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Introduce yourself

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Re: Introduce yourself

It first i was like =o =D

And then I as like =|
Re: Introduce yourself

Hello, I am a newbie and I am introducing myself. I'm Singsong, I'm Scottish, I like tentacles and by extension LineMarvel, and I've also been a member of the old (I think...?) Unofficial Linemarvel Forums under the name 'Kaiser'.

From Kaiser to Singsong? You bet, sometimes you just need to drop the pretentious manly vibe and sing a little something!

No, seriously, one kilt joke and I bludgeon someone to death with a kitten. ;)

Are you implying that you're not manly enough to wear kilts?
Re: Introduce yourself

Welcome Singsong.
Re: Introduce yourself

Welcome Singsong.
And I love kilts. I have a few of my own in the closet.
Re: Introduce yourself

Haha. You left that message up for six hours without anybody noticing. New record.
Re: Introduce yourself

Hello and welcome to the forums, Singsong.
Re: Introduce yourself

Sorry Newbie! They hand out masks of you at the front door and told me I couldn't come in without wearing it...

Kilts are awesome but kittens are their natural enemies. Unprotected man-parts have a habit of swinging in a very provocative way around kittens.
And yes, I know that from experience - Thank GOD for quick reflexes or my voice would be several octaves higher. Permanently. ._.

I have a few kilts hanging up for special occasions too, like weddings, parties, any time I need to go to England, and when I'm too hot and just need a bit of a breeze.

Jeans for work, though - I'm also a farmboy. Och aye the noo, ah'm away tae milk the coo. Etc. :B
Re: Introduce yourself

Kilts are awesome but kittens are their natural enemies. Unprotected man-parts have a habit of swinging in a very provocative way around kittens.
And yes, I know that from experience - Thank GOD for quick reflexes or my voice would be several octaves higher. Permanently. ._.

I have a few kilts hanging up for special occasions too, like weddings, parties, any time I need to go to England, and when I'm too hot and just need a bit of a breeze.

Hahaha This bring me back memories (of movies of course, i dont have cats)

Welcome Singsong and every other Newbie than i forget in this post.
Re: Introduce yourself

Name: Y'all can just call me Jay or if that's not an option...Jimmy
Age: 21 (black jack and booooooze
Gender:I'm 100% man
Birth Place: Hell...no but seriously USA
Current Country of Residence: U S A
Occupation:washing dishes for a living.


Hair Color:Brown
Eye Color:Brown


Zodiac: Leo, Year of the Dragon
My Fears:Large Woodland Creatures.
Common Utterances:"...haha...wait wut?"
Is the glass half full, or half empty:It's half full of moldy grape juice
Bad Habits:...ranting on abut anime when nobody really gives a shit about it

3 Things You Dislike:
1)Being hungry
2) Small children in restaurants....steak houses should not be ruined by crying 2 year olds


Drink:Monster Energy Coffee: Mean Bean
Shoe:I don't really judge footwear
Music Genre:Misc
Internet Meme:I see what you did there
Do I...

Swear:...f*** yea
Flip out and kill people:...that depends ....do you by chance have ssix fingers on your left hand?
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: learning guitar mastered air guitar
Knit scarves for orphans:....orphans are my primary food source


Can you see into it? I see something sticky in you near future
Should Marty have gone back to it? he's gotta go back...BACK TO THE FUTURE!
Where you'll be in 5 years? I'll be in yur base killin yur doods

Other Stuff

Reason for joining:...porn...nuff said
Other random trivia:I laugh like the joker from the 90's batman cartoon and my favorite quotes are "Screw the rules I have money" "you have no idea what your f***in with do you" and "My name is Inigo Montoya you killed my father prepare to die"
Re: Introduce yourself

I think I'd rather call you JK.

Re: Introduce yourself

Welcome JK. And yes, NCIS is the shit, I LOOOOOOVE Abby.
Re: Introduce yourself

Name: UrbanKirasagi
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Birth Place: New York
Current Country of Residence: USA
Occupation: College Student


Nationality: Asian-American (Japanese)
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Green


Zodiac: Capricorn
My Fears: Big one is underwater creature thingies (even the Eel in Super Mario 64 gives me issues...)
Common Utterances: "Fuck off <.<" *in jest*
Is the glass half full, or half empty: It was full of chocolate milkshake, but then I dumped half of that over my sister, so now it's half full.
Bad Habits: Making messes, speeding through posts and mispeling something.

3 Things You Dislike:
1) Spiders
2) Jerks
3) People who don't read the (mother f@#&ing) thread before they (mother f@#&ing) post.


TV Show: Highschool of the Dead (for now)
Drink: Chocolate milk/shake
Undies: Boyshorts, g-string on special occasions only.
Hat: Baseball caps
Color: Indigo
Music Genre: Whatever sounds good
Internet Meme: See dislikes

Do I...

Smoke: No
Swear: Quite a fucking bit.
Flip out and kill people: Depends
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: Nope
Knit scarves for orphans: I'll snuggle them to keep them warm


Can you see into it? Nope
Should Marty have gone back to it? Yes
Where you'll be in 5 years? I hope to be working in Japan as an anime writer and English teacher.

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: Jungle Girl and Demon Girl are some of my favorite hentai games from ages back, and when I was roaming Gelbooru and found a Jungle Girl gif from the remake, I followed it back here and got excited, so here I am.
Other random trivia: I'd have no interest in it if it was called "Jungle/Demon Boy".
Re: Introduce yourself

Okay, you're instantly my new favourite person seeing as your favourite show is Highschool of the Dead. Welcome aboard, UrbanKirasagi.
Re: Introduce yourself

Welcome to the forums UrbanKirasagi. Mind the gap.
Re: Introduce yourself

Welcome Jimmy, whose Birthday is fast approaching, and welcome Urban.

Though I have to ask about this Highschool of the Dead. I don't believe I've heard of it, which is upsetting.
Re: Introduce yourself

It's a zombie apocalypse kind of affair manga thats recently been turned into an anime with copious amounts of breast and panty shots. And most of the female zombies are well endowed too.
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