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ACT [KooooN Soft] Shinobi Girl (RJ078162)

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Re: Shinobi Girl

Yeah, no one was expecting that ending. Can't wait to see what happens in the next season.

If they will not troll us with "that's the end of the story no next season, you mad ? you jelly ? deal with it!" then it will be glorious.
Re: Shinobi Girl

Firstly..I didn't say anything about needing to roleplay in a public thread....and instead, Desu takes to random insults...

Secondly, yes, ULMF has been a kind of off-topic board, as a theme, but not perhaps quite to this level..I've seen actual questions about things get buried under loads of spam, and I, myself have had topic-relevant questions buried under loads of spam..

It's also very offputting to people when it's at this level, as I try to invite people here, but they want to talk about the actual topic and not...anything but the topic. It's why this board as a whole is stale of new actual members...

..of course, i'm not helping by doing the same thing i'm speaking against, so I think it'll be best for me to become silent, again, but pieces of the new crowd that jump to insults and the complete inability to hold a forum topic aren't very healthy for forums...which is sad, because I kind of liked this one..
Re: Shinobi Girl

Firstly..I didn't say anything about needing to roleplay in a public thread....and instead, Desu takes to random insults...

I didn't mean it as an insult. I'm sorry if thats how you interpreted it. I merely saw a chance and i took it. But not with the intent of insulting anyone.
Re: Shinobi Girl

Bored forum is bored...

We gotta keep it from becoming necrothreads somehow...

YOU organise 40 someodd people all with raging libidos all in a random lottus of impatiently and patiently waiting for the next update...

Are YOU gonna entertain me?

I don't see a dancing squirrel parade that lasts till the next update anywhere...

And so:

Re: Shinobi Girl

Firstly..I didn't say anything about needing to roleplay in a public thread....and instead, Desu takes to random insults...

Secondly, yes, ULMF has been a kind of off-topic board, as a theme, but not perhaps quite to this level..I've seen actual questions about things get buried under loads of spam, and I, myself have had topic-relevant questions buried under loads of spam..

It's also very offputting to people when it's at this level, as I try to invite people here, but they want to talk about the actual topic and not...anything but the topic. It's why this board as a whole is stale of new actual members...

..of course, i'm not helping by doing the same thing i'm speaking against, so I think it'll be best for me to become silent, again, but pieces of the new crowd that jump to insults and the complete inability to hold a forum topic aren't very healthy for forums...which is sad, because I kind of liked this one..

I understand where you're coming from. Yes, it's annoying oftentimes to see nothing but garbage posted when you sit down from work or school, but unless we want to become a forum of uptight pricks that enforce rules, the most you or I can ask is for them to stop, and take it to Everything Else.

Once we start laying down rules, treating the members like children(which most of them actually have as a mentality), then ULMF wouldn't be the same anymore. I mean, think of Toxic, he never has anything useful to say, ever. What would he do with his time, if not make simple comments, or tell everyone what he thinks? He'd be homeless, on the internet.
Re: Shinobi Girl

Of these years I've been on this board, I would like to state that through my observations, if we don't go off topic, these threads will die.

Lets face it, the only thing that EVER gets discussed on Hentai boards are:

A) If a link is down
B) If there is a technical problem/in-game help
C) A thanks

Sure, we can share how much we love the game/whatever, but what REALLY interests people is actually getting their porn.

I'm also not sure how having friendly off-topic conversations scares away new members.
Re: Shinobi Girl

Firstly..I didn't say anything about needing to roleplay in a public thread....and instead, Desu takes to random insults...

Secondly, yes, ULMF has been a kind of off-topic board, as a theme, but not perhaps quite to this level..I've seen actual questions about things get buried under loads of spam, and I, myself have had topic-relevant questions buried under loads of spam..

It's also very offputting to people when it's at this level, as I try to invite people here, but they want to talk about the actual topic and not...anything but the topic. It's why this board as a whole is stale of new actual members...

..of course, i'm not helping by doing the same thing i'm speaking against, so I think it'll be best for me to become silent, again, but pieces of the new crowd that jump to insults and the complete inability to hold a forum topic aren't very healthy for forums...which is sad, because I kind of liked this one..

