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Meet and Fuck Games Community

Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

New game is ass.

I'm more than willing to bet that ideas were stripped from the original idea as well.

I feel bad that you guys have to put up with this level of mediocrity.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Bring Rawart back damn it.

I can't say that the games are total shit as I enjoyed Juggs, but c'mon bros.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

New game is ass.

I'm more than willing to bet that ideas were stripped from the original idea as well.

I feel bad that you guys have to put up with this level of mediocrity.
It's not that bad, only that Kosmos removed one female character and that was a crap. And other point that characters have small breasts mnf fans prefer big/huge breasts, the only character in there with big breasts is mc's mom but there's no scene with her.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Well people, I just made my submission. What do you think?

Pulling Some Fairy Tail: Halloween Havoc

Note – to try and avoid confusion, paragraphs with quotation marks “” are meant to be in-game text.
Note for Kosmos – If there is anything you want / need to change or remove, please contact me.

Short Version:
Juvia has yet another plan to make Gray love her. During Fairy Tails annual Halloween party, she spikes the cocktail bowl with a love potion. However, the guilds resident binge drinker throws a major spanner into the works when she downs the whole bowl.

Long Version:
Scene 1: Introduction

Open on the Fairy Tail Guildhall, covered in Halloween decorations.
Example of the Fairy Tail Guildhall:

“The Fairy Tail Guild has always loved to party, especially during the holidays. And their annual Halloween party is one of the biggest of the year.”
“The entire guild gathers for a giant costume party, with all manner of games and activities. Some for the younger members, some for the adults. Such as the Drinking Contest. Although, in recent years it’s become more of a contest just to see who can keep up with Cana the longest.”
“Whether or not they partake in any of the activities, all the members come for a good time.”
“This year however, one member has come with a plan to finally get the man she desires.”

Scene 2:
Scene changes to the inside of the hall. Again, there are Halloween decorations everywhere and the room is full of people in various costumes.
Example of the Guildhall interior:

Haven and Mira are standing by one of the walls talking.
Haven Ironwood:

Mirajane Strauss:

Haven is wearing a Pirate costume and Mira is wearing an Angel costume.

Haven: Wow, this place looks amazing.
Mira: Thanks sweetie. Decorating the hall takes a lot of work, but it’s always worth it.
Haven: Well, you did a great job, as always. And everyone looks like they’re enjoying themselves.
Mira: Aww, thank you. Although, it does seem a little quieter than normal.
Haven: That’s a good point. I wonder where Natsu is?
Mira: Oh, I’ll bet he’s got some elaborate entrance planned.
Haven: If ‘elaborate’ is code for ‘destructive’, than I’d have to agree.
Mira: Hehe, well with Natsu, the two do go hand in hand. Want to get a drink?
Haven: Sure. Didn’t I see Cana mixing a huge cocktail bowl or something?
Mira: Yeah. But if you want to remember this evening, you may want to find something that actually contains something other than alcohol.
Haven: That’s a good point.

Scene 3:
Scene changes to the Guildhalls bar.
“Meanwhile, over by the bar, Juvia is about to execute her plan to finally make Gray hers.”

Example of the Guildhalls bar:

Juvia is standing next to a large bowl of pinkish liquid on the bar. She is holding a small potion bottle and has hearts in her eyes.
Juvia is wearing a sexy cop costume:

Juvia: Oh my darling Gray. Tonight I will finally have you.
Juvia: Once you take a sip of this, you will only have eyes for me.
Juvia: Not even that blonde harlot, and her entire skimpy wardrobe will be able to steal you away.
Juvia: Oh god. It’s good that this neutralizes the alcohol, otherwise my love would get drunk just from the fumes of this “cocktail”.
She pours the bottle into the cocktail.

Juvia: There! It’s done. Now, all that is required is to have my darling drink from this bowl of my love.

“She heads off into the crowd, and soon finds Gray”

Juvia is pulling Gray by the arm through the crowd. He does not look happy.
Gray Fullbuster:

He is wearing a Vampire costume:

Gray: Will ya get off me? What the hell is it this time?
Juvia: Oh Gray my darling, you simply must try this delectable cocktail.
Gray: Are you talking about that stuff Cana made? Are you crazy? I’d like to live to see my next birthday.
Juvia: Oh come now my darling. I know you can handle it.
Gray: Urrrgh, alright, Fine! I’ll do it. But just so you’ll leave me alone.

