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RPG Unknown/Hiatus Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

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Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Excellent demo, will definitely look forward to the final release.

+ Combat is excellent and fast-paced. (or slow-paced, if you so choose)
+ Very good implementation of the H-attacks and status effects.
+ And a lot more.

- Might be just my monitor settings, but the factory was extremely hard to navigate due to the darkness at the beginning. Like, near pitch-black.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

I'm absolutely blown away by the demo. I just want to say keep up the excellent work! Almost through it I think, and I'm so impressed how balanced and challenging the combat system is along with the everything else from the menu to sounds and such.

Thanks for everything!
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Thanks for the feedback... good or bad ;).

I would like to ask a favor from everyone who stumbles upon a game crash. Most of you, who played the demo didn't encounter any crashes at all, which is a good thing, but it also means that bugs still out there are very hard to find and fix, so whether we want it or not, we must rely on you to provide us with as much information as possible - it takes only few minutes to create bug report, but it can save us hours to fix a bug with minimum amount of info. Please follow this few steps when reporting a bug to make our lives (or rather my life ;)) much easier:
1. if game screen is not empty - make a screenshot (preferably with error message out of the way),
2. add description - where error occurs, what was the last action (or few last actions) - more details, the better - it doesn't have to be a novel, but every detail counts,
3. send description along with !Error.log and Options.ini files (both in System folder) and optional screenshot to us ([email protected]).
Thank you very much in advance.

Also, I thought it was weird that when the girls have dialog, the pictures for them were fully dressed even if their armor was damaged. Outfit continuity between talking and playing seems like a simple thing to add in, but I'm not the one programming it so there might be a limitation I'm not aware of.
It's known issue, which was put on hold for various reasons. It has pretty low priority at the moment, but will probably be addressed during upcoming map rewrite (hopefully for 0.05, but that depends on oh so many things ;)).
If you wish to see what we're capable of regarding portraits, enable display of map portraits and enter ARIS unit with high lust and destroyed armor - Malise is better here since her boobies pop out on their own on highest lust sickness stage :D.
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Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Short version: It's amazing.

Long version: Despite my best intentions, my expectations for the demo were pretty high; I was sure I'd be disappointed... but it actually delivers on its promises. It's EXACTLY what I'm looking for in an HRPG game. Not everything's perfect, but I'm overall amazed. Here's my super exhaustive-and-way-too-big comment lists.

- Production values are top notch. The graphics are AMAZING all the way. Enemy animations are magnificient, in a "man that thing is terrifying way". I can hardly believe that this is an RPG-Maker game. Oh, and I love Neon's design.

- I played with a controller. Works just fine.

- Interface is simply amazing. It's beautiful and works super fluidly. One of the nicest user interface I've ever seen in an RPG; better than the majority of full-price big budget retail games.

- I personally prefers the turn-based setting (thanks for making it an option!)

- Battles are actually interesting. The casting time of abilities and having an interrupt skill on Neon adds some strategy compared to the regular "bash and heal" format of most RPG Maker games; there's not much yet but it certainly bodes extremely well. Oh, and a Guard skill that's actually useful for once, yay!

- Kudos for the in-battle grapples. While at low lust they are basically ignorable as you can effortlessly break out in an instant, but it's an entirely different matter if at high lust. Do you use your free character to help out break free earlier, or do you use her to kill a low HP enemy instead or do some critical healing despite the grapple getting mighty disturbing and scary? Do you spam the hefty 30MP escape skill and leave yourself with no MP, or will she probably break free in time with the regular struggle? Pure awesome in theory, and exactly why I play H-games occasionally. That's one of the rare example of a game's mechanics being better because of the hentai elements.

- Can't comment on the story since there's really none in the demo, but the dialogs are pretty amusing, so kudos there.

- H-scene for WINNING! Hurray! I don't want to lose on purpose. My main goal in the vast majority of H-games is trying really hard in having my characters get out as intact as possible, especially when the monsters are as horrifying as in this game and it adds a lot of tension in my opinion. The problem with my approach is that it often ends up finishing an h-game and seeing 0 h-content. Here you get a detailed scene for winning and it makes sense storyline-wise. I'm definitively fine with that. Now, I'm not a fan of belly inflation or the writing during the scene, but that's just personal preference on my part and I can't in good conscience put that as a negative. Also not a fan of the "zoom-unzoom" thing in the H-scene; I understand why it's there but I don't like the effect (again, personal opinion).

