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Legend of Lynn

Re: Legend of Lynn

"Okay, j-just n-not t-too high."

They both mount the broom, and Berry dusts off quickly, causing Lynn to wrap her arms around tightly around Berry the entire ride. Upon arriving in front of the Maku Tree, Lynn quickly hops off, thankful to be on solid ground again.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to that..."

Berry laughs, "Anyway, shall we?"

Lynn sighs and nods, not looking forward to being in the prescence of that perverted tree again. They both walk into the Maku Tree's grove.

"Well done Lynn~. I feel the power of darkness fading from this land. You are really a true... W-Wait, who's this?!" she exclaims with an almost jealous expression on her face.

"Oh, hi. My name is Berry."

The tree glares and opens her mouth to speak, but immediately stops, as if sensing a disturbance. The Maku Tree speaks in an almost emotionless, urgent tone, "Lynn. Quickly, investigate the house in the Forest of Time to the east. Hurry, before it's too late!"

Lynn starts to feel worried and wonders if she should get over her fear of flying and let Berry fly her the short distance to the house of which the tree spoke of:

A. Fly.

B. 'Nonsense, there's no way I'm getting on that broom again! I'm walking!'
Re: Legend of Lynn

'Cos i like feelin' special: B.
Re: Legend of Lynn

"We need to hurry, so I guess that means... -gulp- Berry, could you p-please fly me there?"

Berry smiles, enthusiastically as always, "Anything for you Lynn~."

Berry and Lynn mount the broom and take off. Before long, they arrive at the house on the northern edge of the Forest of Time. Upon their arrival, they immediately detect a disturbance. The clouds above the house were dark red and swirling above the house. As Lynn took her first step towards the house, lightning crashed down to earth in front of the house from the center of the ominous, crimson vortex of clouds. Berry and Lynn were knocked back from the force of the lightning, knocking them out. Lynn was the first to emerge into consciousness, her vision slowly refocusing to see a mysterious cloaked figure emerge from the house carrying what appears to be a beautifully decorated harp.

Lynn weakly gets onto her feet and stumbles forward, "Wh-Who are y-you! And wh-what do y-you want?"

The cloaked figure turns to Lynn and lets out a sinister laugh, "Don't waste my time girl. Go back to playing with your dolls."

And with the flick of his wrist Lynn was sent flying back to where Berry was. Lynn fought to remain conscious. The last thing she remembered before passing out again was the tune played on the harp.


"Lynn! Lynn, wake up!"

Lynn sits up and rubs the back of her head, groaning in pain. She quickly takes a survey of her surroundings; The ominous clouds had disappeared and the house looked as though it was ransacked. Also, the mysterious runes etched into the ground were gone, and in its stead was a large, glowing, blue portal of sorts.

"Lynn! Are you alright?!"

Lynn nods and explains everything that had happened.

"Oh, well. I guess this is the disturbance that the perverted tree sensed. and it appears that those runes were a marking indicating the location of a dormant portal of sorts."

Lynn stares blankly, not comprehending what Berry had just said, "In english?"

Berry sighs, "That glowing blue orb is a doorway to an unknown location, and it is likely where that mysterious cloaked person went through."

What should Lynn do:

A. Investigate.

B. Go through the portal.

C. Go somewhere else.
Re: Legend of Lynn

Lynn stares blanky at Berry the knowledge obviously going way over her head, "Whatever, I'm going to have a look around."

Lynn approaches the house and starts to investigate the ruins of the wrecked house. There was nothing much left but charred and splintered wood and destroyed furniture. Next to the house was the glowing, blue portal.

Should Lynn enter it?:

A. Yes.

B. No.
Re: Legend of Lynn

Lynn sighs and starts walking towards the portal, causing Berry to cry out in concern, "Wait! Lynn! We don't know where that portal lets out yet. It could be dangerous."

"Well, that's a risk I'm going to have to take. That cloaked figure poses a significant threat to this land. And they need to be stopped."

Lynn charges forward and leaps through the portal...


Lynn lands out on the other end belly first into the dust. Lynn stands up to get a look around her surroundings. She emerged in a small narrow grove of gnarled, dead-looking trees. The sky was covered in an overcast of thick dusty clouds.

"Where am I?," she asks.

Suddenly, Berry flops down ontop of Lynn, causing them both to collapse on the ground of this strange place.

"Oops, sorry."

Lynn groans as Berry gets off of her and helps her up.

"Well, now what?"

"I guess we better get a look around."

There was only one opening to the west in the grove of trees and Lynn leads the way. They followed the path until it turned south. Then there were three options as to where the pair of them could go. To the west was a small plateau with a rope ladder leading up to the top. Next to the plateau was an old wooden sign. To the east was a path obstructed by a large trench-like pitfall. In the distance, they could hear the roar of the ocean and see the faint outline of a ridged mountain. And lastly, to the south was a dusty road.

What should they do?:

A. Go ontop of the plateau to get a better view.

B. Examine the sign.

C. Try and go East.

D. Go down the Southern path.
Re: Legend of Lynn

A best part of LoZ is the scenery!