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Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Huuhh..hhnnng.... oh w-wow... that's amazing... your pussy's so tight."

Locke gritted his teeth as his body began to perspire. The wet slapping sounds of their bodies thrusting against one another furiously were threatening to overwhelm his senses.

"Yeah... that's better. Mmm... keep going like that."
He said, encouraging her. It seemed that once she had gotten over her initial aggression, the iintimacy of the situation had kicked in. No longer was he just some prey for this natural predator to snag and take advantage of... now they were a couple engaged in helping bring each other to their respective heights of euphoria. Teamwork was necessary.

Locke nudged her face closer to his again and began to offer up kisses to her lips, her cheeks, her chin, and then down to her neck, nipping just above the ringlet of white feathers that rested like a collar around her lower neck. All the while he maintained a steady pace of upward thrusts, feeling his cock rubbing against her inner walls, trying to find that sensitive spot where she'd really feel it.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"I'll use your dick as practice, so that I can get better than those other girls like that flirty slime," Marla announced, squeezing him harder as she brought up Claire, as if her body was instinctively trying to one-up her by fucking Locke even harder. "Are you gonna cum, Locke? I'll make you cum a lot~" she announced with a giggle, trying to sound like an experienced woman as she thrusted herself down onto him, moaning and panting with passion as she became fixated on watching how much pleasure he was experiencing.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Hnnn! Y-yeah, I'm almost there..." he panted.

In truth, she felt better than anyone else Locke had ever been with. He'd had a few human girlfriends on the farm back home, but while they'd been good, none of them had managed to make him feel as good as Marla was - and this was her first time! He mentally thought it might be a good idea to pencil in this as an official part of Marla's training, but somewhere in the back of his mind he knew that he had to be extra careful about that. Marla was a great girl and an excellent example of a harpy, but he couldn't afford to give her false expectations.

"How about you, Marla. I want you to come as well. It's an important part of my duty as your rancher, right? I won't come until you do!"

Declaring that, he began to buck his hips up faster, plunging and withdrawing and plunging himself again deep beyond her feathery magenta curtain, into her slick, warm lips and deep inside her wonderfully tight crevice. He gazed up at her, their eyes watching each other intensely for signs of ecstasy. For his part, he was definitely showing enough sweat and panting to indicate his eagerness to please - and every now and then an involuntary grunt of pleasure escaped his mouth as well. He sensed himself building towards release, slowly but surely. It wasn't far off.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"You don't have to wait for me, Locke~ I love it when your face twists in pleasure~ It makes me so excited!" Marla announced, smiling wide and pounding him harder, making sure she was fucking him harder than he could return to her on the instinct to dominate him. "You'll have many more chances to make me cum~ Let's try for your fourth of fifth time, okay~?" she giggled, pinning him down and humping her waist down onto him, her pussy suddenly tightening hard as she giggled, trying to milk his seed from his body.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Hnn... that's not how... uwahh.... you're going too fast... I won't be able to last at that rate. Aaaghh... Hunnf...hunff...hnnnnhhh!!!"

His face contorted with pleasure and his mind went numb as he couldn't help but let his body do what the greedy mamono wanted. She would be getting her first taste of a man's hot seed shooting up into her body, coating her warm insides and giving her that feeling of being full.

At last, after many long moments of tension as her tight, squeezing snatch milked the last droplets of cum from his cock, he sagged, and let his body start to relax with her remaining on top of him.

"It's not right, this was supposed to be for you. Don't you want to come too? What's the point if you don't?"
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Marla grinned, shifting her hips to stimulate his length, making it hard again as she brought it back to life. "Well, we're not finished yet~" she giggled, before attacking Locke again. Even as his semen leaked from her body and dripped down his length and to his crotch, she continued to hump him, slapping her hips against his as a powerful sense of lethargy overcame him, preventing him from even moving his limbs that well, asides of course from his crotch, which was now under torture again from Marla's body.

"I won't stop until I'm satisfied~" she promised.


Locke was assaulted by Marla until his body could no longer handle the stress. He fell unconscious, and was waking up in the morning with a satisfied harpy laying next to him, holding his face in her wings against her breasts, and his waist locked between her legs. "Good morning~" Marla said lightly to the awakening Locke, who's legs and genitals were sore from the experience. "That was very nice, my first time. Feeling you squirm under me and looking at your suffering face was so erotic~" she giggled.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Locke could only mutter incoherently as Marla continued her erotic assault on his body, his face gritting in pain and pleasure as the harpy quickly used her amazing body to revive his cock and use it again. He continued to moan and rise to more orgasms, only to eventually black out.


When he awoke, Marla was still mounted on him, but at rest, smiling cutely and triumphantly down at him.

"Well, I'm glad that you enjoyed yourself. I'm really sore though. Do you like making me exhausted and in pain?" Locke said, but grinned to convey that he wasn't really angry with her. He sat up, propping Marla up with him as he righted himself. He didn't want to push her away, but he did think it would be best if he got some ice on his crotch as soon as possible, so that he might be able to start on the roost sometime before midday.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Marla giggled, "Was I too rough~?" she cooed in question. "I'm sorry~ It was my first time, I'll try to be a better lover than that. It's just, going crazy like that and hearing and watching you suffer... Made it feel really good, you know?" she said, clenching around him a little.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Yeah, it was your first time - I'll give you that. And you were certainly good... very eager. I've never come like that with a human girl before." Locke shook his head, unsure how he would be able to last if all mamono insisted on such long lovemaking sessions.

