torture Rack, but I'd rather have different characters for different kinks rather than have the main character be so awesome that they can make other people change their sexual preferences, if you know what I mean? Like, maybe have a way for Fawn to hook you up as a dom at the club and get a different character as a sub, rather than change Fawn from a dom to a sub. That's just my personal preference, though.

I'm not really sure how to explain what I mean but I just don't like it when the main character of a story has too much of an influence on other characters in the story. The other characters should be treated as important too, not just clay for the character to shape how they want. Well, in this style of game at least. Just my two cents though, it's up to Indivi in the end.

No shit, but Fawn with the BDSM has 2 sides, obviously duh, shes the kind hearted sweet school girl (ik she just playin), and in the rack shes a good willed domm, those are 2 sides, that doesnt mean the PC is influencing her Personality, afterall relationships are all about influencing others positivly (at least nowadays you have to convince ppl to notice you), also Fawn said that she is outgoing before the Rack, and she explains her position inside rack again, she likes what she does, she hides because ppl get a wrong view of her and how they would treat her if they would know, but otherwise she wouldnt care except if her life would only be limited to being a domm, i cant imagine someone aiming for that.

Also for indivi: i meant in comparison to pssy when a D is present same time, I mean I like it, but for example Rinny wont have the option to fuck you vaginal, it sjust that things should happen because not every being should have those checks, in losing battles we cant choose, ik, but I want to have the options, thats why I play futa.
Re: Lust Doll

No shit, but Fawn with the BDSM has 2 sides, obviously duh, shes the kind hearted sweet school girl (ik she just playin), and in the rack shes a good willed domm, those are 2 sides, that doesnt mean the PC is influencing her Personality, afterall relationships are all about influencing others positivly (at least nowadays you have to convince ppl to notice you), also Fawn said that she is outgoing before the Rack, and she explains her position inside rack again, she likes what she does, she hides because ppl get a wrong view of her and how they would treat her if they would know, but otherwise she wouldnt care except if her life would only be limited to being a domm, i cant imagine someone aiming for that.

I think you're misunderstanding what I'm trying to say. I was agreeing with the first half of what you said, because I think interacting with her outside of the Torture Rack is a good idea. What I don't agree with is the second half of the bit I quoted, where you suggest that you should be able to make her submissive. I think that if you want to have a relationship like that where the other character is the sub, then it should be a different character, not the one that's already shown to be a dom.
Re: Lust Doll

and im saying there is no reason for her to not be sub, when you ask her if she could be the sub she replies that you neither have the experience, nor does she entirely trust you, also because sub and dom are bound by contract, i dont know how that works out in this particular case, but i guess if one of the partners is unhappy with the situation it goes a bit longer than he/she would like, meaning it isnt just something you could just poof out, but as I said idk.
Re: Lust Doll

If I had my way, game would be nothing but dicks everywhere. Dick buildings, dick NPCs, your character would be a giant dick sexing up other dicks while wearing little miniature dicks for clothing.

Without spoiling anything, well, probably shouldn't say anything then, other than YES.

More and more can I see through your schemes...That first one sounds lazy ;D
Also I mean when playing futa, and the Scenes, there is more going on on the male parts, while the female action is simply present when its about pleasuring both.
Re: Lust Doll

While it's entirely possibly for a character with a dominant or submissive personality to secretly harbour curiosity/interest in the opposite, it's also equally possible that they don't. For some people, Dom/Sub is as much a part of them as their sexual orientation might be.
Re: Lust Doll

Ah ovulation? Alright. I didn't think I read the flavor text on the bathhouse's shower room wrong, but I couldn't be sure.

Wait, did I say something about ovulation there? I don't recall this...

I do think that I'd like to see more stuff with Fawn outside the Torture Rack, but I'd rather have different characters for different kinks rather than have the main character be so awesome that they can make other people change their sexual preferences, if you know what I mean? Like, maybe have a way for Fawn to hook you up as a dom at the club and get a different character as a sub, rather than change Fawn from a dom to a sub. That's just my personal preference, though.

I'm not really sure how to explain what I mean but I just don't like it when the main character of a story has too much of an influence on other characters in the story. The other characters should be treated as important too, not just clay for the character to shape how they want. Well, in this style of game at least. Just my two cents though, it's up to Indivi in the end.

Oh definitely. For Fawn, she makes it clear what her general stance is, so if that changes, it'll have to be because of something pretty big (and hopefully believable) happening, instead of just "Oh, I'm not usually a sub, but maybe I'll be one just for you, main character ~<3".

No shit, but Fawn with the BDSM has 2 sides, obviously duh, shes the kind hearted sweet school girl (ik she just playin), and in the rack shes a good willed domm, those are 2 sides, that doesnt mean the PC is influencing her Personality, afterall relationships are all about influencing others positivly (at least nowadays you have to convince ppl to notice you), also Fawn said that she is outgoing before the Rack, and she explains her position inside rack again, she likes what she does, she hides because ppl get a wrong view of her and how they would treat her if they would know, but otherwise she wouldnt care except if her life would only be limited to being a domm, i cant imagine someone aiming for that.