- Puzzle on the map. Not an amazingly deep one of course, but I'm happy to see it. It points toward good things.


- Part of the map is unclear. The dark part is really dark and visibility is extremely poor, especially when you add the foreground grid that blocks it even further at times. I'm also not sure how you are supposed to tell which is the 20 AMP stair and which is the 30 AMP one. The first doors states that the number and letter next to the door indicates which circuit needs to be powered (like A05). Simple enough. The problem is that the 20AMP stairs has no letter that I could see, and the 30 AMP stairs has also no letter either. I kind of randomly got it right the first try (B should come first and the color sort-of match), but still.

- While I did have a lengthy positive about the in-battle grapples, in the demo you kind of had to intentionally avoid the repair station (or intentionally delay fights I suppose) to have your lust level go up to the level where you can actually get grappled and not instant free yourself. When lust is high, you have that strategic layer to the combat that you have to deal with. The problem is that lust is never going to get high if you play normally (try to win fights efficiently, use the repair station when you pass by it). However, that's just value tweaking/stage design and that's an early game demo so I'm not really worried about this subject.

- Had 3 crashes. Didn't know about the address to e-mail you to however, and in all three cases I'm really not sure what went wrong since I redid the same thing and it didn't happen again. Sorry for being useless on that front, but I'll be doing another playthrough sometime and I'll be sure to make more notes.

- It's really short and I definitively wanted more. Ah well.

- Seeing how everything is so high quality makes me kind of worried about the game's potential length. The amount of work in getting even one completed enemy in must be astronomical. That includes absolutely terrifying background/feeling like the boss offers. The makers of this game are obviously super-talented, but it takes a lot of time and effort to make work of this quality.

With that said, I'm now a member of the Patreon at the 15$ range (I'm curious about the PDF). I'm not sure if we'll get a 100% completed version of this game one day: After seeing the quality of the game and the plans for it, it's a simply humongous undertaking and those rarely get completed... But I'm so impressed by what I've seen that I'm definitively willing to support it. It's exactly what I'm looking for in an H-game (Well... I'd like yuri elements too but I can't be too greedy), and if there's a project that deserves me taking a risk with my money, I'd say it's this one. And, well, I feel that paying by the release is a much better and safer option for us as customer than the "by month" format, so that's another plus there.

So in short, thanks for the amazing demo and take my money: you've well earned it :)
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

- Had 3 crashes. Didn't know about the address to e-mail you to however, and in all three cases I'm really not sure what went wrong since I redid the same thing and it didn't happen again. Sorry for being useless on that front, but I'll be doing another playthrough sometime and I'll be sure to make more notes.
That's one hell of a post, so I had to cut the part I'm most interested in... sorry for that and thanks for the feedback.
Please look at the post just above yours for info about bug reporting - e-mail address is provided there as well.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Another question for Eromancer whenever they pop on, in addition to the one I made in spoilers in a previous post:

I'm guessing this game will cost 20 bucks upon release? It seems good enough to be worth it from the demo should the rest of the content be good. Certainly seems like one of the very few H-games out there that had actual effort put into it. It also seems to carry very intelligent game design choices as well, which made me pretty happy. I liked all the options I had from the very start of the game, even down to just guarding to recover my stats before the power gets reactivated. Seems like everything was balanced very wisely.

So, the demo's pretty impressive. Hopefully the full game will follow suit. You probably won't include it for game design purposes, but this game would be an easy 20 buck sell for me if it had pregnancy of some description. Unless it 'was' there and I just missed it, but I really did expect something from the bugs.

The robotic enemies, are they an example that half of the enemies in the game will not use ero attacks? Or do they simply not have erotic attacks yet?
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Lots of posts! I'll try to only address things that I haven't seen answers given to yet, as well as clear up possible misconceptions.

Apologies if I missed anyone!

Is there a way to skip the H finisher cut ins?

Not at the moment!

Just wondering, will there be any full nude costumes? I'd love to have a playthrough with the characters wearing nothing but their bathing suit ;) I think it'd be a great challenge and unbelievably sexy at the same time.

