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RPG Unknown/Hiatus Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

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Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

This absolutely. There are definitely some valid criticisms regarding the game's difficulty, but the thing is if you don't punish the player for playing badly just to see the H, that tension is lost. You can still win battles on full lust + destroyed armor anyway.

Right. The crux of the matter is there are people who play for that tension and there are people that don't. The ones that don't will probably interpret certain mechanics as tedious because they get in the way of the long-standing formula of RPG Maker based H-RPGs: "find a new enemy, lose to it, get CG, move on". I agreed with censuur that this game is terrible for that in its current state. questionablyinsane posted:

I don't think you should consider getting rid of the wait mode. I think it's perfect and I see plenty of H scenes... But then again I play the game wrong. I purposely play good and kill all the enemies until there is just one enemy then I play the defend game, charge up my health and wait for the raping to happen.

The thing is, I shouldn't try to make players feel like they play the game "wrong". It's not like I envisioned it, but if people are having fun with it like that then it should be accommodated to the extent that it doesn't damage the original vision.

As someone who likes open world games, this reminds me of an issue I had with TES 4 Oblivion. I apparently played it very differently than the developers had assumed people would (I hung out and explored everywhere I could near the start of the game instead of progressing with the quest line), and in doing so I completely screwed up the leveling system... by the time I started the actual quest line, I was in basic gear getting annihilated by high level enemies. Now, the developers could have argued "you're playing it wrong", but at the end of the day I still wouldn't have had fun with it. It wasn't until I could mod the game (the leveling system, not the bewbz) to my liking that I really had a lot of fun with it.

But yeah, I want to reiterate again that our plan won't take away from the original vision, and in fact it should make it easier to balance for it.
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Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Would New Game+ mode solve any of this? A mode which gives you a seduction skill to help you 100% the game?
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

This game looks incredible. Will there be any way to buy it once it is finished for people that haven't pledged at all during development?
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Ero I think the solution could be add some consumable or accessory that increases the max lust to 2000 (or other appropriate number) but maintain the way you show the CGs. The change would be the difficult to escape from a grapple, the current difficulty at 1000 lust, would change to 2000 lust.

So the players could continue enjoining the art, but have more margin to escape before the lust reach the max levels.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Alot of thought into the science of h-games here. Personally I find it fun to whore them out and help them down a path of sexy corruption as the game progresses. The combat sexy times adds a sense of randomness and excitement that you can kind of control. Even set the girls up for certain scenarios especially if there are status changes that carry over from different battles. Pregnancy or breast enhancement anyone?

I do wish we had lust powered hentai moves we can do to lower lust levels during combat such as masturbation, tease skill to provoke h-attacks, and skills to decrease damage from H-attacks like bracing herself in a sexy position or lubricant. So you can strategically mitigate damage during a long fight and have fun. But being a whore in battle should have some long term effect. Probably a bit late into development for these skills though.

The current game is fantastic though. With the wait option you can somewhat enjoy combat at your own pace. As I mentioned earlier; Sound effects and flavor text or even a little humping animation (even a vibrating image) would do wonders for this to maximize wait times and current renders. Kind of wish there wasnt any 1 hit h-moves or no game overs from h-attacks. Maybe leave them with 1 hit point and all the status ailments from the battle if a h-attack was the finisher.

Are game overs planned for ALL loses in the completed game? Kind of hurts trying to have a lengthy session if it game overs from h-attacks.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Hey guys! I just wanted to announce . In doing so we've reduced the entry points on the pledge reward costs substantially, and also added the soundtrack as a reward. I'd also like to point out that we've added a goal of hiring an additional character designer / animator if our campaign reaches $16k.

Unfortunately, and due to things out of our control, we're currently unable to utilize Patreon's charge upfront feature that would allow instant access for pledge rewards. We're basically awaiting re-entry to the beta for the feature after non-monthly campaigns were removed from it sometime in the past few weeks.

That said, if you've been waiting to pledge then I'd really appreciate you giving the new campaign a look! Please let me know if you have any questions.

Apologies to the above posters, I'll be sure respond to your posts soon :D!
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Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

As everyone seems to be throwing in their 2 cents and this discussion is a bit interesting....

