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Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)



Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

M 13 vs. 12 G, Hit!
H 10 vs. 5 G, Hit!
G 13 vs. 9 M, Hit!
M 6 vs. 4 G, Hit!
H 19 vs. 11 G, Hit!
G 17 vs. 8 M, Hit!
M 4 vs. 5 G, Miss!
H 17 vs. 10 G, Hit!
G 13 vs. 16 M, Miss!

The two adventurers kept up the attack, continuing to hit the golem hard, though it landed a powerful hit to Mei-Lien's shoulder, as she barely had time to get her head out of the way; a lesser opponent would surely have had their arm broken by such a blow, but the redhead managed to shrug it off rather well and keep up her attack. The golem still responded with a punch into her torso, knocking the wind out of her briefly. Hannah's efforts with the bow kept the beast at bay for a little bit, just long enough for Mei-Lien to muster up a rather impressive block of the next punch.

5/15 FP

3/6 FP

5/5 FP
0/3 MP

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

With her best attacks thrown into the fray, Mei was overpowering the golem somewhat with Hannah's firepower aiding her. Still, it knocked her about with a one-two of strikes, both pushing her back. The third strike was delayed as Hannah interfered, and the fighter catched the incoming hand with her own two. Skidding backwards, she managed to stop the strike without getting hit. "Right... let's get this moving!" she called from the back of the hand, quickly moving away to initiate another attack to the weakened golem.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

M 9 vs. 6 G, Hit!
H 18 vs. 13 G, Hit!
G 22 vs. 12 M, Hit!
M 22 vs. 9 G, Hit!
H 5 vs. 17 G, Miss!
G 10 vs. 21 M, Miss!
M 20 vs. 15 G, Hit!
H 3 vs. 5 G, Miss!
G 8 vs. 6 M, Hit!
M 8 vs. 8 G, Hit!

Mei-Lien worked her way around the golem's massive hand and punched it again hard in its knee, which seemed to have some effect as Hannah put an arrow through the other. Still, the golem slapped Mei-Lien to the ground, though as it tried to stomp her with its giant feet and finish her off she landed a punch to the sole of its foot and rolled away, the thing's foot splitting slightly from the blow. The redhead quickly landed another punch, but so did the golem, and it was clear that both were on their last legs; with a sudden move, Mei-Lien jumped up into the air and landed her most powerful blow yet to the thing's lower torso, and the rock cracked and crumbled away as the golem fell back to the ground. With its rock shell partly gone, the two could see the fate that would have awaited them if they had lost; the insides of the it had been hollow, with hundreds of little tentacles inside. As she got up and brushed herself off, Mei-Lien was confronted by a popup.

You have gained Unarmed Expertise Level 2 (+2 Attack, +2 Defense)

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Past the hand, here was lot of suitable areas to strike at, but the knees struck out as a particularly delightful spot to hit at. Taking a big bad off it's feet was a quick way to win against them, so this was the thing Mei aimed at. But the golem had been anticipating it clearly as a huge palm flew out to smack the fighter down on her butt. The thing's foot followed in an attempt to stomp the girl into submission, but she would have none of that. With a mighty sitting blow, she pushed off the gargantuan limb and allowed herself a way out by rolling. Getting up, she exchanged punches with the golem while Hannah missed. After a brief face-off, the redhead took a leap and smashed her fist through the construct's body, sealing it's fate.

Having just destroyed a golem with relative ease, Mei dusted herself off and high-fived Hannah as the window came into view. Surely it was a worthy compensation for this feat. Taking off her attention from the destroyed creature and the window, she investigated if there was anything in the room. Once the items were dealt with, she would move forward with the mage to a new spot of interest.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Hannah took the high five and giggled, saying "we did pretty well there. I was worried, that thing looked strong." The two of them looked around the room and unfortunately didn't find anything. Like most other rooms in this castle, it seemed that its only purpose was to house some sort of monster to rape the two of them. Seeing nothing of value, the two walked out of the room and down the hall to the next one, turning off into a room that looked empty except for a water fountain in the middle of it. It was a strange fountain, in that it didn't look manmade, instead having simply grown up from the ground beneath the floor, spouting water. The two looked around for only a moment before hearing a voice. "Oooh, humans... Not bad looking ones, either." It took a moment to realize that the voice belonged to an unusually voluptuous and curvy fairy, about the size of Mei-Lien's head. More fairies of all shapes and sizes seemed to come out of the ceiling, until there were dozens of them all around the two. "Won't you please play with us?"

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"It was easier than I thought at first, have to admit that." the fighter gave a reply as the looked through the room briefly. It was yet another rapist containment, so the duo left for the new, unexplored places.

