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ACT [kyrieru] Eroico RE115470 RJ115470

Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

I just tried the demo.

The overall quality of the game is amazing. When I heard that Kyrieru was doing another low-res game, I was kind of worried for a moment. When I full-screened Kurovadis on my high-res PC screen, it looked like four pixels trying to look like a woman. I was happy to see that this is not the case with this game.

The backgrounds are nice, the sprites are cute and the music fun. It was a much-needed improvement and a good sign for his many games to come.

Not much. I was annoyed with the challenge of the levels and the gameplay style sometimes but see comments below.

On my first playthrough, I tried to play it as I would Kurovadis and kill everything in sight. I died pretty quickly and did not even make it to the second screen if I recall correctly. I did not try any combo or special move and just tried to make it as far as possible. I found that the screen had far too many enemies, your health was overly low and you died after only a couple of hits. The enemies were respawning really quickly. Your magic spell was really useful but it is spent very fast with no visible way to replenish it.

So, I changed my tactics and decided to jump all over the place and evade all enemies. I think I made it to the third screen. It was really a lot easier that way but I found the experience to be totally unrewarding. In Kurovadis, you had incentive to kill the enemies. They gave experience (which could be tracked visually), power-ups and health. In this demo, I found few ways to replenish your health, no way that I could see to replenish your magic bar (though it may be that I just didn’t make it far enough or didn’t play around with it too much) and no visible experience gained apart from the sparkling thingy which I didn’t find to be doing much good. I was thus encouraged to run through levels and I felt like I was rushing it, killing only the enemies that stood in my way to the next platform.

Second, I did not know anything about what the character was doing there. In kurovadis, the first screen you saw when she woke up told you everything you needed to know about the world and the story of this game. I found it pure genius as you didn’t need a big boring intro and jumped right into the gameplay...with still with a sense of what you were doing there. I understand that it is still a demo and perhaps Kyrieru has something in mind for the full game but I would recommend a title screen CG showing a monster girl invasion and the young hero who rises to defend his kingdom (or something like that) but it is just my two cents.

I understand that my comments are purely driven by my gameplay style and that some people got it right the first time and totally enjoyed the game. I am sorry if I seemed harsh but I was not trying to be.

Despite all my rant, it is a great game. For a starter demo, the quality really astonished me. I found the whole reverse-rape on guy thing totally un-erotic and thus, I think I’m gonna pass on this one. I would have found a game where the character knocks down the monster girls and rapes them, gaining experience in the process, to be far much rewarding in my taste but I understand that this is not this author’s cup of tea and I TOTALLY respect that. However, I may still buy the full game depending on the price just because I respect Kyrieru so much and to congratulate him for all his hard work.

The work made on this game really hyped me to at least see the full release but, more importantly, wait in anticipation on the announcement of his next project (which I hope will be the game with blue-haired gal which just seemed awesome).

I love your work Kyrieru…keep it up…

Picaboo logging out…
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Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

isn't this demo here some kind of intermission to his actual project?

may he'll sell this, too. but i really can't imagine this to be his next project.
i remember him saying something about his next game having more detailed characters (less pixel style etc.).
i just thought that it would be unwise to get too excited about this demo considering some of the statements regarding his next project. but if this really is the next project, then i'm in fear of fail (for my personal taste). pro and contra of kurovadis were discussed over and over in its thread, so i'd assume there would be some improvements.
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Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

isn't this demo here some kind of intermission to his actual project?

may he'll sell this, too. but i really can't imagine this to be his next project.
i remember him saying something about his next game having more detailed characters (less pixel style etc.).
i just thought that it would be unwise to get too excited about this demo considering some of the statements regarding his next project. but if this really is the next project, then i'm in fear of fail (for my personal taste). pro and contra of kurovadis were discussed over and over in its thread, so i'd assume there would be some improvements.

No this is indeed his Next Game , and indeed he will sell this too

He said sometime ago that the High Res Game will take some time , for only God knows when
And so he said he want to make a low res game , but will be better than KV in terms of graphic
So this is the side project of his aclaim BIG Res game

And maybe.... just maybe.... 2-4month from now he will release the Big Res game.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

And maybe.... just maybe.... 2-4month from now he will release the Big Res game.

good things come to those who wait. it's fine with me to wait a year or two until he releases the big res game. i've seen enough regular games becoming crap just because the developers got pushed too hard to meet the publishers deadlines. and that is imo the most annoying thing in the gaming world today.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

I'm pretty sure this is the mini game in betwen projects because... well, he clearly said so.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

And maybe.... just maybe.... 2-4month from now he will release the Big Res game.

He took 2-4 months for this small side-project so I expect more like 4-6 months until the next one and it is fine by me. As helhansen said, better to take your time and do it right.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Personally, I'm not much of a fan for male protagonists in the specific RoR scenario ( being raped if defeated) since I'm more in favor of the male dominance role, but I find such games interesting nonetheless, as some variety to the genre.

