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RPG Unknown/Hiatus Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

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Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

My main recommendation revolves around two things;

Currently there is no way to manage lust at all, and when it's maxed out it becomes practically impossible to escape, so say you have your lust go up to see some of the H content and you get exactly that, then you had that and want to carry on, except now you're bogged down by a lust status you cannot remove that hinders your progress dramatically. Something like a simple sedative item that gives players more control over lust and with it the dosage of H attacks would help a lot. One of the main issues right now is that with high lust you occasionally end up in H-attack limbo where the enemies just keep chaining lust attack after lust attack with no real means of breaking the chain.

In that same vein, make struggling a LOT more effective, having two characters spend two rounds and nearly half their energy to have one character escape a grab is ludicrous, and it turns a bothersome status effect into a damn chore to deal with (this is also a bother when for example trying to get a certain variant scene, having it be hard to escape when you get the wrong variant is just irritating) For this I'd mainly recommend changing the mechanic of having your other character do greatly reduced damage to grappling enemies and turning it around. Basically the enemy is too busy doing the do which allows your other character to do massive critical damage to it, turning being grabbed from an annoyance to an opportunity.

There's still trouble when both characters get grabbed, and you could even introduce a mechanic where if a grappled character gets the enemy she's involved with killed they'd still lose some time escaping.

You're basically just suggesting that any hint of difficulty be removed =/. I understand if you want to just get straight to the art and be done with it, but not everyone does.

EDIT: Meant to mention, I'll take this kind of thing into account once we get to work on the gallery mode, as variant hunting like you're describing could definitely be seen as a chore.
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Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

You're basically just suggesting that any hint of difficulty be removed =/. I understand if you want to just get straight to the art and be done with it, but not everyone does.

You've repeatedly shown an inability to distinguish difficulty from tedium. I suggest you rectify this remedial deficiency before it further impedes your ability to develop a balanced game.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Now at the risk of me sounding like a complete fool I'd like to give my two cents on the gameplay, specifically the balance between Active and Wait modes for H content. I'm only basing this off the public demo as I'm not, yet, a paid member.

For starters, I'd suggest some sort of "seduce" skill. Now from my limited understanding the plot of this game my prevent you/your team from outright adding it in, if time and resources weren't an issue. A lot of H games certainly add this feature to pretty much speed up the process of seeing H in battles. However I really think something like this would alleviate a lot of problems without radically changing too much of has already been done, I hope.

The idea is that, in the scope of this game, seducing enemies makes it so that;
1) They are more likely to use H against the Girl who used it. (No shit)
2) Enemies who fall for the seduction receive bonus damage from the OTHER Girl, not the actual seductress.
3) Give control of the H scene to the player should the enemy use H on the Girl.
3a) This means choosing the variant
3b) Receiving greatly reduced lust/HP damage
3c) Deciding to end the scene early, if the player chooses
3d) No struggle mechanic, simply because of the control the player already has
4) Greater chance of drop items
5) Crowd control, seduced enemies won't target the other girl

Of course to balance that, without being "No fun allowed"

1) If more than one enemy falls for the seduction, obviously that seductress now faces the wrath of multiple enemies should they not give a fuck
2) Seducing is a continuous action, as in that Girl can not do anything until she stops seducing
2a) Seducing has a low base chance of working per turn, that chance scales base on how long she has been trying to seduce and other factors you might throw in
3) Any enemies who are not participating in the H lose their seduction after a turn
4) Seduction may work "too well" as in the enemy will rut the girl for at least two scenes, no option for the player to stop it, only way out is to let them finish or kill them with the other girl. Still have the bonuses of low lust/Hp damage
5) Evasion raises by some base amount, defense drops slightly, evasion raises slightly the longer the girl tries to seduce

I mean its not perfect, of course, but I feel that something like this would streamline development without making radical changes to Active/Wait modes and make most people happy.

Also I kinda agree with the talk about managing the lust, as in have some way to give the player control, its a literal nightmare running around with stupid high lust. If seducing is not an option for any reason at least make it so lust drops as you are outside of battle. (if that isn't already a thing, can't remember)
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

You've repeatedly shown an inability to distinguish difficulty from tedium. I suggest you rectify this remedial deficiency before it further impedes your ability to develop a balanced game.

