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RPG Unknown/Hiatus Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

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Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!


Honestly I just don't think they like the non-con stuff. I mean the only reason this game is featured theres is because it has 3D art.


I wonder if they know about the thousand of other non-con H-RPG's.

Sorry, what does non-con mean?
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

first part of the interview is linked in the second one, if you're interested

Sorry, what does non-con mean?
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

first part of the interview is linked in the second one, if you're interested


Really? Buwahahahahha.

Did the interviewer even see the art CG sets on their website?

I don't even get how he can have a problem with non-consensual. How does he even work with/for the porn industry in anyway if he/she cannot take non-consensual images?
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

That was a bad interview, it seemed more like two people arguing than interview.
Like I said before, I kind of agree with A3D's editor about the h-content, but this time they were way too pushy.
You should've pinched them about their futa stuff, just to show them that the fetish coin has two sides.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Not sure why Affect3d would be getting mad about non-con scenarios. Half their damn store is chicks being gangraped by goblins, demons and aliens :confused: From the interview I think it's more the interviewer "suggesting" more opportunities for consensual content. It's kinda a weird interview because the tone is a little more like that of a pushy fan "I have a great idea for X/Y, how about it?". I guess the intent was to be more probing than a typical fluff interview.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

first part of the interview is linked in the second one, if you're interested

That's more like it. That interview is much more neutral.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Hey guys!

I've posted some news on the (small) V0.04 delay that AltairPL mentioned as well as some new artwork revealing a new major story character that will be present in V0.04.

Check it out on Blogspot:
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Nice character. Although, the lines for the nose seems awkwardly outlined.

Take your time. I rather a well done product than a rushed one.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Nice character. Although, the lines for the nose seems awkwardly outlined.

Take your time. I rather a well done product than a rushed one.

The lines around the nose do look very awkward. otherwise she looks great. I do love the ambition behind this game.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Nice character. Although, the lines for the nose seems awkwardly outlined.

Take your time. I rather a well done product than a rushed one.

Looking closely, the line seems to be a face paint or tattoo of sort. You can basically see the side of her eyes also have the lines.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Heya guys,

Just a friendly reminder that Patreon pledges need to be in for the next release within the next few days. I'll likely be making the post which locks in pledges on the evening of the 29th. We only make releases once every few months, so if you're interested in checking out the latest version then now's the time :D.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Can you say about how much is being added in the update? I really liked the demo and I would love to support its further development but money is always tight.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

So, I've played the demo through to the end and... I rather like things so far. Combat feels nice, although it feels like the "No Wait" battle style has a slight advantage over the other two in terms of chances of breaking out of H-Attacks. Sliiiiiight advantage. You pay for it in other ways, so... maybe it's okay?

My only real gripe can be put in the form of a question:

Why is it that Malise is the only one who can be hit with a H-Finisher that kills her through massive over damage?

Seems kinda... unfair in its own way, seeing as Neon can't (as of yet, I'm guessing). It also doesn't make sense to me looking at the art. Please correct me if I'm missing something here, but despite the attack being called "Self Destruct" I'm not seeing a lethal explosion. Just the leeches popping like (water) balloons and Malise getting sprayed with her own breast milk... and probably any semen they have. Doesn't strike me as lethal. With how over the top it is though, it DOES strike me as a finisher that should have her knocked down/toppled/prone/whatever for two turns instead of one (as seems to be the standard in this demo?).

That aside, I have a couple questions out of curiosity now.

Is there a way to... er... "synch up" H-Attacks between enemies? What I mean here is, would there be a way for two similar enemies (let's say the dragonfly things) to execute their Ambush attack at the same time and cue a special scene that has the two active party members being raped together? By extension, would it be possible for the finisher to be applied to both and knock them down together? This was something that occurred to me when, at one point, Neon and Malise were pretty much matched up in getting Pussyreap'd within a very close time frame of each other, and then having to watch the finishers go off one after another. I figure that would require A LOT more art to be made, but I thought I'd ask and be told "Can't do that." than not ask at all.

Also, will we ever see a way to relieve lust between two party members if you aren't within arm's reach of a recovery machine? Say... a risk/reward action that has the chance of a random encounter happening and potentially leaving the pair at a higher level of lust than they had previously, or maybe just having them start the battle prone. If the action isn't interrupted, it shaves off some lust? And, well... we also get treated to some lesbian art between the party members, but yeah...

