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Maptools - Jumpers(RJ Edition) Interest Get

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Using maptools, I'll be running my personal edition of Silth's Jumpers, granted people are interested.

My edition features a lot of flexibility in character creation, which strongly recommends you bring your best to the game. However, depending on player demand, some settings will put restrictions on what you can pick. In any other case, you could pick races ranging from DnD elves to the ORK from WarHammer, and classes ranging from Modern Politician to Heavy Weapons Guy.

I'll flesh out the rest only if anyone is willing to play. And yes, you will need to download Maptool in order to play this.

Re: Maptools - Jumpers(RJ Edition) Interest Get

Tentative interest shewn.
Re: Maptools - Jumpers(RJ Edition) Interest Get

Mildly mild interest shown.
Re: Maptools - Jumpers(RJ Edition) Interest Get

Re: Maptools - Jumpers(RJ Edition) Interest Get

Re: Maptools - Jumpers(RJ Edition) Interest Get


anyway very interested to play Jumpers O.O
Re: Maptools - Jumpers(RJ Edition) Interest Get

Here's the steps for making a character. Put any information you want to add to any part of your sheet that you want to note as a message to me, such as questions and the sort in brackets on the side.

1) Find a picture for your character.

2) Choose your character's name.

3) Decide what Race you'd like to be.

4) Decide which class you wish to play as(Simply imagine a class, give it a name, and put in brackets to it's side what the class's job is.)

5) Choose your element,

Fire: A destructive magic, Fire focuses mainly on direct damage, while also dealing damage over time as your enemies burn.

Water: A cleansing magic, Water focuses on cleansing the body and soul of ailments, as well as boasting a few healing powers.

Ice: A cold and emotionless magic, Ice focuses on altering the environment to it's element, creating ice on the ground, and chilling foes until they're encased in blocks of ice. Can also be used to stab people.

Wind: A chaotic element, Wind focuses on altering the environment similarly to ice, except Wind moves foes across the field to break their formation, or even save a friend. One can also use the wind in strict ways to slice foes as if using the wind as blades.

Earth: A nurturing element, Earth boasts sturdy, defensive magic to aid it's caster, as well as using the power of nature to inflict the caster's foes with status ailments.

Lightning: A pure element, Lightning possesses magic that can pass through foes using their own electrical currents in their bodies, and paralyzing them with it's affects.

Metal: A study element, Metal grants its' caster access to powerful defense spells, as well as buffs that enhance allies' damage.

Love: An emotional element, Love grants it's caster the ability to sway the feelings of friend and foe, often by perverse means, as well as assist with sexual acts.

Holy: A Healing magic, Holy magic focuses purely on healing allies, and cleansing them of impure status ailments.

Dark: An evil element, Dark focuses opposite of Holy, and decays the caster's foes to ash, and steals their life force and adds it to the caster's own.

6) This is the final part. You start out with 5 points in every stat by default, but you have 90 more points to spend at your leisure, however you'd like to spend them in your nine stats. Once you've spent them however you deemed appropriate, all other information you provide is optional, and clues me in to just how creative you are. Hint: I pick favorites among the most creative of you. Favorite players get special treatment. :D

Character Sheet

Strength: How much your melee attacks hurt.
Dexterity: How well you hit with non-magical attacks.
Stamina: How much you can get raped and get hit before falling on your face.

Speed: How many actions you can take in a round.
Finesse: How good you get the hell out of the way.
Senses: How well you sense and avoid hostile magic, also how well you sense badguys.

Will Power: How much to-hit your magics have, also works with Stamina for how much pleasure you can endure.
Intelligence: How much magic points you have in your super smart brain.
Depth: How powerful your magical spells can be.

Biography & Picture:

And here are the formulas I have in my handy dandy pocket, in case you wanna see.

Experience Gain Formula:
(Enemylvl * 10) / Playerlvl

Fatigue Points Formula:
(Stamina)+(Strength/2) = FP

Action Points Formula:
(Speed + 5) + (Finesse/4)

Pleasure Points Formula:
(Stamina + Will Power) / 2

Evade Formula:

Magic Points Formula:
Intelligence * 4

Mentaility Points Formula
(Stamina + Depth)/2

((Finesse + Intelligence)/4)

((Will Power + Intelligence)/4)

((Senses + Depth)/4)

Every 1 point in Dexterity grants a +1 bonus to hit with any weapon

Every 5 points of strength gives a +2 bonus to damage

Every 1 point in Senses increases chance to dodge magic-based attacks

Every 1 point in Willpower gives a +1 to hit with magic based attacks

Stamina damage during sex is measured as 1+1d3 (+1d3 every extra monster level)