I hate to say it, but I could definitely see your point about grappling. I'm a bit more used to how to deal with it now, but starting off, it was frustrating to the point where I used to actually wait for opponents to show when they'd start a grappling move and break their attack. It does allow for more strategy and timing to be involved, but I do concur with the above poster in that escaping the restrain is still a PitA to resolve, mainly because you're screwed if the attacker has a great deal of health (and you can't focus it down) or if you have low energy. If another grappler restrains your other character while that character is trying to focus the initial grappler, you're definitely screwed.

I think the difficulty is fine (I'd echo a few murmurs from the community that sometimes encounters are a bit too frequent though), but that one element of the game is tedious. At the risk of sounding like a gamer newb, I wouldn't mind grappling lessened in difficulty.

@MaxiDamage: I don't really like seduction personally, but I see the merits in your idea--in addition to the ones you already chose, I think it does fit, because the PCs in the game are a bit more...promiscuous than in other games (sort of like Bitch Exorcist Rio, where if you get violated, it's sort of a turn-on for the character; in that game you also have a 'seduction' type of game as well). Of course, it does change the game not just as a mechanic but the overall feel to the game, and as you said, I'm not sure that's necessarily an easy thing to implement at this stage.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

The gist I'm getting from the current crowd is that you primarily want to manage how and when you see H content, thereby treating the actual battle system more like an interactive gallery. I see how you might turn to that after getting through the demo content, especially since a gallery isn't in game yet, but that's not the vision for this game.

There will be a (very likely interactive) system for doing what you guys are interested in, but to make the sole source of conflict in the game "manageable" just to do that is not looking at the big picture.

MaxiDamage, while I think you went a little overboard there (some of your points further clue me in to what I've said above), I do really like the core concept of using a seduction skill as a "Provoke" mechanic.

Also, while I may sound like I'm ridiculously opposed to the idea of lust being flexible, we are actively compiling ideas for what might be possible by making it more dynamic (that is, it doesn't only go up in battle).

Just so this doesn't get lost, I'm still really interested in ideas on how to address the problem I brought up here.
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Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

(Note: I've only played your most recent public demo, I can't comment on any of the patron-only bits)

So... right now, the game is kinda structured as "the closer you get to losing, the better the porn content". But there's no in-game reason to play that way.

Maybe a solution is adding lust-powered attacks (&c), making it more like Puzzle Strike. This way, there's an in-game (if not in-universe) reason for the player to let their guard down.

Another possibility (but much more fiddly) to play with this variant on Active-Time Battle is explicitly changing the rate at which time progresses in-game to match the abilities of the person playing. Doing really poorly slows everything down, giving you more time to react, and vice versa. (Kinda like Typing of the Dead.)

A variant on that is giving the PCs something to make the game easier whenever they lose. Obviously you don't want losing to be a strictly good thing, so this might be harder to balance.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

You're basically just suggesting that any hint of difficulty be removed =/. I understand if you want to just get straight to the art and be done with it, but not everyone does.

EDIT: Meant to mention, I'll take this kind of thing into account once we get to work on the gallery mode, as variant hunting like you're describing could definitely be seen as a chore.

I think the core misunderstanding here is that most people who will play your game will have played dozens, if not hundreds of RPGmaker games, and myself having done so I can safely say there hasn't been a singe RPGmaker game that managed to be 'difficult'.

If you want difficulty you first need to decide what kind of challenge you're offering, something like a bullet hell challenges your spatial awareness, precision and reaction, a puzzle game challenges you intellectually etc. etc.

The problem here is that currently every obstacle in this game is overcome by spending more time, not doing 'better' at something. Even without the combat being in wait mode it's really no challenge to input commands quickly and accurately, even if you've never played a game like this adapting to the pace is remarkably simple.

The 2D RPG platform simply does not offer a conceptual challenge to players, at best you get a system that rewards competent decision-making (something like party balancing etc) with feeling powerful, and punishes incompetence with tedium (can't win through decision making? Just grind!) and this game is no different, of course the game is still in early development but difficulty will only occur on an enemy by enemy basis, once you've 'solved' an encounter (challenge) all that remains is executing the plan (tedium) and every encounter thereafter is just repetition of the latter half. Adding to that a lack of options in weapons, consumables and party management and there really isn't much to challenge a player.

