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Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Blah, A. Getting into the water would probably mean eating a spear from the hunters. Whether Link was trying to pretend to be the goddess or not.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Changed my vote Vote 1 A use the insturments find a general location of the goddes then B dive in and search under the water.
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Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Vote: A+B, First use an instrument to call out for the goddess with whatever appropriate tune she might know. Anything water related. If this fails, dive in.

A+B for these reasons...
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Vote: A+B, First use an instrument to call out for the goddess with whatever appropriate tune she might know. Anything water related. If this fails, dive in.
I meant the instruments on the boat. As in, the equipment they have that Link just helped drag out and set up.

Link's only "instrument" musically, is her Ocarina, which she doesn't know any music for this.

Anyone voting this, please change it, or I will simply ignore your vote.

Vote 1 B and while under water do C by using the hookshot or sword to poke large holes in the bottom of the boat of the hunters.

i have a question. Why isn't Link wearing the zora swimwear or theif's clothes over the blue two piece? the two piece is basically undergarments

As a reply to Fanta's suggestion:
Hookshot won't be strong enough to poke holes in the boat. Neither will arrows. Sabotaging the boat will require her to actually get on it somehow with her current equipment. However, that's exactly what a hookshot is good at.

As for wearing more:
Zora Swimwear is skin-tight and won't fit over any other clothes, and its flowing parts also make it difficult to wear anything else over it (can't wear with other outfits).

Her blue swimwear is skin tight and cannot be worn over anything. But can be worn under other things. (Can be worn as undergarment)
Her grey clothes are loose enough to fit over other outfits, but are so baggy and loose it is difficult to impossible to wear beneath another outfit. (Can be worn as outer clothes)
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Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Those hunters seem like bad news, and the doctor, though strange, seems nice enough--Link should probably stick with him.

Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Changing it to A: Help out with the instruments, but it that fails go with B to search by ourselves.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

(Winning votes: A then B.)

Link quietly helped out anywhere she could. The three person team had a hard time of it for a while, between trying to navigate the lake, man their equipment, and calibrating their instruments.

Link helped out when she could, turning knobs here and there, though most of her efforts were put towards making sure the small ship didn't run aground when everyone was preoccupied adjusting the equipment. It was during one of these calibration moments that the hylian heroine could've sworn she saw a strange reading on one of the monitors.

"Oh, sorry. That might've been me. I accidentally dropped one of the sensors on my foot." the girl's father said, waving sheepishly.


Link shook her head as the group continued to find nothing after another half hour, they circled the lake at least three times, and nearly collided with the hunters' ship twice. Once accidentally, once when the hunters (who seemed equally frustrated) tried to ram them, a near miss that left the hunter's ship run aground.

The hunters out of the picture for a bit, and the equipment calibrated, Link tapped the girl's shoulder and silently motioned what she was going to do. The girl smiled and nodded. "Go ahead. Maybe you'll have more luck... If you do find something... get to one of those metal disks that we've dropped into the lake and tap it five times quickly. Then wait a few seconds and do it again. If you give me that signal, I'll be able to tell where in the lake you are, and we'll rush over as fast as possible."

Link nodded and looked at the lake map they had, in particular that mark of the false reading, a tiny "x" that was scribbled out afterwards. It was just nearby, and without having any other clues, it seemed as good of a place as any to begin.

Off the side of the boat quietly, Link made as little splash as possible as she dipped into the cool, clear waters. She closed her eyes and felt the water surrounding her and flowing over her body as she slowly moved down towards the bottom. She took a few cautious breaths, a tiny hint of concern she'd been conned entering her mind, but the magic of the outfit took hold and she found it easy to breath, a reassurance that the man hadn't merely ripped her off.

As Link reached the lakebed, she reached down and hooked a couple larger rocks onto her swordbelt, saving her the trouble of constantly needing to swim downward to keep from floating to the surface, but still giving her enough bouyancy that she could easily swim back to the surface if she needed.

Finally given a chance to look around more, Link couldn't help but notice the mass of underwater monsters around. She was quickly reminded of her time in Lord Jabu-Jabu's belly and dealing with Ruto back when she was such a spoiled princess.

A few biri swam around, Link quietly cursing the electrical bastards and hoping they wouldn't bother her. She was amused at a cluster of octoroks that were busy bothering the hunters off in the distance, hearing the occasional yells of angry men who were trying to push their ship back into the water, only to be pelted by rocks. Even a few stingers floating around an area as they attacked and ate some of the local fish.

