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Jumpers Rebirth

Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Also, lurker and Simca: post.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Hehehe, after a time, I decided to use this game's system for my own personal use after I'd thought it died/came close to dieing. Since Silth decided he is alive(again) I'll post some of the changes I made to some of the problems I found with the game's mechanics, which I feel, made it more balanced, and gave attributes like Finesse a reason to be purchased.

First, here are my formulas I used. Some, like the one for armor class, were edited to make better use of a given skill.
Fatigue Points Formula: (I noticed that the stamina stat gave an immensely larger bonus than any other stat, so I dumbed down it's fatigue bonus)
(Stamina)+((Strength+Dexterity)/4) = FP

Action Points Formula:
(Speed + 5) + (Finesse/4)

Pleasure Points Formula:
(Stamina + Will Power) / 2

Armor Count Formula: Speed gave the same bonus as Finesse here, and since it gave little other bonuses, coupled with the fact that it's description claims it helps with evading attacks, I took away the divisor to actually make purchasing it worthwhile.
(Speed/2) + Finesse

Magic Points Formula:
Intelligence * 4

Mentality Points Formula: (I changed Mind to Depth after making core game mechanic changes, and after determining how much of your mentality is lost during sex. Using the mind stat simply meant, that at later levels, you'd lose all mentality in one or two turns.)
(Stamina + Depth)/2

((Finesse + Intelligence)/4)

(Intelligence + (Strength, Dexterity))/4

((Will Power + Intelligence)/4)

((Senses + Depth)/4)

And here are the changes to what the stats do.
Every 1 point in Dexterity grants a bonus to hit with any physical weapon

Every 5 points of strength gives a +2 bonus to damage
Strength now serves it's purpose, and makes attacks that are influenced by your muscles more powerful. The amount of the damage bonus is for balancing with the average fatigue growth.

Every 1 point in Senses increases chance to dodge magic-based attacks

With your spells, you may double whatever effect they have if your depth points equal to the MP cost. Example, the Life spell, Gentle Touch, costs 10 MP. If you have 20 Depth, you may cast it three times over, costing 30 AP, and 30 MP.
More power to depth that needed to be given. Plus, it allows spells that eventually become useless in later levels to maintain their usefulness to you.

Every 1 point in Willpower gives a +1 to hit with magic based attacks
Added use for Willpower

Stamina damage during sex is measured as d5 (+d1.5(rounded up) every extra monster level, until 6, then make another die starting at d1.5)
Balanced with the average fatigue growth

Pleasure damage is measured as d9 (add + d3 for every extra monster level, until it becomes nine, then make another die from 3)
Balanced with the average Pleasure threshold growth

Corruption is gained as follows: Since corruption is a fixed 100, I immediately saw the issue with the stats involved, once again, occurring in the later levels.

d5 for every round of sex

Add d10 to the roll in the event of an orgasm (2d10 if two orgasms occur, 3d10 if three, etc)

And finally, I changed the way some weapon skills worked, such as the Longsword's Whirlwind. You simply use the same mechanics, attacking all the enemies in adjacent spaces to your char, but changed the damage. You instead use the max amount of damage you can possibly do with a normal hit, and then turn that number into a die roll, rolling it for each enemy attacked.

Example; My character, Leina, that I've been using to test this is a level 3 Fighter. She has a level 3 sword that inflicts 3d6 damage, and 35 strength, giving her a +14 to her damage. If she used whirlwind, she'd roll a d32 for every enemy hit by her attack, since 3X6=18+14=32.

For leveling, the amount of points awarded at each level is fixed at 45, no exceptions.

For determining monster points in their levels, I start them out with 90 points at level 1, with all of their stats at Zero. and then grant them +45 for every extra level, just like the PC's.

And for boss monsters, I enhance their fatigue, and magic point stats, giving them a X3 bonus to said attributes, as well as making them about 3 levels higher than the enemies in it's territory. As well, they give triple the normal experience.

If it's a single boss monster versus several heroines, I enhance it's level to be 5 over the average monster for that area, and for every heroine present in the fight, I add an extra multiplier.