Now, I can imagine you're trying to style the game as a kind of assault course, where the whole point is to get to the end before being overwhelmed by constant attacks - I.e getting raped should be a bad thing because it means you're getting close to being overwhelmed/defeated, and avoiding it is part of the challenge in solving an encounter, the escalation thereof over the course of multiple encounters is what changes the dynamic of solving subsequent encounters thus alleviating the tedium of blind repetition. Not sure if this is what you're intending, but the problem with such a system is that it inherently discourages the very thing most people are here for, to see two beautifully modeled characters get fucked every which way. Which brings up the main problem; Why would anyone attempt to overcome the challenge, what is the benefit or reward of overcoming it? And when there is no such reward or benefit then why expect people to do it, to enjoy doing it?

My last issue comes from the RNG in combat, though this is pretty much a personal gripe I just cannot stomach the hit/miss mechanic. Conceptually it forces a player to respond to an escalation in an encounter (your solution didn't work this time, what now?) but practically it just slows the game down by wasting a round or even forcing you to spend time healing by skipping turns defending, the conceptual challenge of meeting an enemy's skill with the appropriate skills of your own and doing so quickly enough in a sort of 'rhythm' is also completely botched by this, and getting stuck for a few turns in a flesh pods' consume because you missed your one interrupt could be a cool concept but you lack the tools of coping with the problems caused by RNG (you cannot combat the lust increase, you cannot counter a grab) You could alleviate this issue by offering the player tools to deal with this that require preparation and forethought, for example an item or (expensive) skill that greatly damages a grappling enemy, rather than the ONLY options being spending several turns correcting bad RNG.

TLDR; If you want this game to have difficulty as a core part of it, you need to stop and think about what you're going to be challenging in people, and how you're going to motivate them to overcome that challenge. Look at what challenges you're offering people, and then look at the tools you're offering them to overcome those challenges and what using those tools requires.

Your core gameplay isn't bad at all, but it's currently in no way difficult, just occasionally tedious.

My suggestions in coping with those is simply adding options like a limited number of items that you can use to alleviate tedium, but perhaps at a cost (like hell, some kind of small explosive that you can use when grappled to blow up the enemy, and yourself, killing the enemy and costing you a chunk of health)

If you want to maintain the feeling of 'oh shit, my character got grappled!' and have it be a severe hindrance then cut down on the RNG. Nobody likes losing due to a string of bad rolls, ideally you follow a system of; good rolls - easy win, mediocre rolls - have to use some skills/resources but otherwise no problems, bad rolls - had to use a lot of different skills, even some items, and only risk actual loss when you're already lacking energy and items due to poor management of resources. To give an example you could enter a dark room that causes you to miss more often, taking the long way around leads you to a switch that turns on the light and alleviates this problem, using night-vision goggles costs you a battery item/energy but you won't suffer the loss in accuracy, or you could grind until you're strong enough to just power through. The key factor here is that a problem is only ever as interesting as the possibilities of solving it.
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Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Long time lurker and patron of your cool game. Also a student game designer for what that's worth.

I think I got a few suggestions that might help with your combat conundrum.

Seems like the most common issue is that the active mode is too hectic for players to enjoy themselves... SO the simplest solution I can think of is to offer an easier active mode. By that I mean just slow down the charge speed of the enemy's actions. And maybe make the players action speed faster so they can have a bit of time to think... Also you may consider connecting the player's action recharge speed to lust so that the higher their lust is the slower their action bar refills so that they are more likely to get raped.

I would suggest implementing this by just adding this as an extra option in the options menu and labeling this the "easy" active mode or if you want to play proper game designer psychology label it the "Normal" active mode and label your current active mode the "Hard" active mode. (Gotta be careful not to bruise a gamer's ego.)

