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ACT [jimb133] Rise of jimmy- ( run or rape game ) - IN DEVELOPMENT- Update 02 !!!

Re: Rise of jimmy- ( run or rape game ) - IN DEVELOPMENT- Update 02 !!!

Dude. You don't need any art to code a game. Use placeholders. Stick figures in paint for fuck's sake. Fill in the actual art later.
Re: Rise of jimmy- ( run or rape game ) - IN DEVELOPMENT- Update 02 !!!

Plus, what fucking planet are you from where forums aren't like this all the time?
I dont see any 'problems', unbunch your panties.

That is one of the worst possible ways of making a statement, also called the coward's way, hiding behind the mass, the basic tactic of the anonymous army.

The simple fact that everyone behaves in a hostile or bothersome way does not make it the right way. The right way is to be polite and constructive, for every aggressive word there is someone that might get hurt or pissed off.

If you think people that get hurt by aggressive posts are weaklings that should just stop visiting forums a go "fuck off", then you are just a worthless little bully hiding behind a computer and the anonymous army, worst kind of people.

Btw, if someone's feelings or pride are hurt by this post don't hesitate to let me know and i will make sure to offer my apologies. :)
Re: Rise of jimmy- ( run or rape game ) - IN DEVELOPMENT- Update 02 !!!

It looks like Nuula is out of the game. Jim you should check your profile. I had to do it for you.

Secondly, we now understand that the artwork is on hold, hence, I'll probably lay off the thread since apparently nothing will be happening anytime soon, but what about the download link for the minigame? Were you counting on someone else to get that done too?
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Re: Rise of jimmy- ( run or rape game ) - IN DEVELOPMENT- Update 02 !!!

It looks like Nuula is out of the game. Jim you should check your profile. I had to do it for you.

Secondly, we now understand that the artwork is on hold, hence, I'll probably lay off the thread since apparently nothing will be happening anytime soon, but what about the download link for the minigame? Were you counting on someone else to get that done too?

Yes, lets be rude to the person that was making a game for us, for FREE, using HIS OWN TIME, with nothing promised in return? you already got kicked off of Toonpimps forum for this crap and harassment of people that try and make you get yer head out of your ass.

*fumes, pants, chills*
Now that that is out of the way, lets all -try- and be civil? and productive? can anyone here help jim with the art part of his game, or know someone who can? And if not, Jim, god forbid, if you decide to dump the project, could you put up a link somewhere of what you have made so far and the resources, so maybe someone could work off of whats there to finish the game, or make another using the same engine, someday? releasing something partly done is better by far than nothing at all.
Re: Rise of jimmy- ( run or rape game ) - IN DEVELOPMENT- Update 02 !!!

Right way to do an internet project:
- Have skills, experience and a portfolio
- Get a team of people at similar skill level
- Plan development and how much time will be needed
- Start working
- Announce and publish accurate previews after a good amount work is done
- Involve the community for testing

Wrong way to do an internet project:
- Have no experience
- Have unreliable partners
- Post a bunch of "ideas" without actually showing you can put them into practice
- Never use capitalization or punctuation but apologize for your "grammer"
- Don't actually start working, never post previews
- Waste everyone's time in a "Wouldn't it be cool if" internet forum circlejerk
- See the shitstorm roll in
- Project dies after 10 forum pages (the death of the project is more accurately predicted in number of forum posts rather than months)
Re: Rise of jimmy- ( run or rape game ) - IN DEVELOPMENT- Update 02 !!!

You know, I am absolutely stunned that the largest hang-up on most of these great project ideas is the art considering the absurd amount of people who frequent artistic sites to show off what they can do such as Ink Bunny, Deviant Art, Fur Affinity, or even small (or large) oekaki forums.

This is absolutely No Fault of the designer of such projects, of course. While it can be aggravating not to have a beautiful looking prototype and while I can understand the desire to go each and every step of the creation process making sure that each and every step is done correctly to the fullest capacity I must make note that, as somebody else mentioned, you can, in fact, use filler sprites, sketches or doodles while you work on the coding and engine part of the game. It isn't as pretty, but it helps get the job done. And once the majority of your coding is done you'll not only find more people willing to help but you'll also find that the rest falls into place smoother.

