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Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

C, E or C, I...
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

(This encounter was 2 levels above Link, and Link had only 2.5 hearts going in. I'm actually rolling combat when it occurs, the attack they both lost swords was a critical on each side. Followed by crit-fail for Link, then Crit-hit for the moblin, which finished off Link's heart count.

Link's level improves with upgraded swords, skills, and magic. Also: she won't lose a fight if she still has hearts left. So don't blame Link's fighting skill that everyone wanted to rush in for a fight!)

(Winning Vote: C - Travel-E)

Link shivered in disgust for a moment, quietly rushing back the way she came. The moblin guarding the entrance to Kokiri Village grinned even wider as he saw Link's now bare body soaked in cum, though he said nothing as she tried to rush past, blushing darkly. A quick hookshot up to the exit and she ran back out, past the owl statue, which only made her blush deepen, realizing she could've magically come back here instead of being gawked at by that other moblin.

Still feeling used and disgusted, Link walked past Epona and out into Hyrule field. With the sun still overhead, it was safe, for now. She headed towards a small cluster of bushes and sliced a few down, finding a few arrows and rupees, as well as a heart. Just that one refill of her health instantly made her feel better and more relaxed about her travels, her body healing itself quickly.

Though feeling better, Link knew she was still in poor condition and in no shape to have another large battle. The familiar area was reassuring, but she couldn't shake the knowledge of how bad things had gotten in the few years she was gone.

She found herself before another familiar road, the small river flowing past made her smile, diving into it quickly and rubbing her hands across her befouled body, through her hair and across her face, all over her cum-matted breasts, and her finger toying inside her pussy enough to rinse away most of the moblin's cum.

After washing herself off, she headed up the long road to the Zora's Domain, half wondering if she could get some answers there, and half hoping that things weren't this bad everywhere.

Her journey was simple enough, she'd taken it many times before, bow drawn in anticipation for what she'd find, the first octorok going down with a single arrow before it even had a chance to launch its attack. Link found another heart in a cluster of bushes along the way, and boldly marched forward, only taking a pair of rocky blows when she got careless, the large rock slamming into her ass from behind and sending her toppling forward only to feel another rock leave a large bruise on her breasts and knock her to her back. "AAAIIIIIIIEEEEE!"

The octoroks getting their just deserts with a few more arrows, and Link found the entryway behind the waterfall. Though it was strange somehow. As she retrieved her Ocarina to begin playing, the gentle, familiar tune she'd learned as Zelda's Lullaby...

... And nothing happened... moments passed and Link looked at the flow of water, coming down the waterfall at full power same as always. Thinking something was wrong or her music was not heard, she played it again...

Her second playing had a far different reaction. Two zoras leaping down from the rocky cliffs on either side of her, fins ready for combat and weapons aimed at Link, "Don't move Hylian..."

The waterfall rumbled and the flow ebbed, a third zora appearing in the entrance. "Messenger of the royal family. State your business here."

Obtained 2 hearts, 4 rupees, and a supply of arrows.

Link's Stats:
1.75 / 3 hearts. 9 rupees. 15 arrows.
Nude. Pussy sore and gaping. Freshly washed.

vote) Link should...
a) Apologize and ask to leave (travel vote, same options as before)
b) Ask to see Ruto.
c) Ask to see King Zora.
d) Explain who she is...
d1) as being engaged to Ruto.
d2) as having saved Ruto years ago and cured Lord Jabu-Jabu.
d3) as a messenger from Zelda who's recently returned from a long journey.
e) Attack the Zoras and force her way in.
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Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Id like to say just D2, but if everyones going for 1 also, w/e
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

(3 votes in a row for the same thing, I think I'll post off that.)

(Winning Vote: D 1+2)

Link declared herself and her deeds, announcing that she was to marry Ruto. And the zora in front of her looked shocked and scared, taking a step back, "y..You..." he motioned wildly, "Drop your sword and come with me. NOW."

Link drew her blade and glared at the zora for a minute, not sure if she should or not. It looked like the zoras were not going to let her leave anymore even if she asked, and she seemed to have enough enemies all around Hyrule. Her sword clanked to the stone beneath her feet, and she nodded. The zora led her forward, and she took the quick hop into Zora's domain.