The lone boss in this example is a level 10. A monster with average stats at that level will have 83 fatigue points. There are six heroines about to face it. First, it's health goes to the appropriate amount for a boss. 83X3=249 (A heroine at level 7, on average, will inflict 43 damage on a normal hit, much more if she invests in strength. And when outnumbering a monster, all characters not under the direct focus of it's wrath get a +5 to-hit) That, times six is 1494 Fatigue points.

If said boss can focus on more than one character, with tentacles, say, then it would be better to include each set of tentacles as an individual boss.

Figured I'd post this since Silth is still around, as he might find use from it. :D
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

You mean... You posted it so I wouldn't find you and feed you to Killer Croc, right?>.>

Also, Corruption is a fixed 100 at CL 1. At CL 2 it's 200, CL 3 is 300, so on and so forth.

I pretty much like everything I see, though.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

But the corruption levels themselves only go so far, while the numbers keep rising. From that figure I've written, once you hit 100 CP, your character is pretty much sex-broken until they get a little something to snap them back out of it, such as healing or items that reduce corruption.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Nope... There's no going back to a lower level. Once you hit 100 CP, you go back to zero... but now you nave a limit of 200.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

I wasn't talking about that... Going to a lower level wasn't what the problem was, the problem in the numbers was that after the average level for both monster and heroine got so high, corruption during sex would sky rocket. If it got to such a point, level 50 monsters(average stats around 275 using my method) would inflict crazy high corruption.

All that, and it's designed to allow people to keep their chars. Losing yer character just cuz she was snatched, and raped mercilessly, gaining too many CP's as an ending would make someone such as myself quit, depending on how much time was spent behind the wheel of the character's mind, while giving the best of both worlds. Yer character can still snap under the 100CP only rule, losing herself to the lust, and under the proper treatment, can come back 'round to her senses.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

What happened to the dark side? D:
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Evil thread was updated yesterday. And going 3 weeks without an update after getting them pretty regularly for so long is not so bad compared to good sides' "2 weeks between every update" :p. Just playin Silth ;)
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Evil thread was updated yesterday. And going 3 weeks without an update after getting them pretty regularly for so long is not so bad compared to good sides' "2 weeks between every update" :p. Just playin Silth ;)

Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Sorry for don't post I'm very busy right now. Also i have updated my character sheet, so if anyone have a new rule about how many points are allowed to put in a stat, say it now please : )
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

No new rules yet, Plmnko.

I can't tell if the Good team is all busy or just not posting... Still, if I don't get any RP posts by tomorrow, Seira will leave you guys alone so you can continue on your quest.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth



/spy introduction

After thinking about it, and getting pissed off at Dragon Age because even on easy, my friends drop like flies, I decided that I wanted to test out my revamped, balanced version of Silth's interesting game system on my favorite Guinea pigs, You!

It's first come, first serve, as I'll only be taking three people for this little experiment. The battle system, and method of fighting the monsters will be very similar to how you've been playing before, but I'll be walking you through a, 'tutorial' of sorts, and showing you all the new stuff I had in mind to make use of all stats, even those overlooked stats, Presence, and Charisma, and will incorporate them into the game, making it important to have a varied group.

Mainly, a tank character, a support character, and a rogue character comes to mind, as my own personal tests have proved that combination to be very nice, and will be perfect for the introduction to my changes.

Also, this different version belongs to Silth, even though I made the changes. He may do with my ideas as he sees fit.

So, any takers?
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Is this offer only for people who player Jumpers? If not, I'd like to play the rogue in this experiment.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

It's preferable that only people who plan on being locals of Jumpers partake in this experiment. While this does not limit the applicants to only those who are current players, I would much rather have those who do plan on playing Jumpers in the future partake in my little experiment.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Quetz is in as the tank.

Edit: Also, yeah, Dragon Age's normal difficulty is called easy, hard is normal, very hard is hard, and given it's description, I don't want to think about nightmare.

Also, the character you get at the mage tower is necessary unless you can unlock the spirit healer specialization in some game (Unlocking specializations carries over between games).
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Re: Jumpers Rebirth

It's preferable that only people who plan on being locals of Jumpers partake in this experiment. While this does not limit the applicants to only those who are current players, I would much rather have those who do plan on playing Jumpers in the future partake in my little experiment.

