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RPG Unknown/Hiatus Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

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Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Hey guys,

Just finished the latest print design for the Patreon rewards. Check it out!


Aw yiss girls in tanks!
I had a though, you may have covered this elsewhere but when the update is playable will the save game be compatible and will Malise be taken out of the first level since she was more of a demo there?
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Hey guys,

Just finished the latest print design for the Patreon rewards. Check it out!

I must say the "ducky" like lips of them girls looks great to me. Also the hairstyle is devildamn nice.
Looking forward to see more of them
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Aw yiss girls in tanks!
I had a though, you may have covered this elsewhere but when the update is playable will the save game be compatible and will Malise be taken out of the first level since she was more of a demo there?
In feature versions of the game only Neon will be available from the start - Malise was added to the Public Demo cause she is the title character and without her there wouldn't be any boobies in game, which would be simply outrageous ;).

At the moment, save compatibility has low priority, because there's still a lot of things that will change and break that compatibility in the process. Dealing with it now would require a lot of our time, which IMHO is better spent elsewhere. We are aware that forcing players to play same area over and over again isn't very nice, so we're trying to deal with save breaking things as soon as possible, but it will still take some time. In the meantime we can at least ship new versions with saves made in that version so players won't have to play the area again.
0.04 will not be compatible with earlier saves, and one of the reasons for it are changes to not yet used code responsible for save compatibility - how's that for an irony? ;).
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

In feature versions of the game only Neon will be available from the start - Malise was added to the Public Demo cause she is the title character and without her there wouldn't be any boobies in game, which would be simply outrageous ;).

At the moment, save compatibility has low priority, because there's still a lot of things that will change and break that compatibility in the process. Dealing with it now would require a lot of our time, which IMHO is better spent elsewhere. We are aware that forcing players to play same area over and over again isn't very nice, so we're trying to deal with save breaking things as soon as possible, but it will still take some time. In the meantime we can at least ship new versions with saves made in that version so players won't have to play the area again.
0.04 will not be compatible with earlier saves, and one of the reasons for it are changes to not yet used code responsible for save compatibility - how's that for an irony? ;).

I wouldn't even worry about it, at worst just drop in some cheats for the lazy.

This reminds me however, i subbed to your patreon but I think I recently got one of those fancy new chip-cards. So I should probably go update that information before i forget. I would be said if I accidentally skipped donation this month on accident. >.<
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

I wouldn't even worry about it, at worst just drop in some cheats for the lazy.

This reminds me however, i subbed to your patreon but I think I recently got one of those fancy new chip-cards. So I should probably go update that information before i forget. I would be said if I accidentally skipped donation this month on accident. >.<

Just a reminder, pledges won't process until next month when the release occurs (May 1) :D. We actually haven't charged patrons for 5 months, hehe.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Just a reminder, pledges won't process until next month when the release occurs (May 1) :D. We actually haven't charged patrons for 5 months, hehe.

Yeah I realized that just after I changed my information. Ah well, just more to look forward too. <3
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Hey, saw you did an interview on Affect3D. That should give you a nice signal boost.

Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

That was a good read. Like Rule 34 said, it should definitely give a good boost to how many people hear about this. Especially when part 2 comes out and goes into the Lust meter.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

I'm sure you guys are working hard to fix up 0.04, but I was wondering if we'll see any kind of preview this month, assuming next patreon release is set for May?
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned this yet, but it appears that there's a (potentially unwanted) invisible path in the eastern room, between the stairs the connect to the room to the north and the chest that's nearby.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Some suggestions regarding lust:

How about making it so that the max lust and zero lust modes have advantages and disadvantages against different enemies?

Say, at max lust, you get debuffed severely, but your character can opt to actually control the sex by actually holding down the enemy, or initiate the act and bring in other enemies if available while the other one plugs away at it with conventional attacks. Maybe even make it so that having sex while at max lust actually damages the enemy slightly.

Of course, this will not work against those enemies that simply won't have sex with you, in which case the severe debuff of having max lust will make it very dangerous to confront these enemies with both characters at max lust, and will give you an incentive to keep at least one character at minimum lust, or both depending on the enemies.

BTW, are there going to be more event-based sex like the one at the end of the demo? If yes, then you can use the amount of lust as either the prerequisite or a way to unlock scene variations.

Also, maybe you can add items that increase or decrease lust and break armor for those who just like to see the sex...
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Some suggestions regarding lust:

How about making it so that the max lust and zero lust modes have advantages and disadvantages against different enemies?

Say, at max lust, you get debuffed severely, but your character can opt to actually control the sex by actually holding down the enemy, or initiate the act and bring in other enemies if available while the other one plugs away at it with conventional attacks. Maybe even make it so that having sex while at max lust actually damages the enemy slightly.

