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Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Thanks, Mistress. We need to talk of my principal energy source soon Said Micra a little affected by how Harriet express herself of her ability of have feelings. This is really important for the little android and soon she decide to say something more after play an instant with her food.

My creator, Master Lucas. Tried his best to create an android who act as a normal human. I dunno why he made me able to shoke or have feelings, between many others things. But im glad for that and will be so happy if Harriet sama and each of you treat me as just another maid. As Micra said this her face turned a little blushed by talk of her creator, no doubt than she know why the pervert scientist want her to choke, eat and taste what she eat. Many times she cried by the intense bondage and was placed in shameful circumstances. She even instinctively love the salty food and the cream things, but she must protect all these secrets and live her new life as a maid.

After a minute she continue to eat and get ready to fill the cup of her Mistress if it is needed


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Mae smiled, happy that Harriet's little acting session was just a ruse to get more attention. The compliment on her spicing made the angel feel better about herself as well. Beneath her veneer of grace was a very emotional being, and making sure that her charge was looked after in every sense was more than her duty, it was her current reason for being. She'd weep if she felt Harriet was somehow not receiving the perfect protection from her guardian angel. Harriet's leg brushing against hers made her shiver with anticipatory joy, her creamy flesh getting goosebumps. She nervously glanced at Harriet, a faint blush forming on her cheeks.

"Ah, no, it's not that I wasn't hungry. I just do not require as much sustenance as humans do. A little goes a long way. Besides, our Lord teaches us to be thankful for the food that we receive from his bounty, but take only what is needed and share with others as we can. Gluttony is a sin to be avoided, blessed are those who take only what they need."


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

As the angel start to talk, the pink haired maid just turn at her with a frown as when someone heard something odd and new. She eat the remainings of what is in her mouth before say in an curiosity tone But Miss Mae, we eat a lot in the morning and im sure than many of us eat before come here. Is there a way to know when someone is close to eat more of the needed? Exactly these sins and blessings are only for the humans or any living being? I see in a documental some animals named lions who eat until have a great round belly, they are sinners? And finally, what kind of bless do you earn if you give to others and only take what you need?


... Sorry to ask too much, i dont tried to bother you.

Micra turn her sight to her plate again worried to eat more of what she need, but even when eat is nearly pointless for her, it is better than drink blood.
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Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

For a while, Rosarita remained in her own world, thinking and eating along with the rest of the people there. She was quiet like before, not turning away from the yummy food until there was a prod to sit next to her by the mistress of the house to Domonic. And as expected, the man was soon asking for permission to be seated next to her. "There is no problem. Please, seat yourself." the glasses maid offered her reply to the butler, smiling as she pulled back the seat next to her so the man could sit down. Whatever he wanted to talk about, Rosa would listen with her full attention.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

"Uh, can you hear someone shouting?" Stopping suddenly Sammy listens intently for the noise, wondering whether she simply imagined it or if someone was indeed making a racket.


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

"No, Rin definitely heard that." For a moment she took a breath, a moment of relative peace sounding out. "COMING!" And with that the short girl completely shattered the calm with a shout of her own that was far louder than should have been possible for such a small body.

If Sammy wanted to complain Rin wasn't going to give her the chance. The girl was up and running the next instant, a light tug given to Sammy's hand to encourage the woman to follow. "Come on!" And with that the energetic maid was off, her body bolting down the halls without a care in the world as she pursued her quest to finally get something to eat. And she really didn't care about anything else. She was taking corners blindly without a care and hurrying herself, and as she rounded the next one...

Nothing? Huh. You would have thought she would have run into someone with the way she was run-



Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

"Woah, hey, slow do- AUGH!" Sammy cries out as she's suddenly grabbed and pulled down the mansions corridors to the source of the voice. Rin's collision with the voices owner causes the alien maid to sandwich the smaller woman between the two, no doubt Rin feeling Sammy's extra appendage pressing against her as the two collide.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

"WAAAUUUUGH!" Cammy cried out as the hyperactive Otaku maid bowled her over as she ran down the stairs and veered the corners. "Aaaaugh......Oooooh....Hnnnnng.......Oooowwww..... H-hey.... P-please try to be more careful and don't run in the mansion so much, Rin-chan...... It's not a jungle gym..... A-are you and Miss Sammy okay too?" she asked as she reached out for the alien maids hand to pull her back up. As she would get back onto her feet, she would daintily brush her uniform clean and offer to help the other maid up. "Onee-Sama has had dinner prepares for a while now. We had better hurry before Miss Micra cleans it all up or it goes to spoil~" she said in a sing song tone, "C'mon! Everyone's waiting!" As the trio would leave she would not notice or realize herself dropping her sketchpad on the floor to the kitchen, and it would be up to one of the other maids to notice or pick it up.......


