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Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Ah that's good, I was worried for a time there.

Still, I can't get a good sense of the dialogues in the blowjob scene. :confused:
For an example:
I understand that:
"舐めればよいのか?" = "Would you agree if I lick it?"
"私に奉仕させて勝ちを誇ろうというのだな。" = "To make me service/serve you in order to boast your victory."
And it becomes like this:
"Making me service you in order to boast your victory.<br>Would you agree if I lick it?"

Does this even make sense to anyone? Well I don't quite understand this sentence, even I'm the one who translate it... :D

Can anyone help me translate this scene? Cause it will took me longer to make a suitable and understandable sentences. :eek:
"舐めればよいのか?" - Literally,she's saying "just licking is good then?" in curt form(creator seems to like manner of speech on his girls).Personally,i translated this as "So i just have to lick it?".As in, nothing serious for now.
In second phrase she's saying how she interprets the situation, it's something like: "So making me service you is your way of boasting/asserting victory.".You pretty much nailed it.

Here is my way to get all the endings for Maou Yumisu. I hope you enjoy the endings XD.

魔王エンド ending (Peace Ending)

1. Skip the first dialogue (press the skip at right top corner)
2. Defeat her and let her go
3. Choose 1st (the fight is over, how about you surrender)
4. Defeat her and let her go
5. Choose 1st option (if you don't intend to get hurt anymore than surrender)
6. Defeat her and let her go
Thanks,i was trying to get this ending,but always got the normal one,where she just labels me "bloodthirsty savage" and such.I wonder what i actually have to say instead of skipping.Hmm..
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

2nd way to get the ending....
1. choose 2nd option (Let's end this fight, demon king)
2. choose 2nd option (The humans will prevail)
3. Defeat her and let her go
4. Choose 1st (the fight is over, how about you surrender)
5. Defeat her and let her go
6. Choose 1st option (if you don't intend to get hurt anymore than surrender)
7. Defeat her and let her go

PS: when you defeat her in 3rd round must remain you hp more than 3 over 5 or as much as u can. I think the hp is key point to get peace ending. :)
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Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Update on the testing and proofreading of SPC.

The progress is rather slow now because of my studies and lack of free time. At Saturday i will move to another resident for 10 days and i don't know if i will bring my PC with me. So i will try my best to finish all my present duties before Saturday, and i will use my phone for the remaining scenes when Gil finish them and send them to me.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

"舐めればよいのか?" - Literally,she's saying "just licking is good then?" in curt form(creator seems to like manner of speech on his girls).Personally,i translated this as "So i just have to lick it?".As in, nothing serious for now.
In second phrase she's saying how she interprets the situation, it's something like: "So making me service you is your way of boasting/asserting victory.".You pretty much nailed it.
Thanks, I've fixed it and still waiting if anything else need to be fixed.

Best wishes man, hope he gets better soon. That's some rough stuff :(
Actually, I don't even think he really in a bad condition, but I can't say for sure...

My father threw me out of his room when I came to visit him, that was 5 hours ago I guess...

He said don't come back until I found someone to marry. :eek:

I'll finish this translation and see what I can do about it...

Here is the rough translation of the Rape ending, by the way...
Found this on the conversation:
And this is the translation:
Ukuu…!<br>Don't put it inside!<br>That's the wrong place to put it in…!

Sadly this was used when you start moving or "Slow".
Any idea what should I change it to? Cause I still can't think too much about it... :(

Another one:

I got the meaning of this, this sentence is trying to say that Christiane need to thank the Hero (Player) for what he have done to/shown her.
The question is this: "方" = "Sama" = If my memory correct, this was used to call somebody politely, or someone in a higher position (Rank) or used to call a person which is respectable or something like that.
What should I put on this word? Mister (Mr.) or darling? Or whatever you guys think good. :D

Ukuu…!<br>Don't put it inside!<br>That's the wrong place to put it in…!

I guess I'll change it into:
Ukuu…!<br>Don't start moving!<br>That's the wrong place you put it in…!

Is this acceptable for you guys?


  • end_rape.swf.zip
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Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Another one:

I got the meaning of this, this sentence is trying to say that Christiane need to thank the Hero (Player) for what he have done to/shown her.
The question is this: "方" = "Sama" = If my memory correct, this was used to call somebody politely, or someone in a higher position (Rank) or used to call a person which is respectable or something like that.
What should I put on this word? Mister (Mr.) or darling? Or whatever you guys think good.