The next place of inerest was just down the hall, the area behind the door opening up to a fountain that looked very curious. There was no way it could be made like that by human hands, Mei thought as she looked at the burst fountain. Before she could take too long to inspect it, a voice heralded the arrival of a cloud of fairies. Though there were numerous little flitters around them, the shapely one seemed to be the voice of the group. Despite the generally non-threatening appearance of these beings, the redhead was all too wary about anything besides herself in this place. "That depends on what you people had in mind." she replied, staying wary about the creatures everywhere.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

The fairy smiled as she fluttered over to Mei-Lien, sitting on her shoulder with a giggle. "I think it's fairly obvious. You're naked, we're naked, why not have fun? There isn't much else down here to do. So come on~" it said, kicking its feet perhaps annoyingly. The fairies all came in quite close to the two adventurers, hovering close and and staring intently at them, waiting for an answer. For her part Hannah looked to Mei-Lien, apparently willing to allow her to make the decision despite the blush that came to her cheeks.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Don't they think of anything but sex in these places..." Mei thought as she heard the answer she should be expecting at this point. Despite her initial distrust, the redhead had a brief epiphany about some possible benefit waiting for them if they agreed. "I suppose we could. Though I have to admit this is weird." she replied to the face of the fairy cloud. Having given her answer, she turned to Hannah. "You can sit this one out if you want to, I think I can handle these little buggers by myself."

Whatever the mage's response was, Mei's attention turned to the fairies again. "Bring it. Show me what you kiddies can do." she semi-taunted them, just to bring out a stronger response.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Hannah blushed, replying "it would be worse to just watch than to get involved. I’ll… Go practice against this wall, if that’s okay." With that she took her bow and walked to the far end of the room, practicing the still-new process while Mei-Lien dealt with the fairies.

"Hmm, that’s pretty bold, miss. We’ll try not to disappoint you, just lay down on your back" the lead fairy whispered, blowing warm breath in Mei-Lien’s ear. As she complied with the request, the swarm of fairies closed in around her, their energy and excitement almost tangible. For a few moments nothing happened, as if they were trying to figure out which of them got to do what, but finally the fairies started flying all around Mei-Lien, taking up positions and beginning to rub and caress most of her body. The head fairy quickly went about rubbing her right shoulder, as another took the left, and still another caressed the redhead’s neck, licking and nibbling on it tenderly. Still other fairies moved to give her ears attention, nibbling all up and down their length. Others flocked to her stomach, sides, arms and legs, staying away from her erogenous zones for the moment, instead focusing on slow and gentle foreplay. Kisses, licks, and gentle rubs covered much of Mei-Lien’s body as the fairies spread out; it seemed as if even more of them were coming out of the woodwork to play with the redhead. After a bit of teasing a few fairies reached her hands and feet, kissing, licking, and rubbing them, the ones on her hands sucking her fingers into their mouths and nibbling slightly.

For several minutes they continued this teasing unabated, until finally new fairies swooped down, one suckling at each of Mei-Lien’s breasts while many more kneaded and licked the supple flesh; a few of the smaller fairies moved to poke and nibble at her pussy, while another still gently teased her asshole with a hand. In a way it was less like the fairies were having sex with the redhead, and more like they were worshipping her body. As the dozens of them lovingly serviced her, Mei-Lien’s arousal built quickly, and soon enough her milk was flowing, her love juices starting to leak out onto the small faerie’s faces. The two of them laughed and opened the way to yet another fairy who scooted her small body in between her labia, sliding up and down to please the redhead. A few of the fairies who had been suckling on her fingers now suddenly changed tactics, slowly maneuvering over them and lowering themselves onto the digits, and then began to ride Mei-Lien’s fingers. It was a bizarre sensation, as their tight cunts squeezed the redhead’s fingers, their juices starting to leak down into her hand to be lapped up by their companions. The atmosphere seemed to change a little as many of the fairies around and on Mei-Lien began to pleasure each other in addition to her. With a sudden motion the fairy sliding around on the redhead’s pussy took her engorged clit into its mouth and began to suck and gently nibble it, her small mouth just the right size to essentially give her a sort of blowjob. All this going on at once was overpowering, and Mei-Lien soon found herself cumming hard. The fairies squealed in delight, some of them coming to their own climaxes as they rode her fingers.