“Gray had a small cup of the cocktail, and the potion took effect almost immediately. He scooped Juvia up and whisked her off to one of the empty side rooms.”

Sex Scene 1:
Juvia kneels between Gray’s legs and sucks his cock while she fingers herself.
Position example and P.O.V.:

Blowjob – Lick Tip, Suck Tip, Easy, Medium, Hard, Cum
Gray cums inside her mouth.

Scene 4:
“After cumming, Gray passed out from the residual alcohol left in the cocktail.”
“(If you haven’t figured it out yet, there is A LOT of alcohol in the cocktail).”
“While he slept, Juvia went to add another potion to the cocktail that would neutralise the first one.”

Scene changes to Juvia walking towards the bar, holding a different potion bottle and she looks very, very happy.
Juvia: YES!! My darling is finally mine. Mine! All MINE!!
Juvia: Now, I just need to add this antidote before anyone else tries to drink the cocktail.

As she approaches the bar, Haven, Mira and Cana are standing next to the cocktail bowl.
Cana Alberona:

She is wearing a sexy Gypsy costume:

Cana: Really? Is nobody else having any?
Haven: Well maybe if you added something other than booze, other people would be able to drink it.
Cana: Ah you’re all a bunch of lightweights. Oh well, more for me.
Juvia: Oh No! Wait! Cana!!

Before Juvia can do anything, Cana lifts the bowl to her mouth and she downs the whole thing.

Cana: Ahhh... Now that... Hm?
Mira: What’s wrong?
Cana: That was a lot less satisfying than I thought it would be.
Haven: You’re kidding right?
Cana: Hey, somebody must’ve watered it down.
Haven: I didn’t think there was that much water in the world.
Cana: Ha ha ha. Whatever. If anybody wants me, I’ll be in the basement with the good stuff.
With that, Cana leaves. After she’s gone, Juvia starts to panic. She puts the potion bottle on the bar, next to the now empty cocktail bowl and a couple of cups.

Juvia: OhNoOhNoOhNoOhNo! What do I do? Who knows what it’ll do to her?
Juvia: I know! I’ll just get her to drink the antidote. That shouldn’t be hard.

Meanwhile, Haven and Mira are having their own conversation.
Haven: How exactly can she drink so much?
Mira: Um... Just years of practice, I suppose.
Haven: I guess. Man, it’s kind of odd how seeing someone drink so much can make you thirsty.
Without looking, Haven reaches over to the table and picks up the potion bottle. He then drinks the antidote. He spits and coughs because it tastes horrible.

Haven: Gurrgh! *Cough* *Cough* *Cough*
Mira: Haven? Are you ok?
Haven: God, what the hell did I... Who left a potion just lying around?
Juvia: WHAT!!?? Oh crap. OhNoOhNoOhNoOhNo...
Mira: Hm, Juvia? What’s wrong?
Juvia: Oh Mira, I put a potion in the cocktail that would finally open my darlings eyes, and it worked just perfectly. But before I could add the antidote, Cana drank it all. And now you’ve just drunk the antidote Haven.
Mira: Another love potion? Didn’t you learn your lesson from what happened last time?
Juvia: I’m sorry. Both of you, I really am. Please. I need your help.
Haven: But, don’t you have any more of the antidote?
Juvia: No, that was all I had.
Mira: Where did you get it from?
Juvia: From that lovely old lady who’s travelling through town.
Haven: Alright. Juvia, you and I are going to see if this old lady has any more of the antidote.
Juvia: Got it.
Haven: Mira, I need you to stay here and keep an eye on Cana.
Mira: Of course.

Scene 5:
“Haven and Juvia headed out, and soon made it to the old woman’s camp. They told her what happened and asked if she had anymore of the antidote. Unfortunately, she had none left and said that it would take her several days to make more. However, she told them that because Haven had drunk the antidote, his semen now contains it, and all he has to do is have sex with Cana to cure her.”
“When Haven asked why, she explained that it’s because it will both fulfil the original potions purpose and administer the antidote to neutralize the excess in her body. With this new information, they returned to the guild to inform Mira of the new plan.”