I prefer sweetheart or darling.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

You should get a real translator to tell you the answer, since I have no credentials at all, but isn't "Darling" a completely different word entirely from the honorific "-Sama"?

If it's a term of great respect, or for somebody of a higher rank, then... it's a term of great respect, or for somebody of a higher rank.

It's not a sweet-talking pet name.
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Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

I've always understood "-sama" to mean "Master" or something to that effect. Maybe "My Lord" will do?
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Ah that's good, I was worried for a time there.

Still, I can't get a good sense of the dialogues in the blowjob scene. :confused:
For an example:
I understand that:
"舐めればよいのか?" = "Would you agree if I lick it?"
"私に奉仕させて勝ちを誇ろうというのだな。" = "To make me service/serve you in order to boast your victory."
And it becomes like this:
"Making me service you in order to boast your victory.<br>Would you agree if I lick it?"

Does this even make sense to anyone? Well I don't quite understand this sentence, even I'm the one who translate it... :D

Can anyone help me translate this scene? Cause it will took me longer to make a suitable and understandable sentences. :eek:

'You're going to force me be your whore(slut/servant) to show the world you beat me?' Her head hangs low for a moment. 'Do you want me to lick your cock?'
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

I've played through the four files that were listed as ready. I did not bother to check the files that were not ready because I figured you were still working on them.

For consistency, this zip includes the new file end_rape.swf.txt that was posted by GilgameshNoborosuke (post #1512). This new file was not checked.

Most everything showed up correctly. Anything that had display issues were noted. Also as I was playing through the different scenes if I noticed anything odd about the dialogue, then I changed it in the file and made a note in the file called Editing Notes.txt.

Up to you if you want to accept or reject those changes. I did notice one odd thing. The first line in end_kizoku.swf.txt (邪魔するぞ。) does not like to translate. I had to play with dumping/re-translating the text file for it to show the English translation.


  • rf.zip
    141.6 KB · Views: 2
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

I prefer sweetheart or darling.
I'll see if it fit in the scene, if not probably going to ask a real translator about it.

Not to nitpick, but "様" is sama. "方" is hou which can be, among other things, a polite reference to a person or people. They sound like different levels of politeness.
Damn, it looks like I need another dictionary and books about Japanese.

You mentioned it was a major risk factor of strokes, which had me worried. I had an uncle who had a bad stroke, and he couldn't really move around or do anything without getting really agitated. He turned into a very inactive, bitter person right up to his death.
Best of wishes though, I hope it doesn't come to that with your father.
Well, my secretary the one making it really dire.
The doctor who tending my father said I shouldn't make my father angry like yesterday, so I guess this is a real case.
My father looked skinnier than the last time I saw him, I really shouldn't have worried him this much... :(

Most everything showed up correctly. Anything that had display issues were noted. Also as I was playing through the different scenes if I noticed anything odd about the dialogue, then I changed it in the file and made a note in the file called Editing Notes.txt.

Thank you for the help, I'll look into it after translating this one last scene.

I did notice one odd thing. The first line in end_kizoku.swf.txt (邪魔するぞ。) does not like to translate. I had to play with dumping/re-translating the text file for it to show the English translation.

I've checked the "邪魔するぞ。".
It's already translated, that's weird...

I'll try my best to translate the last scene and post everything that I've fixed on my own/fixed by others. For the last check on the translation.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

I've played through the four files that were listed as ready. I did not bother to check the files that were not ready because I figured you were still working on them.

For consistency, this zip includes the new file end_rape.swf.txt that was posted by GilgameshNoborosuke (post #1512). This new file was not checked.

Most everything showed up correctly. Anything that had display issues were noted. Also as I was playing through the different scenes if I noticed anything odd about the dialogue, then I changed it in the file and made a note in the file called Editing Notes.txt.

Up to you if you want to accept or reject those changes.

Thanks for the feedback rune and i'm happy that 90% of the problems are nitpicks( Very little problems with my grammar and in general with my rewrites.) Also, i swear i have fixed all of.the. weird lines in the ero scenes, but maybe i skipped some due to the copy paste.(P.ex such a thing is in cowgirl but not in doggy) I will have a look again, fix the ones that need fixing and i will upload them today. Too bad i can't upload from my phone.....