The place looked unchanged, pure, clean water everywhere. One of the guards had picked up her sword and was following behind a few steps, while the second guard's hands suddenly were upon her, his deft fingers cupping her ample tits and working them slowly in between his digits. After having himself quite the feel of her warm breasts, his hands moved downward and her swordbelt was detatched, all of her remaining weapons and items taken away, even her shield. "Just for safety..." he said, as she felt fingers working across her ass, one slick finger probing her pussy quickly, pumping in and out a few times, obviously not actually searching, but enjoying her submissive, cooperative attitude, while Link could feel herself growing wet again, and a familiar blush filling her cheeks.

Disarmed finally, the two zora guards dove into the water to stash her gear someplace. "Very well. Now come with me." the lead zora spoke again. Disarmed, Link had very few options, merely nodding and heading along the passageway up to the king's throneroom.

What Link found there was far from encouraging, it was neither Ruto nor the King Zora. A slender male stood there as Link was ushered to the platform for speaking with the king, and the zora who led her there rushed around and whispered into his ear for a moment.

"So... You claim to be engaged to my wife?" he called out with an obvious look of malice. "How dare you... My dearest Ruto would never love a Hylian!"

As Link looked over the zora, something seemed odd. He seemed unusual, the way he held himself, the way he stood there over her. It seemed decidedly... strange...

"The Hylian is disarmed?" He asked his adviser that she'd met at the entrance, a nod of answer. "Excellent. She won't be able to do anything while unarmed. Let her be until I decide what to do with her... But do not let her leave..."

He turned and walked back towards Jabu-Jabu's lake, the large gates slamming shut, and Link was left standing there, naked and unarmed, awaiting her fate.

Link knew that it would only be a matter of time before her punishment came... But while this new King Zora was deciding her fate, she seemed to have free roam of Zora's Domain.

Link checks the small pouch they left on her, and notices she has her rupees still.

Link's Stats:
1.75 / 3 hearts. 9 rupees.
Nude. Pussy sore and gaping. Freshly washed. Slightly excited.
Inventory is removed, Link has no equipment.

Vote) Link decides to... (3 choices. May take multiples of a chioce. (ex: B, B, E))
a) Check the shop.
b) Talk to the zoras in the water.
c) Attempt to gather some rupees and supplies from the rocks down by the water.
d) Try to get through the closed gates.
e) Attempt the diving game.
f) Try to find where the guards used as an exit to get on top of the rocks outside.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

C gotta get some supplies somehow.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

E to get money then C to buy the supplies.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Was there no reaction to saving jabu jabu and their kingdom?
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

E, get some money, A, go to the shop and try to refill hearts at least, and F, good idea to know about an escape route ;)
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

C then A

i doubt link still has that scale that allows for diving deep.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Going with C and A, supplies are a must.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

(There's a reaction to both of her statements, it just wasn't bluntly declared.)

(winning votes: C A E.)

Link looked around the area as she watched the few zoras spreading out in different directions, a slight frown on her face. This wasn't the hero's welcome she expected.

At least she had free roam over Zora's Domain for a bit...

Link began by going back down the way she came, heading over to the shallows and picking up a few rocks, chucking them quickly against the wall as a few things fell out. A couple rupees, a stray deku seed, pickings were slim, and before long Link realized she had the eyes of many zoras on her.

Her quick search finished, Link turned back to the familiar store and looked inside... but even at a glance, she could tell most things were out of her price range, at least until after she played the diving game... she always was pretty good at that as a child. The wares were pretty standard, a few arrows, deku nuts, a fresh fish, a red potion that she had no bottle for, but the familiar blue tunic was missing.

The shopkeeper gasped loudly as he came out of his daze, "Oh!! My goodness, did the king really let a Hylian in? This must be a special occasion! I have an old shipment of Hylian clothes from before the new king banned your fellows from coming here. They're just wasting storage space in the back, so I'll sell you them at cost!" He pulled a few outfits out from the back, all swimwear of varying designs, most rather skimpy. "The Hylians out by lake Hylia don't seem as eager to buy these, something about being too revealing. But you don't seem nearly so modest... I'll keep these up front for you. Just come back after I've found the prices." Link nodded and headed out, remembering she'd need to come back here for clothes.