Like RJ I know what what you mean, and while the off topicness doesn't annoy me I personally believe it's the sudden influx of new member's we're getting. Don't get me wrong, some of them are okay but I liked ULMF the way it was back on the old forum; a handful of regulars chatting it up and generally having a good time with the odd lurker (or ex-lurker if they post frequently enough) joining in now and again. I'd like to think that if the old forum didn't blow up it would still be that way but unfortunately I know that's just wishful thinking and that the off topicness and general spamming of the place would be of the same level as it is here. Granted I'm not making it any better by posting with them, but if there's a conversation I'm interested in I'm going to join in. Unless it's with someone I hate, then I'll only join in to berate them.

It's like they say, change is scary and often people don't want to embrace it.

@DarkR34p3r; by scaring new members away I think what Miachan is trying to say is that people who want to talk about the actual topic are put off by all the off topic and spam so they don't bother to actually contribute and instead lurk.
Re: Shinobi Girl

Like RJ I know what what you mean, and while the off topicness doesn't annoy me I personally believe it's the sudden influx of new member's we're getting. Don't get me wrong, some of them are okay but I liked ULMF the way it was back on the old forum; a handful of regulars chatting it up and generally having a good time with the odd lurker (or ex-lurker if they post frequently enough) joining in now and again. I'd like to think that if the old forum didn't blow up it would still be that way but unfortunately I know that's just wishful thinking and that the off topicness and general spamming of the place would be of the same level as it is here. Granted I'm not making it any better by posting with them, but if there's a conversation I'm interested in I'm going to join in. Unless it's with someone I hate, then I'll only join in to berate them.

It's like they say, change is scary and often people don't want to embrace it.

@DarkR34p3r; by scaring new members away I think what Miachan is trying to say is that people who want to talk about the actual topic are put off by all the off topic and spam so they don't bother to actually contribute and instead lurk.

That makes sense...and kinda makes me feel guilty at the same time:(

i'll try to stay on topic from now on

Re: Shinobi Girl

DESU, don't worry. We all accidentally insult people on here. Well, for MOST of us it's accidental.
Re: Shinobi Girl

I understand where you're coming from. Yes, it's annoying oftentimes to see nothing but garbage posted when you sit down from work or school, but unless we want to become a forum of uptight pricks that enforce rules, the most you or I can ask is for them to stop, and take it to Everything Else.

Once we start laying down rules, treating the members like children(which most of them actually have as a mentality), then ULMF wouldn't be the same anymore. I mean, think of Toxic, he never has anything useful to say, ever. What would he do with his time, if not make simple comments, or tell everyone what he thinks? He'd be homeless, on the internet.
Re: Shinobi Girl

Mysterious inside joke............

Not so much inside. We've been kinda talking about it in forum development but it got shot down fairly fast.
Re: Shinobi Girl

It's kind of hard to stay on-topic when there isn't a topic to stay on. Give us content, and we'll discuss it. That's why the Fairy Fighting thread has way more op topic posts than here.

Think of it this way: We really like Shinobi Girl. We want it to be successful. But when the developer hasn't said a word, we're unhappy. So to make sure we don't miss a thing, we keep the thread alive with off-topic chatter.

So how about this? From now on, when there's an on-topic related question, we bold it or something?
Re: Shinobi Girl

The only trouble is, if I don't check a topic for a few days, it becomes very annoying to check whether there's been an update. Some topics are awesome and have updating first posts. Others just have a link someone posts on page 53, a page of chatter on the topic, followed by another 5 pages of spam.

And asking if there's been an update makes you an asshole.
Re: Shinobi Girl

Thats true. But if you have time to fap/hunt for porn, you have time to scavenge a thread
Re: Shinobi Girl

Which is why you just have to scroll down and look for bold or blue text.
Re: Shinobi Girl

Hyyyyyuk hyuk hyuk, hey there, kids and kiddos! Call me crrrazy, but I think I've played the finished product of this game before, hee hee heeeee! There were oversized dark blue oni and flying robots abount, yessirree bob it was really sumthin'. Wish I remember where I went to play it, though, forgetting makes Beppo a saaaad clown!

Re: Shinobi Girl

... Come again?
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