Nail on the head. It's a thrill thing, probably fetish-related, and kind of similar to how daredevils and adrenaline junkies get their fix. The reward tastes better when you skirt the line.

The fun part, for this type of person, isn't seeing the two beautiful characters get violated, as censuur suggested. It's seeing them try not to get violated and then get violated anyways. Regular porn is completely void of that tension.

This person is me... losing on purpose to get H is like being submissive... kind of boring.

So, for me, if a game only has game over rape, it needs to be hard to always win, and not have true game overs, or at least not to many. Possibly some in game consequences to losing besides just a CG.

CR is more attractive to me, but that can be boring to, like cut-ins that you have no control over. They just happen, there's no struggle.

An example of a game with mainly CR that I find really good is this timer miko game.

ht tp://w ww.ulmf.org/bbs/showthread.php?t=26688

It's a little to good since I'm having a hard time finishing it... I won't bother explaining that though...

Personally I really like what Malise and the Machine has so far, I've only played the public demo and two releases from Kimochi, but they were good. It's clear too that they have a ways to go... like adding H finishers, outfits, etc. The combat H is pretty good, at least if you're not using wait mode (maybe wait mode could have some kind of penalty to balance it?), and like has been mentioned, you can still win at max lust and broken armor, it's just harder.

My only suggestion might be to not have true game overs, since I like to play H games without reloading. Instant kill finishers wouldn't be such a big deal either if it just meant you woke up somewhere covered in cum... (or whatever else might work for the game, prison cell for example if you lose to a boss). Oh another thing... kind of minor, I don't really like how armor is only susceptible to breaking when your lust goes up. I feel like it should be the other way around, if your armor breaks you become more susceptible to your lust going up.

Not sure where I was going with this, maybe I just wanted to say that the developers of this game shouldn't compromise the game to much in order to please everybody. Doing so might end up pleasing nobody, just stick to your guns and make a great game. Obviously attention to feedback is a good thing, just don't overdo it.
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Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Oh another thing... kind of minor, I don't really like how armor is only susceptible to breaking when your lust goes up. I feel like it should be the other way around, if your armor breaks you become more susceptible to your lust going up.

Is this actually how it works? If so, I agree
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

I am just wondering if supporters will be able to get the game for free at higher tiers of support.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

This game looks incredible. Will there be any way to buy it once it is finished for people that haven't pledged at all during development?

Yeah, we will definitely make it available for sale after its completion.

Are game overs planned for ALL loses in the completed game? Kind of hurts trying to have a lengthy session if it game overs from h-attacks.

Well, the flip side to this is having to purposely get a game over in lots of battles to check to see if something interesting happens, which I'm not a fan of. I think your question is coming from the standpoint of not wanting to lose progress on game over though, and in that context I haven't ruled out the possibility of other options.

... kind of minor, I don't really like how armor is only susceptible to breaking when your lust goes up. I feel like it should be the other way around, if your armor breaks you become more susceptible to your lust going up.

Not sure where I was going with this, maybe I just wanted to say that the developers of this game shouldn't compromise the game to much in order to please everybody. Doing so might end up pleasing nobody, just stick to your guns and make a great game. Obviously attention to feedback is a good thing, just don't overdo it.

We're don't really like the thing you mentioned about lust/armor damage either. The main thing that's nice about it is it really reduces the amount of artwork necessary to make this battle system work. The bad thing is that it's sort of confusing and makes Lust very rigid as a parameter. That said, I have an ace in the hole for speeding artwork production up that I haven't mentioned yet, so removing the lust requirement from armor damage may be more of an option than it was when we designed the lust system. To sum it up, we're seriously looking into the possibility of changing this (though it's not the idea we mentioned a page back or so).

We absolutely agree with not compromising the vision in order to please everyone. We think however that allowing people the option to customize the game isn't bad, especially since this is a single player game without a competitive aspect. How to present that customization is something we're still thinking about.

I am just wondering if supporters will be able to get the game for free at higher tiers of support.

Yes :D. Any patron that pledges a total of $20 or more throughout the course of the campaign will receive the uncensored retail version free when it's ready. So for example, pledging 4 times at the $5 tier would total $20, and would thus earn that reward.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Yeah, we will definitely make it available for sale after its completion.

