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Legend of Lynn

Re: Legend of Lynn

ok no fire seeds.

Change to Lady E
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Re: Legend of Lynn

C. Use her smashing board (Shield) and crush that snake's face to death.

If the snake doesn't die, then do B.
Re: Legend of Lynn

Lynn quickly thinks and remembers her shield and swings her shield arm forth and bashes the snake with it, knocking it off her. The snake uncoils and flies off onto the ground, dazed.

How should Lynn finish off the snake?:

A. Run around the crystal and grab her sword, then run back and stab it.

B. Ember Seeds.

C. Other.
Re: Legend of Lynn

Kill it with fire!
Re: Legend of Lynn

Lynn pulls out her seed satchel and hurls an Ember Seed at her dazed foe, engulfing it in flames. Lynn gasps and catches her breath from the intense fight. After watching the snake burn to ashes, Lynn noticed a sparkle from the pile of the ashes.

What should she do?:

A. Investigate the pile of ashes.

B. Grab her sword from behind the crystal.

C. Other.
Re: Legend of Lynn

A. Yay for shiny things!
Re: Legend of Lynn

A. Ignoring sparkles would be insane. Then we should probably grab our sword as well.
Re: Legend of Lynn

Lynn's curiousity gets the better for her and she kneals down and sifts through the Rope's remains. She finds a blue ruppee (5) which she promptly puts into her ruppee purse. She the walks around one of the large crystals and grabs her sword.

What should she do now:

A. Continue to search the room.

B. Leave the room.

C. Other.
Re: Legend of Lynn

A. I mean, why not?