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RPG Unknown/Hiatus Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

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Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Yup, works great, thanks. Initial version shouldn't matter for me.

Altair if you're still around I'm crashing after going up the elevator.

After killing the two 'pot' vore enemies somebody shoots a bunch, there's a flash and it crashes with this error:


EDIT: Also, how do the NV goggles work? I thought the 'penetrating oil' was in the dark areas to the left/right of the elevator but the areas don't seem to light up for me. I tried running around tapping the button but nothing happened.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

I still can't figure out the respawning fuse puzzle :(:p

I'm wondering if I missed a 20amp fuse somewhere
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

I still can't figure out the respawning fuse puzzle :(:p

I'm wondering if I missed a 20amp fuse somewhere

You can only go through each door twice. (The bars will be RED if it has power and you've already been through t twice, BLUE if you're okay)

But the rooms aren't connected.

So basically you have a grid of rooms. The first thing you need to do is go through and grab a circuit. (I'm pretty sure I got one by going A->A->B->B)
Once you do that, you should be able to reach the 'end' rooms. ( A-> A-> B-> B-> C) which should all have circuits.

When you put the circuits into the room with all the panels you'll activate them and be able to put a fuse in (Pref 20a) these don't reset so you can navigate the 'grid' of rooms easier.

NV goggles are in B-B-C-C btw.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Alright, so working under the assumption that you only have 5 and 10 amp fuses available, no combinations under A yield anything of interest. You need at least three of the same letter to be able to open a 25 amp door.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Alright, so working under the assumption that you only have 5 and 10 amp fuses available, no combinations under A yield anything of interest. You need at least three of the same letter to be able to open a 25 amp door.

Huh, maybe I went A-A-B? I'm not sure, But one of the 'third' sections definitely have a circuit in it (As you can't open the 25a doors without it)

Edit: Also Altair, IDK what happened last time, but It worked now, so I've officially beaten .04 (Much to my sadness)
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Altair if you're still around I'm crashing after going up the elevator.

After killing the two 'pot' vore enemies somebody shoots a bunch, there's a flash and it crashes with this error:


EDIT: Also, how do the NV goggles work? I thought the 'penetrating oil' was in the dark areas to the left/right of the elevator but the areas don't seem to light up for me. I tried running around tapping the button but nothing happened.
Error here is kinda unexpected... for some reason I can't see the image, but Eromancer can, so I have access to it... would appreciate if you could send error log from system folder to [email protected] . Got an idea what could be the cause, but I need to verify few things. Thanks for the report.

EDIT: As for NV goggles
Do you have them equipped? There should be a dialog hinting this...
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Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Shit, forgot to check AAB and AAC. Will do so now.

EDIT: Ugh, nevermind with my post above, I forgot to account for the possibility of inserting a 10 in the first slot and then feeding the remaining consoles towards B, so AABB is possibly if you have 3 10 amp fuses. That's a pretty big if.

In my defense, I was trying to maintain an erection while brute-forcing this.

EDIT THE 2nd: Can confirm that the circuit board is in AABB. You get there as follows: 10 in A; 5 in B; 10 in B; 10 in B.

EDIT THE 3rd: Once you go through a "red" 35 door, you get a 20 amp fuse from the robro at the end.
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Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Error here is kinda unexpected... for some reason I can't see the image, but Eromancer can, so I have access to it... would appreciate if you could send error log from system folder to [email protected] . Got an idea what could be the cause, but I need to verify few things. Thanks for the report.

EDIT: As for NV goggles
Do you have them equipped? There should be a dialog hinting this...

Sent, and yeah I equipped them on one character, ran around, then equipped them on the other and swapped overworld sprites, nothing seemed to change.

The corners are supposed to be illuminated right? Not just the darker 'rooms' down below? (Cause I didn't have the NV goggles down there.)
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

okay yeah i think i found my problem for the puzzle, sorry for the annoyance.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Shit, forgot to check AAB and AAC. Will do so now.

EDIT: Ugh, nevermind with my post above, I forgot to account for the possibility of inserting a 10 in the first slot and then feeding the remaining consoles towards B, so AABB is possibly if you have 3 10 amp fuses. That's a pretty big if.

Just double checked on an older save, definitely a circuit in AABB

10a shouldn't be hard ot get you can trade 3x for 1. and 5a are a dime of dozen from the fights assuming you're using the patched version.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Sent, and yeah I equipped them on one character, ran around, then equipped them on the other and swapped overworld sprites, nothing seemed to change.

The corners are supposed to be illuminated right? Not just the darker 'rooms' down below? (Cause I didn't have the NV goggles down there.)
Errm, actually goggles are designed to work only with the dark rooms below ^^. Those dark areas near the elevator are not NVG friendly :) (yet?).
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Errm, actually goggles are designed to work only with the dark rooms below ^^. Those dark areas near the elevator are not NVG friendly :) (yet?).

Huh, alright then, that means I missed the Penetrating Oil somewhere. :/

Ah well, it was fun at least~ I definitely look forward to further releases.

The pot monsters we absolute monsters if you had high/full lust, they could be damn near impossible to beat because of the constant grabbing. Without any way to mitigate lust other than the pod the few that you HAVE to fight were rough, I died a number of times on those.

Curiously, are you guys going to implement a innocence/corruption system? Or maybe a 'sensitivity' system where the more times you've been touched in an area the more lust you'll gain from that area?

I'd love at least an 'h-stats' counter, times penetrated, orgasms, ect.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Huh, alright then, that means I missed the Penetrating Oil somewhere. :/

Ah well, it was fun at least~ I definitely look forward to further releases.