Well, the flip side to this is having to purposely get a game over in lots of battles to check to see if something interesting happens, which I'm not a fan of. I think your question is coming from the standpoint of not wanting to lose progress on game over though, and in that context I haven't ruled out the possibility of other options.

We're don't really like the thing you mentioned about lust/armor damage either. The main thing that's nice about it is it really reduces the amount of artwork necessary to make this battle system work. The bad thing is that it's sort of confusing and makes Lust very rigid as a parameter. That said, I have an ace in the hole for speeding artwork production up that I haven't mentioned yet, so removing the lust requirement from armor damage may be more of an option than it was when we designed the lust system. To sum it up, we're seriously looking into the possibility of changing this (though it's not the idea we mentioned a page back or so).

We absolutely agree with not compromising the vision in order to please everyone. We think however that allowing people the option to customize the game isn't bad, especially since this is a single player game without a competitive aspect. How to present that customization is something we're still thinking about.

Yes :D. Any patron that pledges a total of $20 or more throughout the course of the campaign will receive the uncensored retail version free when it's ready. So for example, pledging 4 times at the $5 tier would total $20, and would thus earn that reward.

You are correct. I am not talking about game over h-scenes. I am referencing the current straight GAME OVER that forces you to reload from a save point. Would be nice to have other options on loss and carry over their sexy debuffs from fight to fight. :)

I find this to be one of the best features of an H-game to add replay value.
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Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Good news everyone!

The Patreon gods have heard my pleas and have granted us access into the beta for their charge upfront feature!

For new patrons, this means you will now get instant access to the digital rewards for your tier via the Patreon feed. No more private invoices, no more waiting until the end of the month for your pledge to clear, etc. Basically, this is a much cleaner solution for everyone, and will allow me more time for development as opposed to sending out rewards manually.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

I definitely agree here. In games like this, difficulty and gameplay-based H content frequency are innately linked.

Wrong. Dead wrong. I'd say this is the root of your conceptual difficulties, but it's fairly obvious those difficulties come from several sources. I'm not even trying to be rude, just matter-of-fact. You do not understand what you are doing and it is hurting your development. Thankfully, this can be remedied. I hope.

To reiterate the last few posts, the problem is likely that players using Input Wait Mode aren't seeing much H content organically. I believe the culprit is being able to really easily interrupt grapples in Input Wait Mode.

No, this is not the problem. The problem is that you have given us two options that are bad in two different ways.

Bad way 1: use "wait" in which struggling is underpowered (or was when I tested ages ago), and player can't improve it; and H presentation is completely player controlled (formulaic)
Bad way 2: use "active" in which struggling is plenty powerful if the player wants to mash buttons really fast and have no control at all over H presentation (chaotic/ephemeral).

From user feedback, I've gathered that people who choose to play on Input Wait Mode do it because they either "want time to see the H visuals", or because active mode is too hectic and thus is difficult for them. Unfortunately, (and this is where your second point comes in Slam Sector) due to how easy it is to interrupt grapples in wait mode, they effectively cut off organically seeing battle H content.

Here's that basic assumption again that mashing buttons really fast is difficult. It's not difficult, it's tedious. Not only is it tedious, but if I have to watch the UI (due to modern OS/latency/hardware shit, you can't 100% assume that just because you hit the button that it registered at the OS level, let alone to the app) to monitor the game state, and that distracts from the tasty, tasty H.

The catch 22 is this: these players either have lots of H content and can't enjoy it, or they have no H content but have infinite time to enjoy it.
In both cases you end up with a dissatisfied player. I know we can't please everyone, but as AltairPL says we want to make it accessible and enjoyable to as many players as possible, so it's worth investigating in my opinion.

The "catch-22" you refer to is created entirely by you. You can remove it easily--if you just step out of the intellectual hole you've dug for yourself.

I hate to say it, but I could definitely see your point about grappling. I'm a bit more used to how to deal with it now, but starting off, it was frustrating to the point where I used to actually wait for opponents to show when they'd start a grappling move and break their attack. It does allow for more strategy and timing to be involved, but I do concur with the above poster in that escaping the restrain is still a PitA to resolve, mainly because you're screwed if the attacker has a great deal of health (and you can't focus it down) or if you have low energy. If another grappler restrains your other character while that character is trying to focus the initial grappler, you're definitely screwed.