Scene changes to Haven and Juvia back at the guild, talking to Mira.
Mira: How did it go? Do you have more of the antidote?
Juvia: Regrettably not. She said she was out and that she would need a few days to make more.
Mira: Oh no. W-what are we going to do then?
Haven: Well, she did say there is something I could do.
Mira: Really? That’s fantastic. What is it?
Haven: Apparently, my semen now contains the antidote. So, all I have to do is... have sex with her.
Mira: WHAT!?
Juvia: I’m afraid that is indeed the case.
Haven: Mira, I’m sorry, but...
Mira: No, it’s alright. If that’s the case, then... then I understand.
Haven: I’m really sorry sweetheart. Where is Cana now?
Mira: I managed to keep her in the basement. I... guess you’d better head down.
Haven: Right.

Before Haven can head down to the basement, Mira’s sister Lisanna comes over and puts an arm around Haven.
Lisanna Strauss:

She is wearing a sexy Devil costume:

Lisanna: Hey there, what are you guys talking about?
Mira: Um, Lisanna? Are you alright?
Lisanna: Yeah, I’m fine. Oh Juvia, I don’t know what you put in Cana’s cocktail, but it tasted great.
Juvia: Y-you drank some of the cocktail?
Lisanna: Yeah, I saw Gray have some, so I figured it was ok.
Lisanna: You know Haven, since you’re dating my sister and all, we really should spend some more time together. If you know what I mean.
Lisanna then heads upstairs.

Haven: Well that’s not good.
Mira: Oh great, now Lisanna’s affected. Where's Natsu? Those two used to be an item.
Haven: No idea. I haven't seen him in hours. Or Lucy for that matter.
Mira: Alright, change of plan. Haven, you’re going to have to take care of Lisanna. I’ll see to Cana.
Haven: What? But, how are you going to...?
Mira: I, have something that I can use. But I am going to need some of your semen first. Follow me.

“Mira led Haven into the kitchen. She jacked him off into a cup, before sending him upstairs after Lisanna.”

Cut to Haven entering a small room.
Haven: Hey Lisanna? You in here?

Lisanna suddenly pounces on Haven, pinning him to the ground.
Lisanna: Took you long enough to get here.

Sex Scene 2:
Lisanna straddles Haven and rides him cowgirl.
Position example and P.O.V.:

Vaginal – Easy, Medium, Hard
Anal – Easy, Medium, Hard, Cum
Haven cums inside her arse.

Scene 6:
“Meanwhile, as Haven headed upstairs, Mira headed to the basement to tend to Cana.”

Scene changes to the basement.
The basement is a large room filled with wooden barrels. Cana is sitting on one large barrel, while holding / drinking from another one.
Cana: Hey Mira, can I go upstairs yet? These barrels are almost empty and I’m feeling lonely.
Mira: Not just yet. There’s something we need to take care of first.
Cana: Oh come on. I’m bored, and I want some nice, hard, strapping company.
Mira: Funny you should put it that way. That’s exactly what I have in mind.
Mira holds up a large strap-on.

Cana: Ooh, I knew you were secretly into girls. But I want something more... real.
Mira: Did I mention that this is an ejaculating strap-on? And I got some real cum, just for you.
Cana: Mmm, I like this kinky side of yours.

Sex Scene 3:
Cana is lying on the floor, with one leg over Mira shoulder as she fucks her missionary.
Position example and P.O.V.:

Vaginal – Easy, Medium, Hard
Anal – Easy, Medium, Hard, Cum
Mira cums inside her arse.

Scene 7:
“After curing Lisanna and Cana, everyone returned to the party. Haven immediately went looking for Mira, and soon found her.”

Scene changes to Haven and Mira talking next to the bar.
Haven: Well, it’s done. They’re cured.
Mira: Yeah... they sure are.
Haven: Mira? What’s wrong?
Mira: It’s... it’s just, you're MY boyfriend. And, I don't like the fact that you just had sex with my sister, even if there was no real choice.
Haven: I know babe, I'm really sorry.
Mira: It’s ok. I just need a minute.
Haven: You know what, let me make it up to you. I know, why don’t we head to, our spot.
Mira: Mmm, sounds good. But you’d better make it the performance of your life.

“Haven and Mira headed to ‘their spot’. The table in the library where they began their relationship.”

Sex Scene 4:
Mira leans on a table, with Haven holding up one of her legs.
Position example and P.O.V.:

Vaginal – Easy, Medium, Hard
Anal – Easy, Medium, Hard, Cum
Haven cums inside her pussy.

