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It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Sarah: 6 vs 12
Dryad: 3 vs 22 counter
Sarah: 13 vs 3
Priscilla: 22 vs 21
Dryad: 15 vs 16
Sarah: 5/5 Priscilla: 5/5
Dryad: 7/10

As Sarah tries to punch the dryad with a fireball, the plant-creature shies away. She tries calling the elements herself, but Sarah manages to swat her with the staff, disturbing her concentration. Priscilla stirs, then stumbles to her feet. The dryad tumbles to her feet, only to get hit by a fireball, then Priscilla lets loose a burst of hellfire, hitting the dryad squarely in the face and filling the air with scream and the smells of burning wood and hellfire. She tries to launch a bolt of cold at Priscilla, but misses narrowly.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Sarah is quick to get back on her feet once the Dryad is off of her, and preparing to cast her good old mirror image spell, seeing as how it worked so well the last time she and the Hellhound were fighting a plant monster, chanting the incantation quietly and creating a replica of herself and Priscilla to confuse the Dryad.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Sarah: 3+2=failure
Priscilla: 9 vs 14
Dryad: 16 vs 14 | 16 vs 3
Sarah: 5+2=failure
Priscilla: 10 vs 7
Dryad: 12 vs 11 |*3 vs 18 counter
Sarah: 5/5 MP 4/5 Priscilla: 2/5 MP 2/3 entangled: -3 to escape rolls, can't attack
Dryad: 5/10
The spell fizzles time and again while Priscilla hurls more fire at the dryad, who retaliates by conjuring a pair of tentacles that quickly wrap around the hellhound and start constricting her. "How dare you use fire in my woods?" the dryad practically screams, with ugly burns marring her once beautiful face.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

"Because you're a bitch and want to make us playthings!" Sarah shouts as she readies more fireballs, and starts flinging at the tentacles holding Priscilla, intending to try and free her before the Dryad can do anything to her.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Sarah: 12 vs 4
Priscilla: 12 vs 20
Dryad: 9 vs 8 | 22 vs 10
Sarah: 3 vs 7 |*22 vs 8
Dryad: 12 vs 10 |*4 vs 15
Sarah: 4/5 MP 3/5 Entangled: -1 to attack rolls Priscilla: 0/5 down
Dryad: 3/10
The fireball hits a vine, causing it to smoulder and recoil, giving the hellhound an opening to free herself. Priscilla struggles against the tentacles, but suddenly they lift her up and slam the hellhound against the ground, stunning or knocking her out. As she hurls another pair of fireballs and hits, two more vines appear, one of them managing to grab her arm as it tries to pull her to the ground.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Sarah groans as she tugs at the vines, clenching her hands into fists and deciding to lob a fireball directly at the dryad, anger clear in her eyes at seeing her abuse Priscilla, as she tries to pull her hand free. "You're going to pay for hurting Prissy!"
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Sarah: 9 vs 18 | 8 vs 6
Dryad: 11 vs 17 |*15 vs 8
Sarah: 10 vs 7 | 12 vs 17
Dryad: 5 vs 12 |*20 vs 6
Sarah: 14 vs 18 |*13 vs 22
Dryad: 9 vs 12 |*3 vs 10
Sarah: 9 vs 9
Dryad: 11 vs 11 |*13 vs 12
Sarah: 6 vs 11
Dryad: 18 vs 10
Sarah: 0/5 MP 0/5 Priscilla: 0/5
Dryad: 1/10
Sarah manages to hurl another fireball at the dryad and even break free, but the vines just keep coming, eventually wrestling her to the ground. One of them wraps around her neck strangling her until she passes out...

When Sarah comes to, the sun has fallen and she's still in the clearing, though now it looks quite different. Her arms are bound tightly behind her back, almost forcing her elbows together, and her hands are bound to fists. She's also gagged, making use of magic all but impossible - on a good day she could to do something simple without the protective abstraction of words or gestures with no chance of frying her brain. This is not a good day and trying to do any magic without some kind of focus would, at best, give her a splitting headache. Shifting slightly, the kitsune discovers a collar around her neck, with a leash attached to a tree. At least her legs aren't bound, so if she could do something about the leash... As her eyes get used to the darkness, she can also see Priscilla several meters away. The hellhound has been bound even more securely. Her arms are actually inside a tree up to her elbows and her legs have been pulled up and spread apart, leaving her quite lewdly exposed. There's a thick tentacle in her mouth, and her eyes are open wide.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Sarah gasps for air as the vine strangles her, thrashing about on the ground before passing out.

When she finally awakens, she assesses her situation, and lets her eyes adjust to the darkness. Once she finally sees Priscilla, she bolts to her feet and tries to move towards her, as far as the leash will go, struggling against her bindings, though trying to fight off the arousal of seeing the tentacle ravaging the hellhound's mouth.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

The leash stops Sarah after only a few feet, the sudden constriction sending her staggering backwards. Priscilla doesn't seem to react, aside from a faint whimper. The dryad is nowhere to be seen.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Sarah moves out as far as she can on the leash after her stumble, and sits down. She tries to make muffled noises through her gag, to try and get Priscilla's attention, afraid the Dryad might have done something to her, as she tests at her bindings, trying to find a weakspot.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Priscilla doesn't react. Though her eyes are wide open, Sarah might begin to doubt whether the hellhound even sees her. Her arms are bound quite securely, though she might be able to break the bindings with a knife, or even just a sufficiently sharp knife to rub them against. The leash is another matter: thin as it is, she might be able to break it with sufficient leverage - assuming, of course, that it's leather like it seems to be and not enhanced for strength.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

The Kitsune growls as she stands, and tries to snap the leash, knowing if she could get to Priscilla she might be able to use her claws to rip through the bindings, as she tugs and struggles with the leash as hard as she can, not about to leave her friend behind.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

9 vs 21
Pressing her weight against the collar just causes it to press heavily against her windpipe and her feet start slipping on the moist grass, yet the leash still doesn't give. Turning around would at least take the pressure off of her windpipe, then she'd have to find a better footing...

A lone gunshot echoes in the distance.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Sarah's tail fluff stands on end as she hears the single gunshot, turning towards the source of the leash and growling as she puts more effort into trying to break the leash binding her, bracing the pressure on the back of her neck this time.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

8 vs 8
After a few false starts, Sarah ends up laying on her back so she can push with her legs against the tree holding her leash. It still takes several tries, but finally the leash snaps. She's still bound and gagged, but at least her legs are free and she can move around.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Sarah groans and struggles to free herself, only a single intent on her mind as she finally snaps the leash, moving over towards Priscilla and looking at just what was happening to her, or even if she was still alive.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

A closer look reveals that Priscilla still seems quite healthy. She's breathing and occasionally whining, though her eyes have glazed over. Sarah also can't help but notice that the hellhound is quite moist, the scent of her lust quite noticeable. Likewise, there's a sweet scent coming from her mouth - no doubt the tentacle is pumping some terrifying mix of aphrodisiacs and who knows what else down her throat.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Sarah grumbles through her gag as she bites and gnaws on it, angry at what the Dryad has done to her friend, as she struggles with her bindings, and searches for something, anything in the area, to help her get her arm bindings off.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

The clearing, small as it is, takes ages to search due to the darkness and yet she comes up with not a single rock with a sharp enough edge larger than a pebble. As she steps out of it, however, she feels a slight tingling sensation, most likely due to a ward of some sort - the dryad would, no doubt, know of her departure sooner rather than later.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

The Kitsune feels the ward, and sets to work right away, intending to free her arms as quickly as she can, so she can at least try and help Priscilla come back to her senses, all the while wondering why the gods had decided to heap this upon her.