He set Marla down and withdrew himself from her, smiling a little as moments later the feathery pinkness covering her pussy began to leak gobs of his fluid onto the loft's floor.

"Umm.... if I end up getting you pregnant... will that affect your performance in training?"
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Probably... I'll definitely need lots of tender love and care while I'm pregnant~" she giggled. "Most members of my race usually protect each other when one of us is pregnant. They say that a harpy knows right away when she's pregnant, but I don't feel anything, so I guess I'm not, for now~" she giggled intently.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Well, I don't know the first thing about Mamono breeding or upbringing, so I'd better concentrate on being a Rancher first and foremost. So that means we'll have to be extra careful not to get you pregnant - at least right away." Locke said, hoping this would make sense to the sex-addled harpy.

"Well the best thing to do now is for us to get some lunch, restore our energy, and then I'll put your roost together. You can help if you want."

Whatever Marla's response, Locke would be redressing himself and starting on his intended work.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Marla suddenly wrapped her wings around Locke, hugging him tight. "Looocke~" she cooed, "What am I gonna have to eat for this week?" she asked him. Just like last week, he'll have to talk with the postman and order some food for Marla. Similar to last week, Marla seemed to prefer fish, which was fairly inexpensive.

(I went by a whole week without having you feed her, lol. Here's a food list, you should pick two food items, one for the current week and last week when I forgot to have you feed her.)

Potato 10
Some monsters like it, but it's not very popular.
Milk 50
Intended for smaller monsters, it tastes very good, but is not very filling.
Fish 100
Main source of food for most monsters.
Cup Jelly 150
High in nutrition, and taste. Great for busy monsters to keep them happy, and comes in a variety of flavors for all tastes.
Meat 300
High quality, delicious meat. Monsters higher up in the food chain prefer this on frequent intervals.
Golden Apple 500
Food provided by the most powerful tree of magic, said to have grown near the earth spirit gnome herself. Ancient and powerful mamono races often dine on this rare treat.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Your favorite is fish, right? I'll buy you that again if you want. But of course, if you want more variety, just tell me," Locke said, figuring that a steady diet of her favorite food would be best at this point.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Reserving 200G to pay for the postman, Locke was hugged and kissed by Marla in response. "Thank you~" she giggled. "I'm gonna go stretch my wings for a while. Make my nest really good, okay?" she told him, before standing up from him, offering him a wink, and flying out of the window, soaring into the sky.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Locke smiled at the kiss and gave a little wave to Marla as she flew off, stopping for a moment to admire her figure as she cut across the sky. Then he heaved a tired sigh and went to grab the materials for the roost. He worked through the day, constructing the roost on top of the barn. Its frame was made from planks of wood and a wire mesh, but was then filled with a comfy bevy of blankets on the bottom, with a pile of reeds and long leaves and other natural bird-nest items lining the outside to make it comfortable and familiar. He then built a pole through the center which led high up to an umbrella like structure that would save the nest from rain, while still allowing a high, 360 view at the highest point on the ranch. He hoped she would like it.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

The morning progressed to noon as he worked on her nest. The plentiful supplies and tools offered without cost by Venice and the IRA(International Rancher Academy) allowed him to make quick progress with the help from his physical abilities. Marla was gone during this time, but came back along with the arrival of food. As the man revealed, he had been tailed by Marla for quite a while and was worried she was a wild mamono and would attack him.

"He was scared of me so he brought the food faster!" Marla announced with a giggle as she flapped to the ground, and became immediately interested in the nest he built for her. "Ooooh!" Marla exclaimed, before flying up to, and perching in her nest. "It's so nice! Better than my last nest even! Thank you Locke!" she announced, waving to him with her wing as the man left Locke with a large crate of preserved fish for the week's supply of food for Marle.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Ah, glad you like it Marla," Locke returned the wave of his mamono before turning to the food delivery man, apologizing for the scare with Marla, and thanking him for the food. Locke handed over the money and grimaced at the dwindling amounts. He would need to start getting an income.

"Say," said Locke to the delivery man. "Could your business use a quicker method of delivery? I imagine if you had someone like Marla here - a strong and fast harpy - you could really expand your business."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Sure, we accept help all the time as Ranchers come and go. Mostly new Ranchers with green mamono who're newborns and need to hustle a little. Depending on how much endurance and speed your little one there's got, she can possibly make a little extra coin. Though don't expect to get rich quick, we do get a lot of offers sometimes from veteran mamono, and some young ones get left in the dust easily and earn little pay. Quality and quantity are what most companies 'round here pay, ya know?" he informed Locke.

(Most jobs require a mixture of two stats. Delivery requires Life and Speed, the higher these values are, the better Marla will perform and the more pay she'll bring in. They both need to be high values together however, as a mamono with 200 life and speed will earn more than a mamono with 100 life and 300 speed.)
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"I understand. And yes, I'm sure she'll work hard - we'll be sure to dedicate some time to improving her to suit this job. When can she start?"

How much will having a job cut into Marla's training time? Will she make enough cash to at least pay for herself?
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"She can sign up whenever you like. It works a lot like volunteer work, you see, since most Ranchers won't dedicate themselves to a job like this." he replied. "Anyway sir, I must be off. Take care," the delivery man bid Locke farewell.

Training is done via week long reservations at Venice's facilities. Choosing to train means dedicating your mamono for the week, lest Venice get angry over you signing up to train, and not using the time provided to you.