I don't think you should consider getting rid of the wait mode. I think it's perfect and I see plenty of H scenes... But then again I play the game wrong. I purposely play good and kill all the enemies until there is just one enemy then I play the defend game, charge up my health and wait for the raping to happen. Basically wait mode is easy mode... But I feel you shouldn't consider removing it because it's too easy, as you then punish casual gamers and you want everyone to enjoy your game their way.

BTW... Might come off as a broken record... But two other small visual tweaks I highly recommend considering: Placing a wider honey comb background behind the Neon and Malise when it's their turn in combat and having blurred pipes for the foreground when you have it overlapping the map. The Honey comb design will help with quicker character turn recognition. While it’s not Bad now… It can be much better. With Active mode being so hectic the more instantaneous active character recognition is the better it’ll be. You might also try having the honey comb be different behind the different women like green honeycomb behind Neon and orange behind Malise… Just a thought. Oh and yeah the pipes thing is also to clear up some visual confusion. While not the biggest issue, by having perfectly crisp pipes overlapping the scenery it as times blends in with the running field and gets confusing.

.... Shoot.... I got some really nice photoshopped images illustrating my last points but because I'm a lurker... I haven't posted enough on this forum to be allowed pictures yet. I guess I'll post the pictures on your Patreon.

Sorry for the novel… Hope this is helpful and not taken harshly. This is meant to all be constructive and with love. You guys are making something special and take the time you need.
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Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

The question is therefore, what do you guys think are some possible ways to improve this? I'm actually going to post this for discussion on the Inner Circle forums as well.

What I have in mind (feel free to look at those separately or all together):
1)Decrease overall lust build up but leave the armor breaking speed the same. This will result in armor breaking sooner than characters reach 1000 lust which opens the possibility of H but since lust is still not maxed H can be avoided (until lust 'catches up'). Afaik, you currently don't have character sprites for low lust and broken armor. But that is just 4 additional sprites...
2)Separate armor damage from lust build up. Maybe have it so that enemies have to break armor first before lust actually starts to build. This way armor breaking will be a sort of signal to the player that it might be time to turn back and restore it... or press on forward and be susceptible to chain H attacks in the near future
3) Maybe have different combat modes change the combat very slightly: for example, the no wait function could have combat progress only at 75% (off the top of my head) normal combat speed. Or the wait for input can be slightly less effective at strugling than manual button mashing would be
4) The struggle mechanic when a character is grappled: you have 2 options - struggle and submit. Maybe have struggling be the same, as in getting you out of a grapple faster, BUT giving you high lust in the process of struggling. Whereas submitting will have your character unavailable for the whole H cycle, BUT will give little or no lust.

That's all I have for now.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Regarding Eromancer's dilemma... I honestly have no good solution.

For one, I refuse to lose on purpose in any game I play. I'm actually pretty happy with the state of this game overall. I just finished my Active mode playthrough at level 4, and it was actually pretty challenging (Finished with 0 healing items remaining, and I came very close to a game over twice). The existence of the story h-scenes is enough for me on the h-side of things. It's super pretty, challenging, atmospheric and the dialog is funny; I'm happy with that.

With that said, even on Active, the only h-scenes I got in battles were by the mini-flesh eaters. Against an hard enemy group where you have a few critical miss, it means that you can go from 0 lust up to 1000... And on 1000 lust, any grapple is incredibly dangerous. Every time I got grappled by one of the mini-flesh eaters, it was a very hard fight for survival (It didn't happen with other creatures since my armor didn't ever get broken after I got Malise).

So as it stands, you have to desperately avoid being grappled, because any grapple at high lust is nearly a death sentence if there's other living enemies (especially since they don't get the damage penalty that players get for some reasons).

It works for me since part of the reason I play h-games is to do my best to make my character avoid those horrible situations and it makes the gameovers or bad situations that much worse (so it's more frenetic and stressful than a regular game), but I can see how it would be disappointing for people who are only in it for the h-content...

Right now, you can only encounter most h-scenes when you are at both high lust and have your armor broken... But getting grappled while most of the enemies are still alive is nearly a death sentence.