Without any solid leads, Link began by going to the largest rocky outcrop and scouted the area. The lake was rather beautiful on the whole, many small rupees tossed in like a wishing well, especially concentrated around the shore where the group of goddess-fans were hanging out. If this was any other day, she might've been tempted to go grab up a few of them, but she already knew that the goddess wouldn't go near that shore. If the goddess actually went near the shore, it would've been spotted by all of the fans and better pictures would've existed.

The only option left was to go deeper into the lake and search for anything unusual. Link pushing onward through the water, through a couple schools of fish and out further than she could see either of the ships overhead.

It wasn't until Link found a few flashes of light that she rounded and realized that a cluster of Biri had been following her, their jolts of electricity jumping between them as they advanced on her...

They approached from nowhere, it was as if they came out of the ground itself... That's when Link spotted it, a hidden cave in a thick patch of water weeds, the monsters must've burst out of there to attack her when she walked past.

Link's Stats:
3.5 hours left until the False King knows she's missing.

3 / 3.25 hearts. 77 rupees.

Equipment: "Blue" Two-Piece. Zora's Swimwear (minor damage), Very Loose fitting grey clothes (Shirt and pants). Silver Scale. Well-Used Sword. Well-Used Shield.

Inventory: Hero's Bow (25 arrows). Hookshot. 6 Deku Nuts, 2 Deku Sticks. 1 Bottle (Empty). "Goron Market" Key. Dr. Mizumi's Book.
Multi-Pictobox (10 rupees to take a picture), Many pictures of herself and the hylian from the Inn. Epona-Picture Set.

Owl Statues: Hyrule Field, Kasuto Field.

Vote 1) (Action! Don't forget weapon choices. Link is underwater, but may still wield sword or other weapons, at a penalty.)
a) Link attacks the creatures, trying to kill enough of the biri to scatter them to break their chase.
b) Link tries to run from the biri swarm, instead of endangering herself by fighting them...
b1) ... and comes back later, hoping the biri will have all left.
b2) ... and attempts to lure them away from the cave, using herself as bait.
b3) ... and tries to talk the hunters into helping her eliminate the biri.
b4) ... and ignores the cave after getting away. (Only available with vote 2-a)
c) Link rushes the center of the group to try to get through them instead of attacking or fleeing. (example, mixed with vote 2-b)

Vote 2)
a) Link ignores the cave, assuming it was merely where these things lived at, continuing her search for the goddess in the rest of the lake.
b) Link attempts to go into the cave after dealing with the biri, curious what else would be inside.
c) Link reports back to the ship that she found something before she starts exploring the cave, checking what they thought of it and getting support.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA




We've come too far to stop now.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Vote 1: A mix of A and B2 - use the Hero's Bow (if it'll even work underwater) to snipe the Biri, trying to lead them away from the cave. Using metal weapons to hit monsters that wield electricity doesn't sound like a good idea.

Vote 2: C. We already know the 'goddess' isn't Ruto, since Dr. Mizumi knows where Ruto is, and is willing to take Link to her after they're done here. So there's no real point in Link barging in solo.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

1) A

just remember use the hookshot, bow is useless underwater and you do -not- want to stab an electrified biri.

2) B

if we surface we just waste time, give more biri a chance to show up or give off the cave location to the hunters, plus the octoroks aren't going to be distracted by them forever
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Vote 1) A, steady yourself, fire the hookshot, grapple onto a Biri, and try to swing it around and use it strike the other Biri! :D FUCK YEAR GRAPPLAN TIME!

Vote 2) C, Call out to them just so they know, then head down.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Vote 1) Modified C

As I don't think Link is related to Beowulf, I have some doubts about her experience in undersea combat. However, she does have the Hookshot! Instead of simply swimming through the group of Biri, my vote is that Link uses the hookshot to snag the exposed rock of the cave. The hookshot can then safely propel Link past the electrical horde (and far faster than she could ever hope to swim, too).

Vote 2) B

That cave seems awfully important...
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

I wanna say
But I don't know what weapons to suggest for underwater.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Vote 1) Modified C

As I don't think Link is related to Beowulf, I have some doubts about her experience in undersea combat. However, she does have the Hookshot! Instead of simply swimming through the group of Biri, my vote is that Link uses the hookshot to snag the exposed rock of the cave. The hookshot can then safely propel Link past the electrical horde (and far faster than she could ever hope to swim, too).

Vote 2) B

That cave seems awfully important...

Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

(Winning votes: 1)a, 2)b. Hookshot selected.)