I've thought about joining Jumpers in the past and now do want to join. If a new group is formed then ill likely join. Well, anyways, hope I can be the rogue.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

I've dragged myself out of bed to ask one question:

Still allowed to use this revamped system for Jumpers?

Random note. According to the 'Hawaiian Dictionary' at 'hisurf.com', the dead cat woman's name means 'Dead on Arrival'. :D

Such a bad pun.
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Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Heh, I mentioned before that all of these changes, even though you may not have made them to your system, all belong to you one way or another. It's not up to me what you do with it, since I basically stole it, and modded it a wee bit. :eek:

What I posted some time ago was simply a portion of the game, I'm on the track of modding the skills and magics as well.

And, as for the Jumpers V.1.2 experiment, we have...

Tank: Pheonix
Rogue: GoldGolem

Also, I've given certain abilities for ascension, that is, when you accomplish so many tasks based on your alignment. Depending on what class you are, you begin to be better able to accomplish your job, and assist your team as a whole. Leveling up your ascension is similar to leveling up your skills, except the points you earn are based on the general level of the area you're in, and the difficultly of the task, whether it be how hard a battle was, or how hard the decision was to make in order to proceed as your own alignment.

Each time you level up, and ascend as an Evil/Neutral/Good character, you gain a single point, which grants you an ability that is activated whenever you please for a cost of 20AP. Spending more points in the same ability will allow you to use it more. Three points in one ability will allow you to use it three times, for example.

As well, points used up during the course of a battle, are regenerated upon that battle's completion to their full extent.

Tank: A tank's job is obvious, and her ascension helps with that task. The task of grabbing the monster's attention, pulling their perverted gazes away from her comrades. Sacrificing damage dealing for AC, Fatigue and Pleasure Points should be the main focus of these characters. Upgrading their armor and shield to high levels is also recommended.

Battle Cry: Activated Using this ability, all aggro is directed at the heroine. And in almost every sense of the word, renders all of your comrades invisible, allowing them to move about without notice, and evade danger.

Never Ending Resolve: Passive This ability is activated when the heroin's fatigue is reduced below 0. Instead of collapsing, the tank continues to fight. And for every turn spent in this state, a point is used to sustain the heroin, making it possible to use a potion, or have a friendly healer restore your fatigue back to the positive levels.

Rogue: This character is clever, and quick. And her ascensions allow her to escape from virginity threatening situations, as well as allowing her to perform the deadly, infamous backstab. The main focus of Rogues should be in stats such as Charisma, Presence, and Dexterity. While gold would be better placed in potions, rather than armor.

Backstab: Activated An ability most D&D fans should know well. Should you find yourself situated behind an enemy, you may choose to deal a deadly deathblow. You inflict double damage to the victim of this attack, almost guaranteeing that your knife will seal the fate of all but the strongest of foes. However, once you do this, you will no doubt attract more attention than one would want, raising your aggro a great deal, but not maximizing it.

Distract: Activated Rogues are not good when under attack, as they are fast, and meant for other places than the front lines. Should a monsters decide that the heroin is their target, the use of this ability will cause the creature's to seek out one of her comrades instead, thus bringing her aggro down to 0%, allowing her to even go so far as to move right behind a monster, completely unnoticed... This does not work when grabbed, as a rogue is at it's weakest when held in place.

Mage: The magic casters of the world. The mages are, to put it simply, the biggest damage dealers in the game. Even more so when you consider than when they use a spell that is the weakness of the enemy, she will cause more damage. However, their power comes at a cost. Their powers are limited to magic, and without that, they are useless. They are especially handy for the famous ability to heal, and restore their allies, among other things. However, once they are within close range of a foe, they are especially vulnerable.

Meditate: Activate More than likely, a mage's supply of power will run out, and when it does, the use of this ability will allow the heroine to recover her lost MP. At a cost of 10 AP, the heroine recovers; (20 X Heroine's level) in MP, allowing more mana to be cast.

Learn a New Element: Using this ascension, the heroine will learn new elements to use at her disposal. The amount of points needed to learn a new element is;
(1 X Total amount of elements currently owned) + 1
So, if you have one element, it will cost two points. If you have three elements, it will cost 4, etc...
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Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Given how insane the cost for the support's new element ability can get: I'm guessing the points will come fairly often probably getting one every few battles or so?