Will give the demo a go before I add on to this post.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

He took 2-4 months for this small side-project so I expect more like 4-6 months until the next one and it is fine by me. As helhansen said, better to take your time and do it right.


So it will be months from now

Aw whatever....
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

To answer some questions,

This game is basically just a short project. After this one is finished, pretty much the entirety of the code will be re-usable for future games, thus reducing the development time. It can be tweaked into whatever style of gameplay I need, so don't worry about every game being like this one.

Almost immediately after this game, I'll be working on an H-game with a good friend of mine, with him doing tilesets and me doing everything else. Ideally it will be finished it in it's entirety in a little over two months, using the template. This was just a screen test of his tilesets in darkness, but the game will look sort of like this, and it will be survival "horror".


Almost immediately after that, I'll either be restarting the higher res game from scratch, using the existing graphics, or I'll be making a more medium-res metroidvania. After a couple games, one of which being a Kurovadis sequel, I'm going to hire other artists and form a team to do higher quality work.

As for people not liking the whole male - monster girl angle, to each his own. I can think of plenty of things I'd never touch, even if the gameplay was great (H-games with a lot of gore, for instance).

Also, any criticisms regarding gameplay, however harsh, are welcome. Make no mistake, there will be a lot of changes. (the difficulty seems the most obvious)
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Whats "Non-Hentai" stuff doing here? No idea. But if i was allowed to. I'd shoot it down for the good of us Perverts and Otakus.

Yes. I pass. But i'd gladly kill the game! Okay. Waiting for something great for now...

What in the sam fuck is wrong with you guys! Holyshit the guy is like one of the only QUALITY and consistent (SO FAR) H game makers out there. The dude REALLY cares about his work and takes himself professionally and passionately...look at his blog posts.

People on this forum seem to be throwing shit fits for a male protagonist? Then people wonder why hentai these days is getting pretty stale.

Regardless of the fucking idiots in this thread I'm sure the game will sell bucket loads if its the same quality of KV (for once a developer that really cares for the gameplay aspect of his game). The monster girl crowd is incredible big too if monster girl quest and corruption of champions following have anything to go by...

dude if your here reading this tripe do your thing man you really don't deserve such snark remarks. I played your latest game with the adult content off and I really enjoy it for what it is...keep pumping out that quality and doing things differently every once in a while and maybe you will go bigger than you think in time.
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Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

cabbie ... smash ... puny users.

lol. there has to be quite a bit of rage just to register for this.
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Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

cabbie ... smash ... puny users.

lol. there has to be quite a bit of rage just to register for this.

Hey man I did get a bit peeved, but there are way to get yourself across without being a fucking dick (not calling you out or anything).

Regardless the man doesn't deserve such treatment....he aint Toonpimp that's for fucking sure.


I have been lurking this place (without registering) for years. Its about time I started to say something and giving back to the community so yeah 8p
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

again, my only complaint is i can't play the game because no key on keyboard does anything on the menu
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

So I went through the demo. My opinion on the ero content remains largely unchanged. As far as gameplay...damn, Kyrieru. For something that is "supposed to be simple" and was "slapped together in around 15 minutes just to have something there," you have an incredibly solid base game here. The light boxes are an especially interesting feature, I was surprised to find out what they did the first time. While that was a treat itself, I also have to give you credit for having so many other things in the demo work exactly as a person would expect them to. Destroyable blocks look destroyable, a random massive boulder rolls along and crushes enemies Yoshi's Island style, etc. You've really got this system down. I've always been more of a fan of RPGs than platformers, but your work impresses me in spite of that.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Not sure why so many people are complaining about the protagonist being male, the 'Monster Girl' sub-genre is gaining some momentum, if nothing else, 'Eroico' is an exploration.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

A new version of the demo with an easier difficulty level was just posted on the blog for those interested.

P.S. It's version 3...dunno what happened to version 2.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

again, my only complaint is i can't play the game because no key on keyboard does anything on the menu

Do you have a game pad connected? If so disconetc it before running the game, or try restarting the PC with it disconected, some games bypass the keyboard to connect directly to the gamepad, even though I've never seen game maker games doing that, but is worth a try I guess.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

My two cents before going to play the game until I drop (yes, I'm a Kyrieru fanboy and proud of it :D ).

As long as quality is granted I'm for equal gender opportunities in fictional rape :p
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Do you have a game pad connected? If so disconetc it before running the game, or try restarting the PC with it disconected, some games bypass the keyboard to connect directly to the gamepad, even though I've never seen game maker games doing that, but is worth a try I guess.

I dont have a game pad :( though there was that software i had to download to play w mission
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

What I like from Kyrieru is , He got ambition.
I respect that. And good to hear You're not thinking as one man show anymore.
I hope You will find a great group.

Anyway there is some eror that You need to fix

I'm not really remember what have I done to get into this
But most probably becoz the Boost Box , which lead Me to jump really high.