Scene 8: Finale
“After they finished their love making, they rejoined the party and enjoyed the rest of the evening.”
“And, after Natsu made his predictably explosive entrance, things ended in true Fairy Tail fashion. With a fight, several more explosions and plenty of collateral damage.”

End of game.
Options to play again and to repeat sex scenes.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Well people, I just made my submission. What do you think?

Pulling Some Fairy Tail: Halloween Havoc

Note – to try and avoid confusion, paragraphs with quotation marks “” are meant to be in-game text.
Note for Kosmos – If there is anything you want / need to change or remove, please contact me.

Short Version:
Juvia has yet another plan to make Gray love her. During Fairy Tails annual Halloween party, she spikes the cocktail bowl with a love potion. However, the guilds resident binge drinker throws a major spanner into the works when she downs the whole bowl.

Long Version:
Scene 1: Introduction

Open on the Fairy Tail Guildhall, covered in Halloween decorations.
Example of the Fairy Tail Guildhall:

“The Fairy Tail Guild has always loved to party, especially during the holidays. And their annual Halloween party is one of the biggest of the year.”
“The entire guild gathers for a giant costume party, with all manner of games and activities. Some for the younger members, some for the adults. Such as the Drinking Contest. Although, in recent years it’s become more of a contest just to see who can keep up with Cana the longest.”
“Whether or not they partake in any of the activities, all the members come for a good time.”
“This year however, one member has come with a plan to finally get the man she desires.”

Scene 2:
Scene changes to the inside of the hall. Again, there are Halloween decorations everywhere and the room is full of people in various costumes.
Example of the Guildhall interior:

Haven and Mira are standing by one of the walls talking.
Haven Ironwood:

Mirajane Strauss:

Haven is wearing a Pirate costume and Mira is wearing an Angel costume.

Haven: Wow, this place looks amazing.
Mira: Thanks sweetie. Decorating the hall takes a lot of work, but it’s always worth it.
Haven: Well, you did a great job, as always. And everyone looks like they’re enjoying themselves.
Mira: Aww, thank you. Although, it does seem a little quieter than normal.
Haven: That’s a good point. I wonder where Natsu is?
Mira: Oh, I’ll bet he’s got some elaborate entrance planned.
Haven: If ‘elaborate’ is code for ‘destructive’, than I’d have to agree.
Mira: Hehe, well with Natsu, the two do go hand in hand. Want to get a drink?
Haven: Sure. Didn’t I see Cana mixing a huge cocktail bowl or something?
Mira: Yeah. But if you want to remember this evening, you may want to find something that actually contains something other than alcohol.
Haven: That’s a good point.

Scene 3:
Scene changes to the Guildhalls bar.
“Meanwhile, over by the bar, Juvia is about to execute her plan to finally make Gray hers.”

Example of the Guildhalls bar:

Juvia is standing next to a large bowl of pinkish liquid on the bar. She is holding a small potion bottle and has hearts in her eyes.
Juvia is wearing a sexy cop costume:

Juvia: Oh my darling Gray. Tonight I will finally have you.
Juvia: Once you take a sip of this, you will only have eyes for me.
Juvia: Not even that blonde harlot, and her entire skimpy wardrobe will be able to steal you away.
Juvia: Oh god. It’s good that this neutralizes the alcohol, otherwise my love would get drunk just from the fumes of this “cocktail”.
She pours the bottle into the cocktail.

Juvia: There! It’s done. Now, all that is required is to have my darling drink from this bowl of my love.

“She heads off into the crowd, and soon finds Gray”

Juvia is pulling Gray by the arm through the crowd. He does not look happy.
Gray Fullbuster:

He is wearing a Vampire costume:

Gray: Will ya get off me? What the hell is it this time?
Juvia: Oh Gray my darling, you simply must try this delectable cocktail.
Gray: Are you talking about that stuff Cana made? Are you crazy? I’d like to live to see my next birthday.
Juvia: Oh come now my darling. I know you can handle it.
Gray: Urrrgh, alright, Fine! I’ll do it. But just so you’ll leave me alone.

“Gray had a small cup of the cocktail, and the potion took effect almost immediately. He scooped Juvia up and whisked her off to one of the empty side rooms.”

Sex Scene 1:
Juvia kneels between Gray’s legs and sucks his cock while she fingers herself.
Position example and P.O.V.:

Blowjob – Lick Tip, Suck Tip, Easy, Medium, Hard, Cum
Gray cums inside her mouth.

