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Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

I'd let Ronny rule on it. I don't even know if Shrike's frequented Red Deer's campus... unless that's where she lives and I've been dense.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Yep 7/14 BP, I try to keep that updated on the setting information page if anyone loses track.

Check dominate, presence, obfuscate, chimerstry, and I'm pretty sure saving up. Gotcha.

You all probably know more about college campuses than I, so what Copper said works for me.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

I'm at 7/14?
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

No Eve is, you'll be at 9/12 as soon as I update the thread.

What's an R.A.?
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Okay cool... and R.A. is.. uh... fuck... I don't know.

Some kind of administrator or somesuch from the sounds of it. Not sure if that's school employed or student volunteer though.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Resident Assistant, or somesuch. They're usually students (and usually older) that are kind of in charge of the dorms, but not overmuch. They keep tabs on who's coming in, who's going out (usually just who's coming in), they handle minor security/maintenance issues, the like. They're like the Prefects in Harry Potter, if that helps. (I *think*)

Short version: They're glorified hall monitors.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

I thought Claire was a city Gangrel? Can't they only do stuff like Dogs and rats?
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Ronny said it was okay :(
That, and this is Red Deer Alberta. It doesn't exactly come across as one of the most built up areas around. I'm sure it's not hard for wolves to move their territory right up and possibly into the city itself.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

The way I figured it is that other clans can actually only transform into wolves and bats, while Gangrel can transform into any animal they want to. City Gangrel only tend to transform into more urban animals.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Nah, I don't live on campus or anything. I just spent nearly two years cleaning the damn thing at night. There's a lock on the tower doors, but any student who lives there has a fob to unlock it. Visitors are supposed to sign in at security, but most really don't, especially if they're hanging out in residence. So long as nobody makes enough noise to piss off their roomates or neighbors, the RA doesn't have to do much either.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Rule's right. Non-Gangrel can only change into wolves and bats. Gangrel, themselves, on the other hand, can change into any of the more traditional animals that are associated with vampires and the like: wolves, bats, ravens/crows, horses, rats, dogs, cats, but general rule is, you pick one form and that's what you get. Although back in the day, you needed a merit to pick something other than bat and wolf. City Gangrel leaned more toward things like dogs (big dogs), cats, and rats because seeing a wolf running around in, say, New York would be a bit odd. Here in Red Deer, though, I don't think that'd be too much of a problem.

I think the general rule nowadays is you get one "flight" animal and one "fight" animal. My Copper, for example, turns into a wolf and a crow, but she can't turn into a bat, nor could she turn into a horse. It's up to Ronny, I suppose, whether or not he wants to keep up with that, but I do recall us having this discussion before, I believe.

Also, stepping in as GM-by-virtue-that-Ronny's-not-here-right-now: Claire can't shapeshift into a wolf yet. She only has 2 ranks in Protean. That means she gets Eyes of the Beast and Feral Claws. Shapeshifting comes as an intermediate ability, and the second tier at that. Of course, being high, Claire might *think* she shapeshifted...
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Seen, I'll go switch that. I guess the discipline pages just confused me a little as there's really only "Basic, Intermediate and Advanced" with two abilities beneath each, which was rather misleading to me. Probly would have been easier to say "level 1,2,3..."

That's just me though, I'll fix me post.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Seen, I'll go switch that. I guess the discipline pages just confused me a little as there's really only "Basic, Intermediate and Advanced" with two abilities beneath each, which was rather misleading to me. Probly would have been easier to say "level 1,2,3..."

That's just me though, I'll fix me post.

Not just you, it still confuses the crap out of me.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Yeah, I don't like how the book decided to do that as well. Basically, the basic, intermediate, and advanced are just an indicator of how expensive the level is to buy, is all. Hope that helps!

EDIT: Fuck, I just about killed myself laughing over my last post, I did something inadvertently that is horrendously funny.
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Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Indeed it does make a bit of sense that way. So the two levels under Intermediate are the same experience cost, whereas the two advanced will be more expensive than Intermediate but will cost the same as each other?
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Pretty much, though there is only a single advanced discipline. Both basics are worth 3, both intermidiates are 6, and the one advanced discipline is worth 9. There are disciplines after that, but none of the PCs have enough generation to obtain them. For knowledge's sake however, every level past 5 costs three more than the last. So to continue on my list from before:


There are tenth level disciplines, but only Caine has them, and they amount to pretty much 'you win'.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Pardon my absence the last few days, had a complete lack of motivation to do anything not to mention I've been busy with work and finishing up Christmas shopping and whatnot.

Ah so that's what a DA is, you see this is what happens when you've never set foot on a college campus before.

Yeah what Copper said in regards to Protean, and it's perfectly fine for her to take a wolf form in my opinion. Seeing as we actually have wolves around here for the first time in years. Granted I live in the middle of nowhere, still there are two cities bigger than Red Deer within an hours drive.

I just hope I didn't confuse Sinful when I asked her what animal's she was planning on using. That was more for her weakness than her Protean, since I knew she wouldn't be able to change for a while. I just figured if she did frenzy that it would make sense to come up with features that match her animal of choice.

What book or books do they describe the elder level disciplines in. I've seen a few of them on the internet, but I don't know where to actually look for them. Though it's really just more curiosity than anything.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

I believe you can find most of them spread between Guide to the Camarilla, Guide to the Sabbat, and Laws of Elysium. I can upload them at some point when I get home, if you like.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Well it was more just curiosity so I wouldn't exert yourself for it, besides I have fairly good luck finding the books on the net or IRL as is.