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Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Well there go my eyes. Burned away.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

What. Did you just answer me with what I had already said, or were you just agreeing with me and not giving an answer. My point is if they have a path that goes with each non-camarilla clan i.e. paradox for the ravnos, night for the lasombra, etc. Why didn't they come up with paths for the camarilla clans, seeing as they all have antribu which being found amongst the Sabbat would most likely need a path to not become wights. I have a pretty good idea why they didn't do it, but I was curious if one of you knew a different reason.

Eh, eyes are overrated anyways it's more fun to feel your way around, especially if there are lot's of girls around. Though technically you haven't read anything not in the rules book, so your eyes should still be fine.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Ah, I see. The thing is, the Camarilla is based around keeping close ties to humanity, which usually requires maintaining that humanity yourself. At it's core, the camarilla is like it is because they don't want to become monsters, which is what most paths inevitably lead to. Does that help?
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

I don't mind feeling my way around if there's people about Ronny. I'm open to feeling up either gender.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Not really but I think I explained that wrong, I understand that any of the kindred in the camarilla would follow humanity as that's the idea behind the camarilla. I meant why haven't they developed paths for, say the ventrue antribu or the toreador antribu who belong to the sabbat. When I said camarilla clans I was just meaning the clans usually associated with the camarilla not the camarilla itself.

Well I figured you wouldn't mind, but I didn't feel like feeling up any guy's myself and I'm probably closer to blind than you are any ways.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Hmm, I guess Copper did completely forget about her weakness after all. Oh well at least she knows what to do when such things happen.

Moderately. But then, Izzy respects River. She's not going to steal from her. Some random schmoe that she feeds off of, on the other hand, is fair game.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Uhm... but it's a weakness, which to me means you wouldn't always be able to resist stealing from someone even if you do respect them. Of course you can try to resist the urge with a self-control check, with the usual risks of a failed test.

Which now that I think about it, is that right. That's what the book says, but wouldn't a conscience test make more sense for the rav weakness.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Conscience makes more sense if it was a 'stealing is wrong' thing. The weakness is more of a habit, or an impulse, you have to try to avoid it. Sort of like trying to not have a smoke, or changing the way you've sat in a chair for twenty years, because it's hurting your back.

Ah, I see what you mean, okay. As far as I know, most of the Antitribu don't have clan-specific paths is because they are the exception, so the don't have as formalized practice as the sabbat-only clans, or the independents. They don't stick to one area as closely as say, Tzimisce do, usually because if they're antitribu, they are already off of standard for the clan. Hope that helps.

Also, I'm at work at the moment, I'm going to try and fit a post in edgewise when I get home, sorry for the wait :/
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Meh, okay but why are you apologizing for the wait. It's not like you have to hurry or anything, since I'm not going to update anything till I feel like it anyways.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

It's my Sense of Responsibility kicking in, can't help it XD
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Uhm... but it's a weakness, which to me means you wouldn't always be able to resist stealing from someone even if you do respect them. Of course you can try to resist the urge with a self-control check, with the usual risks of a failed test.

Which now that I think about it, is that right. That's what the book says, but wouldn't a conscience test make more sense for the rav weakness.

Eh, could go either way, really, with regard to the tests. And conscience, I suppose, would depend on the compulsion. Self-control is a bit all-encompassing. I'm a bit curious as to how you intend to test in that regard, actually. Or just tests in general with a few things.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Yeah it made more sense as a self-control test after I thought about it, since as Shrike said in this case it's about fighting the beast more than your conscience. Though technically you could possibly have to do a conscience test too, depending on the crime, at least I think. Still not sure on that last part.

I'm doing all the virtue tests the way it says in LoTN, except that I use a rps game on my computer for the player's half. I did kind of arbitrarily assign everyone virtue traits, based on what made sense to me. Claire is 334, Ronny and Eve 433, and Izzy and Fletch 343. If you or Shrike think there's a better way, I'm open to ideas. Or if you think I should rearrange someone's traits, I'm very open to that idea since it was mostly guess work on my part based on what I knew about the characters.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Ugh. Take my character and do what you need. Unless she's going to interact with other players, i need to concentrate on my homework right now, more than moving her around.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

I love playing as clean Claire again. Like slipping on a really comfortable jacket after it's been cleaned, and it smells all fresh and new.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

God, do I ever know that feeling. I pissed off some Malkavians in my larp game about a year back, ended up spending most of the night with 5 derangements, it sucks hardcore :/
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

I much prefer clean Claire as well, in fact let's never bring up high Claire again. That was a serious mistake on my part, but at least it was early on. So I can learn from my mistakes at least.

I've strongly disliked dementation 5, ever since I read about it. If you ask me it would be impossible to properly portray 5 derangements affecting you at one time. Hell it's hard enough portraying 1 derangement effectively. it honestly seemed more like they couldn't think of anything for level 5 dementation and they said let's just make something incredibly stupid. I think all the other levels of dementation were quite good though.

Of course it's not like it's the only discipline or portion of a discipline I dislike, it's one of my least liked though.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Ha, yeah I suppose clean Claire is easier to work with... she responds to story elements!

You have no idea how badly I wanted to respond properly to that fucking shadow thing. I mean, it was fucking eating people! And she just kinda danced a fucking long.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Actually the uh fucking shadow thing wasn't eating the drug dealer it was strangling him. Either way though it was kind of an under-reaction. I can always arrange for another fucking shadow thing to show up when Claire isn't high, easily enough.