Scene 4:
“After cumming, Gray passed out from the residual alcohol left in the cocktail.”
“(If you haven’t figured it out yet, there is A LOT of alcohol in the cocktail).”
“While he slept, Juvia went to add another potion to the cocktail that would neutralise the first one.”

Scene changes to Juvia walking towards the bar, holding a different potion bottle and she looks very, very happy.
Juvia: YES!! My darling is finally mine. Mine! All MINE!!
Juvia: Now, I just need to add this antidote before anyone else tries to drink the cocktail.

As she approaches the bar, Haven, Mira and Cana are standing next to the cocktail bowl.
Cana Alberona:

She is wearing a sexy Gypsy costume:

Cana: Really? Is nobody else having any?
Haven: Well maybe if you added something other than booze, other people would be able to drink it.
Cana: Ah you’re all a bunch of lightweights. Oh well, more for me.
Juvia: Oh No! Wait! Cana!!

Before Juvia can do anything, Cana lifts the bowl to her mouth and she downs the whole thing.

Cana: Ahhh... Now that... Hm?
Mira: What’s wrong?
Cana: That was a lot less satisfying than I thought it would be.
Haven: You’re kidding right?
Cana: Hey, somebody must’ve watered it down.
Haven: I didn’t think there was that much water in the world.
Cana: Ha ha ha. Whatever. If anybody wants me, I’ll be in the basement with the good stuff.
With that, Cana leaves. After she’s gone, Juvia starts to panic. She puts the potion bottle on the bar, next to the now empty cocktail bowl and a couple of cups.

Juvia: OhNoOhNoOhNoOhNo! What do I do? Who knows what it’ll do to her?
Juvia: I know! I’ll just get her to drink the antidote. That shouldn’t be hard.

Meanwhile, Haven and Mira are having their own conversation.
Haven: How exactly can she drink so much?
Mira: Um... Just years of practice, I suppose.
Haven: I guess. Man, it’s kind of odd how seeing someone drink so much can make you thirsty.
Without looking, Haven reaches over to the table and picks up the potion bottle. He then drinks the antidote. He spits and coughs because it tastes horrible.

Haven: Gurrgh! *Cough* *Cough* *Cough*
Mira: Haven? Are you ok?
Haven: God, what the hell did I... Who left a potion just lying around?
Juvia: WHAT!!?? Oh crap. OhNoOhNoOhNoOhNo...
Mira: Hm, Juvia? What’s wrong?
Juvia: Oh Mira, I put a potion in the cocktail that would finally open my darlings eyes, and it worked just perfectly. But before I could add the antidote, Cana drank it all. And now you’ve just drunk the antidote Haven.
Mira: Another love potion? Didn’t you learn your lesson from what happened last time?
Juvia: I’m sorry. Both of you, I really am. Please. I need your help.
Haven: But, don’t you have any more of the antidote?
Juvia: No, that was all I had.
Mira: Where did you get it from?
Juvia: From that lovely old lady who’s travelling through town.
Haven: Alright. Juvia, you and I are going to see if this old lady has any more of the antidote.
Juvia: Got it.
Haven: Mira, I need you to stay here and keep an eye on Cana.
Mira: Of course.

Scene 5:
“Haven and Juvia headed out, and soon made it to the old woman’s camp. They told her what happened and asked if she had anymore of the antidote. Unfortunately, she had none left and said that it would take her several days to make more. However, she told them that because Haven had drunk the antidote, his semen now contains it, and all he has to do is have sex with Cana to cure her.”
“When Haven asked why, she explained that it’s because it will both fulfil the original potions purpose and administer the antidote to neutralize the excess in her body. With this new information, they returned to the guild to inform Mira of the new plan.”

Scene changes to Haven and Juvia back at the guild, talking to Mira.
Mira: How did it go? Do you have more of the antidote?
Juvia: Regrettably not. She said she was out and that she would need a few days to make more.
Mira: Oh no. W-what are we going to do then?
Haven: Well, she did say there is something I could do.
Mira: Really? That’s fantastic. What is it?
Haven: Apparently, my semen now contains the antidote. So, all I have to do is... have sex with her.
Mira: WHAT!?
Juvia: I’m afraid that is indeed the case.
Haven: Mira, I’m sorry, but...
Mira: No, it’s alright. If that’s the case, then... then I understand.
Haven: I’m really sorry sweetheart. Where is Cana now?
Mira: I managed to keep her in the basement. I... guess you’d better head down.
Haven: Right.