Also for indivi: i meant in comparison to pssy when a D is present same time, I mean I like it, but for example Rinny wont have the option to fuck you vaginal, it sjust that things should happen because not every being should have those checks, in losing battles we cant choose, ik, but I want to have the options, thats why I play futa.

More and more can I see through your schemes...That first one sounds lazy ;D
Also I mean when playing futa, and the Scenes, there is more going on on the male parts, while the female action is simply present when its about pleasuring both.

Dude, wish you'd use proper spelling and grammar in your posts. Would really help in figuring out what you're talking about.

Anyways, think I said it on tumbler, but what scene plays is decided simply by: "have dick? This scene. Else, this scene." I'll think about randomizing it, but one hitch I can think of already is that not having a dick means having a clit instead, which could cause scenes to not make sense. I do get what you mean about it feeling like the girly bits don't come into play though, it's something I'll have to mull over.
Re: Lust Doll

Say How many times do i need to take a bath at the bathhouse for the Sammy Scene ive already got the special offer and have taken it multiple times but whenever i go at the back of the counter she tells me to get out.Also Where do i buy a pass for the torture rack for Fawn

Edit:Well I've encountered Fawn but i cant open and talk to her she just meets me and my room and says sorry and leaves cant open her door and what not is it because ive put my character as a female?
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Re: Lust Doll

Does this Meat Cluster in the base has any purpose as of now?
Re: Lust Doll

Wait, did I say something about ovulation there? I don't recall this...
The flavor text for the shower room said it was, "looking like some kind of egg chamber" I must have misinterpreted that as more of an activity that happens in the shower room instead of what the shower room actually looks like.
Re: Lust Doll

Two questions:
1) Given that there are already some clothing "sets" in the game, are you planning to add special bonuses for wearing all the clothes in a set? For example +2 Mysticism +1 Allure to the Gothic Lolita set, +3 Allure to the Succubus set, +2 Tolerance +1 Sensitivity to the Bondage set, etc. Perhaps even special attacks or spells for wearing certain sets?

2) In every window mode except full screen the rightmost pixels of every letter is cut off. Does anybody know how to fix this? It gets a bit annoying to read.
EDIT: Alternatively, how to change window resolution to perhaps a Full Window setup (basically a borderless window that takes up the entire screen)
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Re: Lust Doll

Edit:Well I've encountered Fawn but i cant open and talk to her she just meets me and my room and says sorry and leaves cant open her door and what not is it because ive put my character as a female?

Make sure your clothes aren't something too revealing.
Re: Lust Doll

Say How many times do i need to take a bath at the bathhouse for the Sammy Scene ive already got the special offer and have taken it multiple times but whenever i go at the back of the counter she tells me to get out.Also Where do i buy a pass for the torture rack for Fawn

Edit:Well I've encountered Fawn but i cant open and talk to her she just meets me and my room and says sorry and leaves cant open her door and what not is it because ive put my character as a female?

For Sammy, put yourself in a situation where she can take revenge on you.

For Fawn, as mentioned, try dressing more decently before meeting her.

Does this Meat Cluster in the base has any purpose as of now?

Right now, nope. Working on it.

The flavor text for the shower room said it was, "looking like some kind of egg chamber" I must have misinterpreted that as more of an activity that happens in the shower room instead of what the shower room actually looks like.

Oh okay, yeah it's just referring to what it looks like.

Two questions:
1) Given that there are already some clothing "sets" in the game, are you planning to add special bonuses for wearing all the clothes in a set? For example +2 Mysticism +1 Allure to the Gothic Lolita set, +3 Allure to the Succubus set, +2 Tolerance +1 Sensitivity to the Bondage set, etc. Perhaps even special attacks or spells for wearing certain sets?

2) In every window mode except full screen the rightmost pixels of every letter is cut off. Does anybody know how to fix this? It gets a bit annoying to read.
EDIT: Alternatively, how to change window resolution to perhaps a Full Window setup (basically a borderless window that takes up the entire screen)

I don't know if I want to encourage dressing in specific sets. Cause then it's like when you wear something from a particular set, you'll want to wear everything from that set for the bonuses, instead of what you might otherwise want to wear.

Pixel problems, might be a font issue? Though maybe not, if it works in fullscreen. You can try googling the problem, see if anybody else has run into it.
Re: Lust Doll

okay. so after i had my parasite removed... the parasite infested the lab... what am i supposed to do... or has the next step not been implemented. also... what the path in the sewers for? the one with the outwards arrow
Re: Lust Doll

So, has there been any progress on making the game Indivi?
Re: Lust Doll

Is there a list of equipment and what stats they boost? Last time i played this game I wasn't able to know what I was buying until I already bought it
Re: Lust Doll

amusing game you got here Indivi :D