Not certain yet, but in addition to the various armor types there will be event-related costumes that will only exist during certain parts of the story. We haven't worked out all the details yet though.

If I may offer a recommendation, even if you probably aren't anywhere near close to implementing such a feature: some sort of "virtual reality" room to complement a gallery, where the player could choose what enemies to appear and just run around encountering groups of them.

This is an idea I've thought about quite a bit! We'll see what happens.

well, thank for the demo version, its very good, only one think make me sad is the game don't have character's voice in h-scene, i don't know official version have it or not but don't worry the other things is so good to play

We do plan on having voiced sound effects eventually. Not full dialog to be clear, but sounds for H scenes. Besides music, sound in general is something that's taken a back seat so far. Expect a lot more down the road :D.

- Maybe I was just unlucky, but by about half way through level 3 I still didn't have nearly enough fuses. Maybe I missed a chest or two somehow, but I thought I backtracked through everything. Necessary grinding that early was a bit frustrating.
- Slugs, slimes, and giant flies just aren't my thing. It leaves me a bit on the fence about whether the hentai will do it for me personally.
- Not a huge deal usually, but I wouldn't mind having combat pause or slow when my turn comes up...maybe as an option.

  • There are actually enough fuses in chests alone to complete the puzzle. Check for a hidden passage perhaps :D.
  • There will definitely be a wide variety of enemies (including a bunch of humanoids).
  • You actually can do this in the options menu (See the Battle Time Mode option). AltairPL has reorganized the options menu within the past few hours to make this more clear.

The demo was very light on H content tho'. The only thing I saw was that final boss event and it felt in no way sexual to me. I guess there are H attacks in the game, but I'm not interested in those. And playing the game with the turn based battle system, my characters were in complete control of the fights, so those attacks were easily avoidable.

It's safe to say most of the H content in the demo is in battle.
Aside from the boss and the story event, there are actually four full H skill chains compatible with Malise and three for Neon. The conditions of course have to be right for the enemies to initiate them.

My two cents:

In previous versions, you were able to use skills outside of combat - like Neon's heal ability. Was not being able to use that just a consequence of the new menu system or an intended change to make players rely on first aid kits outside of combat?

Also, I thought it was weird that when the girls have dialog, the pictures for them were fully dressed even if their armor was damaged. Outfit continuity between talking and playing seems like a simple thing to add in, but I'm not the one programming it so there might be a limitation I'm not aware of.

REALLY looking forward to the next regular version!

It's in part a consequence of the new menu, but also intended to increase the importance of the role of items in general. Note that you'll be able to purchase consumables later on, and there will be a wide variety of items compared to what's available in the demo (buffs, debuffs, damage related, and so on). Most skills won't have a use that translates to being valuable on the map scene, but it just so happens that Reconstruct does.

Regarding dialog portraits, this is something that's simply still lower on the list of priorities. While it's simple to program in, there's a lot of art involved. It's definitely planned to have them reflect armor damage, etc. though!

- Might be just my monitor settings, but the factory was extremely hard to navigate due to the darkness at the beginning. Like, near pitch-black.

Yep, sounds like your monitor may be too dark :D. In those sections it should be dark around the edges, but the central portion of the screen is no darker than the lights-on version (just a different color)
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Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Also not a fan of the "zoom-unzoom" thing in the H-scene; I understand why it's there but I don't like the effect (again, personal opinion).

Have to agree with this, people who have problems with motion sickness probably can't even watch this scene.

That's my only negative feedback though, everything else is awesome. Can't wait to see what the full game brings. I hope that the H vulnerability for being knocked down after a finisher is well exploited, and on that note the knockdown duration seems a bit short for enemies to exploit... ?
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Man, I was waiting for the demo for so long...didn't disappoint!
Not gonna make a pro/con list (I'm not that organized, but I did want to reiterate a few points others have made).

The enemies just weren't my thing--slugs, flies and giant slime...eh, I'll be waiting for the humanoids you say you'll include. Even the oral rape by those soldiers in the trailer vids doesn't do it for me. But it's a personal turnoff, so take it with a grain of salt. I also think pregnancy would work in this game as well.

Have to agree with this, people who have problems with motion sickness probably can't even watch this scene.

