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ACT [Koooonsoft] Kung-Fu Girl (RJ252357)

Update time, just another status report!


All except the last torn scene are completed. He finishes it tomorrow.
When it's done, he just has to implement them.
He's not sure if he can release version 1.0 in march though he'll do his best.
According to him this is the last spurt! 🥳 So let's all raise our hands to the sky and lend him our energy! \🙄/
There is also new subscriber content on his fantia:

Oh, and he forgot to ask his programmer for Warrior Girl for a status report because he was so focused on Kung-Fu Girl. 🤣
He promised to add it later on when he recieves the report.

And that's it! We survived the endless night to see the dawn. :love:
See ya next month!
Last Status update before release!

He's not too happy that he had to postpone release into mid-April.
The game is almost done. The last percent is always the most annoying one to complete, isn't it? ;)
Minor update from Twitter, game release has been pushed back to mid-late April at the earliest (roughly what I anticipated) for bug testing.
said, it's bug-fixes and he's having trouble with them, but he's confident that he can deliver in a week or two.
Once it's released, those who supported him for 500 Yen on fantia for 3 or more months get it for free.
His next update, the release, will be in the middle of April obviously. So stay tuned.
This dork also forgot to request the update on Warrior Girl again. :ROFLMAO:

And this is it! Thank you for your hard work, Koooonsoft-kun! 😘(y)
delayed game mostly have great result in the end, i trust koooonsoft in this.
also mid-april isn't that long, about 2 weeks.
Most webbing spider usually have 'genital' straight out of their mount, but so far in hentai said otherwise ... but who cares, it just porn :coffee:
That's a fucking hot animation. I wouldn't mind if the spider was Hulk sized
A spider that size would properly be too heavy to lift its own body, so dunno how much of a NOPE it would be. :)
And I will go on record and say that animation has all of my approval. Can't wait to see it with the proper Meiling color set up I'll end up putting on the good lady.
Can't wait to see it with the proper Meiling color set up I'll end up putting on the good lady.
christ i didn't think about that, if only we can add a hat on her it would be perfect
On the subject of color palettes, figure now's as good a time as any to share some of mine:
Import all code: 140091204082255255022053251273046063000101240291114194292115196003019043012110248006147251
Import all code: 000155204172255155022053251111192176020000240000000255000000239003025015012110248006147251
Import all code: 291124180207226163028104232003198218038156255235120091000199217004191221017124223006147216
Import all code: 327255030125247191011107137000191030138115255000147045139116255000173003125107221129112226
Some familiar faces from Koooonsoft's previous game:
I have a few more, but I'll edit those in later.
Open to critiques and tweaks, color theory isn't my strong suit and I'm a bit clunky transcribing colors with the sliders.
Edit: Added import codes to some themes for v1.06+, may update others later. Codes may not reflect images as they are of later adjusted versions.
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Marina with green nipples and pussy? Good man. Shame you can't fix the mouth.
Haven't played with this in a while, so I'm curious how many other h-game girls you can make. You're kinda limited to girls with straight long hair, right?
Why does the vagina not have a clitoris?
Go ahead, point it out for me in this picture.


Also, thank god someone else also figured out how to resize images in a post XD
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Yes, she's not wearing panties. That's the joke.

I don't know what compelled me to make these, don't judge me.
Bright red nips to represent the red chest spike, idk.

Why does the vagina not have a clitoris?
As much as we love the guy, Koooonsoft's not known for adding minute details like a clitoris.
Developing in Flash probably doesn't help, and the inevitable censorship probably discourages it further.
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View attachment 30596
Yes, she's not wearing panties. That's the joke.
Aye just wanted to let you know I immediately noticed the no-panties and got the joke before even reading the text, good stuff.

Cheers for the posts I'll be uh, using some of these[/spoiler]