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Legend of Lynn

Re: Legend of Lynn

Like a Boss
Re: Legend of Lynn

Lynn shook off her thoughts of doubt and recomposed her adventurous spirit.

"What am I thinking? I can do this~!"

Lynn pushes forward despite the minor setback she had recently and moved around the corner northward into the next room. She energed into a large room with a large colored cube resting in a square-shaped depression in the floor that the base of the cube rested in perfectly in the center-east of the room with a torch at each corner of the cube, each burning a bright blue flame. The top of the cube was the same color as the blue flames surrounding it, the north and south sides of the cube were colored yellow, and the east and west sides of the cube were colored red. This seemed like part of an already solved elaborate puzzle. In the south-west corner of the room was a set of stairs leading up onto a ledge that seemed to continue into the previous room. There were two open doorways in the center of the north and east overgrown, root-covered walls.

What should Lynn do?:

A. Go through the North doorway.

B. Go through the East doorway.

C. Explore the South-Western ledge.

D. Other.
Re: Legend of Lynn

Re: Legend of Lynn

Re: Legend of Lynn

C. Explore the South-Western ledge.

In the last room was a teasure, so maybe this path will give us the chance to take it
Re: Legend of Lynn

A. To break a 3-way tie. Also, I think that's closest to "left", possibly.
Re: Legend of Lynn

Lynn decides to move forward through the North entrance. She emerges into a large room with narrow walkways stretching over a deep, dark hole. The walkways formed a "+" shape over the hole. There was a door at end of the Northern walkway, there was a closed door at the end of the East walkway, and there was a chest in the middle of the West walkway and the wall at the end of the Western walkway was covered in a thick layer of cobwebs.

What should she do?:

A. Go through the North doorway.

B. Examine the East doorway.

C. Open the chest.

D. Examine the West wall.

E. Go back.

F. Other.
Re: Legend of Lynn

C... i know that it could be a trap, but anyway.
Re: Legend of Lynn

C. Press your chest against that chest and chest while you chest.
Re: Legend of Lynn

*Baps Iggy lightly*

Enjoy opening the chest, while having a chest silly.
Re: Legend of Lynn

C. Ryu makes a good point.
Re: Legend of Lynn

Lynn walks over to the chest and quickly searches all over it for any signs of traps. She then proceeds to open it and search the inside of it. Inside she finds a rolled up piece of parchment, which she unrolls to reveal a map entitled, "The Spirit's Grave." It was a map of the dungeon she was in!

What should she do now?

A. Examine the map she just found.

B. Go through the North doorway.

C. Examine the East doorway.

D. Examine the West wall.

E. Go through the South doorway.

F. Other.
Re: Legend of Lynn

D. Going left has served us well so far!
Re: Legend of Lynn

A... the west wall was filled with spider webs, we could climb on them but maybe we will get attacked by spiders.
Re: Legend of Lynn

Lynn thoroughly looks over the old map:


It appears that the skull was where something evil was at when this map was made.

"But, if my father slayed the beast that was there in the past, that means that it shouldn't be there now, right?"

What should she do now?:

A. Go through the North doorway.

B. Examine the East doorway.

C. Examine the West wall.

D. Go through the South doorway.

E. Other.