Before Haven can head down to the basement, Mira’s sister Lisanna comes over and puts an arm around Haven.
Lisanna Strauss:

She is wearing a sexy Devil costume:

Lisanna: Hey there, what are you guys talking about?
Mira: Um, Lisanna? Are you alright?
Lisanna: Yeah, I’m fine. Oh Juvia, I don’t know what you put in Cana’s cocktail, but it tasted great.
Juvia: Y-you drank some of the cocktail?
Lisanna: Yeah, I saw Gray have some, so I figured it was ok.
Lisanna: You know Haven, since you’re dating my sister and all, we really should spend some more time together. If you know what I mean.
Lisanna then heads upstairs.

Haven: Well that’s not good.
Mira: Oh great, now Lisanna’s affected. Where's Natsu? Those two used to be an item.
Haven: No idea. I haven't seen him in hours. Or Lucy for that matter.
Mira: Alright, change of plan. Haven, you’re going to have to take care of Lisanna. I’ll see to Cana.
Haven: What? But, how are you going to...?
Mira: I, have something that I can use. But I am going to need some of your semen first. Follow me.

“Mira led Haven into the kitchen. She jacked him off into a cup, before sending him upstairs after Lisanna.”

Cut to Haven entering a small room.
Haven: Hey Lisanna? You in here?

Lisanna suddenly pounces on Haven, pinning him to the ground.
Lisanna: Took you long enough to get here.

Sex Scene 2:
Lisanna straddles Haven and rides him cowgirl.
Position example and P.O.V.:

Vaginal – Easy, Medium, Hard
Anal – Easy, Medium, Hard, Cum
Haven cums inside her arse.

Scene 6:
“Meanwhile, as Haven headed upstairs, Mira headed to the basement to tend to Cana.”

Scene changes to the basement.
The basement is a large room filled with wooden barrels. Cana is sitting on one large barrel, while holding / drinking from another one.
Cana: Hey Mira, can I go upstairs yet? These barrels are almost empty and I’m feeling lonely.
Mira: Not just yet. There’s something we need to take care of first.
Cana: Oh come on. I’m bored, and I want some nice, hard, strapping company.
Mira: Funny you should put it that way. That’s exactly what I have in mind.
Mira holds up a large strap-on.

Cana: Ooh, I knew you were secretly into girls. But I want something more... real.
Mira: Did I mention that this is an ejaculating strap-on? And I got some real cum, just for you.
Cana: Mmm, I like this kinky side of yours.

Sex Scene 3:
Cana is lying on the floor, with one leg over Mira shoulder as she fucks her missionary.
Position example and P.O.V.:

Vaginal – Easy, Medium, Hard
Anal – Easy, Medium, Hard, Cum
Mira cums inside her arse.

Scene 7:
“After curing Lisanna and Cana, everyone returned to the party. Haven immediately went looking for Mira, and soon found her.”

Scene changes to Haven and Mira talking next to the bar.
Haven: Well, it’s done. They’re cured.
Mira: Yeah... they sure are.
Haven: Mira? What’s wrong?
Mira: It’s... it’s just, you're MY boyfriend. And, I don't like the fact that you just had sex with my sister, even if there was no real choice.
Haven: I know babe, I'm really sorry.
Mira: It’s ok. I just need a minute.
Haven: You know what, let me make it up to you. I know, why don’t we head to, our spot.
Mira: Mmm, sounds good. But you’d better make it the performance of your life.

“Haven and Mira headed to ‘their spot’. The table in the library where they began their relationship.”

Sex Scene 4:
Mira leans on a table, with Haven holding up one of her legs.
Position example and P.O.V.:

Vaginal – Easy, Medium, Hard
Anal – Easy, Medium, Hard, Cum
Haven cums inside her pussy.

Scene 8: Finale
“After they finished their love making, they rejoined the party and enjoyed the rest of the evening.”
“And, after Natsu made his predictably explosive entrance, things ended in true Fairy Tail fashion. With a fight, several more explosions and plenty of collateral damage.”

End of game.
Options to play again and to repeat sex scenes.
The writing in general it's nice, but it's just another halloween patry, we had one Nintendo Halloween. So I don't really like the diea, I prefer to see something new.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Well people, I just made my submission. What do you think?