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Mae smiled politely at the android maid.

"Humans have a knowledge of good and evil that most animals do not have. The ability to sin is predicated on the ability to distinguish right from wrong - this was why the Lord told Adam and Eve to not eat of the fruit of the Tree of Good and Evil.

"There is little harm in small indulgences, but you must take care not to over-indulge, or make a strong habit of it. That way is the path of sin. We must learn the virtue of Temperance. If I choose to give in a little to my desires at one point in time, I must make penance for it at another, and resolve to be better in the future. The Lord is all-forgiving."


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Completely focused in the angel, Micra try to understand all and even when she dont know about Adam and Eve, she know a lot about avoid to do bad things and try to solve any mistake made. Thanks, Miss Mae. Its really interesting to know than a tree can have that kind of abbility and i guess than i understand how these sins work. However no doubt than is needed to gather more information about these topics, if Miss Mae or anyone else is interested we could talk more about this or others topics after end our work for today, it will improve my relationship skills and we will meet each other better.

Micra smile to her and then look to the others, looking the empty seats where the others maids should be, maybe they were close to come, but no doubt than between some of then exist a barrier, even the pink hair android. Micra continue eating, trying to end and get ready to work again, but she is not in a hurry and she will love to see all eating together, maybe then the maids will talk more.


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

The collision led to an "Oof!" The oof led to a sudden pileup as Sammy couldn't stop it time. The pile led to Rin feeling something odd pressed against her backside, and after a bit of struggling she eventually realized that Sammy was laying on top of her. A little after that she realized just what was pressing against her back, and it caused the short maid to suddenly freeze. Cammy had a front row seat for Rin turning bleach white before shifting to beet red, and it was only when the taller woman finally pulled away that Rin quickly rose to her feet and backed up against the wall with her hands crossed over each other and her body as stiff as a board.

For a while it didn't look like she'd move even while Cammy chastised her for running through the halls, and the blank look in Rin's eyes made it look like she didn't hear a thing. But at the mention of food being ready a bit of tension in the girl was released. She still didn't respond, at least not until Cammy left. "Yes... Food... Coming..." She was about to walk forward before she noticed the small pad sitting on the floor, and it made her head turn quizzically. A moment later she bent down to pick it up. It looked like some kind of artbook, and Rin didn't remember seeing Sammy messing with one while they were in Harriet's room. Maybe it belonged to Cammy? Might as well open it up and take a look inside to make sure...


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

"Oh, thanks," Sammy says as Cammy helps her to her feet, thinking that Rin is probably happier without the alien maids extra weight resting on her and oblivious to the glasses maids sudden shock. "Everyone's already started eating?" Sammy pouts, then turns to Rin. "Looks like we better hurry, or you're going to get to eat anything!"

As the three of them prepare to go the alien maid notices that Rin has paused, and turning to see why Sammy notices that she's picked up a book. "What's that you got there?" The alien asks as she steps behind Rin to peer over her shoulder to get a better look at the book.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Rin's response a moment after Cammy's shout was, surprisingly, just as audible as the artist's had been. From above...? At any rate, it seemed they'd be joining them soon.

Domonic smiled warmly at Rosarita. "Thanks, Rosa," he said, dropping into less formal speech, and took a seat. He looked to say something... but closed his mouth again with a little "uhh" and a "hm", instead. Instead, he turned to his food, joining Rosa in her silence - the only sounds coming from the others at the table and the clinking of their cutlery against their plates.

After a little while (and a few small bites from his plate), the butler piped up, talking to just Rosa. "Whew, so. Quite the day, huh? Although, I suppose you missed out on a bit of it..." He paused to take another bite, smiling at her even as he chewed - which he did with his mouth closed, of course.

"Say, would you mind me asking where you're from? I met the other girls before we came here, but I really hadn't heard anything about you before today... You're not an Iowa native, are you?"

Meanwhile, in the other group at the table, Mae's reaction to Harriet's contact earned her a raised eyebrow and a smirk. Her foot started to inch up the angel's leg... but when their little robot asked Mae her question, she stopped, grinning while she took in the spectacle of a robot waxing philosophical with an angel.

