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Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Maybe you could help me out with this?

Hmm. The first sentence would appear to say "(I) only wanted point(s)". I think "点数" is used to refer to the marking of school work (rather than, say, points in a game or battle). Are you doing the cheating girl game? If so, that would make sense, and a better translation might be "(I) only wanted a high mark".

In the second sentence the speaker makes the first sentence a quote, and says "what other reason could I have?" This would suggest the lines fit around some form of questioning, and the exact meaning would depend on what was being asked, but it appears to me that the speaker is questioning the suggestion that there could be another reason for doing whatever they did (cheat on a test?) other than simply wanting a high grade.


The first part makes a topic of "wanting to know", the second part says "that is enough (ここまで) of a reason to take the points". It appears to be a justification for something, I'm not sure what the speaker is being accused of at this point in the conversation (has it been suggested they are cheating yet?), and that might affect how you translate "取り", but the whole line might be translated as "Wanting to learn is enough of a reason to score highly". I might be misattributing the verb "知り" as "learning" (acquisition of knowledge) here though, again it would depend on what was said before.


I think this says, "Knowing that, what do you want to do? Although, I don't think there's anything you can do."

Also, do you have skype? If you do - add me, maybe we could help each other. My nickname is "sennken"

Don't do Skype, sorry. I'm not at my computer often enough to make IM conversations easy. Feel free to drop me a PM whenever though.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

"wanting to know", the second part says "that is enough (ここまで) of a reason to take the points"
Oh right. I thought it was "what i want to know is ...". Although now it's the last line that doesn't make sense. Alright, i think i can figure it out now. thx.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Out of curiosity, do we have a compilation or a list of all the ones that have been translated so far? I absolutely love JSK's games but it's much more enjoyable to play them translated to english. I really wish I knew Japanese...but unfortunately I don't know any written and only enough spoken to barely catch words here and there. Thanks a lot to those who have worked and are working on translations for these games, it makes all the difference in the world! :D:D
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

I've done Vampire Hunter and Imoutoto. There was a little one someone translated. Don't remember the name though.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

As mentioned in the first post on the thread there is "1 Human English Translation of Ayasaki (Courtesy of spkrforthedead of ULMF)" packaged in the bundle. The translation of vampire hunter n is more recent so it was not included, but i think that is the only not listed translation, aside from Ritsu's translation of Imoutou and the 2 machine translations also listed on the first post (although do not expect amazing grammar or logic from those).

There are a number of ongoing translation projects though, Ritsu is working on Shion, Qwe123456 is working on Shogun Princess Christianne, and Tentakaru is working on Devil Girl. Thanks for all your hard work translators! :D
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Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

I wish I had the know how to translate games. There's this really cool game I found a long time ago that is about this guy who finds a kemomimi on the street and takes her home. I know it has some romance ending to it and I've always wanted to see it in Engish. Oh well, just wishful thinking on my part.

Wankuri? Love that game!
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

I've done Vampire Hunter and Imoutoto. There was a little one someone translated. Don't remember the name though.
Found it on page 16, thanks :).
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Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Next game in development with a new demon-character.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Started playing his most recent game with the robot girl. The perspective is like the demon and vampire girl games but it plays like the princess game. That being said you probably won't beat it the first time, although you still get h scenes, no need to translate it either. It functions on wins and if you choose to plow her or not. Doesn't seem like his usual games story wise; I think they might already be lovers or something.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

That's not a robot girl, actually. She's a human possessed by a demon.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Next game in development with a new demon-character.

Yup, just saw it on the japanese DLsite news myself. From what I can gather from a rough google translation, it has only begun to develop. It says that its the sequel to the devil girl game, but apparently it has no connection what so ever, so just a spiritual successor i guess.

Anyhow great news even though it probably won't be out for a good while :D
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

He gets games out around once in 3 months. His last was early September, add 3 months, you get around xmas or maybe early January, considering his knack for delays... :D
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Hi, I think this is a great thread. I didn't realize that JSK made so many different games. I think they are all pretty good. The first one I found was Vampire Hunter N, and it lead me to this site.

I got a couple of questions, I found the uncensored version of this game and I recently downloaded the translated version from the mediafire link posted by Ritsu. Thank you for translating this!

I did notice however that while the game is translated it is still censored. I tried swapping the sub folder of the uncensored Vampire Hunter N and it caused the fights to be in English, but the other scenes to be in uncensored but still in Japanese. Is there a uncensored English version of this SWF? (with its sub SWF also uncensored and in English) Or can anyone tell me how I would go about opening up the English sub SWF and turning off the mosaic layer?

Thank you for your help.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

As I said earlier, I don't decensor his games because it'd look like crap (to me, at least).
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

This thread is pure awesome, because of the people in it. You all are awesome. AWESOME. Ya got that? I can't remember the first JSKI game I encountered, but I very quickly learned that amongst all the crap flash hentai games, anything that had that logo on it was worth playing NOW, not six-tabs-of-shit-games later. The one I remember most is ah...Orekko? the red-haired girl one, because I remember coming back to it one day and randomly clicking dialogues instead of just the top options, and getting a different ending. That blew my mind way back then, and I proceeded to ah...visual novel the game. Id Est, systematically go through and try every incremental set of answers to get however many endings there might be. Now, I'm having my mind blown by the fact there are translators who don't think flash games are a waste of time to translate, (there are alot of them that are, so I respect their opinions, translating not being the most easily enjoyable thing in the world), so I decided to put an account in here at ULMF and show my appreciation. I'd like to offer more, but I don't know any japanese other than the odd word that gets subliminally implanted into ones head after endless repetition in anime.
I believe I read in one of the many posts that someone is translating/is queing up for translation, the one where you fight the girl with blue hair? I believe 格闘妹 that's the SWF name. I really want to play that one, but after playing the Vampire N translation I'm even further reinforced in my opinion that playing most of JSKI's games is best saved till translation, when you can understand just what it is you and the girl are saying. I'm looking for the 'subscribe to thread' button atm, and I can't wait to play any other fully translated ones you awesome fellows release. Moonspeak tends to get me laughing too hard to actually play the games. haha

Edit: Ah ha, found the subscribe button. Waiting on the edge of my seat!
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Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Oh, Orekko was my first game too. *brofist*
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

I think the thing that really underlined the game for me was that I got the "break her" ending first, and I was like "ho hum another sex slave game...at least it looks better than the others", but the next ending when I came back was "whoa whoa whoa she's RIDING him now, that's not mind broken...wait so I DON'T have to be an evil ass? SWEET!" and then so on and so forth. Come to think of it is there a translation for Orekko? machine or otherwise? I didn't find one in the JSKI rar I DL'd from the first post and I mostly skimmed the middle section of the thread.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

I think the thing that really underlined the game for me was that I got the "break her" ending first, and I was like "ho hum another sex slave game...at least it looks better than the others", but the next ending when I came back was "whoa whoa whoa she's RIDING him now, that's not mind broken...wait so I DON'T have to be an evil ass? SWEET!" and then so on and so forth. Come to think of it is there a translation for Orekko? machine or otherwise? I didn't find one in the JSKI rar I DL'd from the first post and I mostly skimmed the middle section of the thread.

Give the guys here some time... there will be. Ritsu (who has already done Imoutoto and the vampire game) is working on Shion, Qwe123456 is working on the princess, and Tentakuru is working on the demon girl.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Yep I was aware of those being in translation already, I was just curious if I missed it being translated by machine or person already because I started skimming the middle of the thread, and didn't start full reading again till about 15-16'th page.