Pleasure damage is measured as 2+1d3 (add +1d3 every extra monster level)

Corruption is gained as follows:

d5 for every round of sex

Add +10 to the roll in the event of an orgasm of any participant in the sex (+20 if both orgasm)

Chance of being found by monsters:

Roll d9 -Vs- Player's presence. Add d4 to that roll every extra monster level

Number of times a spell can be multiplied in one use = (Depth X 2) / MP cost
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Re: Maptools - Jumpers(RJ Edition) Interest Get

Name: Lorelai (Retired)
Race: Vampire
Class: Death Knight (Tank/Damage Dealer)
Element: Dark

Strength: 60
Dexterity: 60
Stamina: 50

Speed: 20
Finesse: 100
Senses: 60

Will Power: 5
Intelligence: 5
Depth: 5

Biography & Picture:
Lorelai has tried to fight her need to feed, as well as her natural lust, for a long time. Before she became a vampire, she was a paladin, and fought against the monsters in the defense of all mankind. She was beaten and turned before she could truly master her abilities, however, and her now warped and twisted spirit has lost much of its magic. Despite her fall from grace, she had sworn when the vampire that had turned her was destroyed that she would not become like her. Driving herself to face the evil that had so corrupted her, Lorelai pushed herself back into her battles, even though all whom she had once cared for now thought of her as just another monster.

Leveling Record
level 2
+10 str, +19 dex, +8 finesse, +2 senses, +2 will, +4 int

level 3
+10 str, +10 dex, +20 senses, +5 finesse

level 4
+40 finesse, +5 stamina

level 5
+10 finesse, +10 strength, +10 dexterity, +10 senses, +5 stamina

Character rewrite: -5 Int, Depth, Willpower. +5 Speed, +10 Stamina

Level 6
+20 finesse, +20 senses, +5 speed

Name: Nadia
Race: Fallen Angel
Class: Purifier (Damage Mage)
Element: Lightning

Strength: 5
Dexterity: 5
Stamina: 20

Speed: 20
Finesse: 5
Senses: 15

Will Power: 25
Intelligence: 25
Depth: 15

Biography & Picture:

Level 1, 90 points.
+15 Stamina, +15 Speed, +10 Senses, +20 Willpower, +20 Intelligence, +10 Depth
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Re: Maptools - Jumpers(RJ Edition) Interest Get

Name: Lilia
Race: Alarune
Class: Holy Defender (White Mage with a little bit of defensive warriorishness)
Element: Holy

Strength: 10
Dexterity: 15
Stamina: 15

Speed: 5
Finesse: 10
Senses: 10

Will Power: 30
Intelligence: 20
Depth: 30

Secondary Stuff:
FP: 20

AP: 13

PP: 23

Evade: 10

MP: 80

Mentality: 23

Charisma: 8

Mind: 13

Presence: 10

Biography & Picture:
Bio goes here when I think of one.

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Re: Maptools - Jumpers(RJ Edition) Interest Get

Name:celestia esmerald
Class:Fighter (Erotic)
Race: Dragonkin

Strength: 73
Dexterity: 55
Stamina: 32

Speed: 32
Finesse: 90
Senses: 5

Will Power: 9
Intelligence: 12
Depth: 7

Fatigue Points Formula:
(Stamina)+(Strength/2) = FP = 66

Action Points Formula:
(Speed + 5) + (Finesse/4) = 48

Pleasure Points Formula:
(Stamina + Will Power) / 2 = 19

Evade Formula:
Finesse = 47

Magic Points Formula:
Intelligence * 4 = 48

Mentaility Points Formula
(Stamina + Depth)/2 = 14

((Finesse + Intelligence)/4) = 8

(Intelligence + (Strength, Dexterity))/4 = 20

((Will Power + Intelligence)/4) = 4

((Senses + Depth)/4) = 3
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Re: Maptools - Jumpers(RJ Edition) Interest Get

Interest shown, I'll try to get my charsheet out before long.
Re: Maptools - Jumpers(RJ Edition) Interest Get

Well that was fun. Tass and Tiff tested out the game, and it ran great, and they seemed to like it. So I hope you few other guys get involved and like it too. Even if you don't... I'll still have Tassadar.

The game can go on whenever I'm online, and some of you are available to play. Exp values don't rise quickly, and I can play it with you solo if the chance ever arrives, so that whenever we're on together, you can get your character stronger.

However, if such an unfortunate case occurs where one person is left behind, I can give your character a boost if you're willing, in order to catch up with everyone else.

