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RPG Unknown/Hiatus Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

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Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Hm. I'll be the first to say I'm stuck now.
Did they forget to turn on enemy spawning in the new areas?

I'm sitting on an ever dwindling supply of fuses and can't find a way to get more,
while the game seems to imply I'm supposed to farm them and build them up:
There's a bunch of crates, but those don't restock, so once you've opened them that's all you get.
You get refunded based on which red door you exited through, the amount seems to be the minimum amps needed to get there, not the amount you used.

So once you destroy enough fuse amps by inefficient usage, or trading/hints, or just the "reset panel (blow fuse)" option,
there doesn't seem to be any way to gain them back.

Maybe I'm just missing an exit? Bounds so far:
- Door on the left of hub area (the one you entered from) doesn't open
- Stairs on the bottom of hub lead to the B5 elevator room, which has one wrong-way stairs, a powered-down elevator, and two dark areas I can't navigate.
- ARIS teleport is disabled
- elevator at the top of hub area leads to a corridor that solely leads to stairs
- those stairs lead to the first ABC room, which is where you're stuck once you're completely out of fuses
- first door A leads to the stairs where you originally met fusebot, but the elevator shaft doesn't do anything if you revisit it.
So either I'm missing something, which I hope is the case,
or there's a bug (enemy battles would be the most obvious source of infinite drops),
or the level is legitimately designed with a failure state that requires restarting the game.
In case this is a new bug, I'm attaching a save where I have 0 fuses and gotten as far as I think I can.

I seriously hope it's not the latter, because that would be frustrating design -
fortunately, I've learned to rotate save slots every time I save, so I can recover to an earlier save, but I shouldn't have to do that...

Also, in the room with all the ARIS units, I have an unopenable crate on the right...

[Disclaimer: Please don't PM me about links to the game. It would be unfair to everyone who does back the game, not to mention the developers.]

I'm having similar problems.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Eromancer has replied to some questions on Patreon stating that it's a bug and that they're going to release a fix asap.

There is suposed to be random encounters during the puzzle which will give you the items you need.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Hm. I'll be the first to say I'm stuck now.
Did they forget to turn on enemy spawning in the new areas?

Actually, you hit the nail on the head here! A last minute change overwrote one of our scripts with an old version which breaks enemy encounters in the new areas.

We've pulled links and are working on a hotfix now which should be compatible with your save, and will be sending out new links to everyone ASAP.

Apologies for the inconvenience!
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Any idea when the updated demo will be released to non-patreons? Would love to check it out.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Actually, you hit the nail on the head here!
Hah. Never mess with a professional bug exterminator - I swear I just sense these buggers now.

Any idea when the updated demo will be released to non-patreons? Would love to check it out.
I don't think this project runs a delayed-release scheme, v0.03 was a special public release.
I don't know if/when the next public demo happens, but I suspect they'll be much less frequent than the patreon releases.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

For the fuses go AABB You should get a circuit board.

From there it's easy, you can get infinite fuses by just running to the purple robot, you can also grab a handful of 20amps as well.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

I'm really confused. I'm in the second area. Used a 5amp fuse on the first A door to go through, which leads me to another room with A/B/C but this one requires a 10amp fuse. Enemies are only dropping 5amps (and rarely) and I found another 5amp in a chest.

Also the difficulty in the first area seems considerably higher than before. Having multiple enemies that are able to evade your special ability shot means I usually just quit the game and reload if I run into certain combinations.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

I'm really confused. I'm in the second area. Used a 5amp fuse on the first A door to go through, which leads me to another room with A/B/C but this one requires a 10amp fuse. Enemies are only dropping 5amps (and rarely) and I found another 5amp in a chest.

Also the difficulty in the first area seems considerably higher than before. Having multiple enemies that are able to evade your special ability shot means I usually just quit the game and reload if I run into certain combinations.

I died a few times in the main area, but remember that Neon can heal, and regen energy with the guard command. Keep your HP/Energy high on single robots.

The fuses stack. So that 5 amp will increase all A doors by 5 for that whole floor. So if you find another console you can put another 5amp fuse into A and have 10 in A total. The numbers on the walls tells you the amount you need in total.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

To everyone playing 0.04:
Some of the game functionality was broken with last minute fix to other bug... how's that for irony... unfortunately it slipped under our radar and made its way to the release version. It is already fixed and, if you haven't yet, you should receive link to the updated version from Eromancer shortly.
Apologies for inconvenience.

I'm really confused. I'm in the second area. Used a 5amp fuse on the first A door to go through, which leads me to another room with A/B/C but this one requires a 10amp fuse. Enemies are only dropping 5amps (and rarely) and I found another 5amp in a chest.

Also the difficulty in the first area seems considerably higher than before. Having multiple enemies that are able to evade your special ability shot means I usually just quit the game and reload if I run into certain combinations.
Would you, or anyone else, be so kind to post save from new area? We're getting curious about something... Thank you in advance...
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

The new version is already out. Could've just made it a hotfix to slap on top of the other files - judging from the file size, it's the complete game again?
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

But if I go through the 10amp door, it goes up to 15amps for the next room. Since there's no 15amp fuse, and leaving resets the fuses, how do I go through the B door? :confused:
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Yeah the puzzle area is actually giving me a lot of trouble, every combinations ive tried so far doesnt seem to work at ALL. I think at the point im just starting to repeat everything again and again. If anyone knows what to do here, it would be quite appreciated.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

The new version is already out. Could've just made it a hotfix to slap on top of the other files - judging from the file size, it's the complete game again?
Believe me, we would if we could, but some half-assed programmer forgot to make necessary change, which caused hotfix system to not work in this particular case.
That said, not counting extreme conditions, following updates to 0.04 version will be made using hot-fixes.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

But if I go through the 10amp door, it goes up to 15amps for the next room. Since there's no 15amp fuse, and leaving resets the fuses, how do I go through the B door? :confused:

Fuses stack. So if you put a 5 amp fuse in the first panel and another 5 amp fuse in the second panel, you should see the 10 amp door light up. Another 5 amp fuse in the third panel and the 15 amp fuse lights up.

Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

How do I upload saves here?

Also I think the doors have started randomizing??? Even if it's the same area (5 area, 10 area, whatever) the door seems to randomly turn red (resets the area) or blue (proceed) when I unlock it. For example the first time I went through I went A, A (then quit by accident and restarted). Then went A, A a second time and the door was red this time :eek:
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

How do I upload saves here?

Also I think the doors have started randomizing??? Even if it's the same area (5 area, 10 area, whatever) the door seems to randomly turn red (resets the area) or blue (proceed) when I unlock it. For example the first time I went through I went A, A. Then went A, A a second time and the door was red :eek:

Maybe the game is showing you which doors you already tried that lead to a dead end.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Says "Invalid File" when I tried to attach save file :confused:

edit: missed .zip part sorry. I only have winrar though
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Changed to .zip format, don't know if that works. View attachment MATM04.zip

edit: It was an 0.4 save that I moved to 0.41 and worked fine, if that's relevant.
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