On a different note, you have presented two great ideas to us in this thread: on one hand you have your playable game in its entirety with a plot, full choice of orientation, the works. On the other hand you have your mini-game that you have obviously had more interest in working on and getting done first. I imagine this is not only to get it out of the way to drop into your larger game, but to also pacify the public while you construct it. My point to this is that you should definitely not split your attention between multiple projects. It will either result in total loss of interest due to time, life, or frustration on your end or a lack of support from a majority of a public which tends to be far too impatient for its own good.

For anyone here seeing my post and saying 'tl;dr, you should be more concise' then the most important point is that I believe you should pick one project and run with it, supply filler sprites or doodles for now if you must, and that I, personally, think you should have fun in finishing up your Wolf Rape game. It's novel and for its simplicity has a LOT of potential.
Re: Rise of jimmy- ( run or rape game ) - IN DEVELOPMENT- Update 02 !!!

*snickers at Honwo's post*

I think that sums it up about right. If I recall a former project I tried to seed into the forum, my approach would have fell quite well into the "How not to do it" section.

Well, it'd almost be a perfect fit. I don't apologize for my grammar, and I actually do have experience.

<-<; I just got cold feet at the thought of being caught making a porn game.
Re: Rise of jimmy- ( run or rape game ) - IN DEVELOPMENT- Update 02 !!!

I can wait. Now stop argueing and bitching like children and wait.
Re: Rise of jimmy- ( run or rape game ) - IN DEVELOPMENT- Update 02 !!!

I disagree. Unless we hear specifically on the matter there's no way to know what they will or will not do, involving 'coming back' or otherwise. On the other hand, there isn't a lot more to discuss on the game yet.

While using those filler sprites in the screencaps as just placement stuff, I think they're just fine. :rolleyes: If we had a mini-game with something like that, it'd be okay in my book!
Re: Rise of jimmy- ( run or rape game ) - IN DEVELOPMENT- Update 02 !!!

Boy... some of you people really like to cry "armageddon" pretty quickly.

The last post by jim was 1 day ago! 1 freaking day!!! The initial post, as in the start of the project, was 4 weeks ago. Get yourself some patience for crying out loud.

And read the last post by jim again. It merely stated that there is no one to make the art for the game, as no one offers to help (I myself can't do art either, just so you know). And without art, there's really no point in doing any releases and using filler art or templates doesn't work always either. Sometimes you have to code/write the story according to the art.
We don't know how jim works or how the cooperation between him and Nuula worked.

There's no need whatsoever to give this project up just yet.
There is no need whatsoever to lock this thread. Just don't post in it anymore and the next time it appears bold it will be an update by jim, and then you can jizz your pants of excitement. In the meantime, find yourself something else to fap to and stop making this place unattractive to a (potential) contributor/creator, by being the most ungrateful, impatient and negative bunch I've ever seen.
Besides, it's not the end of the world if this doesn't go anywhere...
Re: Rise of jimmy- ( run or rape game ) - IN DEVELOPMENT- Update 02 !!!

I know, it just reminded me of my old cybernations days. It became a meme for stupid drama to request topic locks, because someone did it once during stupid drama in a thread that he didn't create. And the rule was that you can only request a topic lock in a thread you create.

So yeah, you can see the resemblance.
Re: Rise of jimmy- ( run or rape game ) - IN DEVELOPMENT- Update 02 !!!

I'm only a troll because you silly people take everything so seriously.

Re: Rise of jimmy- ( run or rape game ) - IN DEVELOPMENT- Update 02 !!!

Re: Rise of jimmy- ( run or rape game ) - IN DEVELOPMENT- Update 02 !!!

That was funny and disturbing, but I will stop posting because people are starting to get bitchy and whiny. So Jimmy boy, good luck. I'm trying to learn some basics with game maker so that maybe I one day I can be of help to someone, or, just make my own game of good win. All I wanted was to see some wolves raping some bunnies. Was that so much to ask for?
Re: Rise of jimmy- ( run or rape game ) - IN DEVELOPMENT- Update 02 !!!