Deciding to use what time she had left trying the diving game to actually make some money, maybe to get enough rupees to buy an outfit so she didn't have to keep walking around nude, Link rushed up towards the throne room again. As she headed up, she saw many eyes still following her, a few younger zoras that had never seen a Hylian up close before, and a few older ones that seemed to have devious looks. On her way back up, two different groups actually approached her.

First the younger ones, half a dozen or so of them, with a couple girls in the group reminding her of young Ruto. "Hey... are you really from outside?" one hand was poking at her hips, "Why is your chest so big?" a pair of hands began to rub at her tits, "Will you play with us?" Link blushed and politely slipped away from the kids, not sure what to promise to them, she wasn't even sure what the king was going to do to her. "Aww, well if you want to play, we play a lot of games out by Lake Hylia. It's fun pulling pranks on the Hylians there!"

Second came a pair of mature Zoras, hidden back on the path up to the throne room, thankfully they didn't grope at her on the way past, but a few meaningful glances said it all. "If you're looking for some help. We'll get you out of a bind... For a price." It was all they said as the two walked off.

Heading over to the waterfall, Link found the zora in charge of the game already waiting for her, having seen her walk past a few times already. "Mmmh. Been a while since I've seen a Hylian. Much less a hot one like you... " his eyes roamed over her hungrily, "... and unclothed..." his hands reached out slowly and a finger traced along the side of her breasts. "Here for diving?" he asked with a lewd grin. "I have to charge you ten rupees to play, since this challenge was made by the former King, to encourage Hylians visiting and train our young to swim and dive better... Even though the new king has barred Hylians from visiting, hehe... but it's not my duty to kick you out. And he hasn't made it illegal for you to play... yet..."

He withdrew his hand quickly and reached into a small container of rupees, "For a little... incentive... I might have more luck pulling out blue and red rupees... and I might just miscount the challenge's timer... After all, there is a great prize for winning... Ah... but of course I can't blatantly cheat..." he added, winking at her.

Link found 3 rupees and a Deku Nut hidden around the rocks.

Link's Stats:
1.75 / 3 hearts. 12 rupees. 1 Deku Nut.
Nude. Pussy sore and gaping. Freshly washed. A bit excited.
Inventory is removed.

Vote 1) Link realizes what the Zora in charge of the diving game is hinting at when he makes a rather lewd gesture...
a) Link huffs and refuses to go along with it, unwilling to demean herself.
b) Link quietly tolerates his suggestive behavior, not encouraging him or rejecting him, so as to not upset him into cheating against her.
c) Link gives subtle encouragement, rubbing against the Zora and guiding his hands to her hips, hoping it won't go too far for a quick boost in the game.
d) Link shows no restraint in her lewd behavior, acting downright dirty with the zora.

Vote at the Store!) On her way back up for her Prize, Link stopped at the shop again. "Ah good, I just finished marking these." She buys... (Link has between 21 and 55 rupees depending on Vote 1. List suggested purchases.)

15 rupees - Deku Nuts x5
20 rupees - Arrows x10 (no bow currently)
10 rupees - Recovery Heart
200 rupees - Fish
25 rupees - Red Potion (Tier 1, Heals 5 hearts)

Outfits: (Outfits may give subtle benefits in combat and have large effects on NPC interactions)
5 rupees - Too Skimpy Bikini (doesn't even fully cover her nipples, and lower is just as thin)
15 rupees - Skimpy Bikini (covers what needs to be covered, but only barely)
25 rupees - Nearly see through one-piece (embarassing to wear, but at least it's covering)
40 rupees - Trendy Zora Swimwear (revealing, but classy, looks good enough to be worn even when not swimming)
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Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

1)c (subtle is always best)
store)if enough the zora swimwear if not then one piece if have some left over try and get a recovery heart.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Vote 1) D, If everyone else is being obsessed about your body, give them some tail, or in this case, a blowjob for the fishdick.

Vote 2) Skimpy Bikini as first priority, afterwards, 1 Recovery Heart, followed by Deku Nuts, those were those Flashbang things, right? Will most likely come in handy if shit hits the fan...
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

1) C (subtle is always best)

Store) Purchase the Zora Swimwear, if Link has enough; otherwise, get the One Piece. Afterwards, try to buy a Recovery Heart.
Gonna have to third this... minus the misspellings.