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ACT Abandoned Ryona [Inui] Hounds of the Blade

Re: Hounds of the Blade


Guess he finally found a muse.
Re: Hounds of the Blade

New update folks. And the new japanese uploader (whitecats) doesn't even suck.

According to inui's forum post (google translated), the new update is a new Sylvia scene for the Dziga enemies in the waste tunnel with the rats and bats. The full edition will be uploaded later. Furthermore, he announced that the next update is scheduled to implement a pregnancy system.

Where did u find the forum post?
Re: Hounds of the Blade

When browsing the HotB site, click on "BBS" in the top menue. It's rather a small image board-like text forum with six threads in total. But apparently, inui occasionally gives out some information there.
Re: Hounds of the Blade

Saw the new Sylvia scene. Doesn't seem to be as good as the other one (for one, it only involves Sylvia and no great perspective-switch), but still great. Maybe a translation will improve it, because those mutants might give a more interesting story than the street thugs.
I any case, I love his recent direction and productivity. I don't care much for pregnancy-systems but it'll still a big step that is long overdue and the Sylvia scenes are top-notch so far, just like the scenes with the sniper-girl.
Still hoping for some scenes with Aya having open/messy hair at some point. Maybe I am a weirdo, but I really like that and still having your hair in perfect order after hours of gangrape kinda strains my suspension of disbelief... :<

Also, does he plant to implement Failure-scenes for EVERY enemy now? I mean, more content is always nice but that might be tons of work, and Failure-scenes with critters might be way less interesting anyway.

PS: Am I the only one who thinks, that this Professor with the new enemies kinda looks like a younger ? With one of the main supporting characters basically being "Creepy Pimp Howard the Duck" I wonder if Inu has a thing for trashy movies. :rolleyes:
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Re: Hounds of the Blade

Saw the new Sylvia scene. Doesn't seem to be as good as the other one (for one, it only involves Sylvia and no great perspective-switch), but still great. Maybe a translation will improve it, because those mutants might give a more interesting story than the street thugs.

I any case, I love his recent direction and productivity. I don't care much for pregnancy-systems but it'll still a big step that is long overdue and the Sylvia scenes are top-notch so far, just like the scenes with the sniper-girl.

Still hoping for some scenes with Aya having open/messy hair at some point. Maybe I am a weirdo, but I really like that and still having your hair in perfect order after hours of gangrape kinda strains my suspension of disbelief... :<

Also, does he plant to implement Failure-scenes for EVERY enemy now? I mean, more content is always nice but that might be tons of work, and scenes with critters might be way less interesting anyway.

Hey, no need to be ashamed. To each their own fetish.
Re: Hounds of the Blade


Guess he finally found a muse.

Indeed it seems he's found something :)

Thank god he switched his host site for downloads. No more hoop jumping or waiting for someone to upload it.
Re: Hounds of the Blade

Hey, no need to be ashamed. To each their own fetish.

I wouldn't even call that a fetish -- it's super common. Long hair is distinctly associated with femininity; I would imagine that the vast majority of men prefer their women to have their hair down.
Re: Hounds of the Blade

I keep crashing and receiving these errors:

action number 6
of Create Event
for object GameStartObject:

Error opening file for writing.

action number 6
of Create Event
for object GameStartObject:

File is not opened for reading.
I downloaded the file multiple times and it happens every time. Anybody know what's up?
Re: Hounds of the Blade

Sorry, textbook, I have no idea.

@HFalx: He wrote that he plans to implement new Sylvia scenes. It's probably quite easy compared to creating complete new enemies and stages, thus the updates come quite rapidly.
Re: Hounds of the Blade

I wouldn't even call that a fetish -- it's super common. Long hair is distinctly associated with femininity; I would imagine that the vast majority of men prefer their women to have their hair down.
It's not even really about the hairstyle itself, because I like many different hairstyles and Aya's in particular. It's more about the change from "tidy, practical tomboy hairstyle" to "messy or completely open hairstyle" after being through some work which would reinforce events actually having some effect on her. A "story"-reason, in a way. :p

And sorry, I have no idea about that bug either. When does it happen? On opening?

