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Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

For the most part the text is the same as the Devil girl game with the purple armor, I'm almost done with the translation anyway so I might post it some time tomorrow. Maybe after the world cup games are over.
EDIT: Had less time than anticipated as I have places to be so I might work on it next week so here is the partial translation of the game

Wonder where this guy went, hope he's okay. The game he was going to translate in a week turned into 4 weeks.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Wonder where this guy went, hope he's okay. The game he was going to translate in a week turned into 4 weeks.

Yeah, I wish he could just visit us and say "I had many real life issues and I've still problems, it will take another 2 weeks" but there is nothing ;(

He was translating the game I wanted the most. And I don't now if there are any other active translators

But looks like nobody is posting now... Real life sucks, huh?
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Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Hey, JSK posted a new comment 2 weeks ago in the dlsite blog here:

Apologies for not making it a clickable link, it's my first post. I've been lurking in this thread for over a year now and I'm disappointed that there hasn't been a release in a long time...
Google translate doesn't help me much in understanding it. Anyone able to translate it?

Scroll down, it's comment #86
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

uhhhm okay so...

Original Comment:







Original Comment with the Questions:

Q- をや……。


JSK -エロをやっている身として、規制云々は他人事ではありませんからね。

Q- そういえばですけど


JSK -タワーディフェンス系は、やったことがないっす。

>>70 しんだんか
>>75 やれやれだぜ、失踪したか

JSK -まだ生きていますw

Q- もう全レス返しはやめましょう

JSK -ありがとうございます。







JSK -体の方は、今のところ大丈夫なのですが、やはり本業の方がなんとも・・・。

Q- 0721の日だから更新されてるかと期待したが…

JSK -0721ですか・・・。

Romaji Comment:
Resu wo kore hodo itadai te iru to ha...
taiou ga okure te oushiwake ari masen

ero wo yatsu te iru mitoshite, kisei unnun ha ta jinji de ha ari masen kara ne.
wadai ni suru no ha jibun toshite ha ari desu ne.

tawa difensu kei ha, yatsuta koto ga nai ssu.
sukoa ha tsukeru koto ha fukanou de ha nai desu ga, ero to kankei nai tokoro ha, te wo ireru no ga okkuu ni natsu te shimai masu.

mada ikitei masu heh

arigatou gozaimasu.
mataserumi toiu no mo, jitsuha tsurai mono ga arimasu

karada no hou ha, ima no tokoro daijoubu na no desu ga, yahari hongyou no hou nantomo...
tairyoku yori seishin teki ni kitsuku te, ie kaeru to nukegara joutai desu.
o kidzukai kansha itashimasu.

07 21 desu ka....
Souyeba saikin yatsu te masen heh

My guess:
I'm very sorry for the big delay

(and at this point he is replying on the comment on the corresponding no.)

>>64** (real very rough understanding on my side)
Q- (my gawd sorry, thats long too and is a response from another comment)

JSK -I don't have an assistant (or helper)

69 >>
Q- Do you like tower defence games?
(Basically he is suggesting to have tower defense games where your points affect the H-scene or H-events)

JSK -Tower Defense type.
Applying the score is not impossible but... even if it is to "Ero", it will be troublesome(?).

70 >> U Ded?
75 >> Ohh boy~ Did you disappear?
JSK -Still alive lol

78 >>
Q- (basically he says "You don't need to apologize for any delays, I'll be happy when you update")
JSK -Thank you very much.
Sorry for making you wait, but the truth is (my body?) still hurts.

79 >>
Q- (Sorry that is too long)
JSK-My body is fine at the moment, so I will still continue (making the game)
I'm actually more mentally exhausted than physically after coming home.
Thank you (and sorry) for worrying about me.

Q- I thought you were going to update in July 21
JSK - Oopsie~

PS. How do you make those "Spoil thing to make the post littler?
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Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

PS. How do you make those "Spoil thing to make the post littler?

Easy solution!
Download and install Greasemonkey for firefox

Then go to the Monkey icon > droplist > New user script
Put a random name
Paste this inside
// ==UserScript==
// @name        Spoiler
// @namespace   http://www.ulmf.org/
// @description Reduce bottom margin of spoiler tags
// @include     http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/*
// @version     1
// @require     http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js
// ==/UserScript==

and save.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Thanks a bunch man. I wasn't expecting a response as intricate as yours.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

The guy who wanted to finish the translation by monday didn't write anything for over a month :(

I want to say that I love the Demon games by JSK and would REEAALLLY like to play it translated. I know that there is something like real life, but even a quick reply in this thread would be enough for the most of us
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

The guy who wanted to finish the translation by monday didn't write anything for over a month :(

I want to say that I love the Demon games by JSK and would REEAALLLY like to play it translated. I know that there is something like real life, but even a quick reply in this thread would be enough for the most of us

Forget about it. He hasn't been here at all since the day after his last post (June 20). :(
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

JSK has made a recent comment (August 30th):

98. jsk 2014年08月30日 12:35


Google translate:

Is very much .
It has been half dead . Is too tight work .
In people sometimes even tattered so , and to cheer us , it is thanks .

I believe ... by the end of the year somehow .
But , there is also at the core business soon .

Hmm, apparently he might be able to finish the new game by the end of this year, from what I can gather of this text. Let's hope for the best.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

JSK has made a recent comment (August 30th):

98. jsk 2014年08月30日 12:35


Google translate:

Is very much .
It has been half dead . Is too tight work .
In people sometimes even tattered so , and to cheer us , it is thanks .

I believe ... by the end of the year somehow .
But , there is also at the core business soon .

Hmm, apparently he might be able to finish the new game by the end of this year, from what I can gather of this text. Let's hope for the best.

I'm not counting on it. Mostly because of Japan's censorship laws are already ruining doujins.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

More precisely, he'll come up with something by the end of the year. However since his full-time job is giving him hell, it's an optimistic estimate. If his full-time job cuts him some slack he'll have more time to work on his doujin products.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

i've been trying to play these games, and i am able to play them. but the thing is, whenever it comes to the sex scenes, the game goes white. is there any way that i can get some help on as to how to fix this problem?
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

@Yaguking: they work find for me.
try running them in a different browser. and/or update your flash
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

@Yaguking: they work find for me.
try running them in a different browser. and/or update your flash

i've already tried that, and my flash player is up to date. i just can't play it without the game itself going to a white screen at certain parts of the games. any and all help i can get would be greatly appreciated
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

i've already tried that, and my flash player is up to date. i just can't play it without the game itself going to a white screen at certain parts of the games. any and all help i can get would be greatly appreciated

the game? this is a package containing many games
which one isn't working?
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

shion, demon hunter, devil queen, and vampire hunter N

Those are all games that have been translated and have sub folders with the sex scenes. If you have them in a zip, player can't find them. If you don't have the sub folder, same result.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

I remember playing these Game a loooooooooooong time ago, they were never Translated, so to come up to them now in English is pretty awesome lol.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Hello? I'm just checking to see if the first Devil girl game was translated.