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Magic: The Gathering

Re: Magic: The Gathering

Re: Magic: The Gathering

I play with the new stuff it can be both fun and annoying though. I am definately one of those people who prefers to play for fun and i absolutely hate those decks where all you do is sit there and watch the other player do stuff since they keep you from playing anything.
Re: Magic: The Gathering

you mean blue?
Re: Magic: The Gathering

you mean blue?

Beat me to it. They even have stuff to copy spells, which inevitably means unlimited counters, so you don't get to play shit and end up loosing by deck out, which is the single most bullshit way to lose ever.
Re: Magic: The Gathering

Beat me to it. They even have stuff to copy spells, which inevitably means unlimited counters, so you don't get to play shit and end up loosing by deck out, which is the single most bullshit way to lose ever.

I think the single most bullshit way to lose ever is to have someone that has one of those "sacrifice a creature for life" items, another item that gives them "token" creatures with which to feed said sacrifice item, enough turns to get themselves up to 100 health (maybe it was more. Wanna say it was even 1000, but I don't remember...), a nigh-unbeatable defense that you can't punch through, oh, and they're prick enough to not let you concede the game because they want to keep "playing." I think the only reason the person did was because they had a "Wheel of Fortune" card in their deck (the one where you flip a coin and can potentially lose the game on a coin toss or something like that.) Of course, the other person countespelled it or some shit at which point the person *did* want to concede and the other person wouldn't let them.

After witnessing that one was about when I decided not to get back into Magic.
Re: Magic: The Gathering

i was not aware of any rule anywhere that meant you weren't allowed to concede if you didn't want to.
Re: Magic: The Gathering

they're actually changing a lot of rules at the next rotation... There's no more mana burn, lifelink and deathtouch are becoming static abilities, there's a whole page of it on the wizards site. I could tell you the rest of it if you want.

@aika - Nice. Resolving a progenitus is always nice, and usually will make you win.

@nunu - yes I think they should print another un-set. The silliness is missing. One of my favorites is rocket-powered turbo slug. It has super haste.
Re: Magic: The Gathering

i was not aware of any rule anywhere that meant you weren't allowed to concede if you didn't want to.

It was less of a point of the one guy not being *able* to concede as the other guy was simply being a dick and wouldn't let the game end. Like I said, he held out for the Wheel of Fortune and after that was when he opted to bow out and the other guy told him no, that he wanted to finish it, and it was just a whole bunch of drama. (That also happened, oh, more than 10 years ago, so I'm hazy on the details. I just remember the highlights.)
Re: Magic: The Gathering

I usually use a white/green deck, or a white/artifact deck.

I kinda like the artifacts. They can get silly, but it's still fun.

Yes, more 'un-' needs to be made.
Re: Magic: The Gathering

It was less of a point of the one guy not being *able* to concede as the other guy was simply being a dick and wouldn't let the game end. Like I said, he held out for the Wheel of Fortune and after that was when he opted to bow out and the other guy told him no, that he wanted to finish it, and it was just a whole bunch of drama. (That also happened, oh, more than 10 years ago, so I'm hazy on the details. I just remember the highlights.)

That's when you put up your deck anyway. They can't really force you to keep your cards on the table.
Re: Magic: The Gathering

At that point, that's what he did. Didn't stop the complaining from the other party though.
Re: Magic: The Gathering

I'd just like to announce that two friends and I won the team trio tournament at the core 2010 set prerelease in London last Saturday.
Re: Magic: The Gathering

Nice. I wish I could play that well. Alas, I don't really have anyone I could practice with... And my deck sucks. I don't have the cards to build the deck I want.
Re: Magic: The Gathering

Seriously, limited is the best form of magic, and probably the cheapest. Drafts are fun, rewarding and you don't have to spend £50 on a playset of search lands.
Re: Magic: The Gathering

Heh. I've played drafts before, and I sucked. It was fun, though. Still, I'd like to have a nice deck for regular games.
Re: Magic: The Gathering

We used to play with brilliant constructed decks, but the games we played were less fun and the ways the decks won were often very evil (especially my blue white control deck).

So now we have "mediocre" constructed decks (basically made nearly completely out of non-rares) and mostly play limited anyway.
Re: Magic: The Gathering

A guy I've met while studying (a very good Magic player) told me about a deck that contained only commons. I don't know the details, but I was told that this particular deck was a real beast. Common-based decks can be very powerful.
Re: Magic: The Gathering

Right, until it comes up against Ravager Affinity.