Also i may add some more changes to add more "mood" in the game. I will keep the "i'm amazed by you" because she is in sweetheart mode.

I just did some fixes and i noticed that you rune are a little......bipolar. In some cases you don't like capitals( How, You,)and some others you do (I ). Weird.
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Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

It seems many are unused in the past translations, I'll remove it from the scene if possible. :)

As for the syuppon_end, I'm still trying to find where the hell they put the conversation when you start fucking her. :D

I've translated at least 45% of it and still can't find it, this time I'm deleting those that didn't used on the scene.

Forget it, I already found the conversation near the end of the text document.

Err... Guys.
How do you say "I feel electric currents all over my body", in a sex scene?
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Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

It seems many are unused in the past translations, I'll remove it from the scene if possible. :)

Err... Guys.
How do you say "I feel electric currents all over my body", in a sex scene?

I'm shocked, or i'm getting shocked or talk about sexual tension or your touch makes me zappy ,tense,charged up,energetic etc.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

"It's like I feel electric currents all over my body" is fine.

And not "I'm shocked."

That refers to an emotional state.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

"It's like I feel electric currents all over my body" is fine.

And not "I'm shocked."

That refers to an emotional state.

You never felt electricity during sex? I think it makes sense......
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

I mean that the phrase "I am shocked" refers to being "shocked" in the emotional sense.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

I mean that the phrase "I am shocked" refers to being "shocked" in the emotional sense.

In my err...... search for lines, "I'm shocked by your touch" was not so rare. But if it is really that odd, i may not include it in the final version.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Because I'm a person who comes here at other times, are there any new updates?
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

I just did some fixes and i noticed that you rune are a little......bipolar. In some cases you don't like capitals( How, You,)and some others you do (I ). Weird.

LOL. I guess that is true. But here are some explanations. In English, the pronoun "I" is always capitalized. I know other languages do not do that, but in English "I" as a pronoun is always capitalized.

As a result, a contraction of "I'm" must also be capitalized because "I'm" is short for "I am". The same goes for "I've", "I'll", etc.

As far as other instances. In English the first letter of the first word of the sentence is usually capitalized. In the previous sentence, "In" is capitalized. The next word English is also capitalized because it is always capitalized.

In the dialog for SPC, there was multiple instances of words being capitalized when they should not be. "You, It can't be?!". Adding a comma after a word does not begin a new sentence. "We Don't Write Like This In English. We write like this in English." Now there are instances where you would type a sentence and insert an ellipses (...) then continue the quote you were using. Using your response as an example, "I just did some fixes and i [sic] noticed...In some cases you don't like capitals." Because the quotation crossed into a new sentence, the first word of that sentence "In" was capitalized.

I did notice that there were some instances where an indirect question was used and the sentence ended with a question mark. Indirect questions are supposed to end with a period, but the couple of instances actually occurred in the original Japanese, so I left them alone. Technically, all Japanese sentences should end with a period, but it is now customary for the Japanese people to use other punctuation marks like the rest of the world.

But as I stated, they are nitpicks and not even worth worrying about.

In case I am not clear, THANK YOU for the work you are doing. Also if you can create diverse, memorable sex speech then that would be worth slogging through the sex scenes over and over again to read.:)

Err... Guys.
How do you say "I feel electric currents all over my body", in a sex scene?
Sex talk is hard to do. Even though people do talk like that sometimes it will also sound hokey. You have to balance interesting dialog versus making it sound like a cheap porno. Sadly enough, you have to take into account what is occurring at the moment and the mood. So to make make everything flow and not feel out of place, you may have to actually alter other lines for the whole dialog to work. (This gets into the question of re-writing entire sections of scenes to make it flow).

You could try, "My whole body is tingling all over." as isolated dialog.

If you account for the scene. Did the player just come?

"Did you just come again? If you keep moving like that I'm going to --KEEP GOING, DON'T stop!
My whole body is tingling all over. Every time you thrust like that it feels like an electric current pulsing all over my body!" (And on...and on.)

If you want ideas, get a romance book written by a WOMAN.

Another Reference:
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