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Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

If that's a tv show / anime / cartoon / other work of fiction, then no because I've never heard of it.
If you mean as in Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, than also no. AS far as I'm aware, he's not associated with just one time of year.

Is it Jesus ?
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

This is kinda hard to tell since u never really posted ur Halloween idea other than a vague premise.

Unless ur talking about Cthulhu.
Of course it's vague, it wouldn't really be a guessing game if it was obvious. :p:D
Besides, I haven't really started writing the full story yet, so the premise is all there is. And if it helps, here's the full premise.
A college professor is doing a paranormal study as an extracurricular activity. She has three students with her, one who signed up without hesitation, and the other two, because they were too late to sign up for anything else. They go out to do a bit of field work, and a certain supernatural being has some fun with them. ;)

Though I have to say, you're sort of on the right lines with Cthulhu.
By the way how the hell do you even pronounce that?:confused:
Is it Jesus ?
No Squall, it is not Jesus. I was expecting many answers, but he wasn't one of them. :p
I mean, he's not really spooky, or creepy, is he?
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Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Of course it's vague, it wouldn't really be a guessing game if it was obvious. :p:D
Besides, I haven't really started writing the full story yet, so the premise is all there is. And if it helps, here's the full premise.

Though I have to say, you're sort of on the right lines with Cthulhu.
By the way how the hell do you even pronounce that?:confused:

No Squall, it is not Jesus. I was expecting many answers, but he wasn't one of them. :p
I mean, he's not really spooky, or creepy, is he?

Can have a dark side :D
Is it human ?
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Can have a dark side :D
Is it human ?
No. Though it is vaguely human in appearance. Though it could have been human at some point, I'm not 100% familiar with the backstory.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community



The Dragonborn Cometh

Is the only viable answer. Everything else is void.

I might pitch a Ghostbuster's Idea featuring Kylie since Zone is taking nine years to make it.
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Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

I like the "Cum-eth" version. :)
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

The Dragonborn Cometh

Is the only viable answer. Everything else is void.
Nope. Wrong again. :p:D
It is not the only viable answer, since it is NOT the answer. :p
Anymore guesses?
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Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

The only left I can think of is Nyarlathotep, but I'm pretty sure you're not going with H.P Lovecraft's monster here.



I thought they were supposed to be spirits not ghosts? Aw fuck, what would I know about undead apparitions?

#5 - TIT FUCKING. A staple to some, a waste of a scene to others. To me it's a great scene and can make a good game that much better.

There's plenty of those already, so I don't why you think we're on a shortage of paizuri.

#4 - CREATIVE GAMEPLAY. I don't know the rules on having mini-games in a MNF game, but I think there should be a greater effort towards fun gameplay, seeing as how excited everyone gets when it's present.

You should definitely try out "Street Fucker" then. By FAR their most interactive & best mini-game they have. I suppose Amazon Island 3 had a pretty legit mini-game too with it being beat'em up.

#3 - GALLERY FOR NON-SEX SCENES. I think it would be great if you could view the nude posing or game scenes without having to replay from the beginning.

They sort of have this, but honest to God IDK y they can't just skip the whole "easy-hard meter" when it comes the replay scenes.

#2 - LASTING CUM. The one thing I've always disliked from most h-games is that they have a cum shot, then two seconds later the girl is sparkly clean! I'd like the cum on the girl to last until the end of the session, as it makes for a much better visual experience.

Pretty sure this one takes a lot more effort than we can imagine. I like to think its as easy as having the chick bukkaked to begin with, but as far as I can remember animation has never been easy to do. Even the lazy animations require more effort than it really should.

#1 - FUTANARI. I like it, I love it, I can't get enough of it. Futanari has always been sexy to me, as it's the experience of two(or more) females having intercourse, yet there's still the organic enjoyment of the penis involved. I know it's not the most popular genre, but if I got to choose one thing to add to the ideas list it would be this.

There's only a few futa games, so while I can sympathize with this, I'm not exactly asking for more of it either & I can certainly understand why its not exactly welcoming. Then again this is also the same community completely fine with the concept of having a son fucking his mother & that's most the popular fetish no less. Kinda hypocritical if you ask me.