Without changing core ideas of the game (like sex = bad), the only way I can see in having more sex scenes in battles is to have grapple situations happen more often (and potentially not only after the player has been in a ton of battles beforehand), but have those grapples a bit less deadly. It would also require something to prevent endless chain grapples... So yeah, it's not much of a solution at all, sorry. I just have to state again that I'm personally happy with the game in its current state and that while I understand your dilemma perfectly, I don't have any great solutions for it... sorry :(
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

It works for me since part of the reason I play h-games is to do my best to make my character avoid those horrible situations and it makes the gameovers or bad situations that much worse (so it's more frenetic and stressful than a regular game), but I can see how it would be disappointing for people who are only in it for the h-content...

Nail on the head. It's a thrill thing, probably fetish-related, and kind of similar to how daredevils and adrenaline junkies get their fix. The reward tastes better when you skirt the line.

The fun part, for this type of person, isn't seeing the two beautiful characters get violated, as censuur suggested. It's seeing them try not to get violated and then get violated anyways. Regular porn is completely void of that tension.

If people aren't turned on by this concept, then I can see where they'll have conceptual issues with the game part of it. That's not an excuse to say it's in perfect form or anything, but it is the key reason for some of the core design choices.

I want to make some responses to the technical points brought up in the last few posts, and will do so, but this is a really important point to get across.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Well, it's for that reason that I suggested you resolve the issues people have through (limited) items, as watching your supply of 'problem solvents' dwindle with no idea how much more you have to endure adds that extra tension, while also doubling as a means to have more control over the H-content you get.

Thematically it would resemble something like darkest dungeon, where instead of getting more and more stressed they get more and more lust addled and eventually succumb (and I should mention darkest dungeon ended up wallowing in tedium for the endgame as well due to requiring a ton of grinding, which is another thing you could hopefully avoid)

I think the core issue however is that losing currently throws you into a GAME OVER screen, it'd be much nicer if you just get thrown back to the last place you healed up at so you can skip repeating things like sidetracking for items. Cuts into the tedium at least, and I for one enjoy the idea that the characters are then aware of the price of failure and know, intimately, what they're going to be getting into, adds some reluctance and tension from the character perspective.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Full disclosure: I should really be working on preparing for the Patreon campaign transition, but instead we all just typed a bunch of essays in developer chat. My only solid conclusion is that H-game theory should be a college course.

That said, I feel like we've got a really solid lead on something that will make the game more accessible, allow people to enjoy it how they want to, and not sacrifice any of the original vision. It also presents a solution to the original dilemma that started this discussion today, which when treated as a symptom of the issue we've identified makes a whole lot more sense. I'll present the idea for the Inner Circle folks and see what they think.

Thanks for the discussion guys!

questionablyinsane, I saw you posted on Patreon too, and I responded there :D.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

At the risk of delving further into H-game-theory,
I'd argue that you're oversimplifying when you say "maybe difficulty is too high", as if a game had a single "difficulty number" that can be compared and scaled.

Instead, I'd argue that your difficulty curve has a bad shape.
Imagine a graph where "chance of success" is the y-axis, and "effort player puts in" is the x-axis.
(Works similarly with "player skill/experience" or "player luck" on the x-axis)
Obviously, the line trends from top left to bottom right, often sharply, but I'd argue that in this game, it drops TOO quickly:
A player that prioritizes lust enemies, hits interrupts, and in general "plays seriously" gets through the game quite easily, as a number of comments prove.
However, the bad effects reinforce each other: Higher lust increases the rate of H-attacks, which means you can't consistently interrupt anymore, and struggling becomes very slow.
All in all, once you hit the breaking point, things go downhill very (too?) quickly.

If this was a normal game, this would be a good thing: Many games live for the "a-hah" moment where the player understands,
"oh, so lust is the main damage mechanic, avoid it at all costs" and suddenly life becomes much easier.
Unfortunately, playing that way removes a good part of the mechanics of the game, and leaves a mediocre punch-heal-interrupt combat loop with good art,
which isn't what people came to this game for.
I think this is why people complain about tedium/repetition: They feel that the game restricts them to a small subset of mechanics, which isn't what they came for.

