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Mad God's Key

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Re: Age of Worms

((If you want to see all the dice rolls I'll put them up, but for now I'm not going to. I did the initiative correctly I just wrote it this way so I didn't have to bounce around. Any questions or if I missed something let me know.))

Craig draws his weapons, preparing for the rush of the dock workers, while yelling to Melissa. "Blast him." Two of the thugs rush for Teren as a swing from Craig's sword narrowly misses one. The two thugs slice at Teren ineffectively as his scimitar also misses it's mark. Meanwhile the other two rush for Craig one of them slashing him through his shoulder before recieving a telling blow up the side of his head from Craig's morningstar. The other swings wide with his dagger while recieving a slash down his side from Craig's shortsword.

On the dock Melissa quickly loses a blast of glowing magic energy from her fingertips at the figure of irontusk on the ship, hitting him squarely in the chest. With a roar of pain the haf-orc charges at the stolid dwarf in his way. As his club connects with Ashnod's head, Ashnod's axe bites through the half-orc's leather armor.

(Init:Craig, Melissa, Irontusk, Ashnod, DM, Teren; Ashnod now has 12 HP's, Craig has 10 HP's, thug 1 is dying.)
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Re: Age of Worms

Hoping Teren can hold his own and ignoring the scratch from the idiot who was now now lying on the ground dying, swing my morningstar for the head of the surviving thug that attacked me, then slash for his throat with the shortsword using my momentum from the morningstars swing. "You think you're going to fair any better than he did, fool?" I say, grinning maniacly.

(Attack the poor foo whom I shall delegate as thug 2. The one who swung and missed at me. Teren attacks one of the guys attacking him.)
Re: Age of Worms

Craig swing's for the thug's head with his morningstar just barely missing, but his shortsword finds it's intended target ripping the thug's throat out in a spray of blood (2nd critical hit for Craig already, talk about lucky). The thug's lifeless body falls next to his comrade at Craig's feet.

Melissa on the far dock let's another blast of magical energy lose at Irontusk missing widely as the blast hits the mast of the ship.

With a growl the half-orc again swings his club at the dwarf connecting with Ashnod's shoulder with a crunch.

(INIT: Craig, Melissa, Irontusk, Ashnod, DM, Teren: Ashnod-8 HP's, Craig-10 Hp's, Thug 1&2 dead)
Re: Age of Worms

Ashnod coughs up blood from the blow, matching the half-orc's growl, leaping at him and swinging with his axe.
Re: Age of Worms

With a leap and growl the wounded Ashnod swings for the half-orc once again connecting solidly. However the half-orc grits his teeth and still stands.

The thugs engaging Teren seeing their friends layed low so quickly decide to flee for the safety of the alley way.

Teren in an attempt to stop them swings for the nearest thug as he runs by barely nicking the thug in the leg.

(INIT: Craig, Melissa, Irontusk, Ashnod, DM, Teren: Ashnod-8 HP's, Craig-10 Hp's, Thug 1&2 dead)
Re: Age of Worms

(Awesome, I'm not rolling 1's every round like I did last game.)

"Ignore them, the half orc's the one we want." I shout to Teren, as I rush to the boat on which Ashnod is fighting IronTusk.
Re: Age of Worms

As Craig and Teren leave the fleeing thugs and run to aid Ashnod; Melissa throws another bolt of eldritch energy at Irontusk once again missing him.

Irontusk's swing luckily goes wide of Ashnod's skull this time.

((INIT: Craig, Melissa, Irontusk, Ashnod, Teren: Ashnod-8 HP's, Craig-10 Hp's)
Re: Age of Worms

"I'd drop yer weapon an' surrender, lad. Yer comrades have abandoned ye." Ashnod says with a grunt, taking another swing at the half-orc.
Re: Age of Worms

If I'm in range for it, I attack IT from behind. If I'm not, try to sneak up behind him.
Re: Age of Worms

As Ashnod's axe once again hits the raging half-orc, Irontusk notices his advantage has disappeared. Throwing down his club and closing his eyes he says, "All right you got me. You might as well finish me off like Mauresbane sent you to do." Under his breath you can hear him muttering a prayer to The Summoner.