This is an accurate assessment, but as I hope I've made clear, symptomatic. All of these problems are really symptomatic and fairly easy to clear up.

@MaxiDamage: I don't really like seduction personally, but I see the merits in your idea--in addition to the ones you already chose, I think it does fit, because the PCs in the game are a bit more...promiscuous than in other games (sort of like Bitch Exorcist Rio, where if you get violated, it's sort of a turn-on for the character; in that game you also have a 'seduction' type of game as well). Of course, it does change the game not just as a mechanic but the overall feel to the game, and as you said, I'm not sure that's necessarily an easy thing to implement at this stage.

You're thinking about this wrong, E_G. While you're right that the PCs in this game are a bit sluttier than most, one of the most compelling things (if done correctly) is to create a situation where the player has conflicting incentives.

@Eromancer, for example:

Let's pretend that seduction started being a positive and active character attribute, instead of "lust" simply being an immitigable consequence of being hit by the wrong attacks that simply leads to (admittedly well drawn) gamevores[sic] (this game has a disproportional amount of vore-ish content given the utterly tiny amount of smut there is overall) due to and endless loop of being hit by lust attacks after your armor goes bye-bye. (Maybe you already plan this. If so, it exists only in your head. Nobody has actually seen it in action.)

So let's imagine that the player has more control over lust, and how it works--certain attacks might raise lust, or even lower it; once the PC has high enough lust, she could begin to use various sex attacks; eventually, at high enough levels, the PC might ONLY be willing to use sex attacks (which could either be useful or very very bad--or have a chance of both). This would certainly make the effect of lust seem more "interesting" if you actually had different move sets at different stages of lust.

In that case, there might be consequences to lewd acts, either willing or not (say, pregnancy--not "realistic" pregnancy, but say being forced to carry some inhuman spawn for the next 5 battles that progressively reduces physical and mental abilities until the player gives birth or finds a heal station). This leads to more fetish potential (if the authors want to include pregnancy/birth stuff), or can be downplayed (generic swollen stomach variations to paperdolls + some "implied birth" crap after the 5th battle), plus an interesting "unchaining" dynamic since once a certain "trick" has gotten the player pregnant, there's no reason not to keep using it until she gives birth.

Other consequences might include simple stat debuffs ("fucked to exhaustion") or mental statuses ("pussy full of weird aphrodesiac gook makes thinking hard"). Ideally you'd use every option at your disposal, from eggs to impregnation to various types of sluttification and bimboification, or even outright parasitic infections of various sorts. Depending on how much drawing you're willing to do, the sky's the limit (especially since the underlying programming for all these various things doesn't have to differ all that much if done correctly). As long as you don't half-ass it, every fetish you add is more sales. Assuming you can keep up on the artwork.

Next problem: grapples. Grapples are not difficult, but they are tedious. They're tedious because they use a surrogate for difficulty (button-mashing) which is the same basic reason why SSBM was popular and Tekken was not: nobody likes overly complicated bullshit.

On the other hand, you could make grapples/struggling more tactical and they would suddenly make sense. Currently, having monsters have a defense buff while they are completely preoccupied by a grapple makes no fucking sense: "Hey, I'm holding onto this person with all my arms and legs and tentacles and can't possibly move out of the way of an attack in time or use my hands/limbs/tentacles to defend against it, yet somehow I'm fucking invincible." lolwut?

Not only is this illogical, but it gets rid of another source of (good) contention: imagine that you might deliberately put one PC in a compromising position so that an enemy is more vulnerable to attack--if your gambit succeeds, you win. If not, you have a dead/impregnated/crippled partner and you still need to win that battle. This might be useful in any battle, but especially if the enemies in question are, say, extremely hard to hit. If it's some stringy little mass of tentacles that's nearly impossible to hit because it's only 2" wide and keeps moving, tricking it into staying still by offering it a warm pussy might be just the ticket to tearing its head off.

Anyway, I was talking about tactics: usually when you're in a specific type of hold, there's only 1-2 really good ways to get out of it (depending on a number of factors). For example, if someone has my hands, but not my feet, I may (depending on position) be able to kick him off--or not. Or vice versa.