Can be solved by keeping a "tryhard" save and occasionally branching off a "get fucked" save where you go nuts, but this may be too much effort for a casual player.
I think I'd definitely like to see a "gameover is fatal?" option - the hardcore crowd that likes the edging aspect can play with fatal gameovers,
but us filthy casuals could play a more forgiving game, where falling off that sharp difficulty edge doesn't immediately wipe your progress.
A seasoned gamedev would have plenty more suggestions on how to "soften" the difficulty curve - unfortunately, I am not a seasoned gamedev, so I'm out of ideas right now.

I'd also like to see more interaction with the lust mechanic: Right now, it's solely affected by combat, so players good at combat can keep it very low.
If you had map areas/events that cause unavoidable lust increase/decrease (say, having to run through a gas-filled room), you level the playing field a bit -
that way, all players would play some of the game with half-full lust, with the resulting changes to balance.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

The game looks really good. My compliments to developers.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Full disclosure: I should really be working on preparing for the Patreon campaign transition, but instead we all just typed a bunch of essays in developer chat. My only solid conclusion is that H-game theory should be a college course.

More specifically, the concept of difficulty and fail states in gaming if we want to boil it down.

Wall o' text time.
To your team's credit, pretty much no one is listing a complaint about the H-content itself. The content there is varied and well-executed, and there's not much more that could be asked for, except maybe more of it (which, with the game being in early stages, is on the way). Also to your credit, it seems that the general concept of integration of your H-content with the battle mechanics has been rather positively received. Even in its current iteration, it's much more interactive and exciting than 90+% of HRPGs out there.

As established, the core issue lately has to do with difficulty and control over the content. If I might offer a suggestion to consider, look not at other games themselves, but at how the people who play them engage with that content. Take any other RPG where some kind of fetish is woven into its combat mechanics, and the fetish almost always takes the form of status effects. And in some cases, susceptibility to these effects may be altered by other status effects.

MatM is not so different in this regard. Grappled characters are mechanically affected by a bad status that prevents them from taking normal actions. The Lust effect has an influence on that as well. But what about adding in more effects that have stronger yet temporary influences on the system?

An enemy that uses viscous slime to slow your characters' turns could be devastating if you're left unable to keep up with the turn order, even in wait mode, but as a separate effect form lust, it's also possible to manage it mid battle by taking a turn to clear the effect, or by using special accessories/equipment/skills/whatever to block or avoid it in the first place. Perhaps a blind or stun effect can make it very difficult for your characters' attacks to hit, including assist attacks. Status effects are a great way to manage difficulty, and yet leave some control in the hands of the player by allowing them to have solutions for it.

This gives the player an incredible amount of choice in customizing their experience. For the player who is overly cautious and only ants to see H-content on their preferred terms, they will likely play in wait mode, and by equipping accessories to prevent most unwanted status effects, they can play through the game fairly reliably. When they decide that they want to see the content, simply remove those accessories, and battles may suddenly become rather debilitating. But there are other players who appreciate the thrill of not having full control, and actually having to put effort into the struggle. For these players, give them an alternative - accessories that offer better stats, for example, or ones that increase drop rates of items or money. These will be highly desirable from a gameplay perspective, and will compete with the anti-status accessories for use. This way, the player can choose to optimize reward vs risk in a way where they aren't exactly purposefully handicapping themselves, yet the risk is definitely very present and potent.

As a very specific example using a similar game, Taima Miko Yuugi gave you great control over what accessories to use, by letting you equip a large number of them and even being able to upgrade them into better versions. There were several accessories that helped you stave off unwanted status effects...but those competed with items that offered increased attack power or other beneficial effects. If you wanted to make the character as powerful as possible, you forfeited your resistance to status effects, as well as your defense in general in some cases, which had the potential to make every battle a real contest of speed. Would you be able to take down the enemy first? Or would a single grapple sequence spiral the entire battle out of control? Alternatively, a player who found this unpredictable play style frustrating could take the turtle approach and opt for defense, health, and status prevention, turning most battles into a deliberate affair over which they had great control of. Both approaches are viable, and both appeal to different kinds of players. But the important thing to consider, I think, is that both approaches exist in the same set of mechanics and difficulty level. It only comes down to how the player customized their character to handle situations.