The pot monsters we absolute monsters if you had high/full lust, they could be damn near impossible to beat because of the constant grabbing. Without any way to mitigate lust other than the pod the few that you HAVE to fight were rough, I died a number of times on those.

Curiously, are you guys going to implement a innocence/corruption system? Or maybe a 'sensitivity' system where the more times you've been touched in an area the more lust you'll gain from that area?

I'd love at least an 'h-stats' counter, times penetrated, orgasms, ect.
Well, balancing will always be an issue... we're trying to make the game as balanced as possible, but we'll not always nail it down on the first try... besides, there are still things planned for battle, which will disrupt the balance, so trying to perfect it now doesn't sound like best idea.
Dunno what exactly Eromancer plans for stuff like innocence/corruption/sensitivity, but I do know that there will be h-stats/counter, but I'm unable to tell you exactly what, how, where, or when... ;)
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Error here is kinda unexpected... for some reason I can't see the image, but Eromancer can, so I have access to it... would appreciate if you could send error log from system folder to [email protected] . Got an idea what could be the cause, but I need to verify few things. Thanks for the report.

EDIT: As for NV goggles
Do you have them equipped? There should be a dialog hinting this...

Yeah i have the same issue here, right when the fight is gonna end, some gun fire and then bam, missing picture apparently. I have very little experience with this but one hypothesis is simply that maybe its misnamed? Always problems like that with rpgmaker.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Thanks for the tips regarding the circuits and amps everyone. I installed the six circuit boards and put 20amp fuses in each (2 per letter), but now when I go to the elevator Neon says "Escape route secured! But I still have to find what's creating the monsters..." or something like that :confused:
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Well, I actually got to the end of one path (CBBCAA) and found some sweet loot - only to have the game crash on me as soon as I went into the menu.

EDIT: Doesn't always happen, maybe only when opening the menu in that same room? Or maybe just a bug *shrug*
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Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

So I got 5 circuit boards now.... need the last one... cant find it.

I got the one at AABB, and the 3 at the last level doors(where you need NVG) and dont know how I got the 5th actually. Need 1 more and I'm really stuck now. Doesn't help that the monsters spawn WAY TO MUCH, like literally twice a room.

Gets to a point where it is no fun at all to play, grinding and grinding to search the same rooms over and over again :(
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Okay, let's compile a list of all the circuit boards we've found.

I know for certain:

ABC <-- Actually the fastest way to get one! You don't even have to pass a 25 door. Also, the penetrating oil is here as well.

I think AACC is another one.

Iloiine found their oil and board at CBA, indicating something I experienced myself - different paths leading to the same rooms.
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Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Ok, I finally finished it.

So for those having trouble, after following the robot try clicking activate randomly around the front of the inactive elevator door (not the door itself, but somewhere in the area in front of it) and eventually you're find the right spot to trigger the event and get moved into the next area.

Once you have a new team member and return to the area with the ARIS unit, the robot should exchange fuses. Once you find the oil somewhere in the maze, the robot will give you a 20amp fuse in exchange for three 10amps (which can be farmed from robots). You will still have to navigate the maze to find the circuit boards, but as you install them and put 20amp fuses in after them, it will be a lot easier to navigate the maze.

Eventually the elevator door will be activated (it needs 40amp per letter, not in total, so you'll need six 20amp fuses in total to activate the elevator) and everything should be a linear path until you end up back in the very first area where you arrived with the eyebot thingy. Go to the elevator and fight the final boss(es) for the demo.

Thoughts: I think letting enemies evade your skills pushes the difficulty a bit far over the edge when you only have a single character. It's not impossible, but the RNG for a game over is tilted heavily against you when facing multiple enemies who can grapple you whilst their friends keep attacking. This is probably fine with two characters, but it makes the first area with Neon (and the second if you didn't realize where to get Malise) quite painful to navigate. This is especially true of the flesh-pod thingies, since they have an extremely fast Constrict ability that will usually end with a character dead or at almost zero health unless you quickly break it.

Anyway, the new hentai scenes with the pod enemies were fantastic, and I like that they change based on the state of Neon's lower armour. I think Malise's scene looks the same regardless of her armour status but maybe I wasn't paying attention (Neon's scenes seem to focus on her breasts if she's armoured, and an anal scene if not). Great work there! The new Fleshfather scenes that segue into part 2 weren't really my thing, but it's not a fetish that I find actively unpleasant (unlike scat, guro or whatever) so I'm not complaining about them and I don't mind if other stuff like that is added later on.

The new boss/NPC was pretty cool (not to mention hot!) and I liked that it had its own armour system. I didn't find the fight too difficult at level 5/6 and only had to use items a couple of times during the battle.

I didn't encounter any notable performance issues, crashes or glitches, though the thing with the elevator and the robot should really be cleaned up, because I went there 3-4 times and kept activating the elevator, got no response, and assumed I wasn't supposed to go that way at all.

Overall then - great work! Really looking forward to new h-content in the coming months :D
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Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

With the pods, do you mean the big ones in the second area? All they ever did in my playthrough was drowning them, which I don't find to be especially titillating. So with that being the only new H-content and the unspeakable tedium of the fuse maze, I'm sad to say I'm not too thrilled with the new update. My playtime from start to finish was somewhere around 5 hours, what with fuse-farming and circuit-board searching.
And judging from what's in the demo, this is supposed to be one of the first areas a player sees. If that's true - if that's what new players get to see of the game - they're not even gonna bother powering through it to see the rest of it. They're gonna turn it off and start up something else.
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