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Introduce yourself

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Re: Introduce yourself

Our insects generally also die out every winter. I'm happy to exchange wearing a heavy coat for not getting any damn mosquito bites for six months of a year!
Re: Introduce yourself

The 'e's, 'h's and even hockey sticks are embedded in my genetic code, I fear. D:
Re: Introduce yourself

Canada is a great country to hunt for the majestic beaver
Re: Introduce yourself

Me too! we should all get together and plan the eventual downfall of the US, eh? :3
Re: Introduce yourself

"h" "e" double hockey sticks?
Re: Introduce yourself

Me too! we should all get together and plan the eventual downfall of the US, eh? :3

Just leave west coast washington free, please? ;^; if not I'm sending Sinful after ya!
Re: Introduce yourself

Tentacle convention, Canadian version. o.o' Somehow that doesn't sound farfetched to me. XD I don't know if we should necessarily cause their downfall, we just need to get 'em to chill out and stop kill everyone. Come in peace, in all meanings of that term. :p

"h" "e" double hockey sticks?
Oh good, I'm so glad someone caught that. I wasn't trying to be subtle!
Re: Introduce yourself

My favorite rendition is "What in the H-E-double hell is going on here?"
Re: Introduce yourself

H E double fried mozzarella sticks?
Re: Introduce yourself

Hello everyone. I'll borrow that template at the start, if that's alright. Though I have to admit, I probably won't post much information.

The Basics
Name: Goldstein
Age: 18
Birth Place and Current Country of Residence: USA
Occupation: Student

Zodiac: Uh, no idea. Taurus, perchance?
My Fears: Um, atomic war, Twilight, and rednecks.
Bad Habits: Procrastination,

TV Show: I don't watch much television. Let's go with an easy answer: Firefly.
Drink: Tea, preferably iced. No sugar.
Shoe: Um, intact?
Hat: Trilby.
Color: Navy blue or yellow.
Music Genre: I like most anything save rap.

Do I...
Smoke: No.
Swear: Not where people can hear.
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: No, but trumpet.

Should Marty have gone back to it? What?
Where you'll be in 5 years? Um, grad school, hopefully.

Other Stuff
Reason for joining: To post in that one FEMA concentration camp thread.

So yeah.
Re: Introduce yourself

XD *waves* Even if you're planning on lurking, welcome to the board!
Re: Introduce yourself

Hey, I'm Caramoor aka Luke. I've been a Lurker for longer than I'd like to admit >_> 6.2, male, Lifegaurd you name it. 19 years old. Into Pokemon games. The show has degenerated into unrecognizable filth. Manga nerd. Athletic. Glass is just half =)
Re: Introduce yourself

Another unintelligible gender?
Re: Introduce yourself

Heya, Caramoor! Welcome to the insanity!

Another unintelligible gender?

The internet is a strange and wonderful place. XD
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