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(Maptool) Land of Beasts

Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts - Zilrax LFG

Passive skill: nami's clan is based in kill any beast out of tentacle creatures, each time than she hits a monster she place a neuro toxin on the monster than activate each time than he try to attack her, making it feel mental pain in such potence than the neurotoxin reduce his accuracy and dodge. A second dosis will also make him receive additional damage. Following, a third attack made by Nami will make him get temporal needing to roll a dice to see if he dont get stunned this turn.

Magic: buff dodge and hit.
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts - Zilrax LFG

To Everyone: Make ABSOLUTE sure that you can connect to the Maptools server. I didn't see any faces that I should have yet, namely those who haven't played Maptools with me recently (looking at Plmnko and Rathuris). Acquire maptools, and use the information two posts up to ensure there will be no problems. Otherwise, you will hold everyone up as you try to figure out what the problem is. Just make sure you can connect so there won't be any hold ups.

To Plmnko

I can allow that passive to a watered down degree. Passives by themselves cost nothing to use, usually. So the bonuses you get from them are tiny. If I were to put a 'poison' status effect on that, it would apply a poison effect on the monster that deals 1 Damage to the monster every turn for 3 turns.

On the flipside, you can instead use that as an ability that costs AP. It would hurt more, and have more effect, but status effects will eventually wear off, as Status Effects are not permanent. If you want your neurotoxin skill to eventually become as good as you want it right now, you would need to Level Up and acquire the skill points required to boost it. For right now, I can offer the passive and active versions of that skill.

Passive: On a successful attack, apply a Poison that deals 1 damage every turn for 3 turns.

Active: (15 AP): On hit, deal normal melee damage in addition to a Poison effect that deals 3 Damage every turn for 3 turns.

Also, you still have equipment points to spend. Your character has 13 Encumberance points with which she can hold her gear. Spend those points in divisions of 5 for weapons, and the rest on armor, unless you want to do something fancy.
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts - Zilrax LFG

I will go for active and dunno how make equipment.

So, 10 at weapons and 3 points at armor
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts - Zilrax LFG

Added in the MP cost and the amount of turns for 'Beguile Monster' as per the cost given to me by RJ. It's basically a one-use-per-battle spell (until I boost my intelligence) that'll give us an ally for a few turns so long as none of you attack it.

Also, I know that we generate AP at the start of our turns but other than through skills/spells how do we go about regaining lost MP? Is it the same with AP but at a slower rate, or is it strictly regained through our own abilities?
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts - Zilrax LFG

MP is regained through mana potions and skills designed around MP regen. Mages are very good at being awesome when they choose to be. In a single turn, a mage is hands-down the best class in the game, but they eventually run out of awesome juice, and are very squishy. So Mages tend to reserve their awesome for when it's needed.

Also, you regain MP whenever you have a chance to rest and regain all of your stats to full. Though that's granted.
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts - Zilrax LFG

Everyone is confirmed to be able to join the maptool server, huzzah.

With little left to do, all that's left is for us to set our clocks for the meeting times.

Until then, RJ outie
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts - Zilrax LFG

Group 1's Session is now available. Join ye server.
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts - Zilrax LFG

Name: Talia
Class: Sex Druid
Element: Love

Strength: 5
Dexterity: 5
Stamina: 5+30

Speed: 5+10
Finesse: 5
Senses: 5+5

Will Power: 5+10
Intelligence: 5+20
Depth: 5+10

Skill: Lust Thorns(Passive)- Deals bonus PP damage to grappled enemy based on Stamina+Intelligence.

Spell: Second Wind- Taila can give bonus/remove AP/?xFP/?xPP based on Depth/10 MP

Talia was born again under an evil moon the local church took her from her parents for their protection. Having grown up inside the small monastery away from prying eyes no one knew the priestess was a mother of that which they fought, her child was that of an monster, how she had hid the beast or trained it to stay hidden from the usual passersby was unknown, it was not until the girl Talia was 18 that the mother introduced her to her son. Talia hadn't thought the kind priestess that had raised her since she was a young babe to have been so corrupted, there was always signs yet in her isolation she missed them. Everyday she was subjected to hardwork weeding, picking, or running around the monastery on top of her lessons in learning how to best bring her partner to an quick release, teaching how to harness the essence of her lover was taught later, her mastery of magic was even exploited used to keep her fit and ready for more work past even her inhuman endurance.

The first time with the beast wore Talia raw the priestess treated her and soothed her ache all the while she praised Talia for her deed. Talia knew that the beasts were bad, that she was being raised to eventually fight them, when she asked why she was being praised for lying with one the priestess answered her simply by pointing inside the beast's den, the slumbering form within moved little. There was more then one way to defeat a beast, Talia had then began regular nights with the beast all in the name for training her eventual future in hunting the beasts.

She left the old priestess when she was chosen to join the adventurer's party another young girl was there to see her off, giving both an hug and keenly aware of the beast's cum inside her she sets off. A smile on her face and love for everyone in her breast.Fortunately she did remember to get her clothing on before she reached town.
RJ gave me permission to set this up just waiting on okaying skill and spell.
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Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts - Zilrax LFG

Due to unexpected events in my life I'm afraid I'm going to have to drop out of this. If this is still going once things are sorted out and it's still taking people I may join back.
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts - Zilrax LFG

Good thing a new applicant just walked in the proverbial door, then.

If you're fine with it, can you replace Oni on Fridays, Blood? Your characters are similar so the class lineup won't change really.
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts - Zilrax LFG

Good thing a new applicant just walked in the proverbial door, then.

If you're fine with it, can you replace Oni on Fridays, Blood? Your characters are similar so the class lineup won't change really.

Sure. Checks time... Err just to note I'll be 15-20 minutes late every session at the most it depends on traffic on my end as my shift ends about a hour beforehand.
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts - Zilrax LFG

It's possible to be the same for me. So it's all well and fine.
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts - Zilrax LFG

Hello Group 2.

I've just gotten home. I've still a few adjustments to make to your character macros. Come join the server nao, or we'll totes leave you behind.


Server name is: RJ's LoB Game
pass is: pirates
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts - Zilrax LFG

Bloodshifter didn't show, everyone decided to wait, then plmnko went out to lunch.

So, session is postponed for about 3-4 hours until plmnko gets back. At which point, we're moving on without Bloodshifter.
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts - Zilrax LFG

Yea tried poking you think my work WiFi blocked it oddly enough. Turns out my laptop only can run 1.91 the older versions all give *Java has encountered an FATAL Error and will close the program.*

Running Windows 7 and Java 8 U25. I connected using a rooted android and linux but, map doesn't load properly. Can't scroll and can barely chat. I tried fixing the laptop but, seems like an lost cause without messing with my laptop.
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts - Zilrax LFG

Did you try reinstalling or updating Java?
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts - Zilrax LFG

Maptools was made using Java 6. I'd suggest using that instead and getting maptool to load Java 6 instead of 8 or 7. Iirc, you just download Java 6 normally before going to maptool, changing the mt.cfg file, and adding a line that looks something like this: JVM=C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\javaw

So that your mt.cfg looks something like dis:

JVM=C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\javaw

Also, using a phone to try and play this is in general most likely a bad idea.
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts - Zilrax LFG

Internet dropped will get in like 5 10 minutes if someone can export the logs and send them to me so we can continue until them
Re: (Maptool) Land of Beasts - Zilrax LFG

Scratch that can't connect. To the thing again.