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Meet and Fuck Games Community

Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Going to be interesting in 2016 with all these now MNF artists. Hopefully 2016 is going to be the year where they release a game on a weekly basis.

Also, if you're still living after a night of heavy drinking, Happy New Year:D

Tis the season of hearing "New Year, New Me'' BS bullshit:p

I broke two New Year's Resolutions before the 10th hour of the new year had passed.

Weekly games sounds great, but I think it's still unlikely. It's only so fast that Cosmos can work... I want Pinoy and Rawart all day. No offense to the others
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

I broke two New Year's Resolutions before the 10th hour of the new year had passed.

Weekly games sounds great, but I think it's still unlikely. It's only so fast that Cosmos can work... I want Pinoy and Rawart all day. No offense to the others

If we could get games every 10 days, that would be equally awesome. Either that or 4 games a month would be a nice goal to have in 2016.

Either way they really should do something about that backlog, it's at 7 right now and for every 1 game they have to make they have to make another so the list never goes down. Even if MnF released 2 games in one shot would help with that and do that only like once a month would help with the backlog.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Are there links to MnF games here somewhere or am I dumb? I seem to be missing them
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

please tell me where I can get the latest games ? pleaaaaaase
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

please tell me where I can get the latest games ? pleaaaaaase
Only have 2 options:
1- You can buy a membership
2- If you ask for the latest games been cracked well then...you´re still drunk from new years eve:D:D:D

ps: i was only joking, there´s only 1 option!!!!!!!!!!!!:p
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Are there links to MnF games here somewhere or am I dumb? I seem to be missing them

First page bro. Jesus I should just remove the 1st page entirely haha :rolleyes:

please tell me where I can get the latest games ? pleaaaaaase

Sorry dude but you are going to have to wait. BCT only cracks games that are a few weeks old and even then they have a backlog to go through.

Either support MnF directly with a sub or wait. Those are your 2 options.

In other news I bring with me more pictures for all of your enjoyment! ;)

Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Hello, someone who has the signature and already have seen the new game news reporter, could describe scenes, just to contain anxiety, if permitted of course.
Haseo thanks for pictures
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Hello, someone who has the signature and already have seen the new game news reporter, could describe scenes, just to contain anxiety, if permitted of course.
Haseo thanks for pictures

The game is only 2 scenes long but really good! Vadim created it from scratch without an idea present for it. It was made just to celebrate Christmas since other ideas like my Nintendo Christmas 3 were taking awhile.

I actually almost forgot to share this but BCT is celebrating the new year with a new Crack.

All year long BCT has helped crack games for you guys and are still planning a great year with 2016. Please give your thanks to BCT as without them all of you would not have these awesome cracks :)

Here is:

Vagina Hidden In the Steam

Thank you BCT for the New Year's Gift!!

Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

The game is only 2 scenes long but really good! Vadim created it from scratch without an idea present for it. It was made just to celebrate Christmas since other ideas like my Nintendo Christmas 3 were taking awhile.

I actually almost forgot to share this but BCT is celebrating the new year with a new Crack.

All year long BCT has helped crack games for you guys and are still planning a great year with 2016. Please give your thanks to BCT as without them all of you would not have these awesome cracks :)

Here is:

Vagina Hidden In the Steam

Thank you BCT for the New Year's Gift!!

Nice, thanks BCT :)
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

The game is only 2 scenes long but really good! Vadim created it from scratch without an idea present for it. It was made just to celebrate Christmas since other ideas like my Nintendo Christmas 3 were taking awhile.

Thanks BCT

Haseo, your NC3 idea won?
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

The game is only 2 scenes long but really good! Vadim created it from scratch without an idea present for it. It was made just to celebrate Christmas since other ideas like my Nintendo Christmas 3 were taking awhile.

I actually almost forgot to share this but BCT is celebrating the new year with a new Crack.

All year long BCT has helped crack games for you guys and are still planning a great year with 2016. Please give your thanks to BCT as without them all of you would not have these awesome cracks :)

Here is:

Vagina Hidden In the Steam

Thank you BCT for the New Year's Gift!!

Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Aaah Vagina hidden in the steam, the time where MnF still had original mini games, I'm missing them.

And I have a quastion I asked myself for a long time and I think you are the people with the right mindset to answer them:

What is the difference between bisexual and pansexual?

Bisexual is loving both men and women and pansexual is loving both without caring about the gender...isn't that the same?
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

What is the difference between bisexual and pansexual?

Bisexual is loving both men and women and pansexual is loving both without caring about the gender...isn't that the same?

Eh, it's a bit of a hypothetical, but there might be a few considerations:

A bisexual might be attracted to men and women because they are men and women, respectively. A pansexual, on the other hand, might be attracted to them, regardless of whether they're men and women, respectively, if that makes sense. Basically, in the case of a bisexual, the gender identity generally still serves as a basis for attraction, whereas in pansexuality it's kind of irrelevant.

Another thing to take into account is that pansexuals might be attracted to people who don't fit into either category (genderfluid or genderqueer, as it's often called) or a third gender (which exists in some cultures, like in Thailand or India, rural Oman, or in some tradition Native cultures, for example.)

By and large, in practice, there's not a huge difference.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

This is actually one of the M'N'F games I was excited to be crack. New Year's Gift to meee! Thanks Bct. I'll see it on the russian website soon!:p:D
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community


Well what's on the docket so far?

[+]The Iron Giant 3
[+]Harry Potter and Hermiones Milf 2
[+]Super Heroine Hijinks 3: Home for the Holidays
[+]Xmas Payrise 6: The Naughty List
[+]Nintendo Christmas 3
[+]Konan's Defeat!: Ultimate MnF Ninjutsu!
[+]Super Whore Family
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

And I have a quastion I asked myself for a long time and I think you are the people with the right mindset to answer them:

What is the difference between bisexual and pansexual?

Bisexual is loving both men and women and pansexual is loving both without caring about the gender...isn't that the same?

Crawdaddy had a lot of good points on the matter, all of which I agree with but I'd like to add another possible use. Theoretically (in a sense that would mainly be used in fiction) pansexual could refer to a sexual attraction to anything that can recieve or reciprocate sexual expression, such as an animal, or something that is genderless like a machine, but since it usually excludes inanimate object the machine would have to be rather intelligent.