All-in-all I enjoyed the current demo and look forward to the next public demo.
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Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Neon's default armor's top can't be removed or destroyed, and since that's her only armor (for now) she can't be targeted by Self-Destruct.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

After having read HentaiFan's comment, I have my own question: has there ever been any discussion about more than one enemy being able to target either Malise or Neon with their H-attacks? I understand that much like HentaiFan's ideas, this would require a lot more art to be made, but I figured that I might as well ask about it.

Also, I'd just like to say that MatM seems quite promising, and I've been enjoying what's been made available. I look forward to seeing how it develops.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Neon's default armor's top can't be removed or destroyed, and since that's her only armor (for now) she can't be targeted by Self-Destruct.

That sort of is part of the point in its own way, really.

As per standard for any rpg, only certain enemy types will spawn in certain areas. If different outfits "protect" against different H-Attacks, then the armor/outfits become more a vehicle for preventing death by massive damage than actually using them for their stats, which can be good for making a player think strategically, but bad for what I think is being attempted here. Namely, presenting the player with different good looking/sexy outfits to put on the characters.

It sort of defeats the purpose of having so many outfits, because if you're just gonna use ones that restrict, say, Self Destruct from happening, then you'll be using X-type outfit for preventing that attack, then Y-type outfit for preventing another massive damage finisher. Going by that, you'll end up testing what spawns in the current area and go "I'll wear this armor/outfit to prevent the over damage H-Attack from happening" which... well, as I said. It defeats the purpose of different looking outfits. Meanwhile, you can just level up a little extra to try and make up for that defense difference.

There's also the fact that part of the sales pitch for the game is "We don't need to lose to see the H-Scenes." when in essence, we're being forced half way into losing because we weren't able to prevent one of them in time. That feels almost self-defeating and sort of coming up as a lie in that respect. Every player is gonna hit a point while running through a given area that they're gonna hit max lust and not be able to break out of an H-Attack. If that one happens to deal massive damage instant death and both characters just happen to be vulnerable to it due to the "best" armor available in that area? Well... yeah. I have little doubt that later on in the game multiple enemies will be able to inflict finishers that deal massive damage. At that point, you're making the game pseudo-difficult by introducing potential enemy formations that're just Game Over in enemy formation. Don't fall into the trap that seems to be common, in that instant death is used to simulate difficulty. It isn't difficulty, it's tedium; there's a difference. One can be rewarding to overcome, and the other is annoying and not rewarding to beat.

Of course, I'm not the dev for this game and I don't know what's going on behind the curtain and all that, so this is all just supposition, assumption, and what not on my end. Don't take any of it as an attack or anything, please. I'm just pointing out what I see and feel is a problem and is "not as advertised." Not mad or anything here.

After having read HentaiFan's comment, I have my own question: has there ever been any discussion about more than one enemy being able to target either Malise or Neon with their H-attacks? I understand that much like HentaiFan's ideas, this would require a lot more art to be made, but I figured that I might as well ask about it.

Also, I'd just like to say that MatM seems quite promising, and I've been enjoying what's been made available. I look forward to seeing how it develops.

That's actually something else that occurred to me just before I went to sleep, and I kinda want to know as well.

On a slightly unrelated note... I half wonder if there's a replica of Malise's default suit and hairstyle as Skyrim armor mods. That'd be... an interesting way to spread the word. o_o Er... sorry. Don't pay that much mind. >_-; I'm not aiming at a passive request or something with that. Just musing. Please don't take that too seriously.
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Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Heya guys,

Just a friendly reminder that Patreon pledges need to be in for the next release within the next few days. I'll likely be making the post which locks in pledges on the evening of the 29th. We only make releases once every few months, so if you're interested in checking out the latest version then now's the time :D.

Can you say about how much is being added in the update? I really liked the demo and I would love to support its further development but money is always tight.

I'm also curious as to what new content is going to be added. Normally I would wait and see once it's released but if it's a now or never sort of deal I need a little more information before I justify the expense.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

I'm also curious as to what new content is going to be added. Normally I would wait and see once it's released but if it's a now or never sort of deal I need a little more information before I justify the expense.

Sorry for taking awhile to get back to you guys!

Here's a basic list of the relevant content and features that will be apparent in V0.04:

  • A continuation of the main story featuring a new area and the addition of Malise to the party
New story H content

  • A new enemy that is fully H-compatible with both characters
A new boss encounter

  • Enemy armor damage
Animated battle backgrounds
Side-scrolling maps

  • Prototype for enemy leveling system

  • First batch of map optimizations (increased performance)
Equipment added for other slots besides weapon/body armor
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

This is my very first patreon that I am supporting, and I would not have done so if I didn't think your game was the shit. Hope you do well and prosper.

Also, I hope I got in in-time for the demo >.>
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