Also of note... Once you reach 100 corruption, which occurs after many, many rounds of rape, Silth had it to where your character is gone forever and never comes back. To me, that's like a 'Hardcore' mode setting. So I'll leave that option to you, '100 corruption equals loss of character,' or '100 corruption simply means temporary game over?'
Re: Maptools - Jumpers(RJ Edition) Interest Get

I'll go ahead and post the information for the server, with all intents and purposes of using that as a means for knowing who's present to play or not. Which means that when you join, that's letting me know you're present for a game and ready to play. Do not join the maptools server if you are not prepared to commit to a game with everyone else.

Server Information:
Port: 51234
Password: jumpers
Re: Maptools - Jumpers(RJ Edition) Interest Get

Name: Mira
Race: Harpy
Age: 25
Class: Wanderer (Damage Dealer(Duel Wield?)/Offensive Magic User)
Element: Fire

Strength: 55
Dexterity: 30
Stamina: 20

Speed: 40
Finesse: 30
Senses: 20

Will power: 30
Intelligence: 35
Depth: 55

Secondary Stats:
Experience Gain Formula:
(Enemylvl * 10) / Playerlvl

Fatigue Points Formula:
(Stamina)+(Strength/2) =

Action Points Formula:
(Speed + 5) + (Finesse/4) =

Pleasure Points Formula:
(Stamina + Will Power) / 2 =

Evade Formula:
Finesse =

Magic Points Formula:
Intelligence * 4 =

Mentaility Points Formula
(Stamina + Depth)/2 =

((Finesse + Intelligence)/4) =

((Will Power + Intelligence)/4) =

((Senses + Depth)/4) =

Biography & Picture:

Mira is a calm and calculating individual. Preferring to win a fight through strategy and skill rather then through strength and emotions. Mira does not respect those who do not think their actions through. She also tends to see those who try do not try to control their emotions like anger, and a thirst for revenge as a danger, to not only those around them but to themselves. Although she won't try to stop them, or even convert them to a different lifestyle, she will treat them with caution. If she takes a liking to the person she may even try to make them see the error of their ways.

She wasn't always this way, though. Mira used to never think her actions through at all, causing much grief to not only herself but others. Mira herself used to be a person with no control over her own emotions, driven by a fury, and having no guidance or purpose she wandered from place to place with no clear goal in mind, other then fighting the toughest enemies she could find. Alienating all around her, she had no one to help her if she fell. After years upon years of this her reckless lifestyle of starting fights, surviving off of nothing, and alienating all around her, she looked back on her path of destruction and she could see nothing that she gained, and all that she had lost.

The change in her was not sudden as she looked for answers in herself, and it took years for years for her to realize what was wrong. Even now she can still struggle against her old ways in desperate situations, or if against the rare individual that can test her patience too much. When this happens her destructive tendencies unfold, and all in her path are cut down by her blade, and her magic.

Done Now.
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Re: Maptools - Jumpers(RJ Edition) Interest Get

New announcement.

I will be leaving my server ON for any of it's players to join at any time. If you see me online in the forums, it's almost guaranteed that my server is online too.
Re: Maptools - Jumpers(RJ Edition) Interest Get

Now I can intentionally lag the server any time I want!
Re: Maptools - Jumpers(RJ Edition) Interest Get

Name: Shaco
Race: Monster from the void
Class: AP Shaco
Element: Carnival Magic

Strength: 5
Dexterity: 5
Stamina: 5

Speed: 60
Finesse: 5
Senses: 5

Will Power: 60
Intelligence: 60
Depth: 65

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Re: Maptools - Jumpers(RJ Edition) Interest Get

Not gonna join, but I am going to download maptools when I get home and test it out. I probably want that kinda thing for my own game.
Re: Maptools - Jumpers(RJ Edition) Interest Get

Name: Kalihandra
Race: Demoness
Class: Soul reaper (close combat damage dealer)
Element: Dark

Strength: 60
Dexterity: 50
Stamina: 50

Speed: 30
Finesse: 20
Senses: 20

Will Power: 30
Intelligence: 30
Depth: 25

Secondary stuff
Fatigue points: 80
Action points: 40
Pleasure points: 40
Evade: 20
Magic Points: 120
Mentality points: 37
Charisma: 12
Mind: 15
Presence: 11

Biography & Picture:
she scours anywhere she can for souls to drain and add to her own strength finding no small joy in the sometimes painful deaths she bestows with magic or blade. using her attractive appearence is by no means out of the question to seduce then kill lovers she is truly more in love with killing then any soul she has ever encountered. Being relatively young to the whole affair she still has much to learn in her chosen path but she leaps to the knowledge of death and the dark magics eagerly.

Leveled up to 5. Been doing her own thing while events transpired.
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