Link remembered all too well the horrors of dealing with these creatures down in Jabu-Jabu's belly. She gripped her sword hilt tightly for a moment as a reflex action, the weapon half drawn before she pushed it away once more.

The first few that came near had her worried for a brief second, she wanted to keep as much distance between them and her as possible, as she drew her hookshot, the only weapon she knew would still function properly under the water.

"kachick..." its familiar sound echoed under the water, and the powerful release followed, "PFFF-tch-tch-tch-tch-tch-tch-tch-tch-tch FSH!" The weapon struck the first one, and Link felt a small jolt of energy through her arm, causing her to yank back at the hookshot instinctively, retracting its pointed tip from the beast that sizzled and dropped to a defeated heap.

The light jolt of electricity was more than she wanted to feel, her arm tingling a bit, but it was certainly not the hard shock she got taking these things on up close.

She briefly considered using her bow, but knew the water would hinder it from working as effectively as it would on land... if only she was shooting down at the things from the surface...

She had little time to stop and consider it as another one came. Her attack effective, if a bit less safe than she'd hoped, she got into a flurry of ranged combat against the beasts. The resounding rattles of her weapon heard over and over as each beast that neared her went down in a similar way. "KATCHINK, KACHINK, KACHICK, CHACHINK, CHACHUNK!"

The brunt of the swarm taken down one strike a piece, and her quick motions beneath the water keeping them from even getting near her, until a final swarm came close...

(An unfortunate series of bad luck with a biri... Surprisingly, Link's first wave of kills was all successful rolls. And this entire combat was against the last Biri. It just got really lucky.)
(Warnings: Monster tentacle rape, egg impregnation, pain)
Link's shot rocketed after one of them and struck the creature dead on, but as she tried to pull back, the monster seemed to have snatched its many tendrils around her hookshot, sending jolts of power down through it.

Her arm felt a sharp twinge of pain as the hookshot snapped, and the only thing she could do was hang on for all she had.

Link couldn't stop herself once she was being yanked towards the creature's body, though defeated, it's revenge was swift and painful, Link slammed into another biri, both the biri and herself dragged by the hookshot's powerful chain out past the last wave of creatures, as its countless thin tendrils began to engulf the heroine.

Tumbling to the lakebed, far beneath the surface of the water, Link felt herself completely entwined within the creature's body as the electrical bursts crackled through her.

Link felt the lengths slipping inside her clothes, painful stinging against her breasts and threatening lower as she tried to aim her hookshot at the creature, a loud "KACHUNK" heard as she fired it off, but the attack missed its core entirely, she could feel the thing grinding into her back as it held her.

Another jolt of power snapped through her body and Link felt the hookshot crack off again, firing off and hitting a nearby plank of sunken ship, her hand too weak from electrical jolts to hold it, and her weapon launching itself with a thud, as she felt the monster's countless limbs dragging across her skin, each one burning and stinging, feeling as if she was being sliced by powerful blade strikes, she dropped to her knees as her clothes were entangled.

Link desperately punched at the beast, cracking it one hard blow with her fist, even though she felt the pain jolting back down her arm... but the monster had more in store for the hylian woman. All of its tendrils twitching at once, Link felt her arms and legs yanked violently apart, and she felt dazed for a moment, the electrical jolt having nearly knocked her unconcious...

As she opened her eyes, she tried to breathe, suddenly realizing it was harder to inhale... as if the magic of underwater breathing was leaving her. She looked around in a panic and realized the creature had somehow stripped her, having gotten its tendrils into her outfit, when it pulled apart in every direction, it pulled her clothes off as well as injuring her badly.

Dazed and panting, gasping and trying to catch her breath while the magic was still on her, Link felt the jolt strike her again before she could retaliate, powerful tendrils slamming against her body, it seemed as of the electrical jolts controlled all of the monster's muscle contractions, allowing it to swim... but in Link's unfortunate case, after the jolt that pulled everything away, came the jolt that pushed back in... a hideous feeling thousand whiplashes, working across her naked breasts, arms, and legs, and several of its powerful spasms sending long strands of the creature's countless lengths inside her pussy and ass, her screams of pain muffled by the water, only to feel more lengths diving down her throat.

Link was fast being tentacle raped by thousands of tiny lengths, each one having a small charge that vibrated and twitched inside her. Each length working against her, twitching, rubbing, massaging, her very womb penetrated and teased by the many thin lengths, and her body reacting instinctively, tightening each time the energy jolted through her, her pussy splurching wetly with each wild twitch of the creature's lengths inside her.