So instead of having one bullshit "struggle" option with a button mashing dynamic to give it fake difficulty, you should have like 3 struggle options - something like "hands", "feet", and "body" where you either try to kick free, try to flail free with your arms, or try to squirm free. Obviously each grapple would be stronger or weaker to different struggle types, and might even change at different stages (and in some cases, doing the wrong struggle type might even make it WORSE for the player--"thanks for squirming when you were right about to fall into the trap--I get a free move!" type stuff)

You should also have ways to provoke a grapple ("Hey boys--come get it!"), and, as I said before, there should be consequences for various penetrative sex acts voluntary or otherwise.

Putting it all together:

You currently have a game with a shitload of orthogonal non-intersecting gamplay elements that all act to make the game experience weird and annoying. All you need to do is synergize--either by the method I described above, or something else. But first, get rid of the "mash a button pointlessly to resist!" quicktime bullshit. Then make it so that grapples are a liability for players AND monsters, instead of just being a one-sided bullshit contrived thing that makes no sense. Then give the players ways to get out of grapples that involve some amount of logic and problem solving (and in active mode, reflexes) instead of simply trying to give your players carpal tunnel.

Also, less vore, more fucking. Seriously.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Ooblex, you do realize that the struggle skill has an Auto mode, right?

EDIT: In re-reading, I see you do, you just think it's under-powered. We sort of think so too.
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Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

As long as you don't half-ass it, every fetish you add is more sales.

The rest of your post looks okay to me, but this...this. No. No, no, no, a thousand times, no. The only way that is correct is if the objectionable content is optional and easily disabled. Especially with regards to the context from whence that quote is drawn, I, for one, will not play a game if I know it includes mandatory pregnancy (as well as inflation/bulging), so that is definitely a lost sale.

As I said, other than that, sounds good.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

The gist I'm getting from the current crowd is that you primarily want to manage how and when you see H content, thereby treating the actual battle system more like an interactive gallery. I see how you might turn to that after getting through the demo content, especially since a gallery isn't in game yet, but that's not the vision for this game.

There will be a (very likely interactive) system for doing what you guys are interested in, but to make the sole source of conflict in the game "manageable" just to do that is not looking at the big picture.

MaxiDamage, while I think you went a little overboard there (some of your points further clue me in to what I've said above), I do really like the core concept of using a seduction skill as a "Provoke" mechanic.

Also, while I may sound like I'm ridiculously opposed to the idea of lust being flexible, we are actively compiling ideas for what might be possible by making it more dynamic (that is, it doesn't only go up in battle).

Just so this doesn't get lost, I'm still really interested in ideas on how to address *LINK REMOVED BECAUSE I CAN'T POST LINKS*
This is my first post here on ULMF, but I had to offer an idea here.

May I propose that a very simple solution would be to make lust sickness a double-edged sword? Currently lust sickness and naughty stuff is 100% drawbacks. You take more damage, (seemingly) lose hit-%, have harder times resisting H-Attacks, and so forth.

I propose that when Malise and Neon are aroused they should actually become stronger. Think of it as kind of a limit break mechanic, and one that can change the dynamic of combat. Having a higher lust would make them more susceptible to certain attacks but would make them more aggressive and relentless when fighting (this could be explained by either a side-effect of their chemical high and animalistic urges taking over, or simply out of a desperate will to overcome worsening odds).

Point is, this gives mechanical incentives to dealing with the reduced defenses and such of lust, because it improves your offensive abilities and lets you get more violent faster, one-shot enemies more frequently, and so forth. It also potentially makes boss fights more intense because as it becomes harder to resist the boss' special attacks, the two girls begin fighting harder, thus increasing the tempo of the battles (both sides start melting down faster).

In Short...
Proposed Lust Sickness Effects
Positive Effects
  • + Speed (turns occur faster, reduces the dreaded grapple-loop issue)
  • + ATK/HIT/CRIT-% (allows you to clear trash mobs faster, revs you up in boss battles)
Negative Effects
  • Reduced DEF-% (your armor is compromised / you're more aggressive and dodn't dodge as readily)
  • Heat (harder to struggle against H-Attacks because...why would you want to?)