By letting the player choose between limited options that force consider risk/reward, you give everyone a chance to select what matters more to them, and they get to go through the game seeing more of what they want to see, and less of what they don't.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

I wasn't expecting a reply so fast.
A provoke mechanic could work, like I said the previous idea was not intended to be perfect but a suggestion. I also feel like it is important to know just why people are interested in your (any) H game and just what you are willing to/not do. Even if I sound like a broken record here is what I dis/like in a H game. By no means take this as an absolution or that I'm not flexible or that its related to your project or you. List is in no particular order.
1) I want the H, I came for the H, I stay for the H (maybe)
2) Does the game punish you for H?
2a) If no then move along to 3
2b) If yes then why?
2c) "Plot" demands you don't do H or game over. Dropped faster than a triggered tumblr account. Why even make it an H game? I expected H in a game that revolved around finding and enjoying H, not avoiding it.
2d) Simple game mechanics, losing means game over. How lazy. Can I at least start from the same room or a checkpoint?
3) Is the H easy to find/encounter?
4) Is it enjoyable? (you know what this means)
5) Quintuple points for animation.
6) Scene recollection/sprite gallery?
7) Outside the H is the game "good"?
7a) Easy to play
7b) Pretty forgiving
7c) Ease of access to game related important areas, i.e. teleport/menu to gallery, shopping areas, grinding areas and so on.
7d) When not looking for H for one reason or another how well and how fast can I smash my enemies' face in?
7e) Does the game allow me some sort of "free mode" post game/mode that allows me to become a god of sorts or just manipulate scenarios as I see it?

Also you'll notice I didn't mention anything of plot for things I find enjoyable, not because I hate plot, I just hate plot. When it tells you to not do H. In a H game. Seriously I've seen enough plot to not care how good or bad it is, I'm not judging this game by its plot and from what I gather I'll never have too. Unless you tell me H is bad. In your H game. That takes liberties to make the H look good. If that happens I do want several hundred USDollars of whatever you or your team might be on.

I guess the jist of this post is to say I'm just looking for ease of access for the in game content, no matter if I'm looking for H or not. If the H is hard to come by during the normal run I hope I can just reach post game and either warp/manipulate my way to seeing all the H I missed or just going to the gallery and never touch the main game again. I don't know what you want out of this project as a developer, what you hope to understand as the project moves forward. I'm sure I've said things in this post that grates you the wrong way, even if it wasn't aimed at you. I just hate it when people call something a H game then punish you for the H. That is not an H game. Its just a game, with some elements of H. You aren't encouraged to find and enjoy it but to avoid it like its a plague and this goes double for games that do this with "plot". This is just my opinion, even is it is shit. If you enjoy those things more power to you, you have thicker skin for H games than I. I just hope Malise and the Machine doesn't become that, because even though I only played the public demo this game does have a strange charm to it.

I'm not the best with words though. Though if you want to dig deeper I'm not afraid to see how far this rabbit hole goes.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

It's seeing them try not to get violated and then get violated anyways. Regular porn is completely void of that tension.

This absolutely. There are definitely some valid criticisms regarding the game's difficulty, but the thing is if you don't punish the player for playing badly just to see the H, that tension is lost. You can still win battles on full lust + destroyed armor anyway.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

This absolutely. There are definitely some valid criticisms regarding the game's difficulty, but the thing is if you don't punish the player for playing badly just to see the H, that tension is lost. You can still win battles on full lust + destroyed armor anyway.

On top of this, I personally don't want to feel like 'Oh shit, I hit 500 lust, time to reload or I won't be able to beat the boss'.

Ideally, I'd like to be able to absorb some grapples without feeling like it's putting me too far behind or requiring a ton of effort to undo.

Has to feel like something I would rather avoid, but it's easier to deal with than simply reloading/grinding until I don't have to.

(apologies if this doesn't make sense - I'm typing quickly and haven't eaten yet, might be a bit too scatterbrained).
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Thanks for all the feedback and suggestions - much appreciated.
As Ero said in his last post - we have a plan... it will still require a lot of thinking, planning and debating, not to mention coding when the time comes, but it has potential to solve all/most of our problems related to difficulty and in-battle H content frequency.
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