There was a brief pause as some of the fairies who had had their fill switched out with others, and soon enough the whole thing started up again, though this time with a strange development. One of the smaller fairies had decided to give something new a try, and she started attempting to squirm her way inside Mei-Lien’s sopping cunt. At first it didn’t seem like she would succeed, though every attempt sent waves of pleasure crashing over the redhead. Finally, though, the little fairy managed to push her way into the redhead’s birth canal. Once inside she squirmed even more, reaching out to rub all around her, managing to hit all of the most sensitive spots inside of Mei-Lien while the other fairies worked on the outside. As a finishing touch one of the fairies began to fist her ass, her entire arm about the width and girth of two fingers put together. It didn’t take too long for all the stimulation to get to her, and Mei-Lien soon came again, a flood of her juices and a very dazed and happy fairy flowing out of her. The fairies reached a fever pitch, madly fucking Mei-Lien’s fingers or playing around with each other, until the room was filled with high-pitched squeals of orgasm. Finally the sexual portion of the experience seemed to calm down, and the fairies focused again on lavishing worshipful attention on Mei-Lien’s body as she recovered. They would allow her to remain there being fondled and massaged as long as she wished, as the head fairy fluttered in front of her and asked "so miss, have we satisfied? I hope that was as fun for you as it was for all of us."

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"I suppose. Do what you feel is the most comfortable thing." the fighter replied, letting Hannah do what she wanted while she took out the most need to play from these fairies.

"Bold? I've already experienced things most human beings would likely die to during the past few days, so I think I can handle a pack of fairies delivering some love." was Mei's reply to the fairy leader as she went down to lay on her back as instructed. The swarm was immidiately upon her, excited but not sure how to carry on with their plan. But after a little while spent hussling among themselves, the fey found a common plan to follow. Soon there was little winged people all over the redhead as she was getting the starter course of fairy foreplay, the slow grind towards the act through non-erogenous areas. Mouths, hands and bodies were everywhere, working in unison to make her feel as good as possible. It worked, for the martial artist soon forgot all her initial mistrust and doubt towards the little people, relaxing in their treatment.

After a while the foreplay switched to a more direct type as new fairies mobbed her sizey chest, one tiny person settling on to suck at the nipple while two of it's friends focused on giving licks and squeezes to the same mound of milk. Others moved to her lower areas, touching and gently nibbling at the holes to increase arousal and build towards the height of the act. The way these beings treated her body was something Mei found to her liking, it was almost like worship of her form, and she found herself respecting the fairies for their ways. Tenderness had always moved the fighter, for she received the genuine article so rarely in any aspect of life. The servicing brought forth her arousal, and soon the fairies were having fun with her bodily fluids as they started coming. One fairy actually slipped her tiny body between Mei's nether lips as she moistened, starting a kind of body rub that she never thought she'd experience. Even stranger happenings followed however, as the fey over at her hands bent her fingers up, and soon there was a tiny honeypot covering all her fingers as the fairies seeked for some pleasure as well. With some further pleasure being done, a sudden om nom attack on the fighter's clit made her break out in climax, in unison with some of the finger riders.

A brief breather was allowed to the serviced girl before the act started again. One particularly eager fairy got an idea it wanted to try out, and started to wedge itself inside Mei's flower, seeking entry to her insides. The struggles it had stirred more pleasure as it tried to enter, eventually managing to slip inside the tight hole. As the fey poked around inside, the rampant pleasure broke free soon as it's comrade smacked the lenght of her arm into the redhead's rear, nailing her with repeated pumps. The wanton waves of heat soon climaxed the redhead again, popping out the explorer as her body trembled in the throes of orgasm. As she gasped for breath, Mei saw the finger riders finishing shortly after her, eventually settling down from their heat. The act soon downgraded back to the start, with all the light gropes and rubs. "It was, it was..." she replied once the leader of the pack fluttered up to ask her about the experience.

The main part of the play done now, Mei still felt all too good in the hands of the fey pack to leave right away. She decided to let them carry on with all the touching and massaging for some more, as it was relaxing and pleasurable to her. So she layed down furher, taking a look at Hannah to see how she was holding up.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

As the fairies continued to massage Mei-Lien, she turned to watch Hannah for a bit. There were several different groupings of fire arrows against the far wall; they weren't particularly tight groupings, but they weren't bad either. The mage seemed to have learned relatively quickly, and now seemed to be more or less just a little below average for an archer. As the redhead watched, Hannah took a deep breath and fired off 6 arrows in a short span of time at a spot of the wall, with fairly good results. She seemed utterly oblivious to what was going on behind her.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"She's really working it out... good for you twiggy..." Mei pondered briefly as she saw Hannah's practise results all over the walls and her current shots as well. The mage had apparently shut herself out from the happenings in the room as well, since there was no sign of her noticing the end of the session.