Gonna third this. Always thought this was a rather lazy attempt to add animation to a still. I'd actually rather just have a static picture, since the camera movement makes me dizzy.

- Might be just my monitor settings, but the factory was extremely hard to navigate due to the darkness at the beginning. Like, near pitch-black.

Ditto here. It's not even that my monitor is really dark. Rather, even if I adjust the settings, it's simply hard to see. Sure, it's the intent for ambiance and setting, but I'm sorta just taken back to the old Pokemon games where I'd stumble around while refusing to use Flash. :p It's a really minor issue though, since everything gets illuminated eventually.

It's also probably just because it's a demo, but I was hoping to break Neon's top. Hah, suppose that's what I'll be shelling out the $20 for when this thing premieres as a full product. Also unfortunate that Malise doesn't have a storyline or a finisher--I heard that in v0.03, patrons had that content, so perhaps that's just a gripe for us freeloaders.

I loved the art and the writing. Gameplay is excellent, though I'm not much for the combat system (I'd rather have turn-based since I'm not one for split-second decisions, though I appreciate the challenge of thinking and executing moves quickly) No bugs so far. All in all, one of the few things I'm looking forward to in H-gaming, especially since it appears that y'all are quite devoted to finishing this and since a buttload of work has obviously gone into it already. Keep it up. :)
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Have to agree with this, people who have problems with motion sickness probably can't even watch this scene.
Maybe there should be an option menu item that replaces the zoom/unzoom with some more restrained shaking?
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

That's one hell of a post, so I had to cut the part I'm most interested in... sorry for that and thanks for the feedback.
Please look at the post just above yours for info about bug reporting - e-mail address is provided there as well.

Yeah, I unfortunately only read the thread after I finished playing, so I didn't take screenshots or save the error logs for each and I have only the most basic idea of what I did to cause them so it's really useless information. I'll e-mail the last error log just in case there's some use for it but I'm really doubtful...

Gameplay is excellent, though I'm not much for the combat system (I'd rather have turn-based since I'm not one for split-second decisions, though I appreciate the challenge of thinking and executing moves quickly)

You can actually change it to turn-based in the in-game options! It works just fine too, it's what I used personally.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

If you wind up disabling the motion effects on the big porn scenes, can you make it an optional thing, somehow? It's the only animation those scenes have.

Anyway, if there's not too much criticism about your game yet, I'll go ahead and throw in some of my less flattering thoughts - the writing is kinda bad. As in 3.5/10. It's just fine as a preliminary/demo script, but it'll be a slight flaw in a full product.

Also, The game could really use some voice clips. It's going to feel incomplete with vocals. However, nailing the visuals and gameplay is more imprtant, and some sound files shouldn't be too tough to add later, so that's the kind of thing that can wait until late in development (or even be a post-release enhancement).
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Also not a fan of the "zoom-unzoom" thing in the H-scene; I understand why it's there but I don't like the effect (again, personal opinion).


I'm also not sure how you are supposed to tell which is the 20 AMP stair and which is the 30 AMP one. The first doors states that the number and letter next to the door indicates which circuit needs to be powered (like A05). Simple enough. The problem is that the 20AMP stairs has no letter that I could see, and the 30 AMP stairs has also no letter either. I kind of randomly got it right the first try (B should come first and the color sort-of match), but still.


Seeing how everything is so high quality makes me kind of worried about the game's potential length.


With that said, I'm now a member of the Patreon at the 15$ range (I'm curious about the PDF).

Thanks a lot for your pledge! I received your error logs in your email and have forwarded the information to AltairPL.

About the camera animations during H scenes, it's possible that we could add a toggle in the options for such effects. I can't guarantee it'll be done in the immediate future though since it would require a modified script for each scene.

Regarding the letter markings on the doors, you were right to use the color coding to match it up. The letters are there, but they are (potentially overly) stylized, as they are cutouts from the colored bars.

For your point about the length of the game: I finished the majority of the outline and background for the main story in late December. There were probably 100 pages of notes written total, and after several cuts and rewrites it came out to 11,000 words and 32 pages. Note this doesn't include any dialog script. The resulting outline feels to me like a solid length for an RPG without being overly ambitious. While I'm not at all worried about finishing it, the development timeline will depend heavily on whether we will be able to find additional artists (and come up with the funds to hire them) that are willing to learn and work in the style we've established.