@HFalx: He wrote that he plans to implement new Sylvia scenes. It's probably quite easy compared to creating complete new enemies and stages, thus the updates come quite rapidly.
Mhm, that's true, especially because he already has the models. That's why I would prefer him to stick more to humanoid enemies, which might take less time, and instead have more variation in positions, scenarios and such.
But that's just me, not being super-interested in monsters/insects (doggies would be neat tho..). I respect that he wants to cover as many fetishes as possible.
Re: Hounds of the Blade

So as far as I know, we have yet to see a decent full walkthrough on how to get to all the scenes, or even what they all are. I don't even think we have a full list of enemies in one place.

Maybe this would be a good time to start? Once a baseline is done, it should be easy to update the list after each update.

For enemies, there's:
*Last area - This enemy appears in the last section of a level, requires traversing multiple screens before it.
*Rare - This is a rare encounter, which sometimes appears when entering a stage. You know when it triggers because the normal enemies do not appear.


Hunter's Office:

Gotou (Once only)

Fugitive (Once only)

Cockroach (Endless)

Ziganians (Last area)

Garbage Mountain:
Hunter (Rare)

Abakura Desert:
Leo Lizard
Big Leo Lizard
Goblin (Rare)

Daigo forest:
Org (Rare)

Golgoroth (Last area)

I have no idea which of these have scenes for Aya and/or Sylvie, so if anyone wants to add to and refine this, please have at it. Also, not sure if all these names are correct, don't remember the fugitive's name at all.
Re: Hounds of the Blade

These are the current enemies and areas in the game. Areas marked with an asterisk are one-time-only, so save accordingly.

Coblio gang (prologue*, Coblio hideout)
Tester (Fio's simulation)
Rats (sewer)
Bats (sewer)
Ziga [the zombie-like people] (sewer)
Flies/maggots (garbage mountain)
Fly hunters (garbage mountain)
Lizards/baby lizards (desert)
Goboliy [midgets] (desert)
Mendes gang (Goto's Dojo*)
Roaches (tunnel)
Orcs (forest)
Entelodon [pigs] (forest)
Assar (slum alley*)

All of the enemies have game over scenes, but there are several conditional, additional scenes as well.

Fio - Lose to Testers and agree to her conditions
Bar bathroom - lose to Mendes and don't resist
Alley rapist - Leave tunnel (with roaches) in a weakened state.
slum vagrant - Lose to Assar and don't resist
Slum kids 1 - get raped by vagrant 3 times and don't stand up
slum kids 2- same as above one more time

Page 2 of the thread, but hasn't been updated in a while.

Post above mine can combine what can be cannibalised from this into something more up-to-date.
Re: Hounds of the Blade

Failure-scenes with critters might be way less interesting anyway.

Speak for yourself. Those are my favorite scenes in the game. Mmm, critters~
Re: Hounds of the Blade

It's good to see he's updating more frequently now, though I do wish that Aya would eventually enjoy some of the stuff if you lose enough, or it would at least let you replay certain scenes again like the Mendes one.
Re: Hounds of the Blade

Speak for yourself. Those are my favorite scenes in the game. Mmm, critters~

Yeah... especially since most of the stock models he has for humans/humanoids are so ugly
Re: Hounds of the Blade

Page 2 of the thread, but hasn't been updated in a while.

Post above mine can combine what can be cannibalised from this into something more up-to-date.

Thanks for pointing that out, I skimmed the thread but apparently missed it. I wonder if we could get Wessex (or maybe MrMe since he 'reserved the second post for something similar to this purpose) to add it as a section on the front page? I'd be happy to continue refining the list and formatting it, but I don't have an early post for the thread.
Re: Hounds of the Blade

I keep crashing and receiving these errors:

I downloaded the file multiple times and it happens every time. Anybody know what's up?

Mostly a fail header code in the file (might be doing with japenese words in english windows?), or the file itself was corrupted when you unzip it.
Re: Hounds of the Blade

So what's new? I didn't see anything in particular.

In update 30/7 he has added game overs for Sylvie. You need to enable the failure flag in the settings option.

I don't know the levels it is applicable to though. Got to try each level and each enemy and see what happens with failure flag on