Is there supposed to be a Halloween theme now?

Anyways, I'm probably the last guy to say this, but it felt somewhat long. I think it's because of the scene where they're looking for the old lady. I feel like they didn't have to look for her & Juvia could've just gave them the answer. Ah, what do I know? I never won a damn thing from MNF before. Besides my usual complaint about lack of 3some, the game sounds good.

I don't remember Haven having that much yellow before. Do you ever plan to use Mirajane's Satan Soul? Seems kinda a waste opportunity to not use it for a Halloween theme game.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Another day another set of Leila Bomb. The last set goes up tomorrow so I wonder if anyone has noticed the problem with the game yet lol.

Maybe this will help.

Enjoy you bastards!
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Is there supposed to be a Halloween theme now?
No. But I just figured I'd submit a Halloween idea now since it's so close. :D

Anyways, I'm probably the last guy to say this, but it felt somewhat long. I think it's because of the scene where they're looking for the old lady. I feel like they didn't have to look for her & Juvia could've just gave them the answer.
Yeah, I kinda felt that too. If you have any ideas on how I could condense that down, then I'm open to suggestions.

I don't remember Haven having that much yellow before.
That's because the original pic I used for Haven was one I found on DeviantArt. I have planned on doing my own pic for him for a while, and now seemed like the time to finally grind it out and get it done.

Do you ever plan to use Mirajane's Satan Soul? Seems kinda a waste opportunity to not use it for a Halloween theme game.
Yes, I do.
And actually, originally when they went to the library, I had Mira transform into a new Take Over I made for her. Satan Soul: Succubus. ;)
But I decided to remove it just before I submitted it, because, since there is only one Haven-Mira scene, I felt it was a waste of her sexy angel costume.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Here's a new crack for you!
Harry Potter and Hermione The Milf
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Here's a new crack for you!
Harry Potter and Hermione The Milf

We had another contest? Damn, I missed it. Still thanks for the crack guys.

Yeah, I kinda felt that too. If you have any ideas on how I could condense that down, then I'm open to suggestions.

Well I did suggest that Juvia just happens to know how the antidote works to begin with.

Yes, I do.
And actually, originally when they went to the library, I had Mira transform into a new Take Over I made for her. Satan Soul: Succubus. ;)
But I decided to remove it just before I submitted it, because, since there is only one Haven-Mira scene, I felt it was a waste of her sexy angel costume.

She doesn't wear her angel costume in the sex scene 3 with Cana? That's weird, but I'm also that guy who keeps complaining about the lack of 3some scenes so what I know?
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Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

She doesn't wear her angel costume in the sex scene 3 with Cana? That's weird, but I'm also that guy who keeps complaining about the lack of 3some scenes so what I know?
Well yes, Mira is wearing her costume then. But as I said is my previous comment, "there is only one Haven-Mira scene". Meaning just one sex scene between Mira and Haven.
Also, I was trying to shave off bit's where ever I could to make the work load a little lighter, I ended up deciding that part wasn't necessary, so I removed it.

The 3rd and 4th sex positions are kinda similar aren't they?
Well, there are enough differences between them. For example, in scene 3 Cana is lying on her side with her leg over Mira's shoulder, while in scene 4 Mira is standing with Haven behind her and holding her leg up. Scene 3 is just about sex while scene 4 is a bit more loving. And lastly, scene 3 is a lesbian sex scene while scene 4 is straight sex.

Well I did suggest that Juvia just happens to know how the antidote works to begin with.
Alright. I shorted it down a little so now Juvia explains it. This better?

Without looking, Haven reaches over to the table and picks up the potion bottle. He then drinks the antidote. He spits and coughs because it tastes horrible.