Teren seeing that Ashnod is hurt steps forward. With a few words and a touch; Ashnod feels a tingling as the healing magic does it's work. The magic is completed just as Melissa arrives on the ship as well.

(Ashnod-healed up to 16 HP's, Craig 10 Hp's. Craig being a worshipper of Trithereon, notices the prayer to the same. If you want Teren to heal you both up the rest of the way since he'll be disappearing soon let me know.)
Re: Age of Worms

(Heal me up if he's got spells left after Ryu's back to full health. He's not going to disappear on us is he? Also, are the two thugs dead or dying?)

I move to stand a few feet behind the half-orc, wiping the blood on the short sword off on his shirt (he's wearing a shirt right?) and then sheathing it, but keeping my morningstar ready. "Last I checked, the Trithereon supported freedom, not thievery. Where's the key? And where's your contact?"
Re: Age of Worms

At that question, the half-orc looks completely confused, "What key, what contact? Weren't you sent to kill me by that Hextorite dog Mauresbane?"

As the questioning goes on Teren finishes up healing Craig and Ashnod.

(Party back to full hitpoints, thug 2 is dead, thug 1 is stabilized but almost dead.)
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Re: Age of Worms

"We stopped a robbery at a store today, owned by a man, Thel-something-or-other. A key was stolen. The men we caught mentioned your name."
Re: Age of Worms

Still looking confused the half-orc sighs. "I think this has all been a terrible mistake. I'm not the one who robbed this store that you mentioned. I thought you were here to prevent me from reporting to the Knights of the Chase on Mauresbane's activities. Not that you have any reason to believe me."

(Don't forget you've heard the name Mauresbane before, muahahaha.)
Re: Age of Worms

((Once again, sorry for my absence all.))

"...wait. It's true that we might not believe you - but you'll never know for sure unless we get to hear your side of things. What has Mauresbane been doing?"
Re: Age of Worms

"I'll start from the beginning in that case," Says the half-orc relaxing somewhat. "I work for the Knights of the Chase, an organization closely related to the church of Trithereon The Summoner, to prevent the enslavement of the people of Oerth. I was recently sent here to figure out what threat a priest of Hextor known by the name of Mauresbane posed. Unfortunately he appears to be more powerful than we had hoped. Somehow all my allies in the city have disappeared. Perhaps you know something of them judging from that dagger you're carrying. Since they disappeared I have been hounded by the agents of Mauresbane relentlessly. Hence the reason I attacked you. I'm sorry for any harm I've caused you through this misunderstanding." At this he stops and looks at the party expectantly.

(All sense motive checks indicate he's not bluffing.)
Re: Age of Worms

"Interesting. If what you say is true, then the men we handed over to him have probably already been released, and were working for him. Do the names Marek and Flegon sound familiar?"
I glance around. "From the looks of things, you and yours fared worse for the engagement than we did, so I for one accept your apology." While not trusting him, I don't disregard anything he says out of hand.
Re: Age of Worms

The half-orc thinks for a second, "No the names Marek and Flegon aren't familiar, but I don't know all of Mauresbane's flunkies or I wouldn't have attacked. It's a shame about the loss of Tarkin there he was a good man, but I don't blame you for his death."
Re: Age of Worms

Mellisa murmers under her breath "The uncaring will lead you to the maimed one's secret, the crimson cod awaits you if you continue your current path..." wondering why those words stuck with her.

"Maimed one...iron capped tusk? Crimson cod - red herring. Attacking someone who isn't guilty. Who is the uncaring though...?"
Re: Age of Worms

The half-orc looks at Melissa strangely before asking everyone, "So what do we do now?"

(Weird didn't even think of that connection, but it works too. You are partially right, however.)
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