Link gave a final punch at the creature, managing to injure the thing, but not kill it. Dizziness overtook Link as she felt her last magic breath leaving her, her vision started to dim and she felt the thing moving lower behind her, she couldn't reach it any longer as its body grinded against her aching pussy, a new, thicker object shoved inside her warm folds as she orgasmed hard, pussy quivering and squeezing... something sticky and cold splurted inside her, the gooey release filled with small lumps, more than she could count as huge gushes overfilled her, and her vision faded away...

... Link's eyes fluttered awake weakly, she had a strange feeling between her legs and all over her body, as if she was tortured for hours, every muscle sore, her pussy, ass, and throat especially aching after so much electricity was put straight through her. She reached downward and felt the sticky clear goo still splattered all over her pussy. The thick layers of spunk made sure that whatever the biri put inside her was not going to come out until it was ready...

Her vision still dim, Link felt she was laying on the bottom of the lake still, the biri had swam off and dropped her behind. It was a pure stroke of luck that the monster dropped her swimsuit and it landed on top of her.
(Natural 20 roll for that one.)

Vision returning, her muscles getting stronger as she caught her breath, Link reached up and slid her clothes back on, and her breath came easier and easier, though hurting, she at least was recovered enough to continue.

Link looked around and couldn't help but notice a few biri swimming nearby. Though she couldn't tell for sure, she couldn't shake the feeling that one of them was the one that had just attacked her...

A short distance off, Link spotted the scattered remains of the items dropped from defeating the monsters she didn't have so much trouble with. A few green rupees laying around, a recovery heart, a magic vial. Not the best haul for killing six of the creatures, but she felt a bit better after collecting the things, taking a moment to grab her hookshot while she was at it, prepared to continue her adventure again now that she regained her lost equipment.

(Inside the cave.)
Link headed to the cave, slipping inside a few quick steps. The area was dark, making it difficult to see anything. She drew her sword and shield, walking slowly deeper, step by step, the hylian shield held out to guard her...


Link heard the voice echoing around the cave, strangely uncertain as it bounced off the walls. She looked around carefully, not sure if she should reply.

"... where have you been?..."

Link's eyes adjusted slowly, a white figure coming into focus.

"... I was looking for you..."

The figure came into view, Ruto floating there, her body slender and pure, smiling ever so softly, fins fluttering as she moved slowly closer to Link.

"...My love... come closer... so I can embrace you..."

Ruto floated there smiling, not saying anything else as she beckoned Link, trying to coax Link into making the first move.

(Status and Votes)
Link's Stats:
2.5 hours left until the False King knows she's missing.
Heavily impregnated with Biri Eggs (23)

2.25 / 3.25 hearts. 80 rupees.

Equipment: "Blue" Two-Piece (light damage). Zora's Swimwear (minor damage), Very Loose fitting grey clothes (Shirt and pants). Silver Scale. Well-Used Sword. Well-Used Shield.

Inventory: Hero's Bow (25 arrows). Hookshot. 6 Deku Nuts, 2 Deku Sticks. 1 Bottle (Empty). "Goron Market" Key. Dr. Mizumi's Book.
Multi-Pictobox (10 rupees to take a picture), Many pictures of herself and the hylian from the Inn. Epona-Picture Set.

Owl Statues: Hyrule Field, Kasuto Field.

Vote 1)
a) Link rushes up and hugs Ruto tightly, embracing her missing love passionately. (attempt to fuck Ruto on the spot)
b) Link approaches Ruto with a smile and gives her a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek. (Friendly embrace)
b1) ... Then adds a playful wink, promising a better reuinion later.
c) Link shakes her head, beseeching Ruto to be serious and explaining the trouble in Zora's Domain.
d) Link huffs angrily, demanding the engagement wasn't real and that Ruto should stop flirting with her.
e) Link glares at Ruto and pulls out her hookshot, firing it at the zora woman.

Optional Vote 2) Open Vote.
Any suggestions for continuation accepted.
(What happens next is already decided, but I'd like to see what everyone is thinking and how they handle the situation. If this vote has good suggestions, I will alter the encounter to suit.)
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

eggs? YES
B (not b1)
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

The real Ruto would've been all over us by now. *Shot*

Vote 1) C, Urgent matters are at hand, we need to get her to her kin!
Vote 2) ... However, approach cautiously about this, somethings fishy 'round here, and I'm not talking about Ruto... Well, I am, just... bah, whatever. ):
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

1) C

Toxic is right, the real ruto would already be going at us. Listen to Ackbar "It'sh a twap!" 5 bucks says as soon as we don't fall for it she turns into dark link.