Of course, this will not work against those enemies that simply won't have sex with you, in which case the severe debuff of having max lust will make it very dangerous to confront these enemies with both characters at max lust, and will give you an incentive to keep at least one character at minimum lust, or both depending on the enemies.

BTW, are there going to be more event-based sex like the one at the end of the demo? If yes, then you can use the amount of lust as either the prerequisite or a way to unlock scene variations.

Also, maybe you can add items that increase or decrease lust and break armor for those who just like to see the sex...

It could just be me, but it seems like Malise and Neon land more critical hits when they are, as Eromancer words it, "turbo-slutting". Personally, I think it would be a neat touch if there ends up being certain abilities that only work/work better in certain states of mind.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

The music? - awesome! get's you pumped (no pun intended)

The graphics? - you can tell the creator spent honest time and effort in making a shiny and polished product, with complete renders and fully detailed enemies.

I feel like I'm playing one of the futuristic Final Fantasy games! It's retro in that regard and I like it. I just played the public demo yesterday, and I actually got lost and didn't know the stairs where.. STAIRS.

This is exactly the type of sh*t that would happen in a Nintendo game you rented from the store, walk around for what seemed like an hour, just not knowing that graphic was a door way or you had to press down+select.


The Gameplay? - so fast your head'll spin the f*k right off! Watch those arrows keys, pick the right actions, submit for bonuses or resist!

Yeah, I'm buying this game. You could even to a slimmed down non-h version and put it on steam, no? :p
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

...I just played the public demo yesterday, and I actually got lost and didn't know the stairs where.. STAIRS...
You could even to a slimmed down non-h version and put it on steam, no? :p
Had a similar problem with some walls... WALLS... ;) Sometimes I couldn't walk over a tile because it was a wall next to a lower section, sometimes I could...

I agree about a Steam version. We're yet to see how the plot of the game goes, but if it's even remotely close to the gameplay and the visuals, this could easily sell on Steam (absent the hentai stuff, of course, Gaben hates boobies).
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Does anyone have any idea if it's possible to reach the platform on the right-most part of the "Access Tunnels B5 East 1" room? You can barely see it from the lower wrap-around path that has the terminals at the bottom-left portion of it.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

I'm sure you guys are working hard to fix up 0.04, but I was wondering if we'll see any kind of preview this month, assuming next patreon release is set for May?
EM should post a preview within days - he's finishing up stuff that will be used for it.
And yes, next patreon release is set for May, though it may be delayed few days... public demo really did a number on our schedule for 0.04, hence less talk, more work ;).

I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned this yet, but it appears that there's a (potentially unwanted) invisible path in the eastern room, between the stairs the connect to the room to the north and the chest that's nearby.
It was reported and fixed earlier, but thanks for the report.

It could just be me, but it seems like Malise and Neon land more critical hits when they are, as Eromancer words it, "turbo-slutting". Personally, I think it would be a neat touch if there ends up being certain abilities that only work/work better in certain states of mind.

Does anyone have any idea if it's possible to reach the platform on the right-most part of the "Access Tunnels B5 East 1" room? You can barely see it from the lower wrap-around path that has the terminals at the bottom-left portion of it.
Nope, there's nothing of interest there and it's not accessible.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Wow, I'm sorry but half of those questions are them basically being mad about the way lust works.

I don't get the problem. In the demo I only repaired my armor before the boss because he was a little bit hard to deal with, other than it didn't reduce my experience at all.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Wow, I'm sorry but half of those questions are them basically being mad about the way lust works.

I don't get the problem. In the demo I only repaired my armor before the boss because he was a little bit hard to deal with, other than it didn't reduce my experience at all.

I think it's just the question-asker being impatient.

The game has so much potential - much of it not yet exploited (or even implemented yet since it's v0.035/0.04). Feels like they could have reminded the asker repeatedly that it's really early in development (too early) to have everything fully implemented.

I see much potential in the lust system, and I will be highly disappointed if the current system is the extent of which it will be implemented. From my understanding, it is far from the planned implementation.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

I think it's just the question-asker being impatient.

The game has so much potential - much of it not yet exploited (or even implemented yet since it's v0.035/0.04). Feels like they could have reminded the asker repeatedly that it's really early in development (too early) to have everything fully implemented.

Well I didn't see the first part of the interview, but I do remember a review that they made some months ago which also said some things like that.

Honestly I just don't think they like the non-con stuff. I mean the only reason this game is featured theres is because it has 3D art.

It's kinda sad because well, treating something as if it's not good enough because it has fetishes you don't like just isn't the way.

I wonder if they know about the thousand of other non-con H-RPG's.
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