"You know," she said sometime after Micra had spoken, "I really didn't see Lucas as the first guy to put together a ro- excuse me, an android, or gynoid, or any sorta machine at all, really - capable of discussing stuff like sinning and having feelings." She drank down the rest of her wine. "He's not even involved in production or development or anything! I think he's just a manager or something. It's... weird. Could you pour me some more, Micra?"


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

As you wish Mistress Said Micra as she serve the wine on Harriet cup. She then return to her seat and start to answer.

The truth is than i lack of any information about sins and similar topics in my data bank, but i will love to learn them in order to improve my social skills.

About why my Creator give me feelings, i guess than he suppose than Mistress Harriet will love me more and have more fun in this way than a cold android without feelings. I can try to hide them, but this could cause a reduction in our team work and frienship... I dont need to do it, right Mistress?
Said the pink haired girl, worried to what her mistress could say.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

The two of them ate in silence for a while. Eventually, Domonic managed to speak up, opening the discussion with a pretty predictable if suitable question about Rosa's origins. "I am. My family roots come from Hispanic and Italian sources though, so one might not imagine me being a local with my looks and name." she replied while picking through the food. Deliberately matching eating speed with the butler, the glasses maid hoped to keep the discussion going for some time. Still, she kept to the silence herself, letting the man do the asking. To him, answering was more comfortable than any others up to now.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

"Ah, Italian and Hispanic? How exotic! Though... well, I would have expected someone of such a mix to have dark hair, and yet you have... well, the very opposite. Not that there's anything wrong with that - it's quite cool, in fact - but it's very unusual. Has it always been like that?" Domonic ran a hand over his own, silvered hair. "Of course, it seems oddly typical for the household... besides Mistress and I, Rin has shiny silver hair as well, and then there's Cammy. Her's doesn't have the same luster, but there's nothing wrong with that."

Harriet tutted at Micra. "Ooh, what if I said 'yes'? I don't exactly get to tell anyone 'no feelings allowed' every day, you know."

"I'm just... well, very surprised at how human-like you are. I'll have to figure out how he did that."

The little maid suddenly noticed a mischievous glint in Harriet's eye, right before she suddenly drained her glass once more. "Some more, if you would?"


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Cammy heard Rin and Sammy talking to each other from a little bit behind her, causing her to stop in her place abruptly. "Hey you two what's keeping yo- ACK! NO! DON'T LOOK AT THAT! IT'S, uhm...... PERSONAL! GIVE IT BACK!" She panicked as she quickly dashed over to the otaku and alien maids, trying to snatch the pad of paper away from Rin. As, if Rin and Sammy truly took the time to look through the pad, they would see things that might even make Harriet blush, and probably make Mae strip her down and nearly drown her through a forced baptism. Inside the pad of paper were pictures of naked men and women doing several very sinful acts of physical pleasure, tentacles violating innocent maidens, and...... Harriet and Mae being rather intimate. If they would look further they would find a picture of a very naked and embarrassed Sammy, wearing nothing but her headdress........ and with an appendage that females really should NOT have......


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Sammy's eyes go wide and blushes slightly as Rin flicks through the sketchbook, page after page of smut assaulting her vision all the while the smaller maid would most likely feel a stirring against the back of her. "Wow, these are.. um, quite explicit.." Is all the blushing maid can say, though as they turn to the page featuring her Sammy's face flushes an even deeper red. "Uh... I wonder how she knows about that..." The alien maid whispers in Rin's ear, almost inaudible and close enough so that the smaller maid can feel the aliens breath against her.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

"It is odd, for sure. You wouldn't believe the amount of remarks I get from the rest of the family, who are all more or less black-haired. Still, they never mean bad by it, it's always done in good spirit." Rosa was quick to carry on with the discussion as hair color was the next subject on the line. All the small talk about light subjects like that was appealing to the new maid. "I wonder what I'll have to hear when they learn about my... fascination and hobby..." she carried on, the whole fiery mindset coming up a bit.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

How Harriet answer take the android by surprise, she looks worried even when the chances than this was just a joke were of 80%, but there is always the chance than her mistress fall in her needs to get some fun using the weakness of others. Then she continued showing her curiosity to find how she work.

Im sure than my Creator, Master Lucas could accept to give all the data used to build me to you my Mistress. Said Micra as she glad accept to serve to Harriet again. Trying to make her notice how useful is have feelings she tried to smile as she serve the drink.

Maybe we could go together to his lab one of these days if is needed, there my body can have an update or get repared if something serious wound me. Micra know than there could have a chance than these last words could excite her mistress to know more of her, but she could be saved of any attemp to open her body on a wrong way.