Still in the careful, tender hands of the fairies, the redhead was getting highly relaxed. All the feelgood was making her dizzy, so she better get up before she dozed off into a brief nap. Giving slight prods at the fey people, she urged them to back away so she wouldn't hurt any of them while getting back to her feet. Once that was done with, she'd go have a closer look at Hannah and see if she was really as spaced out as the fighter thought


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

The fairies reluctantly got off of Mei-Lien and allowed her to get up from the floor, and followed her a little ways as she walked towards Hannah. The girl didn't seem to notice at all, still concentrating on what she was doing. Seeing this, many of the fairies got devious looks on their faces, and turned to Mei-Lien as water slowly raised up from the fountain and began to float near them, as if they were asking for permission to splash the mage with the cold water.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Even as she was heading towards the mage's position, Mei found her to be lost in the swirls of the magical training. With the eager fairies still following her, she saw that they were asking for a prank to be done. Rolling her eyes, the redhead gave them the signal to splash once Hannah was not in the middle of aiming an arrow. She knew better to risk any accidents with such behaviour


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

The fairies seemed giddy, and waited until after Hannah's next few practice shots. As she examined how well she had done, suddenly a small wall of ice cold water splashed against her naked back, eliciting a scream of surprise from the young mage. She jumped back and twirled around, breathing quickly for a few seconds before the situation dawned on her. She sighed and said "you scared the hells out of me, don't do that again." The fairies all made joyful sounds and flitted around the room, apparently thoroughly amused at the success of their prank. "So how was it? Did I miss anything?" Hannah asked, though she seemed skeptical. She was still gathering her wits after the quick scare, though she briefly used a spell to dry herself off as she waited for an answer.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

As the redhead expected, Hannah got quite a jump from their little splash. "Yes, bad fairies. Don't do that again." she kidded around a bit before getting another question. "How was it hmmm? You didn't peep? Oh well..." Mei decided to tease the mage some more before telling the truth about the experience that just transpired.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

A majority of the faeries seemed distraught at Mei-Lien's playful rebuke, but the one who had done the talking for them smiled knowingly, and shooed them away up towards the ceiling, presumably to explain that the redhead was kidding without bothering her or Hannah. With them gone, the mage replied "no, I didn't peek. I wouldn't necessarily want you watching me if our positions had been reversed, and it would have distracted me too much anyway. I want to get better at this... I have a bad feeling that I'll need to be soon. I just... this place is starting to get to me, I think."

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

As the fairies withdrew, Mei carried on the brief discussion with Hannah. "I can see and agree to that. This place is way more unsettling than the previous spots we visited, in both design and population. All these creatures in their respective areas remind me of a barracks on a massive scale..." she remarked. If Hannah had nothing further to do in this place, they should move forward to the next spot of interest. Maybe there would be a bit of info to explain the reason of the castle's current condition or clothing somewhere.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

After gathering their things briefly, Hannah and Mei-Lien headed back out and further down the hall, until they came to the end of the hall. There was a large door at the end, slightly more ornate than the others, though the scenes depicted on it were mostly about suffering and destruction. Opening up the door, they came into a large open room, with a giant column in the middle that was pitch black, more-so than anything Mei-Lien had ever seen. It had what looked to be writing carved into it, but the language wasn't something the redhead could read. The air in the room felt heavy and oppressive, as if there were something else there weighing down on them.

Still, Hannah seemed drawn to the column. "As part of my schooling I had to translate out of this language, but that's been years... I think I might be able to read it if I look at it long enough" she said, giving the words an intense looking-over. Idly Mei-Lien would note a plain door leading out of the room towards the center of the castle. "It seems like... a statement of purpose, I think..." Hannah muttered, and as she did so Mei-Lien felt the by now familiar presence of the shapeshifter in her mind. "Once you go through that door you may not come out again. At least, not the same as you are now. This may be your last chance to take me up on my offer~ Besides, I might just be able to give you a little bit of help for your trouble." It also occurred to Mei-Lien that if she had any questions about this place, the shapeshifter would probably be her best bet at finding answers.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

At the next point, there was a rather harrowing place waiting. Not only was there a huge-ass pillar of utter blackness, but the very air seemed to be against the two of them and their presence. Mei herself had no clue what the archaic wriing said, but Hannah had some understanding about it. As she pondered briefly about the pillar and it's significance, the shifter entered into her thoughts once more. With the massive amounts of finality and doom hanging in the air, she opted to take up the offer to gain some insider info about the whole deal. "See what you can make out about it. I'll get some further info about this place..." she said to Hannah before sitting down and leaning her back against the pillar. With her focus now purely on the mental, the fighter projected her thoughts at the shapeshifter. "I'll take you up on that now. Do your magic and bring me over like you planned before." she almost instructed it.