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Introduce yourself

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Re: Introduce yourself

Welcome to the forums Captain Hentai.
Re: Introduce yourself

Thank you all for the nice greeting. Well actually I "activly" retired from beeing a critic because I was too critical XD. But due the past I cant watch any Hentai normally anymore without noting some mistakes in the dialogues, drawings and the story. Maybe I rethink about writing some critic again...and directly in this forum ^^. Most of the critic went to a "certain" Hentai website wich I have promised not to tell anyone, you can't imagine how much the producers of Hentais are depending on the critics to continue their story. Wich most of the time they are destroying the "style" on the other episodes (example Taimanin Murasaki).

About that top hat....GIMME!!!
Re: Introduce yourself

1) the "trend" of girls liking yaoi even though they said they are 100% lesbians and hate the mens anatomy

*Gasp*. You call yourself a critic, and you miss a fundamental part of yaoi..?

A lot of the male genialia understandably flying about in yaoi -isn't drawn-. Usually the ukes. Funny that.

.....Not that I'm a yaoi fan.

Re: Introduce yourself

*Gasp*. You call yourself a critic, and you miss a fundamental part of yaoi..?

A lot of the male genialia understandably flying about in yaoi -isn't drawn-. Usually the ukes. Funny that.

.....Not that I'm a yaoi fan.


Aww...don't take that too offending please, it's just my own personal thinking of the "girls" in my enviroment (most of them became lesbians because it's cool to be homosexual all of a sudden). For myself I have nothing against Yaoi. I'm not a fan of it myself but some stories are pretty cute XD.
Re: Introduce yourself

It's cool to be a homosexual in Austria. Fuck here in North America we're still fighting for equal rights... well more so a little to my south, but still.
Re: Introduce yourself

Homosexuals are quite fun. I'm befriended with 4 lesbians pairs and 2 gay boys. Hell, I was with the gay friends in the "official" gay and lesbian house here in Austria. Man, to tell you guys, they can endure a lot of alcohol.

I thought that North America accepted gay weddings, or did I read something wrong in the newspaper? However..... Fight "for" gay weddings!!!
Re: Introduce yourself

The Basics

Name: kj67879 or Karla
Age: 29
Birth Place:a hospital
Current Country of Residence:usa
Occupation:i work with nuts


Hair Color: i dont remember the natural color
Eye Color: gray
(Unless you post pictures, we don't care if you decide to bullshit.)


Zodiac: (Western. If you know others, and feel like listing them, go ahead.)
My Fears: clowns
Common Utterances:
Is the glass half full, or half empty: if its booze hopefully empty :D
Bad Habits:

3 Things You Dislike:
1) thiefs
2) liars
3) Paris Hilton


TV Show: Food Network Chopped
Drink: anything with Rum
Shoe: comfortable
Hat: baseball
Color: purple
Music Genre: anything but country and gangster rap
Internet Meme: super midget ninja pirates will rule the world

Do I...

Smoke: no
Swear: fuck no
Flip out and kill people: yes, see #3 dislike
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: no i play the sitar
Knit scarves for orphans: orphans are food for zombies


Can you see into it? i see the end of this page does that count
Should Marty have gone back to it? marty should have hit it
Where you'll be in 5 years? fuerer of the universe

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: friends told me
Other random trivia: final fantasy nut bishonen worshipper
Re: Introduce yourself

I thought that North America accepted gay weddings, or did I read something wrong in the newspaper? However..... Fight "for" gay weddings!!!

Canada is OK with it, as are most Canadians. In the US, it's by state. I have no idea what Mexico thinks about gay marriage, and the Caribbean countries don't like being considered Americas, North or South.
Re: Introduce yourself

Some states in the US (yeah, real united right?) don't allow gay marriage.

which by the way is one of the stupidest fucking things imaginable. you take ONE quote from the bible, which is one of the most historically inaccurate texts we know of, and deny a huge chunk of the population their simple right to spend their lives with the person they love just because of that one stupid quote. I may be straight but so help me if I ever meet someone that's so ignorant as to think a phrase in an inaccurate book gives them the right to deny a fellow human being their happiness, I will beat the shit out of them and leave them for the dogs.
Re: Introduce yourself

9 “These you may eat, of all that are in the waters. Everything in the waters that has fins and scales, whether in the seas or in the rivers, you may eat. 10 But anything in the seas or the rivers that has not fins and scales, of the swarming creatures in the waters and of the living creatures that are in the waters, is detestable to you. 11 You shall regard them as detestable; you shall not eat any of their flesh, and you shall detest their carcasses. 12 Everything in the waters that has not fins and scales is detestable to you.

It gets tramped out as the anti-fundie argument a lot, but yeah. How's that whole 'eating shellfish is an abomination against god' thing going?

Surely this is at least as bad as gay marriage, nay, worse. For greater is the number of people who partake of this filthy detestable food, than those who would lay with another of their gender.

Also hello Karla.
Re: Introduce yourself

... I ever meet someone that's so ignorant as to think a phrase in an inaccurate book gives them the right to deny a fellow human being their happiness, I will beat the shit out of them and leave them for the dogs.

Please don't feed the animals. Especially if it's a bio-hazardous material.

Also hello Karla.

Hello, Karla. Why did you pick a name that makes you look like an ad-bot?

Also, judging from your occupation, you are either a squirrel or a renovator. In either case, what's it like?
Re: Introduce yourself

Yeah, God forbid that someone name their kid Karla. It auto-pins them as an adbot.
Re: Introduce yourself

Thanks for pointing out my joke.
Re: Introduce yourself

That was uncalled for.
Re: Introduce yourself

Alias, is there a certain quote you're thinking of? I happen to know that the bible is actually misquoted because of translation problems, and is denied it's context. Not to suggest that you're wrong about disregarding it's text, but considering all the people who quote the bible, you can tell them how their quote is wrong even by their own standards. I'm aware there are several lines from the book that are often referenced and almost every one of them doesn't actually directly refer to homosexuality in it's modern form or isn't supposed to be applied to regular followers of the bible. Jesus and Jewish prophets alike say nothing about homosexuality.

Oh, sup Karla!
Re: Introduce yourself

Don't make me link "Prop 8: the Musical," because I will.

Welcomes to Karla and the Captain there. Have fun, poke around, and pay no attention to the "dont' feed the members" rule. Time hardly matters here, what with people living in the future.
Re: Introduce yourself

Welcome Karla, enjoy thy stay.

As for the bible... wasn't the US founded as a nation where church was separate from state and the founding fathers weren't even that religious. If that's the case, how come Religion is being used as the main excuse that homosexual shouldn't marry in multiple states. If I'm wrong let me know.
Re: Introduce yourself

You're not wrong, but the problem you're having is that you're applying logic to something that was founded with logic, but no longer uses that. In a country where the president can declare a "national day of prayer," we all realize that religion IS a strong part of everything. Even if someone says that religion isn't directly the reason, the morals they distill from it still effect their political decision.

The biggest non-religious problem that people bring up sounds completely ridiculous to any person of reason, and that's the universal problem of the "slippery slope." The concept of the slippery slope is where do we draw the line, but I have NO IDEA how anyone can say with a straight face, "Soon, people will want to marry their pets!"
Where do we draw the line? Uhhh jeez, maybe when it's NOT A FUCKING HUMAN ANYMORE.

..but that's just me
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