Well that's my list done. I've completed my task and the ghost has moved on to some other unlucky soul. Tell me what you guys think and if you'd rearrange or edit this list, let me know!

Bah, the list ghost will never posses me since I have a curse stronger than it. That curse being known as..... "PROCRASTINATION"!!! :p
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Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

The only left I can think of is Nyarlathotep, but I'm pretty sure you're not going with H.P Lovecraft's monster here.
Nope it's not... um...whatever that is, either.
But please, keep guessing.:D
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Amazing compilation. I think that I've played all this games
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Well, first of all new game, Harley's Prison Break and secondly I need your help^^
The next submission is Halloween based and that's something none of my stored ideas fits in, so I have a brilliant idea for a story, but...no girls.

It's medieval time when the vampire queen sends out her fellows to suck mankind dry. A very young enthusiastic She-Vampire attacks a young guy who's masturbating, they crash and her mouth is over his dick and a funny battle starts where she wants to get her mouth out and he wants it to stay on his dick to prevent her fangs going on his neck where at the end he squirts his load in her mouth and she notices: Wow that white stuff is more delicious and gives more energy than blood..and keeps the victims alive. So she wants to sneak him to the queen to convince her.
They use a secret passage, where only some guards are who she will distract with some hot clothes (following a gangbang sort of scene)
He meanwhile stumbles into the Queens Room and gets captured by her. She thinks it's a trick and doesn't belive him ,but gives him a final wish for his bravery which is a 69-titjob. Important dialogue:
Queen "No idea what your purpose is with this position, but whatever. Tell me what you can do now, idiot"
Guy: "suck u, Busty!" and licks her pussy
At the end some lands in her mouth and she has to accept, that he's right. Suddenly she on top of him, because her last victim, a doctor, said that stuff gets faster in the body over the lower holes, which she also didn't believe, but is worth a try now and she fucks him cowgirl style using both holes.
After cumming he lies on the ground completely exhausted, while she stands fresh as air
Queen: "Hahaha, this method is indeed far more productive. I think this is the start of a new era. Forget sucking blood, we are no longer Vampires. Feel yourself honored young boy as you have given us a new Name: We are..the Succubus!"
(get it? Because succ u bus(ty)^^)

Just a rough draft, needssome finishing touches and most important: some girls^^ I have no idea how they should look like exactly.
The young one medieval clothing (maid, soldier, simple dress) and preferably blonde hair, the queen milf with long black hair and wearing something...black leather stuff maybe, like a corset, black dress is also okay.
So if you have some hot references in this sort, I'd like to see them^^
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

The young one medieval clothing (maid, soldier, simple dress) and preferably blonde hair, the queen milf with long black hair and wearing something...black leather stuff maybe, like a corset, black dress is also okay.
So if you have some hot references in this sort, I'd like to see them^^
For the girl:

For the Queen:

Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Just a rough draft, needssome finishing touches and most important: some girls^^ I have no idea how they should look like exactly.
The young one medieval clothing (maid, soldier, simple dress) and preferably blonde hair, the queen milf with long black hair and wearing something...black leather stuff maybe, like a corset, black dress is also okay.
So if you have some hot references in this sort, I'd like to see them^^

For a "rough draft", it's look really good: I laughed alone at the first part when I tried to imagine the dialogue "TAKE THIS COCK OUT OF MY MOUTH!" and the man like "....No."

If you need a little inspiration, feel free to use some of the pictures ;)

Queen or soldier

If you don't mind using same style for vampire and succubus, some more :p

Whichever you like


I'm a bit more concerned about the link vampire to succubus, but well I think I'll be the only one so don't mind it :D
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Alright everyone first off here are your pictures from yesterday and today.

Enjoy them!!

Second there is a new game out!

Harely's Prison Break​


Third looks like it is my time to shine but I still need your help!

These polls are every Halloween costume I can think of. I made sure to include costumes that are a bit more out there. Didn't want to include a few costumes like Maids since it's overdone. Some are overdone but it's mainly because people asked me ahead of time to include them on the poll. I would like for you guys to vote and I will take the top 5 and make the Nintendo Girls wear them for my Nintendo Halloween.


Vote away (You can vote multiple times in the same poll) and like I said top 5 costumes will win.

Thanks in advanced! :D
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