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VN/TEXT RPG [Lord Arioch] Seeds of Chaos (v0.2.41)

Re: Seeds of Chaos [Ren'Py]

Glad to see you have a demo! You seem to have a commitment to high production values and the field really needs more true dark fantasy, so I'm happy to see this project come to fruition.

The demo is short enough that it's difficult to evaluate your overall style and direction, but I can still say that it's really nice to see competent writing in a NSFW game. I wish you the best of luck and look forward to future updates! ^-^

Almost exactly my sentiments. Demo is short which means it dosen provide much insight into the game (glad to see its out though), but it does show a serious commitment to production value. I personally love the art styles present.
Re: Seeds of Chaos [Ren'Py]

New release day, grab 0.0.07 .
Re: Seeds of Chaos [Ren'Py]

New release day, grab 0.0.07 .

while everythings else is nice, its just so short :(
and also the cliffhangers ...
Re: Seeds of Chaos [Ren'Py]

I'm sorry Lord Arioch, but i must do it...

From now on, i shall dub Seeds of Chaos as...

Seeds of Cliffhanger!!!

I'm sorry...:(

On a serious note, things are proceeding greatly! Definitely want moar! :)
Re: Seeds of Chaos [Ren'Py]

Well, seems like story is getting interesting, too bad is so short at the moment.
On a side note, we don't know much about the world of SOC, maybe adding some text at the beginning or in the Menu with info about the different regions, factions and such could work.
Re: Seeds of Chaos [Ren'Py]

Thanks guys.

One of the reasons it is so short (other than the fact I am doing it in my spare time from my 40-50 hour a week real job), is that I am spending at least half my time working on what comes after the prologue. Doing it this way means that by the time is prologue is finished; stats, equipment, and the event system will all be implemented, as well as hopefully a couple of events, meaning there'll be no gap between phases.

@Raveman all that stuff is coming, I just want the player to experience it more organically rather than via an infodump. I'll probably do a few posts on the game's races, gods, etc. on the website/patreon in the near future though, for the people who are into what Mike Harrison once called 'the great clomping foot of nerdism', worldbuilding.

Anyway, next release will be posted on the 18th.
Re: Seeds of Chaos [Ren'Py]

New version (0.0.09) - .
Re: Seeds of Chaos [Ren'Py]

Out of a cliffhanger, right into another cliffhanger :p.
The tension is very well done, good job mate! :D

Oh, one thing i personally found funny, if you recolored Jezera's human form's hair to match her cloak, it almost look like she still wearing the hoodie. :p
Re: Seeds of Chaos [Ren'Py]

Wow, this is fantastic! Cant wait to see more of this :)
Re: Seeds of Chaos [Ren'Py]

Bah! Fucking cliffhangers. Why you do dis to us!?

This shit gonna be fucking epic, I can tell. :D
Re: Seeds of Chaos [Ren'Py]

Thanks for the kind words, guys.

Backers got a new release this weekend, so that one will be public on July 2nd.
Re: Seeds of Chaos [Ren'Py]

@Raveman all that stuff is coming, I just want the player to experience it more organically rather than via an infodump. I'll probably do a few posts on the game's races, gods, etc. on the website/patreon in the near future though, for the people who are into what Mike Harrison once called 'the great clomping foot of nerdism', worldbuilding.

if u want... u could build something like the codex from the bioware-games... i spent hours reading that stuff...
Re: Seeds of Chaos [Ren'Py]

if u want... u could build something like the codex from the bioware-games... i spent hours reading that stuff...

You mean like this?


Waaaaaay ahead of you, buddy. ;)
Re: Seeds of Chaos [Ren'Py]

Teaser from one of the two upcoming new scenes (other is MxM).

Re: Seeds of Chaos [Ren'Py]

New release day, you can*grab version 0.0.11 .

Realistically, about three releases away from the end of the prologue now.
Re: Seeds of Chaos [Ren'Py]

New release day, you can*grab version 0.0.11 .

Realistically, about three releases away from the end of the prologue now.

Thanks Lord Arioch, will play ASAP.

Wait a minute, we are skipping 0.0.10?
Re: Seeds of Chaos [Ren'Py]

For the backers, I usually put out a release, then a tiny one a few days after that fixes typos, and adds a few cosmetic things like expression changes in conversations, etc.
Re: Seeds of Chaos [Ren'Py]

In case you missed it over on the Patreon, he is what the image map for the ground floor of castle is going to look like.

Re: Seeds of Chaos [Ren'Py]

is the penultimate prologue version. Backers get the end of the prologue this weekend, public will get it in two weeks.

You can also now see the finished, colour castle map on the Patreon .
Re: Seeds of Chaos [Ren'Py]

is the penultimate prologue version. Backers get the end of the prologue this weekend, public will get it in two weeks.

You can also now see the finished, colour castle map on the Patreon .

Oh yes, SOON... OvO

In all honesty i'm filled with curiosity and anticipation of how exactly the main chapters going to unfold and played out. This is some thought that lingers in my head:
-May i say there's element of time management?
-How much the luck factor will affect gameplay, i mean like chance-based event and so on?