I would also strongly suggest there be an incentive to use the "Submit" option in H-Attacks. Having it significantly reduce the amount of damage that the character suffers from the attack would be both tactical and thematic. It means your character is less likely to be KO'd while your other character tries to save or heal them at the cost of the struggling characters "action economy".

With this, there's still incentives for trying to keep lust low (especially to begin a boss fight since you might need the extra defense early on to manage boss tactics), and incentives for keeping lust high. It would also reduce the tedium of grapple-looping and make such encounters less hopeless (I for one am kind of torn as the little fleshpods have one of the more interesting H-attacks but I frantically avoid even fighting the damn things :p).
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Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

The rest of your post looks okay to me, but this...this. No. No, no, no, a thousand times, no. The only way that is correct is if the objectionable content is optional and easily disabled. Especially with regards to the context from whence that quote is drawn, I, for one, will not play a game if I know it includes mandatory pregnancy (as well as inflation/bulging), so that is definitely a lost sale.

As I said, other than that, sounds good.

So you're a lost sale, especially since that's already an element in this game.
Big whoop.

@Eromancer: My only personal word of caution would be to avoid the whole trap/futa mess for two very good reasons:

1. Market saturation
2. It's not at all consistent with the game's motif.

While I did say more fetishes = more sales, that only applies as long as you maintain domain consistency
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

So you're a lost sale, especially since that's already an element in this game.
Big whoop.

@Eromancer: My only personal word of caution would be to avoid the whole trap/futa mess for two very good reasons:

1. Market saturation
2. It's not at all consistent with the game's motif.

While I did say more fetishes = more sales, that only applies as long as you maintain domain consistency

big whoop? I know plenty of people who get really turned off by various fetishes, even though personally, I'm not one of them, meaning that rather than getting turned off, I mostly just don't care enough to dislike most fets. Pretty sure he's right in that fets can easily turn off a lot of people to a point where they don't buy it, or if they did buy it without knowing it was in it, will give them an excuse to rage at/harass the devs. I mean, hell, even that guy who made monster girl quest made vore scenes optional, and vore isn't even some of the nichiest things out there. Then again, I also suppose anyone who really doesn't like big breasts wouldn't buy this game, but that's more easily discernible from the art already shown.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

big whoop? I know plenty of people who get really turned off by various fetishes, even though personally, I'm not one of them, meaning that rather than getting turned off, I mostly just don't care enough to dislike most fets. Pretty sure he's right in that fets can easily turn off a lot of people to a point where they don't buy it, or if they did buy it without knowing it was in it, will give them an excuse to rage at/harass the devs. I mean, hell, even that guy who made monster girl quest made vore scenes optional, and vore isn't even some of the nichiest things out there. Then again, I also suppose anyone who really doesn't like big breasts wouldn't buy this game, but that's more easily discernible from the art already shown.

I agree, to a point. I'm sure this is a fairly big issue (fetishes) with differing opinions, but the way I see it, there are some fetishes like scat, vore, yaoi, furry, loli, and futa (etc) that are just huge turnoffs for some people (like me), in which they wouldn't even buy/play the game if one of those fetishes were included. Others, like pregnancy or bestiality (I dunno, anything abnormal) may be not preferred but are tolerable for some people. Finding that balance is crucial.

However, it's not worth the devs' time to cater to every single person's individual turnoffs or fetishes, and having an on-off switch for everything obviously slows down production and just complicates the game needlessly.
I think the devs really need to gauge what's mainstream and/or what's popular/what's approved and not approved. If it's something people just can't stand but for some reason is a big fetish (futa for example?), then I'd consider having an on-off button. But if it's something really really idiosyncratic as a fetish (vore and scat perhaps), then those potential buyers/players might need to find another game devoted to that archetype to fulfill that specific niche. Devs shouldn't have to tiptoe around people and dilute the focus of the game if they have something particular in mind. Yet they should find a happy medium in which MOST people who play the game enjoy it, while not making a complete vanilla or overly hackneyed (in regards to fetishes) game.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

I've been wearing a smile since I discovered M&tM.
That smile will surely turn to a frown if they didn't include futa stuff as originally suggested. :(
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