EDIT: I meant to mention, the artwork PDF is currently 185 pages (already).

Another question for Eromancer whenever they pop on, in addition to the one I made in spoilers in a previous post:

The robotic enemies, are they an example that half of the enemies in the game will not use ero attacks? Or do they simply not have erotic attacks yet?

I'm not certain of the price of the game yet, but it will likely be in that ballpark.

Regarding pregnancy, it will definitely make an appearance in some aspect :D.

About the robots... they're more of an example that not all enemies you encounter for the first time will have all of their skills. We plan on adding a level system to enemies, and with it enemies will acquire new skills at certain levels (including H skills). Also, enemies will be able to use certain skills in combination with other enemies, so that comes into play as well.

Anyway, if there's not too much criticism about your game yet, I'll go ahead and throw in some of my less flattering thoughts - the writing is kinda bad. As in 3.5/10. It's just fine as a preliminary/demo script, but it'll be a slight flaw in a full product.

It's pretty definite that the style won't fit everyone's tastes. I think by the visual style some might expect something like a Ghost in the Shell kind of vibe, which actually may describe the methodology behind the writing for the background story (which isn't shown at all in the demo). The dialog however is a juxtaposition to this and could be jarring at first. Think of it like a weird amalgamation of Adventure Time and a Robert Rodriguez movie. It'll be completely ridiculous with heavily contrasting characters, but dark and with some feels.
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Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Well, I love consequence as a result of sex (hence the pregnancy fetish), so this shall probably be an instant buy.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

the writing is kinda bad. As in 3.5/10. It's just fine as a preliminary/demo script, but it'll be a slight flaw in a full product.

I think you're way off base buddy. I think it's a solid 7, AT LEAST.

Also, human penises when?
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

I think you're way off base buddy. I think it's a solid 7, AT LEAST.

Also, human penises when?

I agree with the writing: it's exaggerated and a bit silly but it works for me.

Regarding the humans thing, I personally prefer the tentacles and bugs (more terrifying) so I'm happy with the current selection. I don't have any problems with there being humans too; just wanted to point out that there's fans of the monsters too. :)
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

I agree with the writing: it's exaggerated and a bit silly but it works for me.

Regarding the humans thing, I personally prefer the tentacles and bugs (more terrifying) so I'm happy with the current selection. I don't have any problems with there being humans too; just wanted to point out that there's fans of the monsters too. :)

Well obviously, I'd say the majority of ulmf is pro tentacles/bugs? I just want us vanilla guys to be catered to with 1-2 enemies, that's all :3
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

surely there's room in the world for all kinds to penetrate hapless cyberpunk girls

Anyway the demo is pretty great! It looks beautiful and runs well even on my crappy laptop. I don't want to get too hyped and end up disappointed, but this looks like it has the whole package: great production values, game systems that have had actual thought put into them, and of course lots of pornography.

On the subject of the writing: I like it! I prefer the light, jokey tone to something more dark and typical of cyberpunk for a game like this. In a story where the leads get raped every fifteen minutes a serious tone can quickly change things from erotic to tragic.

If I have any problem with the game's writing it's probably limited to plot stuff that the demo just doesn't go in to. Like, I'm still not clear on what Neon actually is. Is she entirely mechanical, and her human appearance just superficial? Or is she a synthetic human body like the replicants in blade runner, plus some cyborg hardware? And who decided to bioengineer giant dragonflies with comically pink phalli?
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Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

surely there's room in the world for all kinds to penetrate hapless cyberpunk girls

Funny you mention that, because I have been thinking, recently, that there's not enough games with cyberpunk girls. Now when I say games, I mean ones that you have significant game play - no Text & CGs style. Hence, it seems that this game was just the fix I was looking for. I just hope it's delivery is as promising as it's hype.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Regarding Q1:

Neon's gun skill (not normal attack;; this skill costs 10 mana) interrupts the next move on hit. Thus, use it when the fleshfather is about to use tentacles. Just attack with malice and wait to use the interrupt skill for when the tentacle skill is being prepared.

What do you think I tried? xD

But there are some moments where you can't block it ... for example if it tries to tentacle you right after the first fail ... and 1 time tentacled often leads to 1 downed ally ...
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