Haven: Gurrgh! *Cough* *Cough* *Cough*
Mira: Haven? Are you ok?
Haven: God, what the hell did I... Who left a potion just lying around?
Juvia: WHAT!!?? Oh crap. OhNoOhNoOhNoOhNo...
Mira: Hm, Juvia? What’s wrong?
Juvia: Oh Mira, I put a potion in the cocktail that would finally open my darlings eyes, and it worked just perfectly. But before I could add the antidote, Cana drank it all. And now you’ve just drunk the antidote Haven.
Mira: Another love potion? Didn’t you learn your lesson from what happened last time?
Juvia: I’m sorry. Both of you, I really am. Please. I need your help.
Haven: But, don’t you have any more of the antidote?
Juvia: No, that was all I had. The woman I bought it from said she was out and that she would need a few days to make more.
Mira: Oh no. What are we going to do then?
Juvia: Well, there is something that can be done.
Mira: Really? What is it?
Juvia: W-well... A-apparently, since you drank the antidote Haven, your semen now contains it. So, all you have to do is... have sex with her.
Haven and Mira: What!?
Juvia: I assure you that is indeed the case. After what happened last time, I wanted to know everything about this potion before I used it. And, she was most detailed. She said in a situation like this, that it will both fulfil the potions original purpose and administer the antidote to neutralize the excess in her body.
Mira: Oh God. I... I-I cannot believe this.
Haven: Juvia, are you sure there isn’t any other way to, you know, fix this?
Juvia: Well... Perhaps we could ask Levi or Porlyusica to examine the bottle and see if they can make some quickly. But even then...
Mira: No, no. It’s alright. We don’t know how long that would take, or what’ll happen to her while we wait. If that’s the quickest, safest option, then I understand.
Haven: Are you sure?

Before Mira can answer, Mira’s sister Lisanna comes over and puts an arm around Haven.
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Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

We had another contest? Damn, I missed it.

I didn't see another contest yet either. Maybe this is one that BCT just decided to gift for us out of the kindness of their hearts?
In any case, thanks BCT and Sandchainz! :cool:
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Well yes, Mira is wearing her costume then. But as I said is my previous comment, "there is only one Haven-Mira scene". Meaning just one sex scene between Mira and Haven.
Also, I was trying to shave off bit's where ever I could to make the work load a little lighter, I ended up deciding that part wasn't necessary, so I removed it.

Well I guess I'm just going to have to hope for the best & hope you'll use the transformation in the next 1.

Alright. I shorted it down a little so now Juvia explains it. This better?

Without looking, Haven reaches over to the table and picks up the potion bottle. He then drinks the antidote. He spits and coughs because it tastes horrible.

Haven: Gurrgh! *Cough* *Cough* *Cough*
Mira: Haven? Are you ok?
Haven: God, what the hell did I... Who left a potion just lying around?
Juvia: WHAT!!?? Oh crap. OhNoOhNoOhNoOhNo...
Mira: Hm, Juvia? What’s wrong?
Juvia: Oh Mira, I put a potion in the cocktail that would finally open my darlings eyes, and it worked just perfectly. But before I could add the antidote, Cana drank it all. And now you’ve just drunk the antidote Haven.
Mira: Another love potion? Didn’t you learn your lesson from what happened last time?
Juvia: I’m sorry. Both of you, I really am. Please. I need your help.
Haven: But, don’t you have any more of the antidote?
Juvia: No, that was all I had. The woman I bought it from said she was out and that she would need a few days to make more.
Mira: Oh no. What are we going to do then?
Juvia: Well, there is something that can be done.
Mira: Really? What is it?
Juvia: W-well... A-apparently, since you drank the antidote Haven, your semen now contains it. So, all you have to do is... have sex with her.
Haven and Mira: What!?
Juvia: I assure you that is indeed the case. After what happened last time, I wanted to know everything about this potion before I used it. And, she was most detailed. She said in a situation like this, that it will both fulfil the potions original purpose and administer the antidote to neutralize the excess in her body.
Mira: Oh God. I... I-I cannot believe this.
Haven: Juvia, are you sure there isn’t any other way to, you know, fix this?
Juvia: Well... Perhaps we could ask Levi or Porlyusica to examine the bottle and see if they can make some quickly. But even then...
Mira: No, no. It’s alright. We don’t know how long that would take, or what’ll happen to her while we wait. If that’s the quickest, safest option, then I understand.
Haven: Are you sure?

Before Mira can answer, Mira’s sister Lisanna comes over and puts an arm around Haven.

IMO this flows much better, but I probably should have mentioned that the original draft wasn't exactly a deal breaker either.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

This crack also wasn't released by bct, it was released by unknown russian team.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Alright so here are the last set of pictures for Leila Bomb. I hope I don't have to spell it out for you all why it's fucking terrible but so good at the same time.

I will drop by tomorrow when I drop the poll for the next Picture Release and yell you all why it's good and fucking bad lol.

Well enjoy the ending of Leila Bomb. God does she look great!

Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Thanks for the crack. That dancing Hermoine is the most goodest.