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Late night at the museum of war.

Re: Late night at the museum of war.

(( Can we just say that everyone is together going in whatever direction you want them to be going in RJ? ))
Re: Late night at the museum of war.

((But if Iris was heading north last you heard...

Iris: Following Lin
Lin: Heading east
River: ???

Why did you put her as following Lin?))

EDIT: also, if I don't give anything specific, I am following along. My first action when uder attack is always dodge as well ;)
Re: Late night at the museum of war.

(I'm leaving everything open to your choices, just as all of you can have an argument and go in different paths, when some of you choose to run, and others fight, I can't possibly force everyone to follow the girl that's fleeing.)

(You guys are a team, and need to work it out together, I can't decide for the rest of the team.)
Re: Late night at the museum of war.

(Just talk it out with your friends, I'm sure you'll all decide who follows who)
Re: Late night at the museum of war.

(( Everyone can you just follow Iris so we can continue? ))
Re: Late night at the museum of war.

Lin saw that they were spreading slowly and went back to Iris.
"Um, Iris, where are you going?"

(2ndary objective for Lin- Look out for a 9mm gun, a Bag(backpack and the like), ammo, etc.(anything useful))
Re: Late night at the museum of war.

(Whenever something that might interest your character comes along, you'll automatically make a perception check to find it.)
Re: Late night at the museum of war.

(( Ok I'm confused here. I thought I had my character walking with the group, I had that as her action in my last post, so why did Zero's character walk over to her and ask her where she is going?))
Re: Late night at the museum of war.

River just sighed, speaking up.


"It would appear we need another vote, this time for leader. I vote Iris."
Re: Late night at the museum of war.

"Thats fine, but... which way are we going? Iris, mind telling us?"
(We can go east or south, tell RJ and us which way we headed)
Re: Late night at the museum of war.

(Alright, that's all I needed, I now know that the others will follow Iris, rapist monsters willing.)
Re: Late night at the museum of war.

(( Ok time to get back into the game. ))

Iris stopped as River spoke up. It seemed she wanted a team leader, and wanted it to be Iris! Iris felt a little honored, being voted the leader and all. She had never lead a group like this before but was going to make sure to do a good job. She was not going to fail this mission. Iris, facing the group, spoke up.
" Ill lead the group then. Lets go east."

Iris motioned for the two girls to follow her as she began going east.

* Iris leads the group east.*
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Re: Late night at the museum of war.

Lin followed still keeping an eye out for anything useful... or anything dangerous.
Re: Late night at the museum of war.

~~~GAWD DAM IT ZERO POST YER MOTHA FUKIN AVATAR, WHEN SHE MOTHA FUKIN SPEAKS. I just went back to look for it and noticed you didn't post it when she asked where Iris was going.~~~

(The group proceeds east)

Another room with a similar scene to the last one, bodies everywhere.

(Intelligence Check)


"There were a lot of soldiers here! The fact that they're all dead..."

Lin begins to shudder, and by the looks of it, they didn't stand a chance.

*Exits are south and east, and back the way you came.*
Re: Late night at the museum of war.

(If I don't answer it means I am doing the same thing as above post)
Re: Late night at the museum of war.

River nodded and followed silently, keeping an eye out herself. She saw the gleam in Iris' eyes after she was nominated, and smiled to herself. Put some morale into the group, and keep them moving at the same time. They passed into the new room, and she started paying more attention to the bodies, hoping to spot a weapon they could use, hopefully a pistol for herself. If she didn't spot anything, it might mean there was someone still alive in here, though without actually searching the bodies it would be hard to tell.

*checking for weapons beside the dead soldiers, or sidearms at their hips*
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Re: Late night at the museum of war.

Iris stopped and examined the room everyone was in. Dead soldiers were all over the place. Iris doubted her group could take on monsters powerful enough to kill a group of soldiers, however this was a search and retrieve mission. If her group could avoid the things in this building and find the crates then everything would be fine. If things got to bad Iris would get the group to fall back and escape on the helicopter. Iris thought to search the bodys but... She had a little bit of trouble stealing from the dead and decided not to.
" Everyone lets continue."

Iris motioned for the two girls to follow her as she began going east again, exiting the room.

* Iris leads the group east.*
Re: Late night at the museum of war.

(The group heads east)

Iris led the team, into what was the Men's bathroom.

Iris and River were repulsed by the smell of urine that filled the room.

(Acute sense, smell)

Lin, however, ran over to a corner back in the room they were in and threw up her lunch.
Re: Late night at the museum of war.

River's face twisted in disgust as she strode back out without even bothering to check the area. Once back in the other room, she bent over and started patting Lin on the back, helping her to recover.


"Yeah, that was pretty bad. We don't have that much time to waste though, so come on, pull yourself together."
Re: Late night at the museum of war.

(( Zero is gone. Do we continue?))
Iris just turned and left, feeling sick after smelling the horrors of the mens bathroom. Iris felt greatful she didn't react as bad as Lin did. Throwing up would of been humiliating. As Iris walked out, going back to the room before she walked over to where Lin and River were. Lin was not built for this kind of work, Iris felt pity for her. As Iris walked over to the two she spoke out.
" Lets make sure to avoid any bathrooms in the future. Lets just head south now.

Iris motioned for the two girls to follow her as she began going south this time.

* Iris leaves the bathroom then leads the group south.*
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