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RPG Unknown/Hiatus Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

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Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

I hope that you guys will tinkering something with weapon/equipment system cos this classical - "thousands junk pieces in my inventory" and "I threw away my start gun in a first 3min of a game" it's such moveton. Maybe some kind craft, or for best example like in "epic battle fantasy" sfw game series where you upgrade your shit and in the end even your starter gear "Frostmourne-power-like". =P

But in any case keep up good work, looking forward to it. =)
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

I hope that you guys will tinkering something with weapon/equipment system cos this classical - "thousands junk pieces in my inventory" and "I threw away my start gun in a first 3min of a game" it's such moveton. Maybe some kind craft, or for best example like in "epic battle fantasy" sfw game series where you upgrade your shit and in the end even your starter gear "Frostmourne-power-like". =P

But in any case keep up good work, looking forward to it. =)
Yes, equipment will be overhauled sooner or later, but it's hard to say how it will look in the end. Eromancer is planning upgrade system similar to what you have posted, but when we'll get to it, I'll be suggesting something different, though it may be too much for a first game... time will tell ;).
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Hi, I was wondering, about how much overall content (gameplay, story, ero, etc) there is in the current patreon demo? I supported the game for quite a long time but really had to stop because, honestly, I'm among the ones that think progress is way to slow and even though I love what little I can see and the concept, the time between releases and the release numbers you use scares me that this will be another never ending game in development.

I understand everything Altair has said here lately about progress, etc, still, it's not like I expected the game to be released already, but at least in my opinion it should have been out of alpha by now. Anyway, don't take this as me bashing the team, it's just my opinion and in the end I'm just writing it because I actually care about the game and want to see it released (I don't go around posting in threads about games I don't care and bashing the team and/or people paying for it xD). And I'm actually asking because seeing as the pledge system has been changed to monthly based I was considering pledging a month to see the current demo. But if it's still very very low content-wise I'd rather wait. I believe playing too many demos with little new content each time will just burn the enjoyment out of a game.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Hi, I was wondering, about how much overall content (gameplay, story, ero, etc) there is in the current patreon demo? I supported the game for quite a long time but really had to stop because, honestly, I'm among the ones that think progress is way to slow and even though I love what little I can see and the concept, the time between releases and the release numbers you use scares me that this will be another never ending game in development.

I understand everything Altair has said here lately about progress, etc, still, it's not like I expected the game to be released already, but at least in my opinion it should have been out of alpha by now. Anyway, don't take this as me bashing the team, it's just my opinion and in the end I'm just writing it because I actually care about the game and want to see it released (I don't go around posting in threads about games I don't care and bashing the team and/or people paying for it xD). And I'm actually asking because seeing as the pledge system has been changed to monthly based I was considering pledging a month to see the current demo. But if it's still very very low content-wise I'd rather wait. I believe playing too many demos with little new content each time will just burn the enjoyment out of a game.
Was about to get to bed, so I'm gonna make it brief.
As much as it hurts to read that progress is not good enough for some, we understand your decision and we don't hold it against you. Hell, that's the beauty of the Patreon: you like what you see - you pledge, you don't like what you see or have other reasons - you don't pledge.

Anyway, you didn't specify which version you played last, so it's hard to say what was added since then - I'd suggest visiting the where all change-logs and some images were posted, which should give you idea what's new. If you haven't seen 0.05x yet, Neon's second armor was implemented in it - people seem to like it (boobies :D) and it more than doubles Neon's in-battle content (again, boobies :D).
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

As much as it hurts to read that progress is not good enough for some, we understand your decision and we don't hold it against you. Hell, that's the beauty of the Patreon: you like what you see - you pledge, you don't like what you see or have other reasons - you don't pledge.

Yeah, I realize that, which is why I specified that what I said isn't meant as a negative comment even if it may sound like it. And yeah, it's not like "I don't want to pledge at all", I did end up pledging a little bit more than the 20$ needed to get the game, and I do plan to pledge more as long as the development doesn't die or really proves to be a neverending development project, but sadly I don't have an endless supply of money to keep pledging every month for the time it seems it will take to get it done.

The last demo I played was one the first versions of the game so yeah, seeing the comparison you made a few posts ago it does seem to look better. But what I can't seem to grasp well enough by reading the blog is how much actual content there is now. In the end I think I'll just pledge this month and give it a go. See it in action.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Yeah Neon's new armor is fantastic. The tactical frame doesn't exist to me anymore. :p
EDIT: I especially love the extra quirk involving the vorepup's invasion H-attack with the new outfit.

Concerning Equipment: Esgaldin mentioned the equipment cycle in RPGs, and I've a suggestion on that front. Perhaps consider making weapons give % based adjustments to stats, along with special perks or abilities, rather than flat +X increases to attack power and stuff. This is something that I know works in RPGmaker because I was using it for a hobby project I've been playing with.

The idea is pretty simple. Instead of giving +X ATK/DEF, each piece of gear applies a % based adjustments to your core stats and possibly gives additional perks (such as crit-%, elements, status effects, immunities, etc). You can even balance equipment against each other. For example, you could have Neon's minigun increase the number of attacks she makes, but reduce her agility while wielding it.

Same deals with armors. The upside as I see it to a system like this is there's no "junk" equipment, or at least a lot less. Every weapon/armor could potentially be used throughout the game, and the player changes the gear depending on what suits their playstyle, strategy, or location. It also cuts down on "filler" equipment, which might be a good idea. Especially since armors presumably imply new outfits.

Hypothetical Example
Neon's Rifle Weapons
Combat Rifle: +40% ATK, +40% SATK
Scout Rifle: +25% ATK, +25% SATK, +20% SP-Regen
Precision Rifle: +25% ATK, +25% SATK, +20% hit

Now the Combat Rifle is more attractive for just raw damage.
Scout rifle is attractive for spamming abilities (it regenerates TP).
Precision rifle is more attractive for interrupting abilities (it misses almost never).

Each scale with your level so they're always relevant (since as your stats, HP, SP, and so forth rise, so too do the bonuses scale since they modify your base stats by a %).

Just an idea. :)

EDIT: It also means having equipment that might not be that great usually but gets awesome with other accessories and/or abilities. For example, if you have a minigun that does very little damage but attacks many times (say something goofy like -80% ATK, +5 attacks), such a weapon would usually be crap. But if combined with an accessory that has a 20% chance to land a status ailment when you hit something, suddenly this weapon becomes great at delivering packages of suck to your enemies (who may now be poisoned, confused, blinded, etc).

This, I feel, provides a fun strategy aspect to gearing.
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Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

With Malise it depends which one you mean:
- the one she's wearing when you find her is most likely one time only and won't be used later in the game,
- the one showcased earlier, including old teaser video linked in OP, will be her normal armor - most likely second her one.
Both showcased Neon armor are already in game, so I have no idea which one you mean. We are happy however that you like her second armor :).

Yes I was speaking upon Malise's Valkyrie Armor to be precise.

Also speaking upon the same with Neon's 1st Armor(Support Armor I believe it was) as well with the old version of the game.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Hmm. Haven't played the newest version yet. Need to check it out.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Development is ongoing, but lately there wasn't much of a public progress reports, hell... even $3 patrons get them only once a month. To make things clear, we're not doing this cause we're greedy assholes, Eromancer just don't have the time... and it's better spent on development itself.

Your words not mine, but in saying that as soon as you switched over to the new patreon model monthly public updates have more or less stopped and from what I can tell switched to a paywall. This doesn't seem to be the best for attracting new patrons considering your next goal and in almost 2 months there hasn't been time to write a short update?
This is in no way a dig at you guys I'm just expressing my thoughts as I want you guys to succeed.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Your words not mine, but in saying that as soon as you switched over to the new patreon model monthly public updates have more or less stopped and from what I can tell switched to a paywall. This doesn't seem to be the best for attracting new patrons considering your next goal and in almost 2 months there hasn't been time to write a short update?
This is in no way a dig at you guys I'm just expressing my thoughts as I want you guys to succeed.

As someone who lives in the vacuous region of the world known as North America, I can tell you that December/January are generally when development/releases for video games are at a standstill. This is when everyone is struggling financially and it's most difficult for a small, indie developer to get their shit in order and be productive. it's also the time of year with the supposedly highest depression rate.

I would speculate that environmental, financial, social, and mental factors are contributing to a more/less "full stop" in terms of progress. I would say give them until mid-March before getting on their case about development seeming to have stopped. I also doubt it's an issue they're exclusively facing.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

You are both right to some degree, but it's more complicated than that.
We were already behind the schedule when 0.05 was released, and one of the reasons for this was changing campaign to monthly and enabling Charge Upfront feature. It's not as easy as clicking a button - not only Eromancer had to plan new reward tiers and prepare new texts and images for patreon page, but he also had to spend a lot of time fighting with patreon to actually be able to do those changes - even though he was said that it will be available for him whenever he wants, it wasn't.
As for Christmas time, I don't know how busy Eromancer was, but I was constantly interrupted with various Christmas preparations and stuff and that put a dent on my part of the work. We weren't depressed though and we were working as much as we could.
Point is, we are still behind schedule and we really want to get back on track as soon as possible. We are aware that posting more public progress updates may increase interest in the project and in turn increase support, but our priorities right now lie first and foremost with development and then with our current patrons.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!


Update on V6.

"Who’s ready for Malise and the Machine v0.06? Expect to start seeing more from it in the coming weeks!"

Kudos to the devs for the great promotional artwork.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

So, I finally could make a pledge and try the current demo, I know most likely I won't say anything new but... wow... you really need to tone down the starting difficulty. And I'm saying this as a super hard difficulty first person dungeon crawler fan.

You really should explain defending restores some HP and SP, at least I didn't see that explained anywhere and it is fundamental to manage the amounts of damage and need of skill usage the combat has. Also, I think having to fight 3 enemies at once that have grabbing attacks at the start when you only have one character it's too much, it's not hard just plain unfair. I could grind near ARIS until I kill them by just blinking, but honestly, I think this is not a game where grinding is fun, at least not in that part of the game. And I don't mean it because of the porn (usually it would be the main reason but you have such a good game going on that I don't want to dismiss it as only a porn game). It's because it simply doesn't fit in that moment of the game.

Needless to say, I got a gameover there and left it there. I will give it another go to see the rest of the demo but it looks like I will have to invest quite some time on it and I had other things to see at the moment :rolleyes:

Besides that, I was certainly impressed with the game. Way better than I remembered. I thought h-scenes in battle were supposed to be animated though, but because I haven't seen the whole demo I can't really comment on that.

Keep it up!
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

The game is certainly impressive but holy shit I really hate that puzzle demo part at this point. But I am excited for the finished product nonetheless.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Just finished the demo. Was quite longer than I thought it would be, being the intro and all. Wanted to try fighting all the enemies again with the new Neon armor, see how the scenes look but it's kind of late and with my luck I would most likely had to farm a long time to get all enemies again. Also really makes me wonder how long will this game be/take-to-finish seeing how the next update is just 0.06. I mean, I don't mind at all a super long game with this kind of quality, as long as the updates start coming more frequently now that AFAIK development got back in track (except for last week). After finishing the demo I don't really have much to add except that I hope that if there will be more scenes where zoom is used to simulate movement of penetration, please, keep it to a minimum. Personally I think it looks pretty dumb and it's a thing only really bad hentai anime studios do.

And as a last thought....I really, reeeeeally, REALLY hope that Ven's scene doesn't end there. Really.

The game is certainly impressive but holy shit I really hate that puzzle demo part at this point. But I am excited for the finished product nonetheless.

Puzzle demo part?

EDIT: Oh, forgot to say. Definitely love that the scenes so far are more into the hardcore side. Really tired of all those 3D CGs or animations *cough*mostAffect3Dstuff*cough* where apparently pussies have this magical dimension portal and huge dicks/tentacles or massive cumshots really don't have any impact at all.
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Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

So... the project is dead or what?
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

So... the project is dead or what?
No, the project continues, but only $10+ patrons will receive info about how the project goes.
The rest of the "peasants" only can read a single post per month. Because that, I stopped my 3$ pledge, maybe, within a few months I pledge again.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

The moment they switched to monthly pledges